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Mx Any Non-Human Humanoid femme characters Requested! Dom for Sub


Jun 18, 2024
Elves/fae are basically humans with pointy ears and savior complexes.

Hello hello! Welcome to my revamped thread, specifically designed around my current cravings. I’m 34, male, and primarily write dominant male characters. Given you clicked the thread title, you’re entitled to some perks! But also, prior to that, you should know a few things.

First of all, here’s my F-list. There are no must-haves in my stories beyond anal play–but if you’re not into anal stuff, we’re not a good match. F-List

Beyond that, the current kinks I’m into/after (not required) are:

Age play (either way)
Small dom/larger submissive
Light to medium bondage
Harem building

Those are just off-the-cuff what I’m into right now, I’d rather get this up than make it pretty. As I said, non-human humanoid–furry characters are welcome, if they’re not too intensely fur based and are actually femme presenting. I’m looking for detailed writers who are around at least once a day, preferably occasionally available for fast paced posts if you capture my interest. Given I’m after non-human characters, I obviously am into fantasy–my bread and butter is medieval fantasy, but I’ll bend toward general fantasy with the right storyline. Speaking of which:

Bounty Hunter/Captive
Dark Mage/Victim

If you’re willing to write a non-human character for me, I’m willing to go above and beyond for you. I’ll tailor my character toward what you’d like and be happy to do it. This is still pretty bare bones–but it’s better than no post at all! Thanks for reading, more to come.
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