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[Edit: I figured it out.] Trump won, and that sucks in my opinion, and here's why I think it happened in a mostly rambling, incoherent fashion.

I will come back to this and write out a better thought out post later, but I just want to drop in a blisteringly bitter hot take:

We should have run Bernie in 2016.

Bernie's followers are, in part, responsible for Trump. They either didn't vote or in some cases voted for him. Bernie is just as out of touch as Biden but just in different ways. The Democrats desperately need someone who is A) a lot younger. I'd say in their 40s and B) willing to talk honestly but also in a relatable way. Don't pull punches. Don't try to please everyone. Don't run away from progressive ideas. Republicans have embraced their far right base. It's time Democrats embrace their base. Part of why they keep losing is they're terrified of being called "liberal" so they try to appeal to the middle.

The problem with the middle is it's mostly the undecided voters and most of them don't make up their minds until a couple of days before an election and are tuned out. We're starting to hear stories of Latinos, for example, being shocked their families will be deported after they voted for Trump because "they're not bad people, they're just not documented!" We're also hearing anecdotal stories of manufacturing companies telling their employees there will be no bonuses and might be layoffs because they're preparing for increased costs on imported goods they use to build their products due to the tariffs. And the responses? "Wait, I thought the other country paid for the tariffs?" This isn't just undecideds sadly, this is also MAGA folks who are starting to react this way. They thought the election affected "them" and not "us".
The Democratic Party is going to let Trump do whatever he wants as a sign of loyalty including letting him kill people he doesn't like, btw. If you aren't politically radicalized at this point then the R/JaguarsAteMyFace subreddit is a good place to familiarize yourself with.

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