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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Nox was giving a nod of his head before he was leaving the room so that he could go over and visit Nate.
Max waited till Nox left and then moved and spoke to her "hey its ok Nate isn't going to blame you if anything he will blame himself for not being certain that it was an emt driving"
Luna was just mumbling, "None of this would have happened if it hadn't been for me.... If I just hadn't gone to that man's house that day." She was just shaking her head, tears stained her cheeks at the time. No Nate wouldn't be hurt and in the hospital, Skye wouldn't be hurt. The station wouldn't have been blown up by the crazy man.
"hey he would have found a way to get you wether you went to his home or not he is fixated on you and none of what he does is your fault if you don't believe me lets got see Nate he will tell you the same thing" max knew Nate well to know that he wouldn't blame her for all this
Luna was just shaking her head as she burrowed her head into the pillow. Nox was walking into Nate's room and knocking lightly, questioning how he was feeling.
Nate looked at him from where he was laying and waved lightly "like my head was cracked open"

Max just rubbed her back trying to sooth her
Nox was nodding his head and spoke, "Yeah you had a brain bleed, they had to do surgery." With that he was going over to sit next to him before letting him know that they had managed to catch the man. "I am not going to lie when I say that I laughed a bit at his pain when I clotheslined him when I was trying to run away."
"The chief got some of the story from Skyelar when he was sitting in with her earlier while she was here." Nox was commenting after a moment in time. How did he know this? He had been sitting next to Max when it had been mentioned to him. Granted there were other questions that were wanted to be asked but she had just been given pain killers and had been fading into that drugged state.
Nox was just letting out a breath before he was speaking, "She is quite distraught right now. She is blaming herself for the fact that you and Skye both got hurt. She was still crying when I had left her room, Max is with her trying to calm her down now."
"Why don't you get some rest. I'll see if I can't get her to come over after you take a nap. Maybe by then she'll be a bit calmer. She was pretty worked out to the point I thought she was going to throw up." Nox was speaking after a moment in time.
Nox was giving him a kiss back before he was going over to Luna's room to just let Max know what was going on.
Luna was more sobbing at that point in time but she was a bit calmer, more forcing herself to start calming down since she had ended up throwing up before.
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