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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"one glass isn't going to cause us problems its when we drink more then that that we have issues" Nate looked at him lightly and then smiled
Nox was just eating his food happily at that point in time, and occasionally looking at his phone to see updates from Mason.
Nate thanked him when he finished up and started to help clean the kitchen. while there weren't a lot of dishes he was happy to have some help
Nox was just looking towards him when he was asking what he was wanting to do and just gave him a playful wink. Although at that point in time it was just more teasing him since he had seemed a bit flustered earlier about the topic coming up.
Nox was just walking closer towards him before he was speaking, "Unless.... You are hinting at wanting to do it again."
Nox was just looking towards him before he was speaking, "I'm not going to jump your bones or anything."
Nox was commenting, "Perhaps you are nervous because.... You know you want it." With that he was just giving a grin before wandering off, just continuing to tease him.
Nox was just wandering out into the living room so that he could grab his phone and look at it once again.
Nox was just looking at the message that he had gotten from Mason, a message from Luna stating for him not to be afraid. No he had been talking to them about his crush. So in the end he was letting out a breath of air. Before Nate would realize it, Nox was approaching him and pressing his lips against his.
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