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honest opinions about an RT code.


ʟᴇss ᴅᴇᴘʀᴇssᴏ, ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴇsᴘʀᴇssᴏ.
Staff member
Jul 24, 2013
so, like the title says; i'm looking for honest opinions about my RT code.

for the most part, i'm still working on the information going into it, but i keep double-thinking the colours and format. i usually would've gone with a smaller font, but after seeing so many people complain about smaller text, i decided to just go with the default to try and make it more appealing for other people.

this is the code i'm tweaking, and i'm only looking for some feedback on how it looks, readability, etc. right now i've no idea what it looks on mobile (which i'm not as concerned about, but some feedback on that would be nice too if anyone is willing to give it.)
If you use FireFox you can go to More Tools -> Responsive Design Mode and it'll show you how the page looks on various phones/tablets. It's pretty nifty if you want to design for different phone sizes. I don't think your thread is a pain to navigate through phone.

I like the design. It's very compact and sleek. The larger font is a good design choice as many of the more aesthetic/smaller fonts are tough to read.

Good job c:
Being one of the people that often whines about small fonts myself, I think the text size/font you chose definitely helps a lot with readability. It's fine on mobile, too, especially compared to other fancy formatting that outright breaks on different aspect ratios.

Two little things I noticed:

The black-on-orange looks fine normally, but under a blue light filter (which makes everything more red), the contrast might get a bit too jarring. It's honestly not a big deal when it's bullet points like you already have, but full paragraphs will get tiring to read in the left section. I'd recommend keeping full paragraphs on the right, if that wasn't your plan already.

As for the right side, I personally don't like small scroll boxes, especially if there's a lot of unused space around it; for instance, your list of plots is a fairly long section, but it's squeezed in a relatively small frame due to the skeleton tending to his pumpkins right above it. I'd suggest going for a (vertically) smaller image, so that there's more text readily available on the right. Alternatively, you could elongate the left section for a similar result.
If you use FireFox you can go to More Tools -> Responsive Design Mode and it'll show you how the page looks on various phones/tablets. It's pretty nifty if you want to design for different phone sizes. I don't think your thread is a pain to navigate through phone.

I like the design. It's very compact and sleek. The larger font is a good design choice as many of the more aesthetic/smaller fonts are tough to read.

Good job c:
oh damn, i had no idea there was a mode to go into to see that; thank you. also, thank you for your input - i know you've done a lot of graphic-related things for BMR before, so that means a lot coming from you.

Being one of the people that often whines about small fonts myself, I think the text size/font you chose definitely helps a lot with readability. It's fine on mobile, too, especially compared to other fancy formatting that outright breaks on different aspect ratios.

Two little things I noticed:

The black-on-orange looks fine normally, but under a blue light filter (which makes everything more red), the contrast might get a bit too jarring. It's honestly not a big deal when it's bullet points like you already have, but full paragraphs will get tiring to read in the left section. I'd recommend keeping full paragraphs on the right, if that wasn't your plan already.

As for the right side, I personally don't like small scroll boxes, especially if there's a lot of unused space around it; for instance, your list of plots is a fairly long section, but it's squeezed in a relatively small frame due to the skeleton tending to his pumpkins right above it. I'd suggest going for a (vertically) smaller image, so that there's more text readily available on the right. Alternatively, you could elongate the left section for a similar result.
i appreciate it; i honestly don't use a blue filter for anything too often, so that's good to be aware of! luckily i don't plan on adding a lot to the left side; it's just a little tidbit area for general info, and i don't think i'll be expanding on it too much beyond what it already is. short and sweet <33

i was thinking about perhaps extending the scroll area, so i'll definitely look into that. i'm kind of glad you brought that up because it was one of the things i was on the fence about.
Your thread definitely looks great!
And I do agree with Fruity, on design and larger font definitely easier to read is always a plus.
I think I would say to break up that werewolf plot text block but that's like the most minor thing ever lol.

We love a cute, compact, neat RT. Very nice work! c:
Your thread definitely looks great!
And I do agree with Fruity, on design and larger font definitely easier to read is always a plus.
I think I would say to break up that werewolf plot text block but that's like the most minor thing ever lol.

We love a cute, compact, neat RT. Very nice work! c:
i have to redo the werewolf plot for sure - it was a rushed outline when i first came back in june (i think), so i definitely need to revise and fix it up! but thank you <33

honestly, i think i'm just getting inside my own head a little too much about it, haha but i'm glad for the most part, it seems very legible and pleasant on the eyes.
i wanna give you feedback, i just have to get off work first so i can see it on my computer!! (but it looks pretty okay on phone so far!)<333
I looked on both my PC and my phone at the code. I think it looks really nice and the little side scrolling I had to do on my phone wasn't bad and it was all easy to read.
it looks amazing on a computer too!!! even better in fact.
my personal opinion would be to make the font a little bit smaller, but i know that's only because i've got issues, hahaha.
seriously tho, it looks freaking amazing!!!<333
I looked on both my PC and my phone at the code. I think it looks really nice and the little side scrolling I had to do on my phone wasn't bad and it was all easy to read.

it looks amazing on a computer too!!! even better in fact.
my personal opinion would be to make the font a little bit smaller, but i know that's only because i've got issues, hahaha.
seriously tho, it looks freaking amazing!!!<333

thank you guys for checking it out and giving your two cents <33
not surprised reverie wants smaller text, hehe

i think i've gotten more than enough feedback to know that i'm heading in the right direction, which is a lot off my shoulders to be honest. sometimes making things can be really taxing on the ol' anxiety-riddled brain when it comes to other people having to look at it, too.
saying this with all the love for all the pretty formats with small font, but it's so refreshing to see a super-coded post and actually have it be legible for me without me having to zoom my browser in and potentially ruin the gorgeous layout! i struggle to read long posts if they're under the default font size, so being able to have something both pretty and accessible is really nice. c:

but after seeing so many people complain about smaller text

It's a very lovely thread. I agree with @Bejeweled – very satisfying to see a coded and beautiful thread that's still readable. Nice contrast, too. Mobile experience is alright, would have been better if the table columns collapsed into one, but that's probably impossible. Still, easy to read on a mobile too; I did not have to zoom in/out.
saying this with all the love for all the pretty formats with small font, but it's so refreshing to see a super-coded post and actually have it be legible for me without me having to zoom my browser in and potentially ruin the gorgeous layout! i struggle to read long posts if they're under the default font size, so being able to have something both pretty and accessible is really nice. c:

that was the goal, 100%! i personally love smaller fonts, it just looks more aesthetically pleasing to me, but reading so many people say that they simply click off an RT when there's smaller font size really started making the cogs in my head turn. i don't want my aesthetic to turn off potentially good writing partners from ever contacting me. i'm glad it's easier to read this way, and i think i managed to do it in a way that i can enjoy, as well!



It's a very lovely thread. I agree with @Bejeweled – very satisfying to see a coded and beautiful thread that's still readable. Nice contrast, too. Mobile experience is alright, would have been better if the table columns collapsed into one, but that's probably impossible. Still, easy to read on a mobile too; I did not have to zoom in/out.
yes, we know you like horned women, hehe

the tables are always a hard thing to try and customize and make work in my case, so unfortunately i think this is the best it's gonna get beyond making the table box a bit longer so it's easier for people to read more in depth tabs, like the plot / pairing section.

i appreciate all the feedback guys, you're really saving my anxiety-riddled brain right now <33
Two things I'm not wild about.

The scrolling sections in the plots and face claims. They can get "stuck" for lack of a better term, if the box isn't completely on the screen and you keep scrolling nothing happens after a certain, if you want the thread to scroll to see the rest of the box you have to stop scrolling and then start again.

Face claims is just way too many links, that by themselves don't give any useful information. There are 50 links there, assume that someone doesn't recognise any of the names are they really going to click 50 links, opening and closing 50 new tabs on the off chance that whatever pops up sparks their interest? And if that same person does recognise all 50 names, then you have added anything much by having the links, just list of names would have done.
Two things I'm not wild about.

The scrolling sections in the plots and face claims. They can get "stuck" for lack of a better term, if the box isn't completely on the screen and you keep scrolling nothing happens after a certain, if you want the thread to scroll to see the rest of the box you have to stop scrolling and then start again.

Face claims is just way too many links, that by themselves don't give any useful information. There are 50 links there, assume that someone doesn't recognise any of the names are they really going to click 50 links, opening and closing 50 new tabs on the off chance that whatever pops up sparks their interest? And if that same person does recognise all 50 names, then you have added anything much by having the links, just list of names would have done.

i'm not sure what you mean by 'stuck'? what do you mean by 'if the box isn't completely on the screen'? i've never had an issue with scroll boxes before, so i'm not sure i understand that portion.

and face claims are generally an optional thing to begin with, but i like to give my partners a general idea of faces i'd be more than willing to use. clicking them is completely optional and no, doesn't "give any useful information", but i've had most of my partners provide an interest in a few faces i've listed, so it has helped out in more than a few of my role plays. it's also a better placeholder for them than spamming someone in PMs over ooc about the faces i'd be willing to use with them / my general style of character appearances.

i'll take the face claim lists into consideration, but i'm not too concerned with that portion right now <33
OK, so the stuck thing.

If the user has the boxes aligned like this

Then it you scroll up continuously on the inner scroll bar, the top most info will never get displayed. You scroll until the inner scroll bar hits the top, stop scrolling and when you scroll again then the outer scroll bar takes over. But you have to stop in the middle. Depending on the size of that inner text box and the users screen resolution, it could be a pain.
It's hardly a game breaker but a possible minor irritation.

And I might not explained the face claim thing properly.

Each link really two bits of information, think of it as the name and a separate link with the text "click here". If somebody recognises the name, the "click here" gives no extra information but if they don't recognise the name all they've got is "click here". In all cases only 50% of the information is "useful", and if the "useful" bit is "click here" that's not good. Best case, somebody knows all the names and the links are completely redundant, worst case they've got a page of "click here's" which they'll ignore, so again the links are completely redundant. I think we're limited to 25 images per post, which isn't a bad thing, so maybe include images of you X top face claims, and then have a "well if you liked those, how about....." section.
OK, so the stuck thing.

If the user has the boxes aligned like this

Then it you scroll up continuously on the inner scroll bar, the top most info will never get displayed. You scroll until the inner scroll bar hits the top, stop scrolling and when you scroll again then the outer scroll bar takes over. But you have to stop in the middle. Depending on the size of that inner text box and the users screen resolution, it could be a pain.
It's hardly a game breaker but a possible minor irritation.

And I might not explained the face claim thing properly.

Each link really two bits of information, think of it as the name and a separate link with the text "click here". If somebody recognises the name, the "click here" gives no extra information but if they don't recognise the name all they've got is "click here". In all cases only 50% of the information is "useful", and if the "useful" bit is "click here" that's not good. Best case, somebody knows all the names and the links are completely redundant, worst case they've got a page of "click here's" which they'll ignore, so again the links are completely redundant. I think we're limited to 25 images per post, which isn't a bad thing, so maybe include images of you X top face claims, and then have a "well if you liked those, how about....." section.

i think i know what you mean by the scrollbox now; depending on where your mouse is, that can happen. but if you want the entire site to scroll, not the scrollbox, then you just need to move your mouse so it isn't hovering over the box. does that make sense at all, or did i completely muddle up what you meant?

as for the face claim links.

i think adding a 'click here' beside a name would just add more information to take up space that doesn't need to be taken up. making the names a clickable link seems like a faster way to go about show casing some of the faces i like / would love to use. as i said before, i've had a lot of people show interest in the faces i've specifically provided, so i think that falls under more of a personal preference. i know i personally usually always go into links that people add for character references, even if i'm not actively looking to write and i'm just poking through threads.

including images of possible face claims would honestly be a lot of work. i'm indecisive as it is, so trying to narrow it down to an X amount within the image limit would be extremely hard to begin with, but making sure that it all looked relatively neat within the dimensions of my coding would be a hassle as well. it seems like a lot more work to try and put some images up as well as links, rather than just leave the links as they are in my opinion.
the face claims tab is also completely optional so if someone isn't interested in it they can just... not look?? lmao. i think the links are the best way to do it; adding images within a code like that would take an insane amount of work for what is essentially the same payoff. the people who are interested in face claims at all are probably at least going to click on one or two just to see what the general "vibe" you're looking for is, and the people who don't care/don't use them just aren't gonna click on the tab. i think it's fine as is IMO

i also found no issues scrolling so i'm not too sure if that's just user error/browser error/etc but it isn't happening for me /:
I quite frankly like it. It presents relevant information in an easily readable format, you can click through boxes of whatever you want to read about, and it takes up very little space considering - and the colour contrast actually help making it more readable.
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