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That groan alone had been worth it to her. She could feel it in her soul.. the need that he had for her and fought against. She'd been given a slight taste of him too. The sweet taste of his skin and the saltiness of his precum. Mystis could have pushed it, but she laid back, with hunger in her eyes as she looked back up at him. "Sorry, Daddy." Her words held no remorse and she doubted he expected any from her. She was spoiled, very much like the princess he called her.

The pleasure had hit her almost suddenly and she rode it, lightning arcing through her nerves. Gods above, she was going to shatter.. nothing had ever felt this good and in this moment, she couldn't imagine it getting any better and then the car hit that wonderful hole. She'd not expected it but as his cock pushed into her mouth, her eyes widened. He was so big, her mouth struggled to surround him. Her teeth pressed into the tender flesh, unable to open her mouth wider. And then he came. That small taste of his seed now coating her tongue and mouth as he came.

When he pulled away, she was panting softly as she licked her lower lip. Her eyes were hazy and filled with lust as she ran a finger along her chin, catching the warmth of his seed and slowly sucking it into her mouth, her eyes on his. Her tits were also covered in the remnants of his seed. A finger trailed through the milky warmth and she lifted it to her lips as well.
"Mmm you made a mess Daddy." The words were playful, accusing. Rising to her elbows she looked at his cock, her delicate white head tipped to the side. "You're so big..." A hand moved out and though she didn't touch him, he'd feel the warmth of her hand so close to his cock. "And so tasty... "

The car rolled to a stop and she shifted some, looking at her dress. "At least we kept my clothing clean. That might have been hard to explain. Shame though.." She sat up further and brushed her lips against his jaw. "If it wasn't for your rules, I could go play games filled with your cum." Her voice was a purr, the words intended to be evil. To paint the picture in his head. To torture him, a form of punishment for denying her what she'd wanted for so long.
Filling her mouth was possibly the best sexual experience of Markus' life. He had his share of partners and more than his share of fun. Myst was a special case in so many ways. First, he was breaking his own rule, even if by accident. Second, she was simply so tiny, so petite compared to his monstrous body and cock. Finally, though, was how damned pleased she was with herself. Myst was the cat who caught the canary, proud that she swallowed his cum so readily. It was enough to make his head swim, watching her collect his cum and devour it like it was the perfect treat. Oh, she was most certainly aware of the effect she had on him now. All the barriers that had held back their casual flirting, their easy way of touching one another, were more than gone. They were in a relationship now. A secret and complicated one, but a relationship. While she lapped cum from her fingers, he could only stare, process her words one by one.

Of course, Myst was always going to be Myst. She was eager to tease him and get his little rule out of the way. That much was clear. It likely would have worked to. The boardwalk trip would be canceled and he would find some excuse to take her to a place they could do what they wanted. Unfortunately for the spoiled princess, he was her caretaker. He was trained to deal with her moods and whims better than anyone else.

"I made a mess and you love it. But, that was still an accident, princess. We aren't going to throw the rules away."

Myst picked her words carefully, picking at his ego and desire. Strong. Markus had to be strong. So, while her hand hovered near his cock, he resisted the urge to relax and let it touch her palm, even if it still stood hard as a rock, a bead of cum still eager and waiting to be cleaned up by that tongue.

"Is it really a shame? You wanted to play and if I put this inside if you, you would need to be carried after I was done. This is for the best."

That little kiss on his jaw was possibly the most dangerous thing. She was so close, barely covered. There was more cum on her than clothes, the dress bunched around her middle. Markus took in a deep breath, his eyes closing. It took all of his discipline to stop from pulling her closer or pinning her down. Instead, a hand moved behind her, fingers spraying wide and running up her neck. Soon, they were deep in her hair, careful not to make a mess of it. It would be silly to keep her clothes clean only to make a knotted mess with her hair.

"You are behaving very poorly, princess. Remember, you decided you want to call me... that. So I will have to take extra responsibility in punishing you."

Those fingers tightened a little, enough to make her feel the pressure on her scalp without hurting. The other hand, already messy from his stroking and orgasm, moved to her chest. He took his thumb and wiped away large threads of cum, still warm from her body heat. Without further instruction, he brought it to her lips, nudging softly. When they parted, he put his thumb inside, letting her close her lips around it and suck his seed off the digit. Slowly, he repeated the process. He was meticulous and patient, flicking over her nipples and casually stroking fingers over her skin as he went. Soon, she was completely clean. Then, he had her clean the rest of his hand, presenting his palm for her tongue. Almost every drop of cum disappeared between her lips.With this done, he released her hair, sliding his fingers down the back of her neck again. He opened one of the little compartments that lined the side with no door, ignoring the drinks and snacks that were contained within. Instead, he retrieved a packet of little wipes and tossed them on to the seat. They had to be very careful after all. So, he left her to her dressing while he fixed his own outfit, letting the silence lengthen. Finally, once they were back to normal, almost like it never happened, he locked eyes with Mystis again.

"When we get home, I am going to find a quiet spot and fuck you with my fingers until I'm satisfied. Now, how about we go get something to eat? Well, something else."
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As she licked the salt of his seed from her mouth and fingers she smiled at him, the picture of innocence, though both knew better. While Mystis wasn't the normal spoiled princess, she was still spoiled and when it pleased her, she was manipulative as hell. Though, she never hid this from him. He knew who she was, who she really was. She was playful, teasing, spoiled and ultimately, loving.

When he said she loved it, the only way to describe the smile that curled on her lips was foxlike. She'd more than enjoyed it, though the smile faded at the edges and she gave him a pout. Stupid rules.. She shifted against the leather of the seats and eyes him through her lashes. Myst knew how to twist her words, to play the 'game' that so many of her kind played. He knew them for what they were, but it didn't change the effect.
"You call me a princess, don't you Daddy? I think being carried would suit me." Her words were sweet, lustful and held the vibration of the purr that ran through her chest.

His hand slid along her neck and into her hair after that little kiss to his jaw and she leaned back into the strong fingers. His words made her eyes open wider and she blinked in surprise. The idea of him punishing her was not altogether unpleasant. The slight pull of her hair, not too hard, made her purr again, an eager response, even as she felt his hand move to her chest. She felt rather than saw him clean her up. When his thumb brushed her lips, they parted, oh so obediently. The act was repeated until all that was left with his palm. Her tongue swept over the skin, making sure that she didn't miss a single drop.

The toss of the wipes landed in her lap and she looked at them. She knew why and knew it was smart, but for a moment, just a moment there was a flash of anger in her eyes. It wasn't at him. No, it was at the taboo this was. It wasโ€ฆ. Stupid. He'd been the man she'd loved for so long, to be forced to hide. Though, even with one of her own kind, they'd clean up too, she supposed. Once her body was clean and her dress was back in place she looked up at him.

A soft snort left her and she slipped closer to him, knowing he'd never let her leave the car first.
"I don't know, I think my meal was good." She nipped his ear and nodded to the door. "After you, Daddy." The promise he'd given her excited her, made her look forward to going home and that wasn't something she could say she normally looked forward to. Home had her motherโ€ฆ.
It had always been how the game was played between them. At least, once Myst had become more aware of him as a man. For years, he had simply turned it away with a smile, a little pet on the head. Then, she had become so damn beautiful. It had changed then. Markus had gotten a little more gruff and stern. He had started calling her princess with a sarcastic edge. Now, their game was a wicked little thing. Myst had turned it into a weapon against him. Every little phrase or tease was razor sharp now, cutting to the core of his desires.It was clear that Myst was really the one running the show. She led him around and took him where she pleased with just words. Yet, at every turn, the little cat gave up control. She led him to the edge and told him he had to make the jump on his own. When this rule finally broke, because Markus knew who would win in the end, it would be by his own hand. Now, it was simply a matter of pride. How long could he survive? Markus needed a way to protect himself from that sly little kitten, a distraction.

For now, though, he was stuck being the sole recipient of her attention. When they were alone, every word would be dipped in sweet poison. Even as he readied himself to leave, pulling the sleeves of his dress shirt up his forearms, Myst was busy implying that he had fed her the perfect meal. It sent electricity down his spine. Each quick little retort implied one thing. She wanted him to use her, wanted to give herself up to him and let him have everything he wanted. God, she was so damn sexy when she wanted to be. It took a long exhale through the nose to bolster himself.

Turning on her, Markus towered above Myst. Despite the rules, he had promised to spoil her after all. So, Markus wrapped one arm around her, dipping low to tuck it under her rear. With incredible ease, he lifted the little cat to his chest, putting them face to face. If she wanted to tease him with what he could not have, he would tease her with what she could.

"Well, princess, you can have more later. You seemed happy enough to clean it up off your tits. Keep being a little tease and I'll make you watch me cover them. Of course, you won't be allowed to touch. Me or yourself. So, be careful with that pretty little mouth."

To emphasis his point, he sealed that pretty little mouth with his own. Being free to do at least this much was enough to sustain him. It had to be. So he groaned against her lips, tasting the saltiness of his seed still lingering. Even now, she reminded him of what he wanted. Slowly, lips still pressed tight, Markus lowered her back to her feet. He stayed a little longer, enjoying the kiss more than he should.Then, they were separated again. The space between them felt like miles. His skin felt cold where her body had been pressed moments ago. With the tiniest sigh, Markus moved to the door. He pulled the handle and pushed. In that moment, physically at least, they were once again bound by the rules.Standing outside the car, he offered a hand down to Myst. This was how things normally were. Guiding her out and onto her feet, he was already busy looking for anything that might be a complication, a danger. It was only years of experience that let him think about anything, everything, while soaking in the details of his surroundings. So, while Myst took his hand and they began to walk down the creaky wooden boardwalk, Markus was already forming an idea.

"So, princess. I think you proved that you are going to need an outlet for your... frustrations. Otherwise, you are going to drive me off a cliff. I was thinking, maybe you should set up a date with the kid from earlier."

As Markus made the suggestion, he knew it was a strange one. At least, for a human like him it was. He was meant to be a jealous creature, wanting to cling to Myst like she was some precious object. He felt none of that. No, now that he knew the only thing keeping him from having Mystis any way he wanted was his own personal code, it was easy to imagine her having her army of husbands. It seemed to fit, even. He would always be there for her, but his princess had a big appetite.

"Do you think he could keep a secret? Our secret?"
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