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Lady Jace Beleren

Don't Feed the Pervert
Jul 2, 2014
United States, East Coast
Being a part of a Family meant a lot of things about your life. One was born with powers, unique to your lineage. The Families, though less so in the modern day, took care of one another. While they had struggled to survive a millenia back, fighting with the normal humans to escape slavery, then resisting the merge back into normal society as long as they could, the Families had managed to do in a short time what others dreamed of.

They amassed a fortune and, when they split from their small settlements and became the new "normal" around the world, that fortune had been split as well. Whether by luck or skill, each Family made their way in the world. So, just as each gift was unique among the Gifted, each Family had their own financial strengths.It was this strength that made humans almost revere the Gifted, seeing them as equal to the humans' upper class. The truth was that each of the Families were in their own class. There were some, like the Usagi and the Acherus, that had money to spare. They rolled around in expensive cars and had personal body guards picked from the elite. Then, there were Families that, while wealthy, the others would never let true hardship consume one of their own, but without the immense luxuries. They would never have to put in a day of real work, and to the humans that was more than one could ever want. To the other Families, it was not... shameful. It simply made navigating the social circles a little more rocky. When it came to the most important social activity, marriage, it made things absolute hell.

The ratio among the Gifted, last time a survey had been taken, was five to one. For every five males born to a Family, there was one female born. To add salt to the wound, gifts and their markings were only passed down the maternal line. A generation without a woman meant an end of a Family. So, the prospect of marriage had become a sacred responsibility. For most, the weight of this fell on the daughters. For a son, it was simply the only way to find a partner. Again, for the lower Families, this was different. Sons were to marry for status to climb the ladder. Of course, for a daughter, this was doubly so. They had all the bargaining power, after all.

Today, Adriel was to do his best to leverage his existence to make his Family stronger. The Faltur Family had been on the bottom almost since the split happened. The story was that it had been bad luck. A bad investment that was meant to be a sure thing. A small bailout from the collective Families and a few rumors later, Faltur was seen as a joke. His great-grandmother had taken exception to this and managed to be shrewd and cunning in marriage and business alike. That had become the spirit of the Family. Do what it takes for the Family. Always for the Family. His sister, Astra, had taken eight husbands. Eight! His mother, despite being close to the later stage of life even for a Gifted, still tried for another girl. There were thirteen of them in total, two daughters to show for it. A generation ago, Adriel might have been happy to be the fourth husband to a mid-level Family. Now, he was aiming for first and high. Another generation of this and Faltur would be alongside the greats. That is, if this went well. There were a thousand things that could go wrong and most of them were exceptionally reasonable. She might not like him. She might have already found her future husbands and was doing this as a formality. Worst of all, they might have mistaken him for Adriel Archerus when they made the appointment. That one, sadly, had also happened. The damn Halos were always first pick for everything, even being remembered.

Adriel had been born not as a Halo, but as a Wing. It did not help that Archerus has taken a pair of open wings as their symbol. Then, being spiteful, Faltur had taken a golden ring. Archerus could levitate objects, themselves included. Faltur, in a rather unique scenario, could fully use their wings. The comparisons almost drew themselves and Faltur always came up short.

That was why Adriel had ridden here in a modest, standard car. No doubled seats or fancy drink bars. His guard doubled as the driver and Adriel would have been hard-pressed to remember his name. They all came from an agency and with thirteen children to watch over from his generation alone, one could not rely on personal service. The man would be gone tomorrow, off to watch his brother or his aunt. What he could afford, a luxury that he would not allow his Family to forgo, was a private room at nice establishment. It was a place that specialized in matchmaking meetings. There were human equivalents, but Adriel had heard rumors that normally places like this were rather... seedy in the human world. A place for a quick hookup. This room was open and tasteful, a love seat in the corner of the room along with a pair of plush chairs for more modest meetings. The table was set already, waiting for a meal to be ordered. There was even a connecting door to a bedroom for those that wanted to check for compatibility. That, however, he did not expect to need.

Checking the clock on his phone for probably the thousandth time in the last five minutes, Adriel sighed. She was not late, not that it mattered. He was simply stressed. After all, despite the aspiration he had when he entered the room, when he was planning the date itself, there simply was not much about him that he found appealing. Humans liked him well enough. They found his wings enthralling. Gifted were different. Beautiful was simply normalcy. He found himself average at best. Clicking the phone over to the camera, Adriel pushed at his hair, making sure it stayed just right, barely passing over his eye without obscuring. His shirt and sweater were smooth and unwrinkled, his tie neatly tied. Despite the chair's best efforts, his wings were neat and flawless, no stray feathers ready to drop off and embarrass him. Everything was perfect. Then a knock came from the door.

His hands slipped in surprise, letting the phone fall with a dull clunk on the carpet. It rolled wildly on the corners, going from one arm chair to the other and landing with the camera face up. Oh God. What would she think if she saw that? That he was some pervert trying to sneak shots of a Gifted daughter for some website? Of course, he could not afford to get it either. What would she think if she walked in on him with his head to the floor, wings sticking up wildly as he reached? All he could think to do was stand and take a sharp step forward, kicking the phone hard and letting it slide all the way over to the love seat. This managed to catch him off balance and he stumbled forward just in time to see the door open.

There he was, half thrown over the arm chair, wings splayed wide for balance and his face stained crimson, his neat hair now hanging partly across his face.
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The city passed outside the tinted windows of the car. She could see the people as they passed, normal people and gifted alike. Life went on, it didn't matter if she'd have rather seen the world on fire. To say that she was less than thrilled to be heading to her third appointment of the day was an understatement, however, it was a small price to pay over all for the life she was allowed to live. Being gifted already gave one an edge, being from a good family was a step up... but to be from a good family, gifted and female? It made her a princess. Not in the traditional sense, naturally but close enough. A literal silver spoon in her mouth from birth. Mystis had been afforded any luxury she desired, an education that few would scoff at and all she needed to do, in order to repay this debt was marry.

Not once, not twice and while thrice might keep her mother off her back, the more men she took to be her husbands, the happier her family would be. It was her only duty, beyond eventually bearing more gifted children. With any luck, more female children. It wasn't known why the gifted gave birth to so few females, but it was an epidemic at this point. The answer seemed simple... Polyamory, though it only went in one direction. Her mother had no less than ten husbands. The number made Myst's head hurt. It seemed to be so many men to juggle.. to love. Her mother had promised it was easier than it seemed.

She wasn't sure if she believed it, if the last two men were any example of what awaited her. They had both been in a singular word... boring. Like any young woman, Myst had dreams of what her mates would be like, what she desired in a man.. boring was not on that list. They'd been handsome, said all the right things, but they had been utterly and completely beige. Their good family names were not enough to save them or earn a follow up date.

Shifting in her seat, a small bare foot nudged her guard's leg and he looked up from his phone. Even in the twilight of the car she could see his pale gray eyes as a brow lifted sardonically. "Yes, princess?" Myst hissed at him, the sound as feral as it should be considering her cat ears and the tail that flicked in annoyance as one gold and one blue eye narrowed at him. "Stop calling me that, Markus." The deep chuckle made her smile slightly. He knew it annoyed her, but he enjoyed poking at her, with the reasoning being, not enough people treated her like she was just a girl. "Do I really have to go to this next meeting?" The words came as the car rolled to a stop. A slight smile curled on his lips as he bent to pick up her shoes. The heels were velvet clad and he motioned for her foot. "Yes, you do." She'd know the answer, it had been the same for the past week.

A lusty sigh left Myst and she proffered her foot for him to slip the shoe back on. The other foot came next. The heels would add a few inches to her height, making her almost five feet. It also made her pale legs look, well, amazing. The green, crushed velvet dress cupped her small breasts, fit to her slender waist before flaring slightly at her hips. Her white hair was braided to one side, a small crescent moon under her right eye, the contrast of the gold and the dark mark darling. "Now stop sulking, princess." She stuck her tongue out at his back as he exited the car. "I saw that." A hand was offered to her and she slipped her much smaller into his own.

Markus was her personal guard. He guarded no one but her. He'd known her since.. well forever. While alone, he was playful with her, once she exited the car, he was all business. Losing any charge would be unacceptable, but a female child from a prestigious family? One elevator ride later, a sound knock on the door and then it opened to reveal..

Her eyes danced as she gave a laugh, tilting her head. Walking into the room, she offered him a small hand, her dark nails a stark contrast to her pale skin.
"I would ask, but.." Her voice was sweet, husky and her tail flickered slightly. Like all of their kind, he was handsome, but that alone wouldn't be enough. "Adriel, I presume?" His name was a soft caress of sound and she nodded to Markus, who moved to stand just outside of the door.
The whole thing felt like some kind of half-baked romantic comedy. The laughter did not help his pride, but Adriel supposed it was better than the alternatives. Some other woman in this position might huff indignantly at the idea he had done anything but waited politely by the door. Social climbing or no, someone like that would be hard pressed to wrangle him into a marriage. No, laughter, while a little painful, was perfectly acceptable. If anything, it might be to his advantage.

Adriel righted himself abruptly, his wings twitching wide for a moment, filling most of the room with their size, before folding neatly behind him. He ran a hand quickly through his hair, pulling it away from his face before he extended it to her. At first, he entertained a simple shake. Then, in a rather impulsive moment, he leaned forward again, this time pressing his lips to her knuckles. He rose, flicking his head to once again clear hair from his face.

"Adriel Faltur. Not to be confused with Archerus. It has happened."

The formality melted a moment later as he willed a smile to his lips. If she found humor in his awkward appearance, he would not be the one to spoil it.

"Would you believe I only dropped my phone?"

Releasing her hand, Adriel took the few steps to the love seat and leaned over, this time giving her a full view as his wings widened again. It was a habit, a little reflex of his body to keep balance, but they looked impressive nonetheless. Grabbing his phone, he stood to his full height again before turning to face Myst again.

Mystis Deyanir. As far as Gifted went, she was certainly a prize. One of the strongest Families, first born daughter, completely unmarried. All of these things were the reasons his mother had pushed him to apply and pursue this meeting in the first place. Face-to-face with her now, Adriel was noticing a few other things. She was small, tiny even. He was at least a foot taller, his wings making him appear even larger. Fashionable, her little dress making her look radiant and sexy. Most of all, she might have been the most singularly beautiful thing he had ever seen. He had seen her picture, of course, but the real thing was impossible to compare to. Her eyes, the shape of her mouth, even the little crescent on her cheek. It was all perfect. While it certainly increased his interest in actually starting a relationship, it had another dangerous effect. Adriel was beginning to feel incredibly nervous.His eyes shifted a little, moving quickly from her face to different features of the room and back again. Eventually, they settled on the pair of chairs, set to face one another for a formal conversation. He gestured to one, a polite offering despite the fact that everyone knew the woman held all the power in these little meetings. When one had no idea what to do, manners were a safety net. Taking the opposite seat, which required a slight adjustment in posture so that his wings could fold neatly behind him, Adriel looked over again at the staggeringly lovely creature.

"I know that there is a sort of flow to these. It is not my first matchmaking interview and I'm sure it isn't yours. But, I think we should try something different."

He gripped the arm of the chair a little tighter than necessary, trying to hide the slight tremble of his hand. Manners were safe, but they did nothing to catch attention. His Family was counting on him to do well. Hell, his future was on the line. He was the one who had to live the rest of his life with her.

"Normally, I would give you the interview pitch. My education, my Family history, my merits as a person. All things that the matchmakers already ask and send before we even meet. Boring things. But, this isn't a job interview. I know my Family is not the most appealing. I know my education is nothing compared to yours. None of that matters. You are trying to pick your future partners."

It was hard to keep his voice even as he looked into those mismatched eyes. He felt like she was already dismissing him. Marriage was a contract between Families, a promise to carry on the name. All he could do was hope that maybe Mystis was interested in more than just tradition, the heat spreading from his cheeks to his ears as he thought about the impending immediate rejection.

"I want you to ask questions you want to ask, Mystis. Ignore the normal ones. What do you really want to know about someone before you decide to start a relationship?"
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Her lips were still curved in a smile as he righted himself, though her head tilted ever so slightly as his wings flared. Her hand had been offered to help him up, but it hadn't been needed. Before she could withdraw it though, he had it in his own and rather than the customary shake, his lips brushed her knuckles. His lips were warm against her skin and her cheek colored softly, a warm flush of blush. It hadn't been expected.

Her smile spread slightly. She'd known exactly who she was meeting, but she could understand his caution. It only grew as he asked if she'd believe he'd dropped his phone.
"Clearly, there would be no other reason for that pose." The words might have been stiffer normally, but the laughter was still in her voice. Not a mean laughter, but a sweet amusement. He released her hand and she linked them before herself as she watched him retrieve the phone in question.

Myst watched him with those lovely eyes as he turned to face her once more. He seemed sweet, which was already more personality than her first two meetings had shown. She waited for him to sit, before following him. She didn't sit like a proper little lady, she curled her legs under her, her shoes hanging off the edge of the seat some. The dress pushed up some, showing off her slender legs, the creaminess of her thighs.

His words made her cock her head, an entirely feline motion.
"It is not," she said, her voice soft, confirming his words. Fangs flashed as she smiled. He was interesting and that alone had her attention. "No, it is not." The words were a soft purr. Her eyes flicked to his hands. White knuckled, she bit her cheek. "Nervous?" Her eyes danced as she considered his words. Oh, she liked him very much.

"If you didn't have to worry about this," her hand motioned between them... "You were human and had no pressure of the gifted over you, what would you wished to do with your life?" Who would you have been, had you had the choice? She wouldn't have been here had she had one. Not because he was like the others, but because once she reached eighteen, her life had ceased to be her own.
The laughter that Mystis seemed to still be grappling with was not so bad. No yelling, they were still talking, still in the same room. Silliness was not always appreciated. Some thought a matchmaking meeting was as important as the wedding itself, even more so. A joke or a misplaced step could negotiations on the spot. Mystis seemed to be willing to tolerate a bit of levity. That was something to be thankful for. Now that they were sitting properly and looking at one another, it was even harder to keep his nerves together. She was sitting in a less than formal way, her legs on full display up to the thigh. It was enough to make him nearly shudder. His eyes were on her own, trying to keep from looking at the exposed skin. It would have just been a glance, but he had no intention of being rude. Her eyes, though, made this easier. They were so interesting. In fact, there were many things interesting about her. The fangs, the tail, the shape and color of her eyes, it all stood out from the average Gifted. There was a common belief that the more signs of being Gifted one showed, the stronger their Gift. His wings, large and obtrusive, were proof this was not true. However, the loveliness of her eyes, the little curl of her lip when she smiled, were all so feline that he considered maybe he just had bad luck. He had not interacted with anyone from her Family before this, a difference in station keeping their social circles from intersecting. He wondered if they were all so, strange. Wonderful, but strange.His thoughts were long gone to somewhere else, half tuned into her reply and half lost in her eyes. It was not until he heard the word "nervous" that he jumped just a touch. That was his flaw. Striving for greatness, for something more, had been trained into him from birth. He was good at navigating groups, picking out people who had the right attitude, but one-on-one he was full of nervous energy. His hand loosened as he spoke.

"Bad habit I have when it comes to important conversations."

There were a million questions she could ask. He expected something playful, even a little provocative. What she asked instead caught him off guard. It was an interesting though, to be sure. For a normal Gifted male it would even be a playful one. For him, it was heavy, something he thought she might be able to relate to.

"Well, there is always a chance I might be in the same situation. You probably won't believe it, but I sympathize more with you than the normal man might. My parents, and especially my Grandmother, have pushed us to marry well. I can't see them being much different as a human. They would likely try to get me to marry some famous human's daughter. Always aim upward."

There was a pause as he leaned back, his expression showing that he had become thoughtful again. He mulled over the other possibilities. Like Mystis, and his own sisters, the men in the Faltur Family were expected to marry quickly and with someone worthy. Despite their desire to move upward, they sent out less matchmaking applications than the average. Only the best, even for the boys. If none of that was a part of his life, if he had complete freedom?

"If I was, well, normal... I think I would like to be a farmer. No one around to push me, nothing to do except what needed to be done. Then again, I hear it is hellish amounts of work. Something where I could walk away and no one would care. I would like to not have to think so much about what I say and do."

Adriel looked at her a little more intensely now. People did not ask that kind of question unless they felt it would be interesting to try.

"You don't care for all this, then? The matchmaking, the pressure to pick someone from a stack of applications, if they even let you pick your own meetings. Same question to you then."
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The jump had been adorable, his nerves endearing. It was tiring to see the same sort of man over and over. They often were too stiff, though the other side of that coin other than trying to be who they thought she wanted, they tried to be dominant. Oh, she didn't mind dominant men. No, she preferred them.. But she wasn't some spineless doll and she wouldn't quiver just because they tried to direct or control the situation. It was a huge turn off. No, she liked the way Adriel seemed to be nervous and she gave a small shake of her head. "While I understand where it is coming from, I am not going to bite."

She watched him relax and she shifted, a hand rising to rest her cheek on. "Mmmm, perhaps. But there are few families higher than my own." It wasn't bragging and they both knew it. Her family was one of the top three. She would likely meet prospective partners from the other two families, but as of now, she hadn't. A slight frown wormed between her brows. She understood his families desires. Had she not been a Deyanir, she would have been forced to try and arrange the best matches she could. The most fortuitous ones.

He seemed to take more time though, thinking of her question. She knew the pressures all of their kind faced, no matter their sex. It was pressure that humans would never know and it strongly dictated what they did. Humans fawned over them.. wanted to be them. Some might have liked the trade, but how many would?
"Does working hard not appeal?" She picked up on his wording, habit more than intentional. " Why a farmer? What would you grow, or raise?" A smile curled on her lips. "I don't think you'd ever be able to really escape that. Someone will always care." It was a simple truth, but she understood the point he was trying to make.

"Not really, no." The answer was simple and she gave a soft sigh. "I get to pick, yes. I get to weed through thousands of applicants, set up meetings and then often be bored to tears." It was a hint that he was doing better than most. "But, I am allowed to do pretty much anything I like.." Well they both knew there were strings attached to that. "If I could do anything though? Maybe open up a shelter for animals or dance.." She'd love to have danced professionally, but that was not in the cards.

"I am sure you don't like these meetings anymore than I do.." Her eyes watched him, grazing over his face. "Trying to woo someone who likely mistook you for someone else.." She wasn't cruel, her voice was soft, sympathetic. "If you were free today, no matchmaking.. what would you be doing?"
The thing about being nervous was that it was self-destructive. Mystis caught it immediately, surprisingly observant for being a Gifted "princess." The issue was that pointing out someone's nervousness, making the attempt to sooth it, only enhanced it. Adriel relaxed his body, now fully aware of how obvious it had been, but he did not relax internally. What made it worse was having his own choice of words turned on him.

"Well, I may not be a Deyanir, but I don't see any of us really being drawn to the idea of hard work. Social pressure or not, we do leave easy lives."

The next question was a little more interesting to him. It had been just a silly passing thought, yet she had indulged it completely. What would he grow?

"Maybe... vanilla. It comes from a flower and takes effort to produce. It is actually the second most expensive spice by weight. It shows how decadent we have become that vanilla means plain. I was denied by another match for that, you know. Being vanilla. I think it was just code for poor, considering she was not so adventurous herself."

Adriel realized that he was rambling a little, disclosing more than he had intended. Timidly, he hoped that she would not press more into that line of questioning. Based on how she had picked apart his answer, he doubted this would be the case. The last part though, he had to disagree with. There were plenty of people that had no one to care, no one who valued them. Some days, he envied them, most days pitied.Her reply interested him significantly more than his own self-pity might have. The idea of caring for animals was common enough. Many people had a soft spot for animals. The other he could certainly see. She was lithe and lovely, the type of person who could move with ease and grace. Idly, his eyes drifted down to her thighs, moving over her tail a moment later, before finally sliding to her ears. Did she have feline grace to match those other cat-like features?

"I would love to see it, you dancing. If you decide I make the cut, perhaps you could show me?"

The words left his mouth and, a moment later, Adriel's expression visibly fell.

"Oh God. I didn't mean it that way, I swear. Just, I thought maybe you would look very pretty in motion like that... Dancing, that is!"

A change in subject was welcome as she asked what he might be doing with freedom. Another interesting question and one that he could answer much easier."The meetings aren't all so bad. There are the occasional friendships to be had even when you are not a candidate for marriage. I have even made it the... second stage twice before. One, we simply were not compatible, not romantically inclined. The other, a bit more personal. But, each meeting can be a good opportunity to meet a new person. With a little luck, they can be quite fun. Some others are fairly dreadful, I agree. And I have only been confused with someone else once... or twice."Another hypothetical question later, he was much quicker to answer this time.

"I am myself in this one? Not a human, just free for the day? Well, my personal favorite is going to see movies. Public ones. My security hates it, of course. I can't exactly hide that I am Gifted. But, humans know very little of our politics. They don't care that I have wings and not a halo, that my family doesn't have the most stellar standing. They just want to watch the movie. They do tend to... pester me after the credits though."
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She'd not meant to call him out, but the ticks she'd seen vanished. A small frown graced her lips before he spoke again and she canted her head to one side. "I don't know.. Hard work comes in many different forms." Her mind was on her dancing. A ballerina seemed like a graceful and elegant career.. Yet the reason she'd been forced to stop was the toll it took on one's body. It was a grueling experience, if you were serious. Hard work, made to look effortless. She smiled slightly. "You're not wrong, but I don't think that it is the best thing for us..." It made them soft.

"The first being saffron." She smiled and leaned back in her seat, relaxing as they spoke. "Vanilla, though?" She closed her eyes, dark lashes making half moons on her cheeks. "Warm, sweet and.. creamy." She spoke of the scent, naturally. Her eyes opened and she watched him for a long moment. "Is that such a bad thing?" This question was serious. "Would you want to spend your life with someone who looked down on you? Either for your status or because you're vanilla?" She quirked a brow. His answer here was important to her.

She spoke of dancing, revisiting the thought from before. His eyes slowly trailed along her legs, to her tail and then to her ears. She smiled, a feline sort of look. Like a cat playing with a mouse.
"What were you thinking just then?" Mystis was indeed quite observant. Something in part natural talent, something that Markus had honed into her, when he wasn't with her. His next question had her smile softening and she nodded. She'd have liked to share that part of herself with someone... Though her dancing had moved from just ballet to something more.

Her laugh was bright, happy.
"You worry too much. I understood the sentiment for what it was. I didn't think you were implying or assuming anything." Had they been closer together, she would have touched his hand, offering some comfort. She changed the subject though, giving him something else to grasp onto and move their conversation along.

His views of the meetings were very different from her own. She hadn't even wanted to be friends with any of the men she'd met so far. He was the first she might consider, if this didn't pan out. He was shy, nervous even... yet he showed far more personality than anyone else she'd met to date.
"I can't say I have had the same experience..." Her voice softer and perhaps sad? Her next question got her an immediate response.

She imagined asking Markus to see a movie, in public... A smile curled on her lips.
"I think my guard would laugh himself silly, but he might consider it, with some precautions." Markus wasn't one to really say no, not if she really wanted it. He'd make sure she was safe though.

"Do you have any questions for me?"
It seemed that Mystis was talented at cutting to the vulnerable parts of someone. Each time he answered a question, she poked a hole in his answer or dug a little deeper. Adriel did not hate it, far from it. It showed that he had her interest at the least, but it also showed that her personality was more than just that of a spoiled princess. The issue, however, was that it scared him at the same time that it impressed. All he could do was tell the truth.

"Would I want to be with someone who judged me that way? Absolutely not. She would be shallow and callous. If she overlooked those things and chose me anyway, it would be for some other shallow reason. Maybe my face or my body? If she had offered, though, I would have said yes. Gritted my teeth and tolerated her vapid personality, been her toy. My family would have demanded it. Every application we send out for a matchmaking is a serious consideration. We are not desperate. We are thorough, cunning, ambitious. It is all for the best, though. It led to this meeting."

At the end, his Grandmother had started to leak through in his comments. The serious consideration he had mentioned consisted of regular meetings of most of, if not the whole of, the Family. In a way, he did have a career. It was being the perfect son for his family. It made Adriel appreciate Mystis even more. She was interesting and beautiful, but she also fulfilled all the things his family required in a partner. More than fulfilled, she excelled. It seemed that she could read his ever expression as she poked into his thoughts a moment later. This time, it managed to return the flush to his cheeks.

"I was thinking... you must be an incredible dancer. You are so small so you can move easily. You also have little... motions, quirks. You move like a cat, like your Gift is completely part of you. I was thinking it might extend to your dance, giving you extra grace. I also... was admiring your appearance, but a bit."

The last was said out of a sense of vulnerability. She would have caught his omission, seen the hesitation had he stopped. Adriel was tense for a moment, only a moment. Her laughter made him relax, his shoulders releasing a tension he had not even been aware of. There was something about being so easily read that both annoyed and relaxed him. It made the usual social games less complex. Made the words you said more important, honesty the only option. He was good at the games, though a break from them was not something that he was against.At the mention of a movie being an option, Adriel obviously perked up. It implied that he was on his way to success. It also gave him an opening to press her for once, to turn things. The idea of maybe making her flush at her own implications was too appealing to pass.

"Maybe that could be our first date. I am sure there are ways to satisfy your guard. A private screening, maybe? A little different from why I usually go, but your guard could sit with us. Surely he could not disagree with that? If that went well, public showings could be next."

Keeping the trend going, she offered to turn the questioning over to him. That was more telling than perhaps anything else they had said so far. For Mystis this was a real matchmaking, an effort to find someone to be with. He was not some breeding stud to her. She was looking for a real companion. Adriel looked into her eyes now, a little more intensely than before.

"I have a few things I would like to ask. Where would you pick for a date, what kind of things do you do for fun, what foods do you like. All of them are fair questions, but I think you like hard ones."

The little smile on his lips was a little mischievous, his eyes alight.

"What do you think of me? Everything and anything. My appearance, my face, my Family. Tear me apart. Let me know exactly what I am getting into with you."
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His answer both pleased her and annoyed her. She understood, of course. He couldn't hope there was a better offer out there, if he'd been offered a chance to improve his family's status, to climb just a little higher, he'd need to take it. Even if they were vapid, only care for his handsome face... She was frowning slightly, but she nodded. "I understand, though I do not envy the men of our kind.. more so those who are, how did you put it, vanilla?" There was no pity in her face nor in her words. Those of a good standing could perhaps be a touch more picky, but even they would be forced to find a match.

Myst sighed softly and pushed the thoughts from her mind, offering him a smile and questioning what he'd been thinking of. His answering blush was charming and she too blushed, as he answered her. Her voice was warm as she teased him,
"Well I am a pampered gifted princess." She motioned to her ears and then tail, "Cat fits that, don't you think?" Her smile grew and she tilted her head, observing him. "It's not like I am the only beautiful one in the room." A compliment for a compliment.

She could hear his heart in her ears, the way it ebbed and flowed. It was in part how she knew he was omitting things, thinking things. He could school his face, rehearse his answer, but he couldn't control his heartbeat. She found it useful though, her gift.

Adriel was charming. The way he lit up when she mentioned a movie as well. She couldn't help but tease him further, enjoying it. There was no cruelty, but an enjoyment in him and his reactions.
"First date, why, Adriel, are you asking me out?" Her mismatched eyes danced and she gave a soft laugh.

Mystis opened the floor to him, asking if he had any questions. She wrinkled her nose playfully.
"It would depend on who I was with. I dance, spend my family's money, do things I am not supposed to." Myst didn't elaborate. "Most anything, though I don't like eggplant." She shifted in her seat, leaning closer to him. "As for the hard question.."

"I think you are cute, shy and nervous and while you took notice of my knowing, it most certainly didn't go away. That you are far too tightly wound, but I suppose it makes sense when you are trying to put your best foot forward. I find though, that I like you. You are at the very least not boring. You are handsome, but you almost downplay it. I really don't care who your family is, or how poor you might be. I wouldn't be marrying them, I would marry you. Like I said before, few would be above me in station... I may meet them at some point, I am sure their families and my own will ensure it."
Myst waved a hand dismissively. "I don't want a play thing, I don't want someone who only agrees with me. I want a partner, someone to love and be loved by. Someone who is fun, surprises me, makes me laugh."

She looked at the clock behind him and sighed. "Unfortunately, I will have to leave you with that. I have several more meetings." Rising to her feet, she gently grasped his hand, pulling him up to join her. He was so much taller than her, though... most were. "I would like a second date, but... Adriel, Only if you want to. Not for your family, not for my position. Those alone, would ensure you said yes." She gazed up into his eyes, inhaling his scent, as close as she was.

Adriel smelled like vanilla and it made her smile slightly. There was something else though, something cool and then fruity. It was lovely. It was a contrast to her own scent. It was mysterious. The brightness of passion fruit intermingling with bittersweet coffee. Roses and amber lingered on his nose.
What struck him as the strangest thing so far was that she pitied the men of their species. Mystis was the daughter of a rich and powerful Family. The amount of expectations that had been put upon her since the day she was born would put him to shame, no matter now his Grandmother had pushed. It was likely sympathy, a good sign in itself. At worst, she simply did not value herself in own situation. It struck Adriel as a little sad. He would fix that if given the chance.Her little self-deprecating joke made him feel a little brighter. Mystis was a spoiled Gifted princess. That much was without a doubt. Despite that, she had managed to turn out rather... normal. More in touch with what it meant to be a person in the world as a whole than to just grow up in a metaphorical castle, less metaphorical depending on the Family. Her compliment caught him a little off-guard, however. He was obviously nervous again as he spoke.

"Well, cats are a little standoffish, independent, and my favorite kind of animal. It seems to fit what I have seen so far. As for a beauty competition, I will honestly say you are the most strikingly beautiful woman I have ever seen. Gifted or not, I'm certain you draw all the attention in the room."

Another joke and this time a genuine laugh. Adriel relaxed a little more again. While he did not want to get ahead of himself, things were looking like they were going well.

"Well, Ms. Deyanir, I think we would have a great time on a date. Maybe a movie?"

What came next, Adriel was not prepared for. The words Mystis spoke were like a spear right through him. Yes, she could see to his core at the first glance. She could see how he scraped and struggled to live up to expectations he had been born into and yet failed to see that in herself. More than that, despite his obvious flaws and lack of self-worth, she liked him. It made his heart jump in his chest. She would meet with those other Families, he was certain. He was a bit surprised she had not already. But, her name gave her the ability to chose freely and she was, at least tentatively, choosing him.

"I have to say I'm a little surprised to hear you are interested in me, despite you saying you don't care I am... vanilla. I want you to know, that I really am interested."

He took her hand and let her pull him up, a bit of an interesting experience given how much taller he was. He did not let go of her hand, however.

"I like you. You are not what I expected when I knew I would be meeting the Deyanir daughter. I am not agreeing to it because of your status or what my family wants. Though, my Grandmother will be ecstatic. I'll be looking forward to our movie."

There was a brief hesitation as Adriel looked into her eyes. Then, he leaned down, first appearing like he might kiss the back of her hand again. Instead, Adriel leaned in and pressed his lips to her cheek.

"I hope it is not too rude for me to say I hope your other meetings don't go well. Just for today. I know I can't be the only one, but I would like to have today."


Markus leaned on the wall next to the door that led to the hotel room, matchmaking room, meeting room. Whatever they called them, he knew they got upset when you called them the wrong thing. Something about the implication of sex.

Markus was a very attentive bodyguard, served the Deyanir Family, and especially Mystis, with his life. They treated him like a member of the Family despite the being human. In return, he was loyal without question. Except, he hated these marriage meetings. Hated what they meant and hated that Myst had to do them. He just could not complain. So, he leaned and chewed on the sugar-free gum that had been the focus of his oral fixation since Mystis made him quit smoking years ago.The door opened and Mystis stepped out, looking surprisingly chipper.

"Well, how was it? Do I need to break his arm?"

This was only about thirty percent joke. He had only done it once. No one had touched Mystis against her will again. And no one argued with someone from Deyanir, even a bodyguard, over something as trivial as a broken arm. Hairline fracture really.
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Had he questioned her, Mystis was unlikely to have an answer right away. It would have taken her time to express the fact that the women of their kind had all the power. She didn't find it a burden, or undervalue herself... It was more she knew the freedom she had. She need not marry someone she didn't want to. She held the power, the cards... however you preferred to say it. The fact that even the most powerful man of their kind only had a fraction of the freedom she did? The imbalance struck her. She wouldn't have changed it however. Myst loved her freedom.

His nerves came back and she bit her inner cheek. She wouldn't point it out again. He after all had so much more riding on this meeting. He had a reason to be nervous. She felt it was out of place, of course, for she did like him. His words made her smile, though the smile faltered as he complimented her once more. Her cheeks heated and her lashes lowered.
"Thank you," her voice was soft, and it was her turn to show shyness. Myst wasn't oblivious to her appearance, but his words still made her heart skip a beat.

She liked it when he relaxed and her smile grew as he played into her joke. She liked that he played with him. It wasn't all about her, it wasn't pandering. He was like a breath of fresh air.
"A movie would be lovely."

She could feel the way his heart raced and she gave him a soft smile. "Really, are you surprised?' It was a true question. "Tell me, do you think you are so beneath me in status? I don't think you'd assume I was toying with you.. So it has to do with your position?" She had told him she could care less for where he stood.. She only cared about him. The man.

The hand she'd offered him had been taken and rather than drop her hand, he held onto it.
"What did you expect, Adriel?" His name was a soft purr of sound. She smiled as he bent to kiss her cheek and she brushed her lips to his own cheek. "I am too. I will see you soon."


"Well, how was it? Do I need to break his arm?"

Her chuckle was soft and she shook her head. "No, he was actually.. lovely." It wasn't a word she'd used to talk about any of her meetings so far. Sighing she looped her arm through his and laid her head to his arm as they started for the elevator. "I was wondering if they would all be the same, a line of pretentious boys pretending to be men... If that was what I'd be forced to marry." Her cheek rubbed against his arm, inhaling his scent. There was the mint from his gum, hanging around him.. but there was the scent she found so comforting beneath it. Basil, bergamot, rosemary and the lingering scent of cedar.

She'd wanted to ask him to carry her but resisted the urge as they stepped into the elevator. In the car she snuggled into his side, yawning as delicate fangs flashed in the dim lights.
"How many more do I have today?" She knew the answer, but it was common for her to rely on him.. for well everything.
What had he expected? Adriel had honestly come to this meeting expecting abject failure. He had expected to be turned away and sent back to whatever poor little hole he lived in. His Family, of course, lived in a nicely sized estate that was outside the city, but to other Families this meant nothing. Despite their strides, reputation tended to be tricky to escape when there were some Gifted pushing two hundred years of age, ones who had seen the low points. He liked Mystis and would have been happy to begin their trial relationship regardless of her Family, but this was everything he could hope for. It was what he had been raised to do. Here he was, doing it. Not one of his ten brothers, not even his sisters. Him.

A moment later a pair of soft lips brushed his cheek and he felt the heat spread across his face. The smile that broke out was wide and a little dorky. No, this had nothing to do with Family status. He was already infatuated with her. What had he expected? As she left, he muttered to himself.

"Not this..."


Feeling her arm immediately linked with his own, Markus suppressed a sigh. It was not that he minded contact with Mystis. In fact, he had no personal reasons to take issue with it. There were about a hundred practical reasons, however. One, he was not free to move as needed in an emergency. Two, he was a human and she was Gifted. Physical contact of any kind might get him in trouble in any Family. Three, Mystis was barely more than half his age and this kind of contact implied intimacy. All of these were very good reasons that he should be walking in step behind her. These many good reasons were not on his mind, though. Instead, he focused on what she was saying.

Lovely? Compared to the others, that was a glowing review. Had this man done something untoward? No, Mystis would have definitely let him break the kid's arm. That left only one option. He was just... nice? Her comparison certainly drew a picture of what she did not want. That made it more likely positive traits were involved. Markus felt his stomach sink a little at the idea. No, this was good. What needed to happen.

"Well, princess, you have to imagine just being born Gifted makes a lot of people... soft? No, spoiled. They get what they want. Good that he wasn't like that."

While Mystis pressed her cheek to his one arm, the other took the gum from his mouth and dropped it in the trash right before the elevator. When he was talking, he did not need to keep his mouth busy to resist the craving. Then, they stepped in the elevator and he felt it.That gnawing feeling somewhere in his chest, the urge to do something stupid. For the first eight years of his tenure as Mystis' personal bodyguard, this feeling had been absent. He carried her when she asked, escorted her to school events and out shopping. She was his charge and, in an abstract kind of way, his friend. Right up until the night her mother broke her heart.

Markus could clearly picture all of it. Mystis burst into her bedroom, crying her eyes out and throwing her ballerina shoes so hard they dented the wall. She had confronted her mother about her dreams and, well, now they were out doing marriage interviews so they must have disagreed. With no one else to comfort her with her parents as the enemy, Mystis had crawled into his lap and latched onto him. She had cried and cried and told him everything about how life was cruel and unfair. Then, she had looked up into his eyes. Fuck, he could see it perfectly.

Those big mismatched eyes, red at the edges and puffy below, stared at him with all the love and admiration someone held for a person who was part of their life no matter what. Markus had never been that for anyone. That had been his first hit of the drug called love and the last time he had seen Mystis as a little girl. No, she had grown up when he wasn't looking.

Now, when they were alone together in true isolation, Markus felt the gnawing. The desire to hold her, to lift her off her feet and use his strength to carry her like the princess he called her. The gnawing alone had been tolerable. The impossibility of acting on it had made it easy to push aside. Now, it was working in combination with that sinking in his stomach. It did not help in the slightest that Mystis craved contact with him. He had no way of understanding why when it was so completely and totally forbidden. Oh, no one said a word about it. They had been glued together for a decade now. It was normal. Only Markus seemed aware of how bad it looked. Yet, he never pushed her away. Instead, Markus leaned into her and replied.

"You have two more and you know it. You can't cancel or your mother would have a fit, but you can be quick about it if you don't like them. She won't say a word now that you found someone... lovely. What was lovely about him?"

While his mouth worked and said words he knew she would like, his brain thought about how he needed to destroy this jealousy. They were Gifted and he was human. Besides, even in different circumstances, she would always have multiple partners one day and none of them would be him. All he could do was make her happy.
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He wasn't wrong and she considered his words. He helped keep her from being spoiled, helped keep her grounded and she gave a soft laugh and a nod. "Not everyone has their very own Markus to knock them down a peg when they get too big for their britches." The feeling of their bodies sinking always made her stomach a little uneasy and she curled closer to him in the elevator. Only as the box of metal stopped did she step away from him, though, only a fraction.

Had he ever asked her, Myst would have shrugged as to why she always craved closeness. Oh, she knew it was frowned on and it was often that her mother remarked on it, when they were alone. She didn't care. No one else made her feel safe. No one else made her feel like she was home. Add in that Mystis rarely cared for rules, it made her a cuddly little thing. Furthermore, she could care less about what people thought of her. She knew who she was, knew what weight her family had. If they expected to be a husband, they'd live with how she was around Markus.

She nodded some and allowed him to lead her to the car that awaited them. She could be quick. Inside the cool interior she waited until he sat down before shifting to lay her head in his lap. Yawning she nuzzled her cheek to his stomach before considering his question. She'd no idea how much hell she put him through.. But his feelings were far from one-sided. She might not act on them, but she wasn't' going to pretend she didn't' care for him. Not after that night as he'd held her as her heart had broken. As she cried her dreams away.

"He was.. dorky." Her lips curled slightly. "He wasn't all self-assured." Not that was bad, she didn't mind if a man had a spine. A sense of who they were and what they wanted. "He made me laugh and while I understand why he applied, he didn't make me feel.. like a step ladder?" He'd liked her for her. Not her name and that mattered. Her mind drifted and she toyed with his tie, absently as they rode to her next appointment. "After my last appointment, could we get food.. and play some games at the boardwalk?" While Mystis knew he'd never say no, she still asked. Still looked up at him with big, hopeful eyes. When he answered, she gave a smile and purred softly.

The next few meetings were painful as she'd come to expect. Maybe now because of Adriel, she had a new standard of which to now hold people to. That idea had amused her, as much as her telling him at a later date and watching him flush. Collapsing back into the car she sighed and laid her head to his arm.
"I still don't get how most of them can be so horrible. Like.. do other girls like their bullshit?"
Markus, despite the feelings of longing that it inspired, did not know if he could live long without being close to Myst. She had always been clingy and he had begun to find comfort in it long before he felt desire. So, as she laid her head on his lap and toyed with his tie, his body did what had become natural. His hand moved to her forehead, gently brushing hair away before stroking a thumb along her brow. Listening to her description of Adriel did nothing to stop his actions, the unconscious part of his mind programmed to give her affections.

So, she liked that he had been... unsure. He was not like the other Gifted, less entitled and pushy. That certainly made sense to him. It made sense from a social standpoint as well. If the women were in charge, a more subservient man might be for the best. Except, as she continued he wondered about that. If he had made his intentional so obvious, stated that he was interested in her name, even if he followed it by saying that was not all that mattered, it took some courage. Markus saw someone who would be good at picking their battles, at guiding Myst when it mattered and letting her have what she wanted otherwise. It was perfect, if he had to say. Markus hated that.Not only because it meant that Adriel really was "lovely", but because it meant someone else wanted to take his role in her life. They broke the rules of decorum in the Deyanir household regularly. Myst's mother knew it. The whole Family knew it. But, they only really skirted the edges and, even if Myst did not or chose not to notice, the dangers had been swept aside almost casually. Markus had cornered stalkers while Myst looked over clothes, disarmed would-be abductors when she used the restroom, even done some things that would turn a weak stomach when someone was truly persistent in their efforts to hurt Myst or the Deyanir. Never once had he needed the mini-safe bolted to the underside of his seat, never needed to use a firearm to accomplish his job. Because of this, and the fact that he kept Myst from breaking any serious rules, Markus was in charge. He would not let Adriel take that.

It was because of this routine, this regular rule-bending, that Markus did not even think as he replied to her question.

"Of course, princess. It won't be too busy and I could use something sweet after all this standing around and sugar-free gum. You can pick the games and the meal, but we are getting funnel cake for dessert."

She would push him for more. She always did. He would be ready for it.After her last appointment, Markus was nearly as irate as Myst. Where did that little shit get off? Myst could end his whole Family with her weekly allowance yet he spoke like she owed him something?! Markus had been forced to leave the room to avoid breaking a finger or two based on tone alone. It embarrassed him to be so quick to resort to violence sometimes, but it was what he was good at. The other thing he was good at was comforting the young woman leaning on him.

"I think most of the girls they meet see it as a challenge. They have that same personality and think it would be fun to break them. Plus, there is a reason they are still looking for a wife. That little shit was particularly intolerable."

The car was quick to roll away again, Markus having shared the plans with their driver beforehand. He lifted his arms, pulling one free of the sleeve and before tugging the other, only mildly disrupting Myst. The jacket was quickly wrapped around the Gifted woman and his arm followed, pulling her to rest against his chest. It made that spot inside of his ache dearly, but it made his heart feel lighter.

"So, one lovely and four terrible little twats? Still your best day so far."

While she had met with her appointments, Markus had been stuck on that word. Lovely. Why could he not be lovely for her? He was not dumb. There was a deep affection between the two. But, he knew she probably just had some little crush. Nothing like what had been kindled inside of him two years prior. Yesterday, he had been content to settled for what they had. Today, the idea that she had found someone with potential, that he might be less important to her soon; affections replaced with feelings for a future husband, was hurting him. It made his words reckless.

"What are you hoping for, anyway? Someone like me, who let's you break the rules? Unfortunately, you can't marry me, princess."
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Funnel cake was perhaps all that go her through her meetings. The last one in particular. Markus had been upset when he'd left the room. No one looking at him would notice, he was good at hiding his feelings.. yet Mystis knew him so well she'd seen the tense set to his shoulders. The slight aggression to his walk. She didn't blame him, she'd wanted to claw the man's eyes out.

In the car Markus tried to explain them to her and she frowned. So it was her? Mystis wasn't dominant. She knew that and while she wasn't a pushover, the things she thought about while pleasuring herself were very submissive. Most of them involved the man explaining it to her. The idea of him pressing her to a wall, kissing her. She gave a small shake of her head and sighed.
"I don't, it is obnoxious." She left it at that as she was cuddled into his jacket and her head fell to his chest. Myst let her eyes close as she inhaled his scent. Home. He would always be her home.

"Mmm, indeed. That seems like a bad ratio, but I will take it. One hopeful will make her lay off." He knew who the her was without question. Her mother was constantly pushing and nagging her and often, made Myst feel like something was wrong with her, when she came back with nothing but nos.

She'd been lulled by his breathing, the movement of the car when he asked his question. Under his arm she stiffened. Slowly she pulled back to look at him, creating a rare distance between their bodies after these meetings.
"Yes, but no." The words were so soft. Should she tell him how he made her feel? Would it break something? Mystis didn't know, but she wanted him to know what he meant to her. That husbands or no, what he'd always mean to her. "I want someone who makes me feel safe with them. Who makes me feel as if I am home, when I am with them. Who can call me on my bullshit, support me when I need to cry." She couldn't tell him she loved him. That would be too much.. it would push things too far. But she did. Mystis had loved him for a very long time. It hadn't always been romantic, but it had been since that night.
While Markus closed his eyes as they spoke, let the feeling of her rising and falling with his breath soothe him, he never stopped feeling every inch of their contact. It was an occupational hazard. While he had been taught a dozen ways to hurt someone without making them pass out, most of his lessons were dedicated to awareness. He never stopped feeling his surroundings, heard every bump in the road even when the shocks of the car absorbed the impact. Myst laying this close did not arouse him, per se. He had been physically close so many times now that their usual contact was more comfort than anything. Today, though, he was more keenly aware of the spots where he could feel her skin instead of the dress, the warmth of her breath through his shirt.There was a serene little nod of his head at her mother relaxing. While he owed Deyanir, and especially Myst's mother, his life, she had been a bit... crazy since Myst turned of age. A possible suitor would give them room to breath. Less meetings to allow for dates and free time, possibly for a few months. At least, as long as Adriel did not fall through. But, as long as Myst liked him, Markus had no reason to worry about the younger man. He was making things smoother and there was no avoiding other men in the Gifted world.

What made his breath catch, though, was Myst responding to what she wanted. Markus followed the rules, did what Myst wanted when possible and what the Matriarch of Deyanir wanted at all times. Thinking about the days when he could barely walk, when he stood outside a food court for hours, leaning and chewing aspirin just so his knee would not give out, he knew that he would never do something to hurt the Deyanir Family. No, he would kill for them if they asked. He was no naive enough to miss that this was what they wanted. They had bought him to the very soul. No, he did not mind it one bit. Yet, now, even that loyalty was shaking. He was more than capable of picking up a hint. More than capable of seeing his own habits laid out before him. What struck deeper was the last thing Myst said. Someone to hold her while she cried? Mystis cried like any other person, but there was only one time in ten years she had been hold tight while she sobbed. The distance between them felt strange, but it also felt like an invitation. He could stay there and let it pass or he could accept her invitation.With strong hands, Markus gripped Myst's shoulders. He pressed her backward with a persistent but gentle force. Slowly, he leaned over her even as her back laid across the seat. This was different from their usual contact, too much for a bodyguard no matter how close. His hand moved to the side of her head, fingers and thumb closing around her feline ear. They moved slowly, caressing the soft fur and peach fuzz. His eyes were almost vacant as he looked down at her, deep thought distracting him. They needed to be very clear about a few things first.

"Princess... I understand. Really. Honestly, I have understood since that night. You have to understand something. Before I met your family, met you, I was a broken man. I cannot do anything to betray what the Deyanir have done for me. I cannot take you away from them, ruin their future. But, I'm a little too selfish to hold back."

With that, Markus let himself lower further. His body, so much large than her own, covered every inch of Myst as he closed the distance. His hard muscles pressed against her soft and feminine frame, the dress doing little to hold back the warmth of her. His mouth found her own in a gentle meeting, barely a ghost of kiss on her lips as he leaned on his forearm and continued to affectionately caress her ear.

The Deyanir had bought him. Mystis had earned him the hard way. Slowly, he raised his head, keeping their bodies close from the chest down. His weight was barely on her, mostly on his knees and arm. His eyes, though, were bright and intense, thoughts turning to resolution in the wake of their brief kiss.

"I can't be your husband, but I will never leave your side. No matter how many lovely men you have, I will stay. If it has to be a secret, even from them, so be it. I'm yours, Mystis. I'll give you everything you could ever want from me. Every little craving that I can satisfy, I will. Only, I have to draw one line. You cannot, and I mean ever, reciprocate."

His eyes hardened, a resolve and a sadness mixing in them.

"It would be too much. Too far. I let you break rules so long as they won't hurt your Family. I will break some rules to make you happy, but you will not break them for me. That means we can never... be together. I will do things for you, but we can never go that far. Can you accept that? Princess?"

The last word was playful and pleading all at once.
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There was no way to tell how he'd take her words. Oh, she knew he'd see them for what they were. His response though, that was what Myst was unsure of. When a hand, gentle and yet strong, pressed her backwards, she looked up at him as he laid her back against the soft sofa. It was plush beneath her back. His body loomed over her, his warmth eating away at every inch of exposed flesh. His fingers caught one of her velvet ears and she shivered, her eyes closing for a moment, as a rumble of a purr slipped from her throat at the touch. This was.. new, but Mystis found the contact pleasing.

Her eyes opened and she gazed up at him, that purr still rumbling through her chest and throat. She listened to his words, and knew the truth of them. She didn't quite remember the broken man he'd once been, but she'd heard stories. His last words though, were what stuck with her the most. Too selfish to resist. Then he was pressing against her. Hardness to softness. His weight was as pleasing as the touch of his fingers to her ear. The press of his lips was sweet, chaste, but it made her heart race.

What he offered her made her breath catch in her throat. He'd always be hers. The rest made her breathless in truth. It was the catch however that made her frown. She couldn't reciprocate? He clarified further that it made her heart ache. He'd be with her, but she couldn't be with him and they could never really be together. Was.. it worth it?

He left the ball in her court so to speak. Mystis didn't know if she could stop herself, but she knew he would. Her nose rubbed against his own. After a moment she nodded and lifted her mouth to his, kissing him. Her kiss wasn't the chaste version of his own. She'd longed to kiss him like this. To feel his lips against hers.They could never be together.. Myst knew what he said, but she wondered if she could break him of that. The name princess was true, with how she looked at things. How long would his resolve stay? Should she even push it, when he was already giving in, even just a little.
"Yes, Markus." Her words were mumbled against his mouth and she gave his lower lip a little nip.
Markus was physically strong. He worked hard to make sure he was capable of defending Mystis and any other member of her family that was around. His will was the fragile thing. It had only taken a few months after his injury for him to fall into bad habits. Drinking, smoking, one night stands. All of those things were resisted only because Mystis had complained. Had complained about the smell of his smoking, the occasional hangover. The one night stands had slowed and eventually disappeared after his feelings for the younger woman had begun to grow. Everything he had managed to give up was only with Myst's help.What did that mean for their relationship? She had agreed, yes. But, Markus was not stupid enough to think she would abide by it without him enforcing it. She was too used to getting her way, too used to twisting him around her finger.

This time, for his pride at the very least, Markus would have to be the strong one. He would have to be better than he was before. Meanwhile, the sweet purring and the way those eyes glistened were taking his breath away. Myst had never made sounds like this before. Not for him. The way their bodies touched was intimate. He could feel the swell of her breasts, the shape of her belly and hips. The scent of her skin was washing over him. It was making his heart pound even before their delicate little kiss. Her nose brushed his own and he took in a sharp breath. Oh, this would be impossible.

Then, with a little nod, Myst caught him in a much less delicate kiss. Their lips pressed together tight, his mouth opening just enough to let the purring run through his chest. There was no doubt in Markus' mind that he was absolutely and unequivocally fucked. By the time she whispered against his lips, his resolve was tested to the limit. As if she could sense it, Myst gave him a little nip, one last little encouragement. It felt like implied permission, a request. A request he could work with.The fingers that had been gently tracing the edge of her feline ear finally released. That hand instead moved down to her waist. Like Mystis was nothing but feathers, Markus slid his ark around her. With his forearm still supporting him, he pulled her even closer, allowing more of his weight to press down on her. It was like someone had traced her body on him with fire. Every inch of contact made him ache and yet he had no desire to pull away. His size resulted in Myst being completely hidden under him. Face-to-face like this, he was grateful her tiny frame was not pressed tight to his lower areas. Her lips, though, would be his.

The kiss he gave Mystis was starving for her. It was two years of need condensed into one point of contact, his lips crushing into hers just like his body. He groaned softly, the rumble in his chest battling with her purr. He considered for a moment staying in this position, keeping her pinned down to the seat and venting all of his want. Instead, he tightened his arm around her even more and lifted them both.With a little jostle, he set Mystis in his lap, her legs wrapping around him. Between the shortness of her dress and the places they now made contact, he realized this was a terrible idea. Instead of laying above her, he was encased in beautiful pale thighs. Markus was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling.

"So... The boardwalk, then?"

His voice was hopeful, almost begging Mystis to not take him up on his offer to satisfy her desires. Not that he did not wish to. No, he wanted to make her scream so loudly that the driver would hear it through the sound-proofing. He was grateful he managed to at least suppress his physical reactions.
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She could hear his heartbeat, the way she affected him, it more than anything else is what made her shiver beneath him. Oh, she wanted to push him, to get her heart's desire. It wouldn't matter who she married, they'd have always been compared to Markus. They always would have had him to contend with. What would they do if they didn't like it? In that sense, she held all the cards. She couldn't help the little nip to his lip, but his response made her breath leave her in a whoosh as he pulled her into him.

Their cores pressed together, she was bathed in his warmth and scent. She wanted to roll against his body, naked as she marked herself with his scent. To let all know to whom her heart belonged. There was a slight pout to her lips though, that it was only their cores pressed together. Myst wanted to feel the hardness she knew was there. The beat of his heart told her all it needed to.

The kiss though, it made up for that missing element as his mouth crashed onto hers. A soft moan left her, swallowed by the kiss and her purring got louder as her fingers tangled into his hair. Mystis could have stayed in that kiss. It wasn't until he pulled her upward that she was rewarded with what she'd desired. Pressed against him, she couldn't help her small squirm and her lips parted softly as she rocked herself against him, the small friction both giving her a small bit of satisfaction while only making her hornier.

"So... The boardwalk, then?"

Her laugh was breathless and she nipped his jawline still panting a little herself as she rocked along his lap. "Mmm, yes. Otherwise I think if I asked for what I wanted, I might not be able to walk.." Oh, she wanted him to fuck her hard enough that the driver could hear... but she would have settled to feel his mouth and fingers between her things. She ached, in a sweet but highly frustrating way. "When we finish though, will you help me?" The words were soft, and far from a demand, a plea of her need and desire. "I ache.. " She reached for his free hand and pulled it toward the apex of her thighs. "Right here, Daddy." The word was purred, her eyes on him as she said it. She liked that title for him. She rolled her hips into his hand and gave a small little whimper. "And it's all your fault."
Markus had been proud of himself. He had managed to control the desire that was currently making up the majority of his body. The position he had shifted to was... compromising to say the least, but he was mostly in keeping to his discipline. Then, she did it. Myst did one little thing that left him undone completely. A small shift of her hips, a movement forward and back. This would have been tolerable on any other day. Had they not already kissed, had she not nipped his lip, had they not groaned and moaned and purred for one another already. Most of all, though, it was her clothing. Mystis shifted and Markus felt everything. His suit pants and boxer-briefs did absolutely nothing to temper the sensation. He felt the softness of her skin, the heat of her. He felt the line of panties, high on her rear and leaving it mostly unobstructed. Most of all, he felt the press of her ass, the way it molded against him. That undid him entirely. His discipline fracture and shattered, libido taking over his lower half. Even this might not have been so bad for the average man. Markus was a giant of a man, towering over normal people. Mystis was small. The bulge that formed under her ass was not. It was problematic on occasion, being so "blessed". It complicated many of his former relationships. Most of all, relevant to the moment, it was impossible not to notice when it pressed fully into the curves of her ass.

She continued to rock and slide, making him groan openly. With nothing but thin fabric keeping them apart, he could feel the folds of her, clinging to him and washing him in her heat. Her words were even more dangerous. Not able to walk? Oh, Markus knew the way their bodies contrasted, the way the size difference would work out. She would squeeze him dry while he opened her up and ravaged her. The thought of it made him throb against her.

The true danger was most certainly her words. The sweet tone, the way she begged for him to give her what she wanted. In that moment, so fresh to it all, Markus might have given in if she said the words. Instead, she placed his hand on her thigh and slid it to the mostly amazing place he could imagine.

Her thigh was like silk, his thumb almost hypnotized into stroking softly. It was truly a razor edged that he was walking. Markus was certain he would fall until she said one word. Daddy. He was a little older, but he knew exactly the context that people used that term in. It was a sign of submission, in a way. She was giving him control and wanted him to keep it. It was a little strange, if he was being honest. He did not hate it at all, but strange nonetheless. Still, he had promised to give Myst what she wanted. He would not say no now.

"Daddy? Is that how we are going to play this?"

The whimper was music to him, a single finger extending to slide nimbly between the lines in her panties. He could feel how hot she was. No waiting.

"Well, princess, after you ask so nicely, how am I supposed to say no, or even make you wait? Especially if it is all my fault..."

This was where Markus had the advantage. He was stronger, bigger, and exceptionally dexterous. He was not, however, patient. His finger shifted to the side and curled, pulling her panties away just enough for the digit to slide in. The tip, thicker and wider than two of Myst's fingers combined, stroked the pink slit that had been burning against him. It pushed softly, opening her just enough to feel the wetness cover the tip. Oh, she most certainly ached. So, his finger did it's work. It stroked her slit gently, pressing a little most each time it reset. Soon, her lower lips wrapped around the finger tip, though he offered no release, refused to push inside of her or caress her clit.

"Are you sure it is just from me? You aren't thinking about what you will get to enjoy soon enough? One, two, even three husbands? All that in addition to what you have now. I promised not to leave, no matter what. All of us, licking, kissing, touching... each of them taking their turns slamming into you. All of us dedicated to pleasuring you... What about Adriel and I? Would you enjoy us competing to bring you to the peaks of pleasure?"

The last part was intended to put a face, or a pair of faces, to the fantasy. Yet, Markus found the idea deeply appealing. Suddenly full of a fiery need to make her moan, he tightened thr arm around her, pulling her flush against him. At the same time, his finger curled, the combination of motions plunging half of his large digit into her small pussy.
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His fingers rubbed against the inside of her thigh. The rougher tips of his fingers made her bite her lower lip, holding back a moan from the simple touch of his fingers between her thighs. His question made her lips curl and she nodded. "Yes," One word, breathed out heavily. He might not have known for sure her submissiveness, but there was no doubt that he had an idea. It wasn't like she'd hidden it from him.

Her whimper ended in a soft moan as a finger slid against the warmth of her panties. Biting her lower lip she tried to not squirm further as she listened to him tell her that he wouldn't even make her wait. Nodding some, she gave another little whine.
"It's all your fault." Her voice had a slight accusation and she bit her nails into her palms. Cooler air brushed the lips of her pussy and she shivered. He just stoked her lips, though slick from her arousal, he didn't push it further.

Mystis gave a small flustered growl. His finger parted her lips, but no relief came. His question made her pause and she started to nod before he continued. The words made her flush and squirm, unable to help the movements of her hips. Now, in her mind was an image of him and Adriel in her mind's eye and it made her whimper again. Would she ever be able to unsee that? To not think of what he'd just filled her mind with when she saw Adriel next?

Pulled against him she gasped and then she felt the tip of his finger sink into her heat and she moaned, the sound was long, needy and it made her pale cheeks burn. "Her hands moved to his shirt, the fabric bunching between her fingers.
"Please, Daddy.." It was too much and too little all at once and she didn't know what she needed, other than... more. That word, Daddy, coming easy to her when she thought of him and his hands on her.
Feeling the warmth of Mystis wrap around his finger made Markus' heart start to pound even harder. He felt like he had just finished running a marathon and knew that she would feel it. She could feel the blood pounding in his vein and throbbing between his legs. Her voice rose and crested in the pleasure that he gave her. Only the sound-proofing kept them from being discovered right then and there. This was lucky for Markus, given how in love he was with that sound. That was when Markus decided the thing he teased her with was what he really wanted for her. A group of men who were dedicated in the way he was, who would give her what she wanted. Her submissive streak meant that they would be the ones feigning control, but their worlds rotated around one lovely little kitten. There would be plans built for that later. For now, he had something to attend to something. Her pleading words came out as she clinged to his chest. It was the tone of it all, the need in her voice, and that word again. Daddy... The first time it had amused him. Now, it ignited his own needs in a way he had not expected. Her pleading made him push his finger deeper, pushing against her back walls. Somehow, though, this felt insufficient.

With a growl of lust, Markus pulled his finger out of her, missing the warmth immediately. But, if he was going to be Daddy, he needed to be completely in charge. Without a single sign of effort, he stood, holding Mystis close to his chest. He turned quickly, laying her back on the deep seat of the car. With this shift in position, the view was completely different.

Myst's legs were open, revealing her legs and panties to his sight. One knee sat on the seat beside her, once again making him loom over her. Still, though, he was not patient. His hand moved slowly to his mouth and he took the finger that still glistened with her wetness between his lips. Pulling it away clean, he licked his lips as he savored her taste. A moment later, it went down between her legs again.Two fingers hooked around the edge of her panties and he tugged hard, making enough space for what he wanted. He was ready to give her the same thing again, to push a finger inside. Then, he changed his mind just a little. This time, he pressed two fingers against her, stroking her slit a few times to make them slick before pushing against that same spot he had before. Once again, Mystis parted and wrapped around the fingers. This time, the pressure was intense. He could feel every fold inside of her as he went deeper, could feel her muscles both try to pull him deeper and push him out. Before, her warmth had made him growl. This time, he made no sound even as he pushed to her back walls again.

Instead, he took his free hand and pulled at his belt. There was a part of him that said to stop, that he was already breaking his rule. That part was quickly silenced by the sensation of her pulsing around his fingers. There was no holding back completely. It was too much.

His hand moved feverishly, tugging and pulling until the suit pants dropped to the ground. Now free of one layer, his erection strained against the stretchy fabric of his boxer-briefs. The outline of his cock was perfectly clear, straining to stand as straight as possible. Without hesitation, he pulled at these as well. It was a bit difficult to maneuver around his erection with one hand, fingers still bathed in the bliss of her pussy. Eventually, his cock sprung free and he leaned forward.

In this position, one knee on the seat and his body leaning over her, Myst was at almost perfect eye level with his cock, their proximity keeping it only inches from her. Markus was breathing hard through his nose, the self-control visibly straining him as he finally began to move his fingers inside of her. They pumped back and forth, sliding until only the tips brushed her hole before filling her again. His cock twitched in anticipation as he began to finger her in earnest. Except, it was all too much.

"I'm sorry, princess..."

Without explanation, he pressed his head against the back wall of the car, inching his cock even closer to her. His hand, now free from balancing himself, wrapped around his erection. A moment later, he began to stroke himself, keeping rhythm with his pumping fingers. It was the most he could allow himself, a cheap imitation of the idea of fucking her. All he could do was drink in the sight of the scene he thought would he impossible before they got in this car. His cock, massive compared to the young woman, dripped precum onto his fingers, making it glisten as he worked it. His fingers were just as eager, getting rougher in the way they slammed inside. Soon, they were in perfect tandem as he lost himself in the act. His voice came out rough and heavy.

"Show me your body Myst."
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The pleading at least got her something and she whimpered softly, the sound ended with an almost whine as he pulled his finger from her. "No!" The cry was loud, but no one but he'd hear it. Squirming in his lap she pouted, honest to god pouted at him. He pulled her closer and she gasped as he laid her back against the seats, her legs still spread for him. She felt no shame, not with him. Her Markus.. Her Daddy. Her lips parted and her breathing hitched as she watched him taste her. Her thighs tried to press together and failed to do so with him still between them.

Myst had no idea what it meant to be horny, not really. She was learning this quickly as she felt him pull her panties to the side, feeling the cool air brushing the lips of her pussy. His fingers rubbed against her slick opening before she found two fingers inside her. Her cry of pleasure was bright and she lifted her hips into his hand, like an eager little kitten. His finger sank deeper into her and her hands scrambled at the leather of the seats, trying to find purchase.. to ground herself.
"Daddy.." The title was breathy, full of her need even as her eyes moved to his other hand.

Her lips parted and for a moment her needy little thrusts into his fingers stopped as she watched him tug at his belt. Licking her lips, she watched him as he undressed. Her mouth opened at the sheer size of him as he sprung free. Goddess he was huge. Sure, she'd felt him before, in his lap.. but seeing it.. was so different. Panting softly, the tip of him close to her face.

Any thoughts she might have fled as he began to finger her in truth. Her moans came as quickly as she could draw breath. Even still, she couldn't tear her eyes from him as he began to touch himself. His apology confused her and she met his fingers with a lift of her hips even as she watched his cock harden and throb. Mystis wasn't sure it could get better and then she noticed he timed his strokes with his fingers inside her and she felt her body tighten around his fingers. She understood now and she knew this was the closest he'd come to fucking.. at least for now. She'd break him, his resolve and she'd feel him inside her... She vowed this to herself.

.His request made her shift, blushing.
"Yes, Daddy.." Her velvet dress was pulled upwards, her body squirming now for another reason as she pulled it from under her lower back.. It took her a few moments of squirming before she pulled it free. Leaning forward some she licked the tip of him, as she pulled the dress up and she laid back before he could say anything about it, her dress falling to the floor of the car. Her bare breasts on display, her panties pulled to one side. She licked her lips, much like he had. The small taste of his skin and precum lingering.

Myst knew she could have avoided that little lick, but she couldn't help herself and she wouldn't trade it or his reaction for anything. She knew he'd not allow her another taste so soon. Knew he wouldn't replace his fingers with his cock, so she made her request.
"When you cum, Daddy.. Come on my tits..." Her voice was breathy and the words were mingled with her own moans. She was so close.. He'd feel as she came. The way her pussy tightened and trembled around his fingers. He'd hear it too as she shouted her pleasure... her body quaking under him. "Oh god, fuck.. Me... Daddy.. please don't stop.. please please.. " her hips arched into his fingers as she rode the pleasure.
The way she seemed to live for this small pleasure, this secret meeting in the back of her family's car, made Markus want her even more. She had begged for him to continue when all he had intended was to change their position. She wanted him so badly that she would do anything to have him. He wanted her the same way. Wanted to grab her by the ankles and steal her virginity from all those stupid future husbands. It was only his sense of duty, a thin but unbreakable thread in the storm of sharp desire, that kept him from acting on his needs. That little nickname, chosen on a whim, was like a candle under that thread, slowly burning through. Luckily for his sense of duty and unluckily for Mystis, his immense satisfaction at her pleasure served to temper this. He was happy to see the way she scrambled for grip, twisted and bounced on his fingers. It seemed that she understood his satisfaction, the source of it, when he began to stroke himself in rhythm. They were both in on the game now. Her eyes were glued to his cock while he stared hungrily at her tight hole, at the way she pushed down in time with his fingers, how her lips gripped and slid around them. All of that was happening to his cock in his mind.

His eyes only drifted up from this display when she began to undress. It was adorable watching Myst struggle in her haste, her desire to do as she was told. It was equally adorable to watch her sit up and lick his cock while he was distracted by her petite little body. It coaxed a deep groan from Markus, accompanied by a powerful twitch and a thick pearl of precum that rolled off the head and down his shaft immediately. He stroked faster, pumping his fingers harder, even as he spoke.

"That was very naughty, princess. You promised. Don't tease your Daddy."

The words came out heavy with need, his whole body now full to the top with pleasure. He was not sure what pushed him to the edge. It may have been her request, to cover her in his seed. Not that he needed to be asked. The way she looked at him spoke volumes. She wanted it and he could give it. The other source, even more likely, was how she began to squeeze and pulse around him, how her hips began to slam down with abandon as she rode over the edge of her climax. Most of all, though, it was those words. So inappropriate and lusty, showing exactly what she had thought about when cumming countless times over her teenage years. She was cumming for him. It made him swell with pleasure, ready to let it all out onto her breasts. Except, the car chose that moment to hit a pothole. Markus, balanced only by his head leaning on the ceiling, fell immediately forward. His cock, so close to Myst's face, had only one place to go. It pressed to the corner of her mouth, open to release those sweet moans. His shaft tilted, following the path of least resistance. At the same time, in his panic, he released his length to find balance by holding the back of the seat. He found himself suddenly wrapped in the warmth of a tiny mouth, completely full from the sheer size of his cock. It was too much.

Markus let out a feral growl, all of the pleasure hitting him at once. Even the feeling of her teeth brushing the head and closing around his shaft was pure bliss. It all came at once, his balls squeezing tight and his orgasm crashing down. In an instant, Myst's mouth and throat were coated with his seed. Three thick ropes pumped into her mouth before Markus could gather his mind enough to simply pull away. The rest went where he intended, only a little running down her chin. Still, it was enough to leave her tits and mouth covered in cum.

All Markus could do was stare, both exceptional pleased and ashamed at what had happened.
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