Obsessed (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He hummed and helped her close up the stand, catching some men watching her from a distance and narrowing his eyes. He was in no mood, especially being still bitter from their interruption earlier that day.
Even in her dress, it was hard to hide her more pleasant attributes. Large, soft breasts almost spilled from over the top of her dress every time she stooped to grab something, wide hips looking even wider when she bent.
He chuckled and packed the last of their goods, pulling the wagon to the back of the inn and locking it up before heading inside with her. The men were following them, he noticed, and he tried to keep a neutral expression as to not alert Nyra.
She smiled and sat down at a table, waiting for him to grab their food. He was always choosey for both of them, and she always ate what he grabbed.
He kept his eyes open, as he always did, and he spotted the group sitting across the inn. He made a noise and loosened his daggers, dropping them on the tablenin front of them to assert dominance - he normally took them off anyway when they began to wind down for the day.
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