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Whats the biggest turn off in an RP?


I'm not the fastest at getting replies out and sometimes It's easy to forget key details etc. so having an OOC to discuss options, suggest moves while still keeping some surprise is fun.

I hate it when people get annoyed about things in an RP when they have not communicated things are not quite right early one. If we chat OOC I'm super flexible and happy to adapt a fair bit within the limits, but they just don't ask!
Repeating my post back to me in other words and not moving the scene forward.
I've experienced this so many times in the past. It makes me feel like I'm doing all the work alone, like I'm writing a solo story. It's so boring ... and takes the joy out of writing.
There are some great ones already in here that are definitely a turn-off for me too, but one that I think is people compeltely glossing over what I have written or asked of them. Nothing makes my motivation drop to zero faster than people not bothering to read my message and reply simple questions to keep brainstorming moving, and it is the #1 reason that usually makes me drop the planning if it happends multiple times in a row or I have to keep repeating the same questions over and over again.

Another one is people who completely gloss-over planning the plot and just jump straight demanding what kinks they wish to see and what my character should look like. I have gotten requests from people that outright say that if my character is not having extremely huge breasts and hourglass figure in the style of Eichiro Oda they won't even consider playing with me since my character needs to be a turn-on for them and not for the character who gets with MC. I get that people have preferences and I try to respect them, but there's a difference in saying "I prefer body type X and Y and I would aprpeciate if your character would be either of those" and "Oh god fat titties turn me on so much! I can't get immersed in our RP if the character does not have huge breasts! :p". If I feel like I am made to jerk someone off instead of writing an immersive story that includes smutty fun then that is a huge turn-off for me.
Okay, I am on a roll. People who want to "brainstorm" which consists of them asking you question after question. Finally, you get the "yeah, I'm great, can you post first"

You do all that to get a two sentence response.
One liners or simply ignoring what I wrote. Sure, it happens sometimes that you forget a detail. Nobody is perfect and I’ve definitely done the same. But when my character’s actions are constantly being ignored I might as well be writing solo. Also grammar. I mess up sometimes too since I know what I want to say but fail to type it out correctly, but when I can’t read what you’re trying to convey then we’ve got a problem because now your post is multiple choice depending on the context.
Like most people I think touching the offs list is a big No-no.
I have 2.. 1 is when they pick my character / face claim for me. I like to decide who I play. When somebody else picks who I play I feel a pressure to mold that character to the ideas they had in their head. Which is not what I feel like writing like this is about.
Though, for me I think my biggest ick is when they start controlling my character. Like yes, you touched them or did something that would warrant a reaction. But don't you dare say that they gasped. That's my job.
For me it would be one liners. Don’t get me wrong, we all have different levels of skill and grammar. But when I give a multi paragraph reply. And you give me a one liner, well I’m just not going to respond anymore.
oh yeah, same. i've actually gotten a single-line response on a long multiple paragraph reply and god it killed my motivation. i never wrote with that person again
It's simple for me: one-liners, no input during plotting (think nothing but "yeah sure" "sounds good to me") and not even reading the post.
Posts that seek to do three different things while having four different conversations at once. Like, I get it, if you have a way you think things should go... But at least give me a chance to react to one action before moving to the next. If you're starting in one room, asking my character what she thinks they should do next, making the decision, doing it while leaving me no room to have her react, then starting a conversation about your character's sister, then moving to another room... all in the same post? You may as well be writing a solo story, because I stop feeling like my character has any relevance to the events that are occurring.

Another thing I dislike is when my partner's character suddenly knows something about my character that I wrote outside of dialogue. Your character isn't a mind reader - if I say "although she would never show it and all indications said she was telling the truth, she actually felt the opposite", your character should not immediately call her out on lying.
Hmm my top ones are...

Trying to slip in a kink we have discussed as a no no, or maybe with discussion by stealth. In fact anytime an rper has clearly been dishonest in what they actually wanted and then tries to shoehorn on a theme or concept we did not agree to. Topping from the bottom for example.

That and the obvious ones like putting traits on my character without discussion, God modding etc,
Stubbornness. Half a year ago or so I was writing a story with someone. It went well, we've been at it for a few weeks with no signs of stopping until I've realized that the girl (not a woman, she wasn't mature enough to be called that) was dead set on having her way in the story. Instead of being willing to talk things over, she clung to her idea even though I've made it clear that I don't enjoy it, and that was after I've already made a number of concessions to her will. It was one of very few times when I was the one that broke up the role-play, I've refused to stand for her behaviour.
Only writing reactionary posts. I don't mind taking turns at plot progression, and I loveeee creating surprises and twists for my partners, but sometimes my back HURTS from carrying the whole roleplay by myself. Lolll.
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