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Bad Luck (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
Sena sat at the counter of some shitty country bar, it being the closest and cheapest place from her apartment after her classes, and tried to tune out the God awful music that played over the speaker. At least she fit in well enough; half the patrons here was a bovine of some pedigree - all of them trying to schmooze on her. She just wanted a few drinks and stumble home alone.
Theo didn’t exactly fit in either. He was more blue collar than a lot of the patrons, but being a tiger, most looked at him with suspicion at best.
She tried to keep her head down, wanting to be left alone, but anytime the door opened she had to look and see. Her eyes widened gently at the sight of a massive tiger and she felt her heart flutter a bit.
What.. was this? He was handsome, sleek, but massive. He wore whatever he was at work with, still in dirty boots, messy hair peaking out of a backwards baseball cap.
He was right there. He was very close. She took a small breath to steady her nerves before turning to him.
"Um...hi...!" She started nervously. You're such a goddamn loser, Sena, she thought.
He looked over at her, his eyes seemingly intense at first, before softening. Dazzling green. “Uh.. hey.” He said.
She lost her nerve instantly and looked away, those big enchanting blue eyes scared before forcing to meet his again.
"Um...I'm kinda new here..." Liar. "I came from the rez a few miles out for school..."
“Oh, uh.. yeah this is my first time here too..” he said. “Never usually one for crowds..” he said, laughing softly.
He offered his, comparatively larger hand, in return. “Theo.. Well, Theodore, but everyone calls me Theo..” he said.
There was a spark - a small one - but she felt it when he took her hand. She blushed and carefully took her hand away.
"I like it.."
"Aw, thanks," she said bashfully, "my dad says it means 'to bring heaven to earth' or something." She gave a small laugh and looked back at her drink.
After some more small talk, a slower song came on. He cleared his throat. “I’m.. not the best but.. you wanna dance?”
He nodded and held her close as they danced. He had no clue who she was really, but he was enjoying himself immensely.
She had this odd aire of mystery around her. He had never seen a cow like her before; petite and filled out with toasted marshmallow hide and cotton candy pink hair. And those eyes.
She looked down at their feet from time to time, making sure her hooves didn't trample over his toes, but they seemed to do well enough. She fit so nice against him.
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