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Mx Female Cravings that need stories!


May 19, 2022
Unlike my usual request threads (which you can find here for my basic requirements and f-list) which have fully planned out plots and characters ready to go, I thought I’d try something different.

I’m going to scrape together all my current cravings that aren’t quite fleshed out enough to be there own plot, and see what they inspire in you! Maybe you think they’d fit into a plot you’ve been craving? Or spark a new idea? Pick one or many, mix and match, whatever you’d like.

Besides my f-list the only thing I’ll say is when it comes to settings, my order of preference seems to be medieval fantasy first, then futuristic, then modern. I’ll do all three, I just tend to find some settings more engaging than others.

Oh, and no pure smut! I need story too, otherwise I get bored. I’ll say this again because people aren’t actually reading it. NO PURE SMUT. These cravings are supposed to be the little bit of spice that we add to the story, not upturning the whole thing of cayenne pepper into our open mouths. :)

Now, onto the cravings!

Ultra religious/non believer
I’m talking oppressive, burka wearing, nun level of religious. Not just your everyday PTA mom with a crucifix necklace kinda deal. Could be a real religion, a fake one you’ve made up, a cult, whatever.

Motherly woman

I find few people are interested in playing a mom that’s, you know, actually like a mom and not some MILF porn star. My character could be younger, the same age, I’m flexible.

“I’m TECHNICALLY still a virgin!”

For some reason, I like the idea of playing opposite a girl who is obsessed with keeping her vaginal virginity, but everything else… well, the that doesn’t REALLY count. :)

Forced to put aside our differences

Your character and mine are on opposite sides of some serious conflict, usually, they’d kill one another on sight, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and if that enemy poses a bigger threat to us both than each other? We can kill each other later.

Cultural Differences

Our characters are from completely different cultures. Different race, maybe even alien to one another. Yet we are peacefully trying to understand one another.

Beauty and the Beast

A classic! I can play beauty (or in this case, handsome) or the beast! Just keep my f-list in mind and we should be good.

Badass woman/Her only friend

Just because I’m a guy doesn’t mean I have to always be the toughest one! Maybe my character has emotional strength… that counts too, right?

Melting a frozen heart

Your character is evil, no two ways about it. Maybe it was her upbringing, maybe she was just born that way. Either way, for some reason they take a liking to my character, and my character gradually changes their perspective.

“I’m the boss!… master…”

Your character is in charge, always in control… no one would ever suspect they are submissive in the bedroom.

Horny teen/older man

When an older guy comes on to a young girl it’s creepy, but a younger girl coming on to an older guy? Testing his self control despite knowing it’s wrong?… yeah, it’s a double standard, sue me.

Adventure awaits!

I’ve GMed free form games where my partner has left a trail of broken hearts and drained balls behind her, but I’ve never gotten to be the player. My character can’t stop his journey and settle down, his quest is far too important! Maybe some of the girls he meets travel with him for a while, but if so, they aren’t expecting a monogamous relationship.

You’re a superhero?!?!

Similar to my Wonder Woman plot, but a LOT more flexible. It’s hard having a romantic relationship when you also have a famous alter ego, protecting the innocent and balancing a dating life can be tricky. And when he finds out who you REALLY are, well… it complicates things.

Fine with cannon or original characters for this one.

Non-traumatic rape

Me and rape don't usually get along, the occasional scene with a villain? Fine, but not my main character. Too depressing. But then I thought, what if we were in a setting where rape is not the horrendous life changing event that it is, and is more of an inconvenience… treated as the same severity as someone egging your house. "Well fuck, it's going to take at least an hour to clean this up! Damn teenagers!" Annoying, but not emotionally devastating. Then, I might be able to get into it! This one is my most iffy one though, it's new ground for me, so it might not work out… I'm willing to try though!

And that’s all! Hope you found something you like, and if not, good luck on your continuing search!
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