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Mx Female Fandom Fun!


May 19, 2022
I tend to like to keep things short and sweet since you're going to be searching through a lot of these looking for "the one", so let's get down to business?

I'm looking for someone who can reply once a day on average or more. My responses tend to be in the 300-900+ word range but can be longer when necessary, no one liners please. If you ghost, don't bother messaging me.

Here is my f list: F-list - Warning

Harry Potter

This would take place after Voldemort's death, which leads to the pure blood movement becoming emboldened rather than squashed.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione end up on the run together, living out of an enchanted tent in the forest as things go to hell in the wizarding world.

We'd start a few months in, and by now both of the boys are frustrated, tired of running, and feeling like the whole world is against them. Hermione, sensing Harry's stress, tries to help him relax any way she can… which leads to them having sex. After being confined together so long under such stress, it was bound to happen eventually.

Thing is, Ron is stressed too, and Hermione wants to help him… and seeing how much she was able to help Harry… well…

This would lead to a bit of an awkward love triangle of sorts. The boys basically fighting over her affections, and eventually learning to share her, all along the backdrop of fighting a war against the pure blood government.

I play a Slytherin student who is extremely gifted at potions, but struggling in his other classes. Hermione is assigned to tutor my character, and the two start to fall for one another soon after.

Unfortunately, a pure blood political movement has been gaining support, and after our characters relationship has been cemented, they decide to go on the run together.

This would eventually lead to our characters taking in the Nazi like new government, fighting back against the oppressors with their considerable wits and ingenuity.

Thinking this would be in an AU world where Harry didn't exist, meaning Hermione never made friends with Ron and their relationship never sparked.

It's the final year at Hogwarts for Hermione Granger, and there's a bit of a new twist to the house points system. Now, instead of individuals earning house points for their respective houses, they gain them for themselves! And can use them to gain all sorts of perks in the school, as well as trade them with other students.

Hermione is intrigued by this idea at first, however it isn't long until it's discovered other students are exchanging house points for *gasp*, sexual favours!

Hermione is determined to put a stop to the practice, but she can't get proof for the professors…. Which leads her with no choice but to band together with a few of her friends in an attempt to earn more house points than anyone else, and use them to put the exchange of house points to an end entirely! Although, that's easier said than done… and it isn't long till the girls are resorting to the very efforts they are looking to put a stop to in order to succeed!

I would basically be GMing you playing Hermione and possibly a few other young girls of your choosing through this scenario. Although I'd prefer it if Hermione remained the main focus. I'd also prefer a slow corruption, with her beginning to like being used by the other boys.

Mass Effect

Whats the one rule on Omega? Don’t fuck with Aria. She’s the badass bitch in charge of Omega, and nothing gets done in Omega without her nod of approval.

Now, we could play this as her just getting started in Omega and her rise to power, or maybe we can have her already established and facing a new enemy?

I’d play an OC, either human, Turian, Drell, or even Krogan, whatever you prefer. Maybe my character is new in town, or maybe he’s an established entity on Omega already. Pretty flexible with this, all that matters is Aria needs his help, and as they start working together things get… intimate.

Open to also playing human or Drell if you prefer, the main thing would be the focus on the relationship between our two characters. Something about not being able to touch and having to work around that in a romantic relationship intrigues me… although eventually we’ll have them able to undress and be with each other.

Very open plot wise. Could be adventure, could be more slice of life, who knows. :)

Teen Titans

This one’s a long shot, but what can I say? I have a thing for Raven. :) Willing to play anyone/everyone else on the team opposite her, and open to brainstorming.


A bit of an unlikely pair, but I think they can work. I’d be leaning into more comic Wade than movie Wade, so a little more trauma, a lot more insecure about his looks.

Anyways, I figure in this little story Rogue goes out on call to fight a disturbance, only to find said disturbance is Deadpool with a rocket launcher. He’s not alone though, he’s fighting off a giant robot. In the heat of battle the clothes on his arm are blown off, and he just so happens to touch Rogues hand… and nothing happens… apparently, being made up of mostly scar tissue has its advantages. Namely, he is immune to her abilities (although we can still have her absorb his healing powers if you’d like).

Of course Rogue would be interested in exploring this. Someone she can actually touch? She can’t pass that up! This would of course not go over well with her fellow x-men, and even less so with Wolverine.

We can have this start off as either more of a slow burn, or more slutty, your choice. I figure Wade would be reluctant at first, but not immune to her charms. I’d personally prefer the X-Men Evolutions version of Rogue, but I’m not opposed to another version.

Avatar: The last air bender

Basically this would be our own playthrough of the series, with everyone aged up appropriately. I see it being a kinda harem situation honestly, with none of the girls being too possessive. That said this wouldn’t just be casual fucking (although we can certainly have some of that too if it fits the character), as I like the idea of Aang building a relationship with the different girls.

Hey, maybe we can have Azula sent after him instead of Zuko? Let her get in on the fun.

Both OCs in this one. Your character would be the Avatar, in an alternate universe where there has been a genocide against benders, with your last incarnation being locked in a cage their entire life. You are reborn now, free in a world without benders… and with no one to teach you. That is until you meet my character, who while not a bender themselves, has practiced all the bending forms as a kind of martial arts. His people think the genocide against benders was a mistake, and so when he discovers what she is, offers to help train her in mastering the elements!

DC Comics

I like the idea of Harley having gotten over the Joker, and having recently been released from Arkham as a fully rehabilitated member of society… although life isn’t exactly easy for a former super villain, and not many people are willing to give her a chance. She ends up a waitress in a crappy diner, living in a crappy apartment, living a crappy life…

That is, until Nightwing tracks her down. Seems there is a new villain in town that’s causing trouble, and turning up leads has been difficult. That said, the new bad guy uses contraptions similar in design to The Jokers, leading Nightwing to track Harley down and “convince” her (through blackmail) to put on her old outfit again so he can go undercover as her muscle.

Together they try to track down the new villain by getting into contact with Jokers old suppliers and questioning other bad guys… this leads to a bit of a spark between our two characters, and soon Harley is taking a liking to being one of the good guys…

Alright, like the tag says, I’m willing to play this with either Wonder Woman, or your OC inspired by Wonder Woman. What do I mean by “inspired by”? Glad you asked! If you aren’t playing an OC, skip to the “XXXX” for what applies to you.

Your OC should have Wonder Woman’s general power set. Strength, speed, the works. You wanna add something you think would be cool/fun? We can talk it over. So long as you can have it make sense in her backstory and not totally break the game, I’m probably cool with it.

Strong personality is a must, confidence, willpower, principles. She can of course have insecurities and issues, she’s still a person after all. She shouldn’t however be a timid wallflower type.

She is a BIG name in The Justice League and in the world at large. You will basically be taking Wonder Woman’s spot in our AU. She’s one of the original members of The League, she’s world famous, she has faced off against the strongest beings in the universe and WON. Not a newbie hero just moving up to the big leagues or just starting out. Think “larger than life”.

And that’s it! Everything else is optional. Name, appearance, birthplace, culture, go nuts!

Now, onto the actual plot! I will be using Wonder Woman as the default when outlining the story, but I’m talking about whatever character you choose to play, just swap her name out with your characters and we’re good to go!


There are just a few things I’d like to go over before we get started. As far as Wonder Woman’s sexuality is concerned, I’m almost totally leaving that up to your interpretation. She could be straight, she could be bi, whatever you want so long as she’s attracted to my male character. In the bedroom, is she submissive/switch/dominant/something else entirely? Totally up to you. I will say however that my character isn’t interested in being dominated. He’s not going to crawl on the floor, lick her boot and then get pegged… That said, totally fine with assertiveness in general. My characters are usually fairly dominant, but I’m flexible on that and how exactly that manifests.

Alright, now to the actual plot!

We start our story well into Wonder Woman’s career. She is no longer confused or mystified by the magical moving staircase at the mall, she has adapted to human society for the most part, not much surprises her.

One day, she’s out doing her usual hero thing, and responds to a minor crisis (by her standards). There is a skyscraper on fire! The blaze has spread rapidly, and although the firemen have evacuated the lower floors, they can’t reach the people stuck in the top of the building! Luckily, Wonder Woman is here to save the day! She has to hurry, as the fire is spreading upwards rapidly. It’s going to be a close call, but she’s determined to get everyone out alive.

Thankfully, the people trapped have grouped together on the top floor and, under the leadership of my character, broken a large glass window. All she has to do is fly up, grab two people, get them to the ground, and repeat until everyone is safe. Smoke is filling the room and people are panicking, but thankfully they aren’t swarming her and making her job more difficult… in fact, they seem surprisingly orderly for people fearing for their lives.

She grabs the kids first, naturally, but when she returns and holds out her hand to my character, he instead pulls someone else from the group forward to take his place. He does this again, and again, and again, keeping everyone orderly so she doesn’t get overrun and end up dropping someone. The smoke is growing thick, and the fire is burning hot, compromising the buildings structure. There’s a chance she might not save everyone, and the people inside know they are running out of time.

Finally, the man passes her the last two people besides himself. “If I don’t make it, it’s okay.” Is the only thing he says before she departs, not wanting her to feel guilty if she can’t save him in time. As she’s flying back up some of the floors start to collapse. She grabs the last man just before the ceiling caves in, if she had been a few seconds slower, he would have been killed.

She carries the last man to the ground, safe and sound. People are cheering her, the media are taking pictures, she’s a hero! However, Wonder Woman is far more impressed by the heroic actions of the last man she saved. He had no powers, and yet he put his life on the line repeatedly to save others, putting their lives above his own. She’s intrigued, and offers to take the man out for a drink, to reward him for his bravery. Not now of course, in her superhero outfit she attracts far too much attention. She tells him the address of a bar and gives him a time to meet her there… little does she know, their little celebratory drink is going to turn into their first date.

And that’s the setup! Where do we go from here? Who knows! The story is supposed to be a bit of a character study, getting a look at what it’s really like to be a hero in between saving citizens and defending the earth. She’s one of the worlds biggest celebrities, has to deal with the pressure of probably the most dangerous job on the planet, and dealing with the fact that she can’t always save everyone. She tries to be a regular person at times, but that’s difficult with your face plastered on the front page of some news paper (or worse, gossip rag) every week.

Besides the difficulties that come with being one of the most famous superhero’s on earth, we’d also explore what it would be like for her to try and date a normal guy… how do they go on dates with her living such a hectic life, always in the public eye? When it becomes public she’s dating this guy, how does he handle suddenly becoming famous? Her friends are mostly a bunch of other superheroes, how does he get along with them? Maybe he feels he doesn’t measure up to the other incredible guys she knows… she dated Superman for Christs sake! How do you compete with that?

And of course there will be plenty of romantic moments too, and some sexy times. I think there’s a lot that can be explored here, I just need a partner as interested in it as I am. :)

That’s all for now! Will add more later!
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