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Star Trek: Debt verseXsparklemuffin

Jessica knew her fists stood no chance -- she expected retaliation. And prayed his assault might have led to the blissful release of unconsciousness.

Yet the blow was awful. It forced the air from her lungs and her eyes opened wide. Ribs broke. Jess coughed up blood, and groaned in agony, yet remained conscious... As the painstik came to life her eyes rolled back, she struggled to breathe, and came dangerously close to the edge of passing out. After a few tortured gasps she was back; fresh tears welled in her eyes, her body shook violently! She slowly wrapped her arms around herself, clenching her bruised gut...

Jessica's eyes found her captor's as she convulsed, ever pleading for mercy... She was hurt now, injured inside, and exhausted. She wanted the ordeal to end -- but had a sinking feeling this was only the start.
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