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Need a Title, Need a Hand, NEED HELP!

Archmagos Issac

Sir Ser Issac of Clarke of Chad the II
Apr 6, 2014
The Forge World of Mars
Hey there! I find myself with a problem at the moment: I need a title. I've been mentally developing a plot for some time but nothing is coming out of the wood works for a solid title to put on the story. Today I would like to commission the help of the good people of BMR to potentially help me find a title and finally get some sleep for once haha

The plot in question is set in a sci-fi world where mankind has begun colonizing the stars and terraforming planets. In this setting, this star spanning empire is controlled and ruled by medieval style houses. These houses often controlling as small as a whole moon or whole solar systems. These houses also possess massive mechanized suits of armor that are artifacts that were used to solidify their position as a house. This armor is very costly to build so rather than dedicate lots of resources and time to making new suits, it is customary that when a house knight is defeated in combat, the victorious house earns the armor and adds it to it's ranks. Now in this time, things are relatively at peace. The last major conflict that occurred was centuries ago that occurred during the founding of the houses when these knights were used to enforce their legitimacy. Conflict still occurs but most of the time it can be put down with run of the mill foot soldiers and military or the disputes are settled during tournaments when knights come from across the stars to challenge one another and earn glory. Naturally, rivalries begin to form between these houses and when the time comes that two powerful houses decide it's time for get the picture.

So, any ideas of what I should call this beast?
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