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Over the Horizon (EEE x Tsilvey123) NSFW IMAGES

"Well I figured you would feel more comfortable if you were with something you with someone you know you could talk to. " He turned his attention away from the tree and looked back at her. "I feel like you already trust me more than the other crew and the two other recruits have already built a little friendship so I assumed this was the best course of action" he stepped back over to her before continuing down the trail and continued to look around while keeping the small talk going.

Something color for through some thick bushes caught his eye. "Hmm" he muttered as he stepped off the path once again and began making his way through the thin weeds until he got to the bushes that were blocking him. Reaching out, he gently spread the buses limbs apart to peak through and in the distance was the prettiest flower he had ever seen in his life. "Oh my God.. Come look at this!" He exclaimed as he waved his hand to motion her over as well.

"Look how beautiful this flower is" he said with a smile as he watched her slowly approach through the thin weeds. He led her closer to the buses before allowing her to take a look as well. He wondered if she liked flowers at all but reguardless he was going to show his excitement about them. He couldn't wait to study the leaves and petals
He was very right in the fact that she would be most comfortable with him even though the crew she was fond of and got along with a good rapport Aiden was the only one she got to truly know. They may not be best of friends but they had enough training together to be used to one another. “I I guess it’s pretty obvious that I am an engineer and I’m not used to dealing with people I don’t know why they chose me to be captain I’m still shocked about it but you have so much more potential than I do.” She couldn’t help but praise him considering he could handle the group easier than she ever could. She can handle flying the ship and giving commands but rounding up a crew that would take some practice.

Amelia made sure to stay extremely close to him and even making a point to cling to his arm just because she was nervous about the situation and atmosphere. As much as everything was beautiful she was worried about what could go wrong. When she heard him mother some thing she thought maybe it was a wild animal or something else but he moved over to a pop of color that stood out and she followed behind him peeking over his shoulder. She made sure to keep a bit of distance but when he moved some of the bush out of the way and revealed something quite beautiful she took a step closer as he could see her green eyes glitter with curiosity but she still made sure to keep her distance. She would start making notes in her tablet typing really fast and even snapping a photo.

“It’s beautiful! Be careful even though it’s beautiful what if it’s poisonous?” She would ask softly to make sure and keep your voice only for him. Even though she was a bit scared of it it looks absolutely lovely and she would kneel down to take closer photos of it and he was quite right that she loved flowers she was just a bit leery of them on an alien planet. After taking a good amount of snapshots she would lower her tablet and look up at Aiden. “I’ve never seen anything like this well neither have you but it’s beautiful how did you even spot this?” She really wanted to touch it but not pick it since he didn’t want to disturb the nature but he could tell she was entranced by something so pretty. “Do you like flowers?” She asked curiously while focusing on the flower before looking up at him and he could see how her eyes glimmered with excitement he least found something she was very interested in even if she didn’t say it outright.
"Nonsense, you're Ana amazing captain with one hell of a space record. You're a lot more qualified than you think, trust me. I've met some real doozies in my day and believe me, you have a lot more going on for you than most leaders I've worked under." He smiled at her in hopes she believed his honesty. "Plus, you're an engineer. If that ship were to malfunction, I wouldn't have any idea on where to start with fixing one of them. You've basically built all of those ships with your bare hands. You realize how amazing that is? How amazing you are?" He smiled at her again. Once he heard her question he turned his attention back to the flower and the thick brush between them.

He reached to his side and pulled the machete that clung to his right leg in a holster. "I like all plants. Well besides weeds" he gave a little chuckle and began to jack through the wedy brush so she could get to the large colorful flower. "But there is something about flowers.. as weird as that sounds coming from a guy like me, I like looking at them, learning about them and all other plants. It's.. calming to me in a way, does that make sense?" He looked at her as he stopped hacking at the dead brush since there was enough room to walk through now.

Returning his attention back to the large flower he pulled out some other gear including a little hand held device that held a very sharp needle at the end of a wire. By now he had been inspecting the plant more and more and he began to discover that it wasn't far off from any other plant he's seen. Just much larger obviously. He knelt down towards the base of the flowers giant stem and used his hands to dig up a small portion of its root. He grabbed the device once again but paused a moment. He looked at her and then back at the device and then back to her one last time.

He was so kind and it wouldn’t be hard to notice the blush on her face from the compliments. “I’m just doing my job…that’s all…I’m much better with machine parts than I am with people. I’m shocked i haven’t driven you mad yet…” it was so damn hard for her to take a simple compliment. “I…I’m not amazing. Just antisocial. If aliens were androids I think I could handle them, but here I am worried if I’ll traumatize the crew and you.” Amelia said with a chuckle but he could easily tell she was flustered as she pushed blonde hair behind her ear.

He was a Pro with the machete as he cut through the bush and Amelia made sure to stay close. He couldn’t help but watch his every move and when he went to the plant again he would be careful to pull up roots. “It’s not a bad thing to say. It’s refreshing to hear that men like flowers. I’m not the right person to ask since I rarely date I’m mostly scare any potentials off. Such is the life of an engineer.” She confessed to him without thinking but she figured she probably intimidated most the men on the crew anyways at least for now Aiden was treating her normally. “Is The flower normal or do you think it’ll grow back and try and eat me.” She would try to lighten the mood and joke but who knows who was a human eating plant or at least a predator but she couldn’t be sure even though it was absolutely beautiful flower.
"Honestly, it's usually the other way around. Most women avoid me cause I look mean sometimes, but that's just my face" he told her with a chuckle. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not push over. But I'm not going out trying to start any problems unless involves me or my family" his demeanor changed for a split second. He took his family and friends very seriously. It was all he had in the world and he would protect what's his.

He gave a warm laugh when she asked if the plant would eat her. "I guess we'll find out once we give them a little shot here. Would you like me to teach you?" He joked back as he asked with a smile as he slowly reached over and handed her the device. He then took her hand and slowly led it towards the root. "See the little split in the root?" He pointed it out with his finger. "Just slowly sink it into the root and the plant shouldn't feel a thing and we'll get all the info we need to study back at the ship" he explained with a smile once again taking pride in his job
“Mean? You don’t look mean. I would call you a teddy bear.” Amelia would joke but when she saw him She didn’t see him looking mean at all. “Truth be told I think you look kind. Then again you probably can’t trust my judgment considering I’m just an engineer.” She would tell him try to give him good feedback. when he mentioned about friends and family she nodded and understood his perspective. “Protective bear then.” it was a cute retort but she meant well.

Amelia was still scared of the plant even though it looked harmless but then he offered to teach her she nodded enthusiastically. “If it does it mean you have to deliver the news to the crew.” When she was not serious she was really funny. Or at least she thought so!

When he would instruct her she let him lead but he could feel how shaky her hand was. It was just a plant but it was a living thing. With his help Amelia was able to get that sample as she smiled up at him with a look of relief. “Seeing you out here like this now I understand why they picked you. I can definitely help with the research and I apologize for being a scared cat out here.” She really hoped he wouldn’t hold that against her!
"Well as I said before I changed a good bit so I'm glad you got to see this side of me" he chuckled as he led her through every step slowly and clearly. "Well odds are given the size of the flower I'm probably not getting away quick enough either so I guess we'll both become plant food" he laughed a little as he watched her slowly inject the needle into the root.

The little device began to beep and whir slightly as it began gathering all the data from the flower while making sure not to cause the flower any type of harm. For all he knew they might not be able to hurt them, but why take that chance? "It does make me a little curious. Usually flowers don't get this big. It's usually eaten or destroyed by a creature or something." He explained and decided to take a step back as a precaution.

"So either there are no herbivores or creatures at all on this planet or this plant has one hell of a defense system. So I say we go ahead and gather what we have and not push our luck too much, yeah?" He smiled at her. As long as they didn't actually hurt the plant they should be safe. That's even if it was even dangerous at all
“And here I was thinking you were intimidating. You are actually pretty nice.” Amelia finally confessed. When she first met Aiden she was intimidate by him and thought he was someone she’d have a hard time working with but here he was being kind. The flower was lovely and with Aiden helping with making sure it was harmless her attention was fully on that.

“I wonder how big that flower will get. It’s really pretty. I don’t hear your device saying it’s poisonous or meat eating.” Amelia said with a chuckle.”I won’t pick it but maybe we should see if it’s edible or any other things are…” her idea might be dangerous but she was curious and this was an exploratory mission. “So…let’s take evidence and samples but…we should explore over there. I thought I saw a cave. I mean what if we found sustainable food here. You interested?” She said hoping maybe he’d be into exploring a bit more.
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