Mx Female Adventurer! Ahead lies, heroes, villains and mythical creatures.


Dec 15, 2023

Greetings Traveler. What path will you take?

Here you will find a continually updated compendium of plots I like to keep, all ranging from romantic and salacious stories, to dark and brutal tales.
I am always interested in a good story, and great writers so feel free to reach out.
Please be aware, while I'm happy to write lewd and adult themes in my stories, I would prefer if world-building and story are of significant focus. If you're looking for a quick romp, please say so upfront, but I must emphasize just how much I appreciate a good story. I am a busy person in real life, and am looking for partners who will be satisfied with replies at our leisure and don't mind writing stories over the long term.

I am open to writing through the website here, or on Discord.

Here is a very brief and abbreviated summary of some of my top kinks and limits, details can be discussed privately:
-Kinks: The female climax, differing species, character contrast, size difference, master x slave.
-Limits: Please no hyper themes, overweight/thicc characters, filth/waste themes, or flashy and unnaturally colored furry characters.

Here is a full list of characters that these plots are designed around. Those without links exist, but have not yet been added to this website. Each character has a detailed kink list through the f-list website.
Bismuth, Kraishaw, Jh'Essir, Apparere, Mahg, Calvin, Jake, Hugo, Khumar, Aaron, Rowan, Nero, Dorian, Izrah, Sapps, Torr, Alex, Brophy, Wendigo, Nightmare, Nathan, Jerimiah, Logan Burns(pokemon).
In addition to these characters I also am open to creating new characters or playing one off characters and creatures for short term or cameos in a larger rp.

Dragons, Riders, and Hunters
    • The Rider's Guild:
    The dragon rider's guild is recruiting! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The city's best have arrived to try and make the cut. Even many from far away cities. The dragon's guild is after all one of the most prestigious and well respected academies in the land. It seems you've made it and now its time for you to meet your dragon so you can finally serve your kingdom. However, things may not be as honorable as they seem. Some things your kingdoms asks of you might not sit well with your morals. Perhaps the academy was not as honorable as everyone perceives them to be.

    • Gladiator:
    Prisoner of war, criminal sentenced to death, slave doomed to entertain the masses? Whatever your background may be, you find yourself pitted against fighters and beasts alike. If you can survive, and make a name for yourself, perhaps you can survive the arena and live a comfortable life. That might all seem like wishful thinking when you realize what you're up against next. A dragon (or similar beast). You prepare as best as you might, but this fight might not turn out like anyone expects. The beast just wants its own freedom just as much as you might.

    • The Darkness: (Available in Monstrous Mayhem)
      • (heavy story and complex lore - more details shared privately)
    Many years ago, the world was plunged into darkness. The obscuring clouds were so thick that light no longer make it to the surface of Earth. Crops began to fail but that was the least of the problems for the humans. Creatures, both monstrous and wonderous emerged from deep within the Earth. They began to attack and prey on mankind. The humans began to die off. However, some resourceful humans managed to band together. Great walls were built. They survived on the flesh of these beasts in those dark ages though the future looked bleak. That was until one man, who is now ony remembered as Sol created the first artificial sun. The orb of light, positioned on a tower in the center of the first city offered the first ight in many years and kept the beasts of the darkness away. Crops grew once again, mankind regained its foothold. Some of the less hostile beasts were tamed (like dragons) and the technology was spread to other strongholds through the dark world. Now, a new civilization survives in this changed world. As one of the beast-riders that protects the city, maybe you can discover the mystery of what happened to the world. Maybe you will come to find out some uncomfortable truths.
    • Bestial Diplomacy:
    A dragon menace has been attacking caravans, traders and travelers within your kingdom. As a princess or noblewoman, you could send the army after the beast, perhaps you already have and it has not work. The beast seems intelligent enough to be bargained with. Perhaps you're willing to try a more diplomatic approach with the dragon. Maybe there is something you can offer it. A symbiotic exchange that could both satiate the beast and strengthen your kingdom. Or, maybe you're making a mistake walking into the clutches of such a beast. A ransomed princess could lead to an unstable kingdom.

    • The Beast Market
    Captured, caged, and chained, the more exotic the beast, the bigger the price they will fetch. These creatures are caught, transported and sold in the markets for many reasons. A princess wanting a fancy pet. A general looking to train beasts for war. A wealthy merchant simply looking for a beast of burden who doubles as protection.
    It could be that you're part of the hunting parties that capture and transport these creatures who has grown a soft spot over time. Or an adventurer who has a soft spot for the creatures this industry traffics.
    • The Bounty Hunter:
    Wanted - Bounty Hunters! - Wanted
    -Local dragon menace!-
    -REWARD 100 gold pieces-
    Sightings of a dragon have been seen along the roads from Canondale to Woodsbriar and Haven Port. Beware! It is unknown how many travelers have perished to the dangerous beast. The road is unfit for travel until the beast is dealt with. For any mercenary or adventurer who can return with the head of this dragon will receive a reward of 100 gold pieces from the governor himself. In addition, you will have full rights to all the bounties of this dragon's hoard, all it has stolen, and any profits from the beast's remains upon proof of its death.​

    Accept quest? Certainly you can hunt or trap dangerous game. You're a skilled adventure and bounty hunter after all. Right? This plot is available for Bismuth, Jh'Essir, or Apparere. I'm open to all sorts of outcomes for this story. Your character fails miserably and finds themselves at the mercy of such a beast. What if they don't fail and these creatures find themselves in chains? Are you the type to do what it takes to tame such a creature?

I have an unusual interest in Dragon related content. Usually, I am used to playing the dragon in these plots, though I am always open to reversing these roles if you play sentient beasts.
Recommended Characters: Bismuth, Kraishaw, Jh'Essir, Apparere, Mahg, Calvin, Jake, Hugo, Khumar, Rowan, Dorian.

The Fantasy Adventurer's Guild (coming soon- reach out to learn more)
  • coming soon
  • coming soon

The adventuring duo trope.
Recommended Characters: Bismuth, Kraishaw, Jh'Essir, Apparere, Mahg, Calvin, Jake, Hugo, Khumar, Aaron, Rowan, Nero, Dorian.

Villainous Antics (coming soon- reach out to learn more)
  • coming soon
  • coming soon

Evil and malevolence within. Let's play as the bad guys!
Recommended Characters: Bismuth, Jh'Essir, Apparere, Mahg, Calvin, Aaron, Rowan, Nero, Izrah, Nightmare.

Monstrous Mayhem (coming soon- reach out to learn more)
  • coming soon
  • coming soon

Scary, strange, or unfamiliar, everything inside is very... not-human.
Recommended Characters: Bismuth, Kraishaw, Jh'Essir, Apparere, Mahg, Sapps, Torr, Wendigo, Nightmare.

Sci-fi Odysseus and Space Operas (coming soon- reach out to learn more)
  • coming soon
  • coming soon

Adventuring among the stars? The possibilities as finite as the universe itself.
Recommended Characters: Izrah, Sapps, Torr, Jerimiah.
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