[CS] Bismuth's Fantasyscapes

Character Sheet


Dec 15, 2023

This is a compendium of my developed characters. This is not what I limit myself to playing, but just used as reference for myself and writing partners.
If you like a specific character or feel inspired with ideas, feel free to reach out. You can also take a look at my plot ideas (coming soon) centered around each character.


TLDR: Feral-only chameleon-like dragon ~Cannot breathe fire.


Name: Bismuth
Species: Scaleshifter Dragon
Age: adult
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Scent: Slightly metallic
Eye color: Amber
A bit larger than a horse.
24 hands.
~13 ft long.
~7 ft tall.


This dragon's scale color can vary and change due to his unique ability. However in a very relaxed state, such as sleep or unconsciousness, his scales appear multicolored, refractive and iridescent. Like the mineral bismuth. His scales are typically hard and smooth, like polished rock. However, not only do they change color, but they have the ability to change their shape and texture making this creature and excellent camoflauged ambush hunter. When threatened or wary he often elongates his scales to dangerous points to intimidate his foes. They can be an effective tool if used for fighting but they don't stand up to much abuse. Often times he will elongate two of the scales on the top of his head to appear as horns.
Naturally they are diamond shaped with a ridged/stepped texture.
When in his default state, the scales on the back of his neck, behind his skull and along his tail are usually raised into a ridge of spikes when they aren't mimicking something specific. His tail is also tipped with four rather large scales that drape off its end.

⚠️ RP Spoilers beyond this point ⚠️


Bold, curious, adventurous, and usually good humored. If he knows you...
If he does not, he will be much more reserved. His history is not good with humans and he will be distrusting of them at first. He likes to collect shiny things as well as interfering and useful creatures. There's a reason dragons have maidens of course. His temperament is usually calm and he avoids serious trouble whenever he can due to valuable nature of his scales. He takes pride in a pristine coat of scales. If wronged, or if you steal from him he will at least make an effort to set things right and recover his things, provided the consequences don't seem too high.

Bismuth's Pearl:
This pearl is dark and iridescent, perfectly smooth and round and roughly the size of a lime. This pearl has magical properties. If one is in direct contact with the pearl, it can link the mind of the person with the dragon. One will be able to sense what direction and how far Bismuth is from them. They can also sense Bismuths' physical state such as injuries and hunger. Losing possession of his pearl can make Bismuth very vulnerable, especially if one can figure out how to manipulate the magic in the pearl. Such a pearl is a plot device to allow bonding between a dragon and a rider.
Do you dare enter the dragon's den?​
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Calvin Hansen
Summary: fantasy/modern/scifi, male demon villain


Species: Demon
Gender: Male
Age 743 years
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 195 lbs
Build: Lean and Fit
Hair: Black
Eye color: Golden-Brown

Physical Description
Calvin might look human. In fact he has two distinct abilities, one of which let's him hide his demonic features. Should he show you his true form two black horns sprout from the sides of his head curling over his ears and above his brow. His ears are elongated and pointed. A slender black tail will fall gracefully behind him, its tip looking like a thick barb with a sharp point. A rare few get to see his true form, and if they do, they are probably about to die.

Calvin is a cruel man. It is uncommon that he will show sympathy. His only saving grace might be that he is fair in his treatment to those who do good by him. Give him what he wants and he might reward you. He despises most humans and any other sentient life, considering them lesser creatures that are below him. Ever since his banishment from where he came from, he does whatever pleases him. He is an "immortal" with nothing other than the world to play with as he rides the flow of time to its end, whenever that might be. Because of this, he is careless and acts as if very little matters, at least when it comes to the cares and concerns of any typical man or woman. There are things he cares about, but they change over time. He does not age, and he doesn't know when or he came to be. He only remembers about 700 years in his past before his memory fails him.

Abilities and Weaknesses
Human form:
He must live among men without drawing suspicion. Calvin can shift his demonic features. Effectively concealing them with ease to look perfectly human at will.

Conditional mortality:
Calvin is immortal, but with limits. SPOILER:He can be killed, but one must do it three times, consecutively to put a permanent end to him. His persistent magic will continue to revive him until it is exhausted and dies with him. Even if you shredded him to pieces, the largest piece will always regenerate him to his former self. If you kill Calvin he will remain unconscious for an undetermined amount of time. The magic within will seep from him, tending to any damage. Once his skin knits together, his wounds repair, and he is whole, he will rise again with a wicked headache. Until the headache disappears he only has two lives left. Once killed a third time, his demonic form will no longer be able to regenerate, but if he can rest, his lives will replenish to three.

(Due to his life span, he has experienced A LOT, more than you'd probably care to read.)
Many years ago, a little over 700, he was banished to the Earth (or other worldly location). Where he was from was a mystery to him and his memory of it was blocked. He has a daughter, Diana Morha (ask to see character) who shares a linkage with dragonborn. He has no idea where she is or that she even exists. She shares the same conditional mortality trait.



Izrah Ozo

TLDR: Extraterrestrial Military Engineer - Scifi themes



Natal (extraterrestrial)

Trile (race)
(1 of 3 races, more details at bottom)


••Sexual Orientation••

104 Years (on his planet)
26 Earth Years

6ft 10in
208 cm
(short for his species)

215 lbs

••Eye Color••
Red & White

••Home Planet••

••Birthplace Planet••
Alkamar-B - seventh colony planet of the Natalian empire.
This is arid desert planet (think tatooine).​

〰️Physical Description〰️
About The Natalians (species):
The Natalians are a unified species with one government ruling their home planet and colonies. Their species consists of 93% male, and 7% female. Because of this type of natural selection, the males in their species evolved to look quite attractive. The females were not so, as being female was enough due to their low numbers. They can typically be more aggressive and rule his home planet. Both males and females can shift into 1 of 3 types of feral creatures.

▫️Humanoid Form▫️
Comparatively, Izrah is only averagely attractive compared to others among his species. He has light blue skin that is comfortably smooth, its texture being like soft worn leather. Two short red horns that taper to hardened points, sprouting from a head of fairly messy white hair. He never grooms it and never cuts it as it never gets longer than his shoulders at the most as it sheds once too long. His ears are pointed, turning red and hard at their tips like his horns. His eyes are bright red and white that seem to gleam reflectively in the dark like a cat's. However, unlike a cat's, it does not help him to see in the dark.

▫️Natter Form▫️
The Natal are a race with limited shapeshifting capabilities. Each of the three different races are able to shapeshift into a different form. As a Trike, Izrah can shift into a bipedal creature that runs, stands, and moves like a raptor, with short front arms. They call this specific transformation the Natter. In this form Izrah's body density decreased, but size is increased, resulting in less weight per body mass. Basically, he expands without adding any mass to his form out of nowhere. This enables him to be significantly stronger, run at high speeds and carry large loads similar to a pack animal, which is one reason this species were captured and utilized as slaves. Unfortunately their anatomy doesn't allow him to speak while in this form. Many of their kind prefer remaining in their humanoid forms, Izrah included, but a rare few live in their feral forms.

〰️Possessions and Attire〰️
-rp dependent-

Natalian clothing is specially designed to break away for quick shifting to their feral forms. Usually wears dark colors but has no real preferences about clothing.

Space Suit:

Natalis Military DS-Mantis Patrol Ship NM-443
(refer to image)
The DS-Mantis patrol ship comes complete with twin hydro engine cores. Each one able to power their own complement of weapons. Without the engine cores running, the ship will lose power. The engines run on simple hydrogen and feature two drive types, a slip stream high-efficiency drive for interplanetary and long distance travel, or burn-thrusters for tighter maneuvering, short distances, and combat.
A hydrolyzer makes this ship an efficient machine enabling it to run purely on water by separating it's hydrogen and oxygen components. The hydrogen is utilized by the engine while the oxygen maintains life support aboard the vessel as well as fueling emergency power systems.
The upper deck's main hold is a balcony that looks over the cargo hold.

▫️Primary Weapon▫️
SDF AR Varient #2
(only carries into combat)

▫️Secondary Weapon▫️
Natalian Pulse Pistol
-Stun and kill options
-Fires charged bolts

(keeps it in his boot or on his hip - can be attached to certain weapons as a bayonet)

▫️Translator matrix▫️
(refer to image)
By Future Tech Industries TM. A device that quickly analyzes and begins translating spoken language of alien species. After several phrases the device begins transmitting a highly focused signal into the language center of the brain of whoever has the device in their possession enabling them to understand the foreign language as if it was their own. Nobody should journey into space without one! - This means Izrah understands you, only after his own device has had a few moments to translate your language. But until you have your own device, you cannot understand him. These devices have a 15 meter range and are vulnerable to damage. If you venture too far from it, or it gets damaged it will not function.
This device also acts to transfer credits. Think of it like a debit card. Your credits are stored on it and are uniquely paired with you. So if you ever need a new translator chip, your credits will automatically be available to you when you pair a new device to yourself.

⚠️Roleplay Spoilers Beyond This Point⚠️

Typically a carefree and relaxed opportunist. Izrah often will make light of a serious situation, unintentionally giving off the impression that he does not take anything seriously. He has a bit of a dark side, reflected in his hobby of collecting curious and interesting creatures during his travels. Much of these are non sentient pets, but when he finds himself around lesser civilizations, he has been tempted to collect things that could just push his hobby into something more serious. Despite this, he is a practical and a just individual when dealing with others on a normal basis and tends to seem quite logical.

(can be adjusted to rp)
When he was young, Izrah, was raised with his family in a shipyard, more of a junk yard if you asked anyone that lived in the colony on a planet referred to as Alkamar-B, the second planet that orbited the sun was a thirsty rock of dust with only large oases of stagnant water. He spent most of his youth learning about machinery, technology and engineering only through his experience in helping his family with their quaint business. Many years passed, each for every season on earth. He grew older and began experimenting and tinkering with the technology and 'junk' that was among their shipyard. He became proficient in building things from seemingly worthless materials and repurposing devices and machines.
In his late teen years war broke out among his kind and the Contra. The Contra are a militarized species. They invade worlds, assimilating anything useful to themselves. They also capture other species to use their manpower as slaves in any way to help further their civilization. This technology and gene augmented species began to attack the Natalian's weaker colonies. The colonies were enslaved and many technologies stolen. Before the Contra brought the war to Alkamar-B Izrah was drafted into the war because of a special trait he had that only soldiers could have. Izrah was a "war male" (explained below) and so he was assigned to a ship and served as an engineer.
During his service, Izrah and their crew acquired very sensitive information on the Contra. The contra were building an advanced weapon to end the war between them and the Natalians by destroying the Natalian's homeworld. With this sensitive information, they immediately became a prime target for the Contra. They were now being hunted. In one crucial battle, two of the four crew members were killed and they were nearly destroyed. In a desperate attempt to escape, they used a piece of damaged contra technology to escape the hordes of hunters after them. The damaged drive became useless junk after the jump and Izrah became stranded on the opposite end of the galaxy, along with a few Contra hunters that managed to track him. Further conflicts and battles occurred, killing the last Natalian aboard the ship with Izrah. He was now alone, stranded, and hunted on the opposite end of the galaxy with information that would save his species, but with no way to get it home.

• Troublesome machinery
• Technology
• Weapons
• Coffee
• Exercising in his natter form

• Piloting
• Smoke
• Excessive drinkers
• The Contra


About The Natalians
The Natalians are a unified species with one government ruling their home planet and colonies. Their species consists of 93% male, and 7% female. Because of this, the males in their species evolved to look attractive. The females were not so, as being female was enough. They can typically be more aggressive. Males only have one form to shift into, female forms are (undecided).
Comparatively, Izrah is only averagely attractive compared to others among his species.

War males-
Of all the males born among this race, 1 in 10 are born as war males. It is a genetic trait that changes how the pain centers on his brain operates. While they will suffer just as much agony and sensory torture as any other creature would, their systems react by flooding them with endorphins. The more pain they experience, the more of a pleasurable and drugged effect they gain as their body over compensates for it.
Only males born with this trait are used in military operations away from protection of their space.
This trait often makes many of these warriors gain a blood lust for battle. Often taking on injuries that would incapacitate many species, but they can push on for longer. These males do not often live to reach the usual life expectancy of their species due to the excessive stresses their bodies are put through.
This condition can also affect females, but in this case they are considered Alphas, envied by men and other females alike. Together they rule the Empire of their worlds, but there are some smaller rebellious groups of Natalians that fight these ways.

The Three Races of the Natalian Species
•Except for the rarity, every natalian is a shapeshifter. They only have one form their body is capable of shifting into but depending on the different races, they can change into one of three possible forms:

The Speira
A flying variety. Immagine a pterodactyl, flying reptile.
Fast but weakest.
They call this form the "Scyre".

The Trike
A bipedal variety. Immagine a raptor-like creature, with slightly longer forearms.
Moderately quick, and strong.
They call this form the "Natter".

The Dobel
A quadruped variety. Immagine a small elephant-sized bear.
Slow, but immensely powerful.
They call this form the "Tressle"

Trike - typical size is similar to the Achilobator


(pronounced Jah-eseir)
Summary: Lawful evil giant serpent.


Species: Wyrm / Giant Serpent
Age: adult
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Head to tail: 25 ft (half semi-truck length)
Largest diameter: ~1.5 foot (~2 basketballs)
Head diameter: 16 inches (>2 basketballs

Eye color: Red

Essir Is a cold-blooded albino giant serpent. He lives in warm forests and keeps his territory safe by frightening intruders with his ghostly white scales and piercing red eyes. Those who dare venture into his home will certainly find themselves stalked and hunted by the giant snake. Once in his constricting coils they will not survive if they are indeed a threat to him. This serpent has no venom and uses constriction to hunt and kill his prey, Still, he sports two very sharp and curved fangs like long pointed daggers; they too can quickly end his prey with a precisely directed bite. His sense of smell is exceptional and uses it to hunt. Essir loves the sun, and often warms himself in it, while he prefers to hunt in water where he is not easily seen in murky depths. The cold displeases Essir, though he can tolerate it for some time, too much exposure can make him lethargic and docile before killing him.
Optionally: Essir can have the ability to hypnotize.


Hugo Chauff

TLDR: Fantasy/Steampunk engineer with robotic arm which is fueled by a steady intake of alcoholic drinks!


Gender: Male
Species: Human / Cyborg
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age: 30
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Black, medium
Eye color: Steely blue

Physical Desription
Hugo has short black hair, and sports a short dark moustache and beard which tapers at his chin. Because of his sometimes high-intensity lifestyle he has retained a slim and muscular physique, broad shoulders, and a strong back, thanks to a very special invention of his.
An unfortunate incident in his past left him without an arm, which he replaced with a robotic arm he crafted with the help of an apprentice who hadn't lasted long working under him. He often hides his arm, protecting it from the elements and wandering eyes by wearing long sleeves and gloves. The arm moves silently unless you press your ear to it you can hear its core gently whirring as it burns ethanol. Tied into his nervous system, it reacts to his own movements as if it were his natural arm, only with unnatural strength. Granted that the device still has fuel to burn.

Robotic arm
Pistol (rp dependant)
Infinity Flask (a bottomless hip flask where he can store massive amounts of alcohol, but it can run dry if he doesn't refill it.)
Hunting rifle (rp dependant)

⚠️Roleplay Spoilers Beyond This Point⚠️

Hugo usually has a carefree attitude and lives a nomadic lifestyle while working for clients from town to town. He doesn't give a f*** about most things and is interested mostly in his own pursuits. There are a few things that might drive him, like money, useful materials, good friends, and sometimes alcohol or even women. He can grow to care for others, but won't be open about it with his words.He's usually easy to get along with and his demeanor is fairly pleasant. He enjoys being social and isn't without a sense of humor.
Hugo's choice of work unfortunately, led him to losing his arm in an accident with some very dangerous 'tinkering' as he calls it. This pushed him to build his own prosthetic. His arm is directly linked to him, and is powered by alcohol, which is drawn from his bloodstream. To keep his arm working he must keep a steady supply of alcohol in his blood.

About Hugo's Arm


Usually he can manage to run his arm casually by just keeping himself one or two drinks in. But if he needs more power or wants to use the arm to generate energy for other gadgets he has designed he must increase his alcohol level. Sometimes he over drinks by mistake and a drunk man with an overpowered arm might cause a little trouble...

At first, hangovers and excessive drinking was a problem. It was an obstacle he overcame by creating the perfect alcohol to power his arm. He became a master of brewing his own liquor/ This liquor is special, one that his liver can process with little or no ill effect over time thanks to a special ingredient. It took many years to develop the brew, and cost him quite a bit but he finally designed the perfect recipe.​


Summary: Male Lynx theif/adventurer/musician. Grew up a homeless street urchin.


Gender: Male
Species: Eurasian Lynx - Felpur/Khajiit/Feline
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age: 24
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185
Eye color: Tawny brown

Physical Description
Arron is a naturally colored Eurasian lynx. His main coat is a light hazel brown, with dark spots throughout it. His underbelly coat is a light tan, nearly white. Tufts of dark brown fur tip his ears and additional tufts of fur grow from around his jaw, the back of his neck, chest, elbows and calves. Unlike the typical lynx, Aaron has a longer tail, tipped in dark brown.
When he runs he can run on all fours faster than most bipeds. He also has decent night vision.


He wears just baggy gypsy pants. He finds shirts uncomfortable.
A long knife or sword, his trusty lock picking kit, a mandolin and a sometimes a cross bow.
Owns a cabin in the woods which he built over several years. He uses it as a safe-house while hiding from the law.
Aaron's wealth status fluctuates depending on how well he does in his "profession". Often times he is relatively poor compared to most.

⚠️Roleplay Spoilers Beyond This Point⚠️


Typically kind, laid back. This cat, who seems to answer to no one but himself, has no qualms about stealing and doing whatever he needs to to survive in the tough streets. Despite that, he is greatly indebted to people who you definitely don't want to be owing any money to. Dodging the law and dodging his debtors, this crafty feline is a nomad always on the move and looking to make a bit of coin wherever he can.

A homeless orphan. When Aaron was very young his parents abandoned him. He was forced to grow up, homeless on the streets. In order to survive and provide for his needs he stole anything he could get his paws on. By no means was he a good thief in his younger years. He has been caught several times throughout his life, which resulted in beatings, imprisonment, and more than once it almost cost him his life. Throughout his years Aaron's skills at thievery improved and he has been able to plan and successfully execute more complicated heists that earned him better rewards. Eventually, Aaron finally was able to steal enough wealth for himself that he was able to break free of his poverty. That, and the debtors who he now owes money or favors to. He went on to learn the art of combat, excelling in swords, pole arms and crossbows, but has become trapped in a life of theivery. It is what he is good at, and he has clients who call in their favors from time to time.

Jake Athenn

Quick Summary: Male Human Swordsman Adventurer, limited magic ability.


Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age (can vary): 23
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180
Eye color: Green

Physical Description
Jake, a young man in his prime, has short black hair, a smoothly cut face and sharp features. He typically wears no facial hair if he can help it but it does come in black and there is often some shadow visible. He typically wears buttoned shirts and easy pants when he dressed casually. Light leather armor when dressing for combat.


⚠️Roleplay Spoilers Beyond This Point⚠️

Depending on who is is with and his relationship to the person he acts different. In general, when he is relaxed and when all is well he has a carefree attitude. He has a more lone-wolf mentality which is why he fell into the roll of a scout when he was forced to joined the kings army. Secretly though he would love to have someone on his side. Someone he could rely on. He lives now as a mercenary in a strange land, after deserting the king's army back home where there is a bounty for derserters.

Jake grew up as the son of a smithy. He was no stranger around swords and other tools of warfare. However his father's blacksmithing business went under after the town he lived in, at the edge of the kingdom, was raided and taken over. His family fled inland with many others but they had very little to their name. However, the kingdom was paying well for new soldiers. He was forced the take the King's coin if he was to survive the abrupt change in his life. Eventually he was appointed to be a scout for the army. He served for a couple years before he and his fellow soldiers began to receive orders to do things Jake could not morally accept, and so he became a deserter, hoping to find better in life.

Unique traits, abilities and skills.
-Minor skills in magic. When he was younger he discovered and made friends with a sorcerer and learned a few tricks. But for his protection he keeps these abilities secret. He is capable of simple things, better suited for parlor tricks.
-Excels in archery. Is descent with swords but prefers two handed weapons if he fights melee.
-Excellent cook.
-Survivalist, he was trained about edible and medicinal plants surviving with little to nothing.​


Summary: Dog-sized feral water wyvern - adventurer/familiar


Species: Wyvern, hybrid water breed
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Scent: Faintly oceanic
Size: Roughly equivalent giant dog breed. (great dane size)

Apparere's scales are black along his back and sides, some of them hinting at a dark navy blue tone with a slate grey underbelly. Vibrant blue feathers sprout from the back of his neck. They match his claws and the flesh on the inside of his mouth. His wings are grey on the underside and black on the top.
Bioluminescence! The inside of Appa's throat glows softly fading slowly as it nears his teeth to yeild to dark blue flesh. His tongue however easily lights up the inside of his mouth. A few other other parts of him might share this trait.
Eye color: Grey-blue
Scale color: Black and navy blue. Light grey underbelly.
Other Features: Vivid blue patterned feathers sprouting from his neck and back that follow along his spine. Two horns.

More on the wild side, this feisty little dragonling will keep your hands full. He is more curious than anything, though he can become loyal to those who spend the time to earn this creature's trust. Territorial towards other males, he will fiercely protects his horde, if he has one. He is certainly an opportunist and will try to take something he wants.

Perhaps a meager bit of treasure in his den.

Fast swimmer. Can hold his breath for nearly an hour. Quite good at climbing trees. He does not excel in flight. In good flying conditions he has no problem. He is of a more aquatic breed, designed for swimming and running.
Vapor breath: He can condense his breath and blow a small puff of vapor. Its harmless.


Khumar Gingie

TLDR: A primitive elven prince who has lost his people. Lives as a hermit in the wilds. Capable of nature magic.

Gender: Male
Species: Painted Elf
This sub-race resides in painted deserts and petrified forests, preferring a druidic lifestyle.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age: 42 (appears about 25)
Typical Lifespan: ~200 Years
Height: 6'6'' - 198 cm
Weight: ~195 lbs
Hair color: Deep brown
Skin color: Dark-toned
Eye color: Green


Physical Description
Khumar is a Painted Elf. He lives a more primal and druidic lifestyle. He has smooth, dark, and fine skin that doesn't easily take to scarring despite its delicate looking nature. His face is slim and angular, his features often partially hidden by his long dark brown hair. Sometimes he will tie his hair back or in a braid to keep it out of the way. The only real non-human feature Khumar possesses are his pointed ears, anything such as horns or spikes are purely decorative. All his clothes, except for jewelry, are made from animal furs, or other natural materials like leather, or wool especially when he deals with colder situations.

⚠️Roleplay Spoilers Beyond This Point⚠️
Khumar is a friendly person. He welcomes anyone with good intentions to his home and will accommodate them as a welcome guest. Khumar love nature, and will help it flourish wherever he resides. Animals, plants, and anything that grows he will help and preserve within the sphere of his influence. He lives a subsistence lifestyle off of the land and uses the resources it provides him to make a living among normal society, whenever he happens to get around to traveling into town.
Professions and Skills:
There was a time when Khumar was a prince among his large village. He was trained in their ways of royalty, etiquette and behavior but never took it seriously at the time.

A new profession he picked up after the destruction of his people and their society. He found himself alone and used what he could with his nature magic to help the natural creatures of his ecosystems to breed and flourish. He survived by starting with horses, after taming several wild ones of his own he eventually turned a profit trading and selling the animals. He has since delved into the breeding and raising of other creatures, if the opportunities present themselves.

Potions master
He has been trained in the arts of making various potions, poisons, and elixirs.

Minor Nature Magic
Can affect nature in subtle ways, mostly harmless and inert. Using this magic is very taxing for him and not really worth the energy expended for what little it can accomplish. He also has the ability to communicate with most animals, granted that they are intelligent enough to understand his intentions, instructions, and mental imagery which he can pass along through his abilities.

(can be adjusted to rp)
At a young age, Khumar was born into the royal line of his villages. His family ruled over their small society of villages scattered through the wilds. For many years life went on for their people, living in relative peace with neighboring nations. They had no interest in war, or expansion and kept to themselves more as a culture of traders.
Eventually, soldiers and slavers came to conquer their villages. They put up a brave fight but were vastly outnumbered and their people were not seasoned in the arts of war. Human's came down upon their small, less advanced civilization, enslaving and scattering their kind across the land as Khumar and his people all fled the invaders. It has now been many years since Khumar has met any of his kind. He lives alone now, a fair distance from most towns and cities living off the land. He has since devoted his energy to saving, raising, and helping the much hunted magical creatures of the land, in an effort to slow or stop their path towards extinction by hunters and poachers.​
Dorian Aldric

Nero T'jiel

TLDR: A kobold fire shaman (explosive crafter)​


Species: Kobold
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age: 29
Height: 3.5 ft - 106 cm
Weight: 89 lbs - 40.37 Kg
Eye color: Yellow

Physical Description
A reptilian Kobold who lives a primitive lifestyle and often appearing in tribal attire. His hide is a greyish-purple color and marked by several burn scars in various places on his arms and chest. He is surprisingly strong considering his small size, however, he's not so strong that he can overpower most adult humans unless he gets lucky somehow. Usually he can put up a good fight in any case and has an impressive endurance as many reptiles do. His tail is strong, and can give a good wallop if he happens to feel the need to strike with it. Two horns stick from his head, his hands sport claws as do his feet making him an excellent runner and climber. He is athletic, young, and in his prime.


Nero typically wears decorative clothes, bones for armor, with paint and feathers to add some flare.
Sometimes this kobold can be seen pulling a hand drawn wagon full of materials of his trade. Explosives and black powder!
A dagger.
Whenever possible he usually keeps three ways to start fire on hand in creative ways. He is a fire-shaman after all.

⚠️Roleplay Spoilers Beyond This Point⚠️

He is a brazen individual. He often wears his mind on his sleeve and has considerable energy, but that can change, when he faces exposure to cold environments.

(can be adjusted to rp)
He was raised in a Kobold tribe. He was lucky to learn from a friendly traveler a special skill that gave him a special place in his own tribe. The traveler, a alchemist he called himself, taught Nero here how to craft black powder. He also learned from those in his tribe, along with things ever kobold learned, such as fighting, the love for wealth and the dragon gods that should he ever encounter in these lands, he was to serve.

During his days working with black powder he began to experiment with new things and invented many things from fireworks to bombs that could blow holes in the walls of a city. At least, thankfully, the last one was only a concept that the kobold had yet to test. Always on the hunt for ingredients to make his magic powder, Nero often travels, with protection if he can find it.



Dorian Aldric

TLDR: Human Alchemist/potion master.


Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age: 32
6'2'' - 198 cm
Weight: ~190 lbs
Hair color: Jet Black
Eye color: Hazel

Physical Description:
Dorian Aldric is in his early 30s, possessing distinct features. He has long, jet-black hair that cascades down his back, often adorned with a few braids to prevent it from obscuring his face during his work. With a clean-shaven face, his sharp features and intense, observant eyes are the focus of attention. His arms and shoulders are adorned with intricate tattoos, symbolizing his mastery in alchemy and ancient magical sigils. He prefers simple, practical clothing suitable for his alchemical experiments and wears a couple of bracelets, one of which holds a tiny vial containing a mysterious potion, a testament to his curiosity and constant experimentation.

Personality Traits:
Dorian possesses an outgoing demeanor, enjoying engaging in conversations and displaying a natural curiosity. He has an opportunistic side, always on the lookout for ways to expand his knowledge. His sharp wit, observant nature, and adaptability enable him to connect with others and navigate diverse situations. Despite his lack of notable success in creating groundbreaking discoveries, Dorian remains passionate about discovering new ingredients and experimenting with alchemy.

Skills and Interests:
Dorian has devoted himself to mastering the art of alchemy, despite not achieving remarkable breakthroughs. He constantly experiments with various ingredients, seeking rare components and harnessing their properties to create unique potions. While he hasn't made groundbreaking discoveries, his dedication and passion for exploring the realms of alchemy drive him to continue his quest for new knowledge.


Dorian Aldric's fascination with magic began in his childhood when he witnessed an awe-inspiring display of elven magic. Lacking natural talent for magic himself, he embarked on a relentless quest to experiment with and utilize magic. This journey led him to discover an ancient alchemical tome hidden within his family's extensive library. Despite his lack of significant success, Dorian remains dedicated to alchemy. He spent a substantial portion of his family's inheritance to acquire rare tomes, procure unique ingredients, and seek guidance from experts across the realm. Now, as a skilled potions master, Dorian sustains himself by supplying apothecaries and potion shops with his unique creations, all while continuing his search for groundbreaking alchemical discoveries.​


TLDR: Crow-gryphon with odd magic abilities. (may be a tad OP)


Species: Gryphon
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Scent: Ozone
Size: Slightly smaller than a horse.

Physical Description:
Kraishaw resembles a crow, in his bird like features. He keeps his feathers clean and pristine, taking pride in his appearance. He does not weight nearly as much as he appears he might. Much of his mass is deceiving, due to his downy layer of feathers beneath the dark feathers on top. This gryphon's thick coat give him the ability to keep dry and live in cold climates. His beak is sturdy and strong, and more dangerous that it already appears it might be. (read traits). The gryphon's feathers lighten and fade giving way to equally lush and thick fur that lines his feline-like hind quarters. The tail that trails out behind him is tipped with a tuft of fur. To anyone with a keen eye for magic, they might realize that there is power in the tuft of fur on the end of his tail. His forelegs are bare of feathers, rather they are scaly and shaped like bird talons.


⚠️ RP Spoilers beyond this point ⚠️

Typically he is very calm, quiet, and reserved, often times making him come across somewhat introverted. In reality, that may be partially true, though he is a thrill seeker and enjoys testing his limits and taking some impulsive chances. He is the type that will indulge curiosity unless it becomes a serious threat to him. Especially when it comes to his tail. He is highly protective of the tuft of fur on its end, knowing some of the powers the hairs contain.

A gold earring given to him by a kind dragon, long ago.

He has two magical talents.​
  • His indestructible, sharp claws and beak can shred through almost any material easily doing serious damage. He can often hurt someone by accident with them if he is not careful. It has taught him to be graceful and precise.​
  • The small tuft of fur on the end of his tail has magical properties. Only two unique properties have been discovered by himself regarding the fur. If someone obtains even one strand of the hair they can influence him. They will have the power to direct and order him and he will be unable to refuse. But the power will only last about a day before the hair becomes ordinary and powerless. A wise person would simply use their power to obtain new strands of hair before the previous one lost its power. Secondly, he uses the strands of hair for healing. If he or someone else has a wound he will pluck a single hair, lay it in the wound to help and significantly reduce the damage done.​

Rowan Blackthorn

(TLDR: Lawful Evil sailor and smuggler. -more updates as the character develops-)
Age: 30

Sturdy, muscular build with weathered skin and short, dark hair. Sharp, intense eyes that reflect his cunning nature.

Lawful evil and opportunistic, Rowan is familiar with hard work and a less fortunate lifestyle. Driven by ambition and self-interest Rowan wishes to escape the grind of hard work and finally earn himself a respectable living that will allow him to enjoy the more decadent parts of life he always dreamt of. Rowan's moral compass is loose and he will not lose an opportunity just because it is the right thing to do. He's always looking out for himself as he had never had anyone he would stick his neck out for. Perhaps that could change.

Rowan Blackthorn began his journey as a sailor, enduring the harsh conditions of the sea under various captains. Through hard work and astute decision-making, he earned enough wealth to acquire his own ship and became a small-time trader. Known for smuggling contraband and operating in black markets, Rowan is indebted to wealthy individuals who helped him start his business. He is motivated to repay his debts, seeking financial independence and control over his own life.


Reputation: While Rowan's reputation as a smuggler is still growing, those who have worked with him commend his professionalism and the quality of his work. His reputation as a reliable and skilled smuggler attracts more business opportunities, allowing his operation to expand.

As a lawful evil character, Rowan's journey involves navigating the world of smuggling, dangerous exploits at sea, and treacherous missions inland. His primary focus is paying off his debts and achieving financial independence and wealth.

(Ship Interior)
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