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Handling a Rude Response.


Sometimes it's funnier to stand on business and return that same energy back twice as hard... and other times, its funnier to not say anything and keep it pushing lmao. Just do the funniest thing you can and don't take it personal.
I like your suggestion.
Depends on what you mean by a rude response, as there are a LOT of ways once can do that.

So, I will speak generally. The best thing to do is simply roll your eyes and find a new partner if they are a new writer to you, but if it's a long time friend at least try and find out wtf is up. If you care for and value that person you should not allow them to treat you that way, but life can be hard on people so I would at least tell them off and demand to know what crawled up their butt.

Generally though I just ignore and move on from rude people on here. Not worth my time, or yours.
You are absolutely right. None of these have been people I have known for awhile. Just randos mainly
Then yeah just ignore it and find a new partner. It's not worth it to keep on trying with people you don't get along with online.
I have been on a site where a lot of people are massive jerks, how i handled it?

I used my sarcasm to them and i never let them know about it, somehow, that calmed them down.

It’s like how they realized how i am not their little tool, so they turned to others who might fit that role.

I could ignore, heh, no, couldn’t, they could be a problem to everyone else, so i had to put them at their places.

It was satisfying.
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