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I have a barebones ASOIAF prompt, halp.


Apr 18, 2020
Hello! Not too much to say here beyond; I have a prompt for ASOIAF which I intend to rp, but it is at the moment, four words: "Jon has a dragon." It can be extended to the mammoth: "Jon has a dragon and is told the truth about who he is by Ned." However beyond either of those, I've got no clue in the slightest how to build on it as I've never done a slow burn which this very well might be.
So. When does he get the dragon. Who is alive. Who is dead. Who is fighting for the throne. Is Robert alive. Does Jon know about Night King. Where he got the dragon.
I was thinking of pulling inspiration from a few fics, where Jon has been raised by Ned, but at his birth, he had an egg which hatched. That dragon was hidden beyond the Wall, so Robert is on the throne. Or perhaps Jon finds the egg at the Wall, and Aemon gives him Dark Sister too.

As for pairings, well I am open to suggestions. I've seen enough that a number of ASOIAF girls appeal. Maybe when collecting his dragon, he runs into Ygritte, or he goes to Dany, or hell, has a harem. I am pretty open here. Either way, I have ideas for small details, he speaks to Aemon at the Wall, he gets Dark Sister. I'm going with that one because its twin is in a fucking basement in Pentos. Fuck you Illiryo
So the prompt is up on my RT, but I've got no clue what it could work as. I kind of feel like it might be best if someone was a DM, but that's not exactly in my wheelhouse.
Welp, I am also making this a fic. However I will admit I am likely sorely lacking in know how on ASOIAF. Who could Ned talk to, to prepare for when Jon grows up and wanders off to the Wall to get to know his dragon? I'm tempted to say the Martell brothers, Olenna Tyrell, and probably Randyll Tarly, the Velaryons, and Celtigars, but beyond that I'm a tad stumped.
You did not list him, did you? Maesters make far more sense standing outside the politics, at least nominally.
Fair but I'm also in the camp of not entirely trusting the Order of Maesters with anything Targaryen or Dragon related. Plus Thorne was apparently a die hard Targaryen Loyalist. So Luwin, Aemon and Thorne are good picks no?
All good points. Aemon meanwhile is at the Wall, able to potentially keep an eye on the dragon with Thorne and potentially Benjen, a living Targaryen able to potentially come to Winterfell to teach Jon, and has Dark Sister squirreled away.
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