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β™‘β€… 𝑝 π‘Ÿ 𝑖 𝑛 𝑐 𝑒 𝑠 𝑠  β™‘
Staff member
Aug 7, 2021



G E M M A   M U R P H Y
F I G H T  F O R  Y O U R  F A I R Y T A L E  [ 31 ]



Z A C H E R Y   B A R L O W E
I  S E E  I T ,  I  L I K E  I T ,  I  W A N T  I T ,  I  C A T C H  I T  [ 34 ]





J A N E   M U R P H Y
I  W A S  N O T  B U I L T  T O  B R E A K  [ 24 ]

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G E M M A   M U R P H Y
F I G H T  F O R  Y O U R  F A I R Y T A L E  [ 31 ]

Gemma and her sister picked up her wedding dress today and it was absolutely stunning. She could hardly wait to see the look on Zach's face when he saw her in it. Perhaps he'll cry when he sees her walking down the aisle? The thought of him getting emotional made her heart ache. She'd never seen him cry before. In fact, she'd rarely seen him sad at all. He was always so collected - solid like a rock. Her rock. He was the love of her life and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with him. And to think that their entire journey started with her trying to sell him a wedding bundle he didn't need. . .

She had been a wedding planner for almost a decade, having watched numerous couples embrace their happily ever afters - even before stumbling upon Zachery. She'd been trying to convince him to go for her deluxe package for at least an hour before he admitted that he was single. One date led to another, and five years later, she was getting the wedding she'd always dreamed of. Her own white wedding. Her own Prince Charming. Her own Happily Ever After. Her life with Zachery had been nothing but a fairytale. Yes, they had their ups and downs - didn't all couples? - but it was nothing they couldn't fix. Their love for each other conquered everything.

Their wedding was only 3 months away and approaching fast. It didn't feel that long ago since they decided on a venue, a menu, decorations, color palettes, the guest list. . . But then again, she still couldn't believe that they'd been together for five years. No one has ever made her happy as Zachary did. She felt safe in his arms. He was her safe haven - her home. She would do anything for him. and she knew he would do anything for her as well. They completed each other. Now, Gemma had never believed in soulmates, but if she did, he would be hers.

She'd been staring at his handsome face for God knows how long. He looked so peaceful, that she almost felt bad for disturbing him.
"Baby," she whispered as she reached out to stroke his chest. "Are you awake?" She leaned in closer, pressing her lips to his shoulder in a long kiss. "You should have seen me in that dress today. It's so fucking gorgeous." She kept her voice low, in case he was asleep.

How did she become so lucky?

"I love you," she whispered against his shoulder, her breath warm against his skin. Her eyes studied his attractive features while she brushed her thumb back and forth on his hard chest.
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Untitled-1.png "Hello, Veronica."
"You had been on the run for six months. Six whole months. It's a very impressive record, I must say."

Zachery grabbed a handful of the twenty one year old's hair, yanking it up slightly, but not near enough for the sobbing face to reveal itself beneath her draped hair. His fingers slipped through the locks of her tresses, disheveled, and quite expectedly from all the struggles that she had put herself through in a desperate attempt to flee away from the man and his two lackies, but to no avail. The moment his victims were within his physical, visible vicinity, Barlowe always seized them.

The man gently grazed his knuckles along the porcelain cheek of the prized asset that was worth an absolute fortune - pretty, intelligent, young; very high in demand. Veronica was the means to fund his housing mortgage, and his rather glamorous and extravagant wedding, that was due to take place in just a few months. For the past six months, Zachery was in a slightly more noticeable sullen mood, as his financial woes loomed closer and closer to his wedding date. He needed the money. He had an interested client who was offering the right price. He almost let slip the product. And by extension, he almost let slip of the love of his life - Gemma Murphy. How would he be able to bring himself to explain to Gemma, after having insistently promising her the world, that money wasn't going to be an issue for them, assuring her that it was okay to splurge, only to then tell her at the 11th hour that he was broke as fuck?

It was an inconceivable nightmare.

"I've warned you. I've told you not to attempt any antics with me."
almost ruined my life."

Zachery let slip, the faintest of a lob-sided grin, if not stoic, as he directed the girl's attention towards the cage, a steel cladded box with no more than a tiny opening to the side to offer an inflow of oxygen, an area no bigger enough to fit more than a hunched sitting human being, ominously staring right at them. No other words were spoken. But the voice of the girl suddenly pierced through the air.

"No. No!"
"Mr. Barlowe, PLEASE. NOT THAT."

"Six months you ran away from me. Six days, you shall pay in debt. You should be thankful I'm not claiming a day for a day from you." Zachery's smirk got wider, as he finally felt the weight of burden suddenly lifted off from his shoulders. Salvation has arri-


His eyes widened. How on god's will did she know his first name? The shock rendered him enough motivation to stare down to give the girl's face a look. To his horror, it wasn't the face of Veronica. It was the face of his one and only Gemma Murphy, tears streaming rapidly down from both of her brown iris, who had just screamed into his face, the three words that he feared hearing from her.

Almost immediately, that jolted him out of his slumber, at the time when Gemma whispered onto his shoulders.

Untitled-3.png Untitled-2.png

"I love you."

Thankfully, it was just a dream... or not. He frantically tilted his head to the side. His vision, initially a blur from his dry eyes. But when he blinked his eyes a couple of times, he was then greeted by the face of a familiar angel, smiling back at him. It would have been a reassuring sight, if not for the fact that his financial predicament was still very much a reality. Veronica was still somewhere out there, hiding. Time was running against him, not just because his wedding was around the corner, but that the authorities might be roped in the longer Veronica was out there, further complicating matters. The stressor had resulted in a thin sheen of cold sweat breaking out along his bare, chiselled chest.

"Hey." He tried to recompose himself, the double irony being that he had woken up from a sweet dream, only to be dragged back into the nightmare of reality, and that facing his true love, was causing him an undue amount of stress of late. But how could he blame, nor confide in her? Veronica was his source of stress. He needed to find Veronica. His mind was split as he flipped to his side. The muscle memory of his hand, unconsciously guided his knuckles into caressing Gemma's cheek in the same manner that he did with the other girl in his dream just moments earlier.

"How long have you been awake, love?"


Z A C H E R Y   B A R L O W E
I  S E E  I T ,  I  L I K E  I T ,  I  W A N T  I T ,  I  C A T C H  I T  [ 34 ]

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G E M M A   M U R P H Y
F I G H T  F O R  Y O U R  F A I R Y T A L E  [ 31 ]

Her fiancΓ© looked peaceful, but the longer her fingers caressed his chest she couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was wrong. The room wasn't that hot and he was sweating. But if he was having a bad dream, his face didn't reveal it. He looked just as handsome in his sleep as he did when he was awake. Like a knight in shining armor taken straight out of a fairytale. He'd certainly saved her. Back when she first met him, she had almost given up on men - all of her exes and potential boyfriends having let her down. Her first relationship ended in a disaster when her boyfriend at the time started fucking his new colleague. Her second relationship also ended in disaster when her so-called boyfriend told her he was gay. Her third, however, was over before it had even begun. Gemma was not about to pursue a guy that was still married on paper.

Despite being a wedding planner, she had almost given up on finding true love. She helped happy couples plan their wedding several times per year and yet she had started to doubt if she'd ever experience love herself. Until Zachery showed up out of nowhere and swept her off her feet. And now, she was planning their wedding. And it was going to be the best wedding ever.

When his eyes eventually opened, she smiled apologetically at him.
"Sorry," she muttered. "I didn't mean to wake you." She trailed her fingers down his chest and abs until she could pull herself closer to him by his hip. For some reason, she wanted to get even closer to him. Her leg found its way between his and she pressed herself against him in a side-hug. "I was just telling you how beautiful my wedding dress is. She did such a great job with it, baby. I can't wait for you to see it. You're gonna love it." Gemma decided not to answer his question. Not because she was afraid to tell him how long she'd been awake, but because she was afraid he'd ask her why. . .

Because she wasn't particularly interested in going over the nitty-gritty details of how she'd misunderstood the catering prices and now they'd been charged more than double the amount of what she'd told him it would be - which was already bordering too much for food and wine. Now, it wasn't like they were short on money, but it wasn't like they were planning on spending their entire fortune on this wedding. It was going to be the most wonderful wedding of all time, but she had also expected a honeymoon. And a life after the wedding. She knew Zach made good money - she did too, but not nearly as much. In fact, she didn't know exactly how much he made, but they were living a good life. They didn't really need to worry about unexpected bills like this one. But Gemma had already assured Zach that the wedding wouldn't cost more than it did now, and somehow she had ended up lying, after all. Because that catering bill had to be paid in full within two weeks or there would be no food served at the wedding. But it could wait. She didn't need to worry him just yet. Besides, once he saw her in that dress, every extra penny would be worth it.

"I can't believe it's only three months left. . ." It felt like it was just last week he proposed to her.
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"No, you didn't wake me up."
"Bad dream got to me."

The man left it vague. He figured it should be enough to put her at ease, and hoped that she wouldn't press on that subject further, lest he needed to conjure up a story. He wasn't even sure if he preferred to remain in his supposed bad dream, if he were to be honest. Such was the quandary of life. Unfortunately for him, his problem was real. And by hook or by crook, he needed to get his life back on track, and it needed to be soon. The paradox of the situation, was that his life had never been on track, the moment he set his foot onto the path of one of the most devious trades on the planet.

Zachery wasn't academically, nor technically inclined. Yet he craved the finer things in life with impatience. The man had a keen sense of business acumen, but wasn't blessed with the resources kickstart many of his ambitions. As such, it was easy to fall into the trap of being involved in a business as lucrative as trafficking. that was why he was able to afford himself a comfortable living standard resulting from the yield of his earliest forays. He knew how to identify the right victims. He knew how to source for the right buyers.

But in recent years, the authorities had stepped up and started clamping down, and he found a large streams of his revenue being cut off. His trade became an increasingly cutthroat business. Yet, he had been too used to his grandiose lifestyle. Coupled with his natural impulsivity, it was difficult for him to sink back into his old ways. He came from the gutters. And he had long told himself that he would never allow himself to get back to his old ways.

All his worries however, transiently evaporated, when Gemma reached out closer to him for a cuddle, so tight, he could feel her limbs entangling around his. How he needed that. This was precisely the reason why he could not imagine life without Gemma. In his darkest moments, Gemma had always been able to pull him through like no others could bother to do so. To the perceptive, material and superficial physical qualities aside, some had quietly concluded that Gemma was out of Zachery's league. One even made known to Gemma of his opinion of Zach to her bluntly to her face before. But it never looked like anyone was ever capable of changing Gemma's seemingly immovable stance. When her digits traced against his chest and down to his abdominal valley, that brief touch was enough to elicit a strong reaction out of him, which caught even Zach by surprise. That brief instantiation was almost a representation of the saying, having a man wrapped around her fingers.

It took some effort for him to try to compose himself, before he could answer her. "Is it? Is it bare back? Minimum train as possible, I hope. After all, you wouldn't want me to spend too much time fumbling with your dress, after I carry you onto our matrimonial bed, would you?" Zachery teased. It certainly was a respite, not having the worries beyond their little bubble trouble his mind for at least that precious moment. But that didn't really last too long, when he was once again reminded by her that their wedding was happening in just under three months' time. (1).gif His smile was slightly dampened. But he tried his mightiest to keep it going, knowing full well Gemma was watching him. "It's so soon." Too soon, in fact. His mind was already beginning to think of how he could locate his sack of gold on the run over the next few days. That was when he realised he might have made himself seem too distracted for a moment. To reassure her that wasn't the case, he hooked an arm around her waist, and in a single pull, tugged her until she was resting on top of him with ease, all thanks to the strength that his well sculptured physique possessed. His palms, reaching down to her ass cheeks, giving them firm, but sensuous squeezes.

"I love you so much, Gem."

"Did you say your sister is coming round tomorrow?"



Z A C H E R Y   B A R L O W E
I  S E E  I T ,  I  L I K E  I T ,  I  W A N T  I T ,  I  C A T C H  I T  [ 34 ]

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G E M M A   M U R P H Y
F I G H T  F O R  Y O U R  F A I R Y T A L E  [ 31 ]

"I'm sorry, baby," she said in a low voice. "But it was just a dream, right? You're here now." Here, with her. In their home, in their bed. There was no place safer. No place she'd rather be. She loved him more than anything in the world. Every moment with him was a blessing. Every second they were together, they cherished. Her fingers brushed against the front of his boxers - against the bulge she knew was growing underneath the fabric. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, but the question was purely rhetorical. She didn't really want to hear about it. Didn't want to know. Whatever monster he was running from, it couldn't hurt them here. He was with her; he was safe. They both were.

A smirk spread across her lips when he started questioning her about the dress. It grew wider and wider until she kissed him on the lips.
"As if I would tell you anything about it," she chuckled, squeezing his bulge. "It's beautiful - I look beautiful, I know you're going to love it and that's all you need to know." He wasn't the only one who was going to love it. Everyone would love it. She looked like a fucking princess in it - a fairytale princess. Gemma was getting the wedding she'd always dreamed about and she was getting her happily ever after.
It was a dream come true.

He pulled her on top of him in one swift motion as if she were light as a feather. She rested her arms on either side of his shoulders, leaning slightly on her forearms. Her lips found his again at the same time his hands found her ass. Her face lingered above his.
"We'll get through this, baby" she assured him. She just needed to find a way to tell him about the catering bill, but now wasn't the right time. "Trust me." One of her hands weaved its way into his hair, pulling it gently. "You're the best," she whispered against his lips, before lowering herself onto him. Her perky breasts got half-crushed between his chest and her body weight and she could feel his growing erection between her legs. She couldn't help but grind herself against it. The wave of arousal that went through her body almost made her miss his question.

"Yeah, she's coming over for lunch," Gemma told him as she bucked her hips to apply friction against her pussy. The fabric of her panties and his boxers were still in the way, but it still felt good - so good. Gemma wanted more. But while she was grinding herself against him, they were having a normal conversation as if nothing was going on under the sheets. "She's going to help me with the table decorations. Don't worry though, she's not staying for dinner. I think she mentioned something about a new yoga class."
"Do you want to talk about it?"

Oh sure, she didn't want to talk about it. That wasn't the first time she did that - saying one thing, but yet doing another - How was he supposed to focus on spewing out his thoughts, when her hand was ominously threading along his nerve endings?

He too, knew that at times, Gemma wasn't exactly the best listener. There were times she seemed to be a little too self-absorbed, prioritizing her whims first and foremost before all else. And she believed just how she could wrap the man around her fingers - or at least, she thought she had reign over him the whole time. But Zachery didn't mind that. He thought those were minor flaws that didn't bother him as much, and her positives far outweighed her negatives. He'd like to think that when he put his will onto something, he always gave his heart absolutely and unconditionally. Thus, he could afford to bring himself to see her overly enthusiastic yapping and her proclivity to be arrogant at times as adorable.

In reciprocation of her fingers teasing his gradually stiffening length, his digits slipped underneath the duvet, homing towards her bare ass cheeks. The alpha male found no reason to hold back, as he slipped the fabric of her panties up north, freeing out a larger area of her rear, then dug his nails firmly into her perky, bubble frame, border lining pleasure and pain. He knew he owned her. And if she was so willing to have him put a ring around her finger, she should also be able to accept his propensity for indulging in the more non-vanilla forms of pleasure, of which she had previously been given a taster on numerous occasions before.

"As if I would tell you anything about it,"
"It's beautiful - I look beautiful, I know you're going to love it and that's all you need to know."
"As long as you promise to make yourself look... ravageable, I shall trust you on it." Zach smiled. He had always been unabashed about being crude and honest with Gemma. And almost unexpectedly, he lashed down a pair of hard spanks on each side of her butt cheeks. Once, twice, thrice. It was in moments like that that Zachery was able to just momentarily forget about the worries of the world. Pain was his kind of pleasure. And he was delighted and grateful that Gemma had showed herself to be able to tolerate that eccentricity of him. How many girls out there would be able to handle, and even appreciate a man as sinister and nefarious as he was? In all fairness, Gemma hadn't really understood the true depths of Zach's predisposition. And largely in part, it had to do with how he had been able to keep his double life under a shroud.

"We'll get through this, baby"
"Trust me."

It should have sounded peculiar to him. Get through.. what? But in the heat of the moment, he just downplayed the significance of it and attributed it to the wedding stressor, which he assumed, was what Gemma was referring to. He also thought it was laughable, at least for him - if only she knew what a quagmire they were exactly stuck in. But the woman was so adapt at distracting and making him feel better with the way she played with her words and hands, that he wasn't afforded more time to dwell on the severity of their situation.

"You're the best,"

"No, you." He paused, his eyes, piercing deep into hers. "You have no idea how I'll never, ever, going to let you go. Ever." Contextually at that moment in time while they were in their little bubble, he might have sounded romantic. If only Gemma knew the length he could go just to stranglehold his obsession whenever he sat his sight on something, it would, should, terrify her. (1).gif His erection continued to grow despite their conversation taking a turn for the mundane. It was a testament to how sex had simply been integrated as part and parcel of their daily lives. When Gemma was whipping up a meal for dinner? Take her from behind. When Gemma was on the phone with someone? Pry her legs apart and start giving her womanly sex proper oral affection. When Gemma was in the midst of brushing up her teeth for the night? Shove her down to her knees and take her mouth.

"Shame I can't be around to catch up with her. I've got something urgent to attend to. But it's been what, three, four weeks now? I was surprised you two didn't meet up as often recently." At the same time, the man had so casually tightened his grip on one side band her panties. In one pull, he managed to rip the bothersome piece of fabric apart, the sheering sound of it, pierced through the the surrounding air that was otherwise still and quiet. Zach calmly looked back up at Gemma, as if nothing had just happened.



Z A C H E R Y   B A R L O W E
I  S E E  I T ,  I  L I K E  I T ,  I  W A N T  I T ,  I  C A T C H  I T  [ 34 ]

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G E M M A   M U R P H Y
F I G H T  F O R  Y O U R  F A I R Y T A L E  [ 31 ]

Gemma let out a loud moan as he squeezed her ass so hard it hurt. This was standard practice for them, playing on the border between pain and pleasure. Occasionally, Zach crossed the border, but Gemma had learned to love it when he did. Her body responded so well to his touch, to the pain he inflicted. Sometimes she wondered if he was unaware of how painful it truly was - as if he didn't know how hard he slapped her or how hard he squeezed - or if he simply wanted it to hurt. She'd never asked him about it. And why would she, when she could handle the pain just fine? They both had their flaws, but they'd learned to accept them - to accept each other for who they were. Gemma loved Zach for who he was - he was perfect for her. He even seemed to know what she needed, what her body needed, long before she realized it herself. She kissed the side of his neck, before whispering in his ear, "I always look ravagable." And she did. No piece of clothing could change that. Whether it was a new pair of lingerie, an oversized t-shirt, or a white wedding dress, Gemma looked ready to be ravaged any second. Zach just happened to be the lucky guy who was allowed to do it.

She half expected the slaps to come, yet she was not prepared for the pain that followed. And as she steeled herself for the next, her hand grabbed a fistful of his hair, pulling as she cried out. But despite the pain, a wave of arousal went through her body, radiating against him.
"Fuck, baby," she muttered, feeling her pulse quicken. She hoisted herself up on her elbows, her face hovering over his, a playful grin planted on her face. "Are you trying to make it hard for me to sit tomorrow?" She let one of her hands caress his cheek as she scoffed in amusement. It wouldn't be the first time he'd done it.

Lowering her head, she pecked him on the lips, smiling.
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere," she assured him. "You're the one who's stuck with me now." Gemma had no plans on ever letting him go. She wasn't marrying him because she wanted a fancy wedding. No, she married him because she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. And nothing, not even him could get in the way of that. It was a shame their wedding wasn't tomorrow.

"Yeah, I know," she said, sounding almost sad. It was quite a while since she'd seen her younger sister. Too long. Normally they met up at least once a week, but these past few weeks - months really - they'd only seen each other once or twice a month. Gemma hoped that would change soon. "She's been taking all these extra -" She stopped mid-sentence when the sound of fabric being ripped apart filled the room. "Babe," she said, her tone mistakingly annoyed at his rebellious act. "That was new." Well, not brand new, but certainly not old enough to be ripped to shreds. Letting out a sigh, she continued the conversation as if he hadn't just ripped her panties apart and removed the only piece of fabric she was wearing. "She's been taking a lot of extra shifts at work, and I don't know if it's because she needs the money or if she's just being nice."

Gemma rubbed her pussy against his erection, feeling the fabric of his boxers against her now naked folds. "I've told her several times that we'd be happy to help her, but she says she doesn't need our money." Besides, it wasn't like Gemma was just going to give her sister money - she wasn't a charity case and despite them being somewhat rich, they had an expensive wedding coming up. They needed to save all the money they could if they wanted their happily ever after. "Maybe you can try to talk to her? She's supposed to come over next week for dinner."

One of the reasons why Zach had been so drawn to Gemma, was her ability to tolerate, or even indulge, in the kind of sadomasochistic proclivities that he had. He had even introduced it early during their relationship. Each time that she did not resist, she gave him the impetus to want to further push her boundaries. She gave him what he wanted. But he always needed more. Unbeknownst to many, for Zachery, nothing else came close to the satisfaction of seeing someone moaning to the infliction of pain. On equal standing, he had often been fascinated for the longest time about what pain could do to people. It excited him to hear the hopelessly despairing screams and cries of subjects, when they were stretched beyond either their physical, or mental limits. There were times he wondered, what would Gemma think of him, if she had been privy to the darkest and most depraved thoughts that ran through this mind.

Would that terrify her? Would she still be able to bring herself to love him the way that she always used to? In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, they say.

"I always look ravagable."

"Hmm." That was also another reason why Zach though Gemma was like no other. She was bold, unafraid to venture into the realms of debauchery. She was blunt and always honest. And she always seemed to approach novelties with an open mind. And that was perfect for the man who had been too used to living his life like it was an odyssey, albeit a very perilous one, as evident in how he so often preferred to deviate and thread along the path of the less travelled.

"Fuck, baby,"
"Are you trying to make it hard for me to sit tomorrow?"

"Not just that. I want to make it hard for you to walk as well." It was difficult to contain a smirk that was so desperate to come through his face. He didn't wish to give her the satisfaction of feeling like she had stirred something in him so early on when she proclaimed that she was not going anywhere, and that he was stuck with her. They were very simple professions. But they hit the spot and concisely summarized what he yearned out of her. And it sure felt good that she afforded the effort to affirm the words that he already knew to be true.
"She's been taking all these extra -"
"That was new."

He only returned her a smile initially, very patiently waited for her to complete what she wanted to speak about in regards to matters of her sister, before he rolled to the side and toppled her down onto the bed. Very dexterously, he shuffled his body over to her back, before shoving her to have her face and front of her body pinned down against the sheets. "Don't bother replacing it. It'll too, end up in shreds one day." He paused, first addressing her retrospectively from the backlog of things that accumulated from her talk earlier. He subsequently wrestled her body with his to have his weight pinned down onto her. Even during conversation, he felt an urge to establish his authority over her, figuratively, and literally.

Then, money. She just had to bring that matter to the forefront.
"We've got a lot on our plate going at the moment, Gem. We try to help, but only when it is within our means." He expected Gemma to be perceptive enough to the fact that he was referring to their upcoming expenses, which would be really digging deep into their pockets. They were making good money. But, Gemma had the propensity to spend beyond their means. Zach had a hunch she didn't realise, or was just simply being in denial. The man had noticed Gemma had always had the habit of being trigger happy with her wallet, their wallets. And thus, while they could afford the luxuries that they had been all too used to, they were actually cash poor, after their outlay had been accounted for.

And it was almost like he was lowkey punishing her for being so reckless with their finances, that he returned the favour, by so recklessly slipping his gargantuan shaft deep into the crux of her anal canal in one single insertion. The man was so endowed, that he still had the base of his girth to spare, despite already completely filling up the entire depth of her rear. Her consolation, was that her previous grinding of her womanhood against his bulge might have coated her own pussy, along with his length, with their natural lubricant, after his boxers got progressively dragged down from her persistent dry humping. And barely giving her any time to get accustomed to his very sudden intrusion, the man began taking her ass like he knew, she knew, that he owned it.


"You will be careful with our finances, won't you, Gem?" His tone, low, tender and sensual, which was in stark contrast to the ruthless pounding that he was dishing out against her tight ass.


Z A C H E R Y   B A R L O W E
I  S E E  I T ,  I  L I K E  I T ,  I  W A N T  I T ,  I  C A T C H  I T  [ 34 ]

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