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Endings and Beginnings (will be NSFW)


If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.
Jul 25, 2024
(NSFW) Work in progress.
Prologue: Death

I was weightless. Floating in the darkness. An infinite black abyss, stretching as far as I could perceive. As empty as the nothingness was, I was at peace. No panic, no fear. No hate, no envy. No good or bad. Just darkness and peace. I couldn't tell how long I'd been here or when I became aware, it could have been a second or a thousand years. Time had no meaning. I knew I was me, but what I didn't know was who “mewas. Had I always been here? Where was here?

At some point, I noticed a faint light in what seemed like a far distance. Slowly, this glow became larger, a glowing vaguely human-like form approached. It was hard to judge how long I watched the figure approach. I couldn’t see their face, the glow was too strong, but I could see a vague outline of a female form in an airy flowing gown.

“Anna,” a voice called, gently pulling me closer, “Anna Chaplain,” the voice called again, pulling me right in front of the glowing figure. “Ahh, there you are,” the voice said gently. “You'll be of no use to me like this though, let's fix that shall we,” the voice said, reaching out a glowing arm draped in a long bell sleeve. A glowing finger touched my soul. Suddenly, I remembered who I was. Anna Chaplain. A loner. A virgin. I died young, at 40, of a heart attack. I had been overworked and overweight. I really should have done something about that.

“Anna,” the voice called out again, interrupting my thoughts. “I have need of you.”
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