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Lust Demon Hunting (OOC)

@mainman I'd appreciate if you let me handle writing everything related to the demons, which are meant to be the main supernatural threat. The way you described them is not how they're intended to behave. I'd also like to know how Dave got these "papers" he's reading, otherwise I'm not really sure where the information comes from.
@mainman I'd appreciate if you let me handle writing everything related to the demons, which are meant to be the main supernatural threat. The way you described them is not how they're intended to behave. I'd also like to know how Dave got these "papers" he's reading, otherwise I'm not really sure where the information comes from.

"Papers " is what he printed from his research (which he is not skilled in) online. The supernatural threat he encounters may not be the ones there, he just thinks it is all the same.
Alright! Maybe I didn't have a good enough idea of what this three-day prep time was for or didn't explain it well enough, but considering all your Hunters have some kind of past experience with the demons or know people who have, let's just make some knowledge tests to see if you know more than what I already told you. And since rolling is fun, I'd like all of you to make all three of these tests (unless you want to opt out of any of them):
  1. Intelligence + Tech to determine if you know anything about the involved tech companies (not a very important roll but might come in handy).
  2. Intelligence + Streetwise to determine how much you know about conspiracies that involve sex slave trafficking. Dave can add 2 dice to this thanks to your Contacts.
  3. (Charisma or Manipulation or Intelligence) + Occult to see how much people have told you or you've read about this type of demon. If using Charisma or Manipulation, you can add dice from your Looks advantage (one from "Beautiful" or two from "Stunning"). Carmen can add 1 die to this thanks to your Mentor, regardless of which Attribute you're using.
Let me know how many successes you got for each test.

A reminder of how dice rolling works:
  1. Take a number of ten-sided dice (d10) equal to your Attribute + Skill and any applicable bonuses. Roll the dice.
  2. Any dice that are 6 or higher count as successes.
  3. Each pair of 10s (often shown as 0 on physical dice) counts as a critical and count as two additional successes. For example, if you roll a 6 and a 10, it only counts as 2 successes, but if you roll a 7 and two 10s, it counts as 5 successes (one from the 7 and four from the pair of 10s).
Let's post these rolls in this OOC thread, and we can see later where it makes sense to post them normally.

You can assume you have access to clothes that are appropriate for the occasion, though nothing super expensive. Maybe Doll can provide you with some emergency cash if needed. As guests you're expected to dress for a formal party (and Karen who intends to present herself as a call girl can dress appropriately for that role).

We can also assume Carmen will have access to weapons during the scenario, perhaps making use of a cache hidden near the mansion or something. We'll figure out the details as we go.

Dolores also provides you with a fancy car that can't be easily traced back to you.
Feel free to ask me questions in this thread about the situation your Hunter is in, or questions about what your Hunter knows or remembers, and we can make checks to see what's up. The more questions you ask, and the more you discuss your plans with the other players, the better idea I'll have of what you expect to happen or find in the scenario!
Carmen is quite new to this, and probably needs more instruction from her Mentor. What types of weapons can she bring that can be considered "Accepted" a ceremonial knife? CAn she stash some guns for everyone with Delores and perhaps keep it in the car?

  • Intelligence + Tech - 1 success
  • Intelligence + Streetwise 1 success
  • Intelligence) + Occult 0 success
Intelligence and tech aren't Karen's strong skill.
From charisma and +2 dices for stunning I got 4 successes.

Charisma + 2(stunning): 4 successes
The rest of rolls have 0 successes.
What types of weapons can she bring that can be considered "Accepted" a ceremonial knife? CAn she stash some guns for everyone with Delores and perhaps keep it in the car?

So, I think you would probably use Intelligence + Craft for your Arsenal Edge roll, since your Manipulation + Streetwise is lower. Normally the Arsenal Edge requires 4 successes to work, but for the purposes of this scenario, we can say that Dolores lowers the difficulty to 2 to compensate, and you can take an extra die thanks to your Hidden Armory. That should give you 5 dice if I counted correctly.

@mappy Based on above, give me an Intelligence + Craft roll with 1 bonus die. Also, because of your Entrepreneurial Creed, if you want to take a risk, you can add 1 Desperation Die to the roll, which is otherwise just like the other dice, but let me know if you roll a 1 on it, as it will trigger either Despair or Overreach.

The roll will determine how much you were able to safely hide in the car (but you still have your forest stash even if this roll fails). You'll need at least 2 successes, and additional successes can add more weapons (since you have the Team Requisition perk) or allow hiding bigger weapons. I'll give you more details after the roll.

Once the weapons are retrieved from the car, they will be guaranteed to work for one scene, but after that you'll need to make a new roll at the start of each scene that you want those weapons to be usable in. The scenario is probably only a few scenes long in total.

@mainman @mappy @powergirl The above is based on Carmen's Arsenal edge and it deals with unusual (and Exotic) melee weapons and firearms that aren't normally available to the public. You can all have access to some basic, conventional weapons like knives and small firearms, probably stashed in the forest.
[Intelligence + Craft + 1 bonus die] (difficulty 4) - 4 successes (including 1 crit) 5,5,10,7,2
@mainman Waiting for you to make the knowledge rolls for these: Lust Demon Hunting (OOC)

I'll post the following in the IC thread as well once we have results from Dave, so that it'll all be in the same place.

As an experienced lust demon hunter (4 successes on the Occult test), Karen has learned quite a bit of their weaknesses. We can assume that all three of you know this information now.
  • Under normal circumstances, the host body can be harmed and killed just like a regular human, forcing the demon out of it, but sometimes the spirit can enter a different host before it vanishes.
  • The spirit of a demon can be compelled out of its host body by reciting certain holy words (high Willpower helps with this).
  • While a demon is in its demonic form, also known as a Visage, it can’t leave the host body as a spirit, but is more difficult to harm. If the demon is killed in its Visage, it’s gone for good.
  • A circle outlined with seven glyphs of certain holy symbols can trap a demon in place and force it into its Visage. Must be drawn or carved on a flat surface. (Success depends on the quality of the glyphs, requiring a test, and how powerful the demon is.)

With 4 successes on Carmen’s Arsenal test (and difficulty lowered to 2 thanks to Dolores), you can hide three small weapons in the car (one for succeeding the test and two additional from the Team Requisition perk with a success margin of 2). Alternatively, you can hide one large weapon there.
  • Small weapons (examples): small handgun (up to +3 damage); light melee weapon like a knife or switchblade (up to +2 damage)
  • Large weapons (examples): heavy/huge melee weapon like broadsword, fire axe, claymore (up to +4 damage); shotgun, rifle, sniper rifle (up to +4 damage)

With the Exotics perk, you also have two special weapons (or let me know if you’d prefer something different and we can figure something out). The blade counts as large if you want to hide it in the car, and the dagger counts as small. Otherwise you can leave one or both of them in the forest stash.
  • A steel blade (+2 damage) with holy glyphs embedded into it that can bypass a demon’s supernatural resistance.
  • A ritual dagger or ceremonial knife (+1 damage) that can momentarily prevent a demon’s spirit from leaving the host body.
Intelligence + Streetwise +2 dice = 2 success + 2 crit

(I'll have the handgun and knife)
By the way, you're still outside at the parking area, not at "reception" in case it wasn't clear. What I meant by "receptionist" is just a person who is receiving guests to the party, who is also at the parking area with you.
Intelligence + Streetwise +2 dice = 2 success + 2 crit

(I'll have the handgun and knife)
@mainman On you, in the car (Carmen could hide a gun there, see below), or in the forest stash? I'll let you know the info for that Streetwise roll later when I have more time to write.

@mappy If you want to risk hiding the ceremonial knife on you, roll Dexterity + (Stealth or Craft) (maybe you've spent time creating a special holster for the dagger in your boots). Difficulty isn't super high while Danger is only 1, but consequences could be bad if someone recognizes what the knife is. If you hide it in the car for now, it'll have a very low chance of being found. You can do that and also hide two small handguns there, if that was what you wanted.
I think it will be easier if I give Dave details about sex slave trafficking conspiracies when it becomes relevant. With the 6 successes (from 2 success + 2 critical), you've heard and read quite a lot about them, maybe from your work colleagues, or even overheard/seen things from your supernatural tormentors.
I should mention that you don't always need to write a paragraph or more in your replies if there's not enough to go by. Just let me know if you're for example just continuing to walk until you get inside (either IC with a short post or OOC). I'm still going to wait for some kind of reply from each of you before I proceed to the next part.

Also, there's always the option to describe what your character is thinking instead!
@mainman Based on the earlier Streetwise roll, Dave has heard of someone called "Ward" who seems to be profiting a lot from companies related to one of the largest slave trafficking conspiracies, but there hasn't been any evidence to actually tie him into the crimes. However, there's been no mention of a Terek Ward, so you're not sure if this person is related to that Ward. (Also Sarah mentioned that Terek is their "honored guest", not the host of the party.)

If you had phones on you when you were searched, the guard would've taken them from you. You can currently share information easily enough by just whispering or talking quietly to each other since there's only a few people in the large room. This means you can't communicate with Doll right now.
It's not just about a camera, they would've taken any communications devices they could find on you. You could have something in the car if you can somehow get to it without being noticed, though right now there's still the two guards near it, or if you can somehow find a phone elsewhere.

The stash in the forest can have pretty much anything in it that you had access to during your prepatations, but you'll need to find an opportunity to get to it without raising suspicion. The way I imagined it is that you set the stash up yourselves before you got here.
@mappy You can roll Wits + Awareness to check for security measures and whether anyone in the room is carrying concealed weapons. The western door near the stairs seems to lead into a small toilet and the eastern one into some kind of store room. You saw one exit at the end of the hallway when you looked left after entering through the main entrance (shown on the map). The pool area seems to connect directly to the back yard that's in an incline towards the lake shore.

Desperation Dice
Your Hunters can choose to use Desperation Dice under the following circumstances:
  • Carmen (Entrepreneurial): Building, inventing, augmenting, or repairing while on the Hunt.
  • Dave (Martial): Physical conflict while on the Hunt (which need not be with the quarry itself, or even the supernatural).
  • Karen (Inquisitive): Gaining information while on the Hunt, such as research, breaking-and-entering, and interrogation.
If I forget to remind you, you can choose to roll Desperation Dice for rolls that fall under your Creed as detailed above, but let me know each time the results of Desperation Dice separately from normal dice results. Desperation Dice can't be rerolled by spending Willpower (while up to 3 normal dice can be), and rolling a 1 on them causes problems. Desperation is currently 1, which is how many Desperation Dice you have when you choose to roll them.
I'd prefer not to continue with just two players, but let's see if we can up the pace a bit before considering other options.
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