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Babysitting on Prescott Lane (PrometheanXSyrene)


Jul 23, 2024
Prescott Lane was your typical northern Californian American neighborhood. Green grass, white picket fences, shiny windows reflecting blue skies. During the day everything here was right out of the movies, but during the night things werent quite as they seemed.

1042 Prescott Lane, home of the Morgan Family. This swell family consists of businessman John, a sharp dressing corporate slave that always seemed to have everything. His wife, Kate, your traditional stay at home American housewife. She cooked, she cleaned, she took the kids to school, she enjoyed the simple things like her garden and her books. Their three children always having neighbor friends over to play in their backyard. On Wednesday nights, John and Kate like to enjoy a romantic date night out. Lucky for them, they have a regular babysitter lined up for the summer.

1023 Prescott Lane, was the home of Sawyer. A single father of a little girl who he only gets to see Friday night after school through Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately, he doesnt get home from work until Saturday morning, so friday nights he hires a babysitter to pick up his Clementine and take care of her until he surfaces in the morning. As an overnight dock laborer, Sawyer's schedule is rough, but having a house to himself most nights, he doesnt mind. When he's not working, Sawyer takes the chance to hit the gym, sleep in, and ravage his beer stash. Sawyer is known in every local bar, not as a town drunk, but as one who...gets around.

1016 Prescott Lane, was the home of a single mother, Juliet. This hard working woman always put her kids first, having been divorced now for 6 years, she raises her boys all alone. Working two part time jobs, she keeps the money coming in, but it so quickly goes right back out. After taking the kids to school, Juliet finds herself working at the local Diner. Two Whales. Afterwards, she works on her writing, while not yet a published author, she hopes one day to get her big debut when she finally finishes her book. Until then, she works every night as a editor for a regional news piece that doesnt get nearly the exposure she wishes her work did. Occasionally she takes photos they use. Occasionally she even gets to interview selected individuals. But most nights, she sat alone in the quiet house after the kids went to bed with a glass of wine and a laptop melting her eyes. When a friday night shift opens up, she usually graciously takes it, the tips are always better on fridays for her. The hot single mom vibes are a magnet. Luckily, she's found herself a new friday night regular babysitter for her boys.

1015 Prescott Lane, home of David Price who owns and runs the local auto dealership. However, David and his wife live elsewhere leaving the house to their son, Joel. A college drop-out working away at a meat packing plant working 12 hour days coming home to his girlfriend and their baby. Gabby, his girlfriend, also dropped out of college although primarily due to the pregnancy. Now she stays at home with their toddler and plays video games, hoping her streaming catches on. And secretly, she runs her own Onlyfans page. Some nights she sneaks off throughout the week knowing Joel wont be home until early AM. She cant afford a regular babysitter, but luckily her little sister is babysitting before school in the fall and has agreed to help when needed.

Tonight, was no different for the Morgans. At exactly 6:30pm on Wednesday, the doorbell rang, Kate opened the door dressed in a red dress with matching heels. Their babysitter had arrived, and after a brief chit chat John had surfaced from the kitchen with the kids lined up. After brief introductions, the couple was off on their date. Their house was a 4 bedroom, 3 bath, two story. Art on the walls, books on the shelf, fancy carpets in unnecessary places. They werent rich, but they liked to present themselves at a higher standing. On the outside they were the perfect family, and...maybe they are, but John and Kate also enjoy a night of thrills like everyone else. They were sugar, but they had their spice....

The car pulls out of the driveway slowly, the shiny black SUV making its way down Prescott Lane as the couple drives off to Kate's favorite Italian restaurant, Adrians....
Prescott Lane was, in fact, your typical upscale, Northern Cali neighborhood and with that came along the webs of intricate social lives that made up the area. The school system was perfectly evident of that as the upper crust of the area dominated the local boards and government. These families all vying for power and influence in a state where appearances and social appearances meant a little bit more than perhaps in some other areas. This, to an extent, was the same in the high school in the area. The school, a microcosm of the parent's webs of influence and competition.

Yet amongst the games played by the adults, there were things that never really changed. The friendship made by teens in school, the way that teens always found a way to subvert the desires of the parents, or otherwise getting up to no good. Something never really changed, like the way that teens still needed to earn their money and the way that it manifested often for teen girls was babysitting. Babysitting was particularly lucrative in neighborhoods like this, where families preferred to hire from within 'their own' and Prescott Lane was the perfect example as many of the families on the streets hired girls from the local neighborhoods.

As was the case with most group of teen girls, there were plenty of groupchats between them. These group of friends also kept in touch about the families they babysat for. Some of the comments were harmless and typical. Questions about how to handle particular situations or if anything has ever done 'X' to fix a problem and so forth. Other times they sent pictures of the kids they were sitting for , showing how cute they were and so forth. Then you had some people, Elena, who asked if anyone had ever slept with one of the dads. The girls in the chat were scandalized, it was crazy to think of anyone doing that.

Yet Elena laughed, saying she was totally considering it with Sawyer. There was just something about him. She joked that he was clearly a bad boy and she knew it. Sarah teased Elena, telling her that if anyone was capable of doing it, it was her. The two had been egging each other on over it until Kayla chimed in that she could never! But she did admit that while searching for something for the baby that she accidentally found the couple's drawers of sex toys and there were "SO MANY. I was like 'AHHHH', but I couldn't stop I kinda rummaged through it." She admitted to the group.

The other girls all laughed at Kayla and then made jokes about the Morgans, the family that Kayla babysat for. Sarah joked that they would definitely noticed that their stuff was rummaged through. Elena teased that she was about to get fired for snooping. Casey chimed in, warning Kayla not to do that and reminding the girls that she babysat for a single mom, so there was nothing she could really do there. Meanwhile, Sarah asked Kayla to take a picture and send it to the group. Elena goaded her own. "Do it! Show us the freaks that the Morgans are. I wanna know."

Kayla was biting her lips as she read the messages on the phone before putting it down. She turned off the engine to the car next to the Morgan's car and climbed out. The teen was dressed in her Lulus, mottled pattern of greys and blues, that clung to her petite form. Crew socks and Adidas sneaker while a loose, deep blue tee hung off of her body and a grey sweatshirt was draped over it. Her blond hair up in a pony tail as she carried her bag in one hand. She knocked on the door to be let in by Kate, who looked especially curvaceous in her red dress. The couple dressed to the 9s for their date night. "You guys look so good! I wish my parents dressed as well as you guys do." She laughed with them as they went on to their routine before leaving her behind.

The next hour or so was the typical part of the job, she went ahead and corralled all three of the kids, feeding them and making sure they had everything they needed. She played games and so forth until it was time to start setting the youngest to bed. They had a tiered schedule where the oldest got to stay up and extra hour. Kayla let them watch TV while the others slept and that's when she went to the bedroom. She took out her phone and opened up the drawers where she had found the toys and opened up to take the photos the girls had asked for.

She felt so crazy doing this! She never did things like this, but Elena and Sarah had goaded her well into it and Kayla was the textbook definition of someone who caved to peer pressure.
Finding themselves at a fancy Italian joint sipping on sangria, John's night was considerably less enjoyable than most. As lucky for him, Kate's sister was in town. Kate and Kim talked away for most of the night. Leaving John alone with sangria and breadsticks. A soft pitter patter of rain against the restaurant windows rushed in a nice ambience, certainly better than hearing about his sister in law's failed romantic pursuits...again. a repeating story he was forced to hear every time. John and Kate had eventually left the restaurant and were beginning to drive home when they stopped along the way. "Pull over here" Kate suggests as they find a spot in a half full fast food parking lot. John looks over at his wife confused. "Still hungry?" He asks but his question is met only with a grin.

Kate leans over to him, placing a kiss on his lips before running her finger tips down his jawline. Breaking, their lips stay only an inch away as they slowly open their eyes. "Whats gotten into you?" He asks before going for another kiss "Dont you remember?" Kate answers. Yet John's face was still visibly confused. "This is where we first kissed. Right here. In this parking lot. The carnival was in town, we had a crazy night...then we went for dinner, but we were both we sat here and ate in that shitty car you used to drive..." she recalls before giggling to herself.

"Then you looked at me, and in your eyes i could feel your hunger, i leaned in enough so you could pounce. Although I didn't let jt go any farther, i could tell you would have taken me..right then and there...maybe tonight you get your chance...." she finishes before opening her car door and moving to the back seats. There she slowly removed her dress until her breasts were bare. Bare only until john rushed to the back and covered her exposed breasts with his hands. Their lips met and bodies danced. They left the car with a new scent, sex. Sex was in the air as their bodies panted against one another. Recovering from two powerful orgasms that left them both victims to the moment.

As their car pulled into the driveway, their clothes were......mostly on. Save for the wet pair of panties john slid off of Kate and threw to the side before ravaging her. Her legs wrapped over his shoulders as he pressed his body over hers. Her hard nipples rubbing against his chest as his cock slammed in and out of her pussy until his balls were wet in her cum.

Opening the door, John has his arm wrapped around Kate's lower back. They together greet Kayla each with a rather messy hairdo. "Hey beautiful" Kate greets Kayla as she detaches from john. "How'd it go?" Kate asks as John excuses himself to their bedroom.

Noticing a rather...rummaged look to their usually organized bedroom, John begins to follow the trail of open drawers before finding his closest door cracked open....someone had been snooping. Naughty naughty...

Kate concluded things with Kayla and sent her on her way, and the next few days were totally normal for the Morgans, but next wednesday...John had a plan...

~Friday Night 9pm~

As per usual, Sawyer spent his friday night at work. This night in particular was moving exceptionally slow, his mind often swaying back to his new babysitter Elena. Such a tight lil thing she was, and he deviously found himself growing more attached to her every time he saw her. Pulling out his phone, he sends her a quick text.

"Hey you, hows everything going?" he says hoping Elena had by now picked up Clementine, made dinner, made sure she bathed, and maybe even went to bed. If the girls werent watching movies like usual.
The drawer opened to reveal the stash of sexy toys that Kayla had accidentally found the week before. It was full of things that she never had seen before and whike most were quite easy to determine what they were, others were not for the relatively inexperienced teen. Her cheeks flushed red as she saw them and did what the group said. She took a picture of it and sent it to the group chat with the girls. The chat began popping with Elena and Sarah being the most engaged with it as expected. Casey once more sounded the alarm of the invasion of privacy, but the others told her to calm down and that it was all in good fun.

"Are those butt plugs in the back corner? I think so..." Said Sarah before Elena chimed in. "Hell yeah they are. The question is to whom they belong to šŸ˜œ. Keep searching they must have more stuff." Kayla felt bad at the prospect of going further, but she was soon reaching into the drawer. Her fingers rummaging and moving things until she grabbed a string and lifted it up. She took a picture of it to send to the group.

A pair of black nipple clamps were shared back to girls where Sarah chimed in. "Damn, Mrs. Morgan is into things I would have never guessed." Even Casey chimed in now with, "but she seems so tame!" And the girls laughed. Kayla put the clamps back in, but little did she consider that all the items in the drawers were moved as she closed it. Little did she realize she had failed to fully close it by ever so slight of an amount.

The girls had pressured her into checking other drawers for more stuff to share. She found nothing else and while th drawers had been closed, any eagle eyed observer would have noticed that a careful hand had been moving things.

The fun ended there though and she soon went back to her duties, putting to bed the last kid as somewhere the Morgans were fucking in a parking lot. Kayla has resumed her evening, watching TV as they came back and had another round right then and there in the driveway. She didn't notice as they came back home. They were in admittedly messier state then we they left, but the innocent minded 'good girl' that she was didn't register. Instead she smiled as she updated Kate with the night, got paid, and went home unaware that she had been sloppy in her snooping!

Friday Night

The phone lit up on Elena's screen in the low light of the living room. Clementine was playing with some glow in the dark toys, srawjg out the last of her energy. By this point, Elena would have normally put her to bed, but given the child's energy during dinner, she figured she'd let her stay up a bit longer making a mess and so forth.

"Hihi. Everything's good. Feed and cleaned. I'll be putting her to bed soon. She's got so much energy tonight. Letting her build her block city before bed!" She sent a picture of her playing before she followed it up. "Busy night?" It was probably too casual of her to ask, but the two had been talking more...more than perhaps they should have been harmless enough as it was.
Sawyer smiled at the picture before replying

"Glad you're having a good night together, she really enjoys your company. Its been decent so far, boring as always. Taking my break now, still have a couple hours to go. Once she falls asleep you're welcome to crash in bed, or shower, or whatever makes you more comfortable until i get home. Thank you again, Elena. I really appreciate your help"

Meanwhile, at the Two Whales Diner....

Juliet had busied her friday night by picking up a short 6-11 shift. Taking orders, pouring coffee, dishing fluffy pancakes, crispy waffles, fresh eggs n greasy bacon. Steak n eggs was particularly popular on friday nights with the trucker fellows who stopped in.

Back at home her boys were kept with their usual babysitter, Casey. Juliet's house was always kept tidy when she had a spare moment, but two boys are like little tornadoes. She was thankful for a careful set of hands to help when she wasn't around. Casey was...odd, shy, quiet, but very strong and independent in her own way. A flower that hasnt yet bloomed, Juliet always thought. Juliet was always proud of her sprawling bookshelf in the living room beside their electric fireplace, but in her bedroom she had another shelf of books, very very different kind of books. Having been single for a fair while, Juliet may have spent her short amounts of free time indulging literature. Doing a small tad of writing her own when she felt the muse.

Before leaving work, she made sure to get some food to go. She always treated Casey to her favorite breakfast from the diner after babysitting. When she got home, shortly after 11, she let her hair down and kicked off her heels. Smelling of grease and splattered coffee. She made her way to the kitchen before warming up the food for Casey.

"Here you are, sugar. Hope you enjoy" she says before grabbing herself a banana from the counter and sitting across from Casey. "So hun, tell me about your day. Mine was the same as always. Started off decent, families, teenagers, everyone having a swell time. But once 10 o clock hits, all them manly men come in. Smellin of sweat and beer. Loud and grabby. Always trying for a squeeze. Nothing i cant handle though, good tippers...occasionally"

Juliet finishes her banana with a glass of wine which was halfway gone before Casey began speaking.

By the time Sawyer got off work it was 2am, and the night sky was sparkling bright. He didn't want to disturb Elena with a text that he was on his way, in case she was asleep, so he quietly let himself in before heading to the kitchen for a beer.
Elena brought her nails up to her mouth, chewing on the edges. It was a bad habit that she knew she needed to stop, but it was so hard to do. Especially whenever she was in deep thought. She read his message over a few times. There was definitely something more to it. It felt awfully strange to send something like that. Where it anyone else, it would likely have put her off, but of course, it hadn't. It hadn't because clearly he had picked up whatever...vibe this was.

Her fingers hovered the keyboard, not doing anything crazy just yet as she simply said back, "Maybe, I won't do anything until I know she's def out. Least you're almost done for the night! and of course! It's what I'm here for. Happy to please!" She said, hitting send before she gently bit her lip. It definitely couldn't be just her. She didn't want to say anything to the girls. Not after how they reacted after a couple days ago when she posted her question.


"Come back here! Guys, come on! We need to clean up." said the young Casey with a raised voice as she chased after the two young boys. Tornadoes indeed, that's what it felt like as Casey spent most of the evening chasing after them as they went through the patterns of games, fights, rest, games, fights, food, rest, games, and so forth. Casey always argued in the group text that she had it the hardest. While Kayla had to deal with the most kids to see, they were at least more well-behaved than these rascals. By the time the nights were typically done, she often worked up a little of a sweat and felt almost as tired as Juliet did.

Yet she would never say that. She knew exactly how hard it was for Juliet. Truth be told, something she felt a little bad for being paid given that Julie worked hard to support the three of them and pay Casey on top of that. The boys were usually asleep by 9 to 9:30PM, so Casey usually had some time to hereself. She helped clean up around the house in areas that weren't necessarily her duties. Maybe she'd put in a load of laundry or two to help Juliet out. She didn't say anything about it either.

As was the case with her a lot of the time, she was quiet about the extra things she did. It was kind of her MO. Even when she was alone as she would often pull books out from vast library that Juliet had and would quietly read until she got home. Casey was a quiet thing, dainty in many ways with soft features with the exception of her notable asset which swelled with its size and shape as she sat on the chair once more reading another book. She was wearing flip flops, dainty feet with pastel periwinkle-painted toes. Her legs smooth and exposed as she was only wearing some simple mesh shorts and a spaghetti strap top. She never felt the need to dress up around Juliet as she felt comfortable around her.

When she finally got home, Casey put the book back on the shelf to greet the busty and exhausted mother. She took the food without complaint, not without a hint of a sense of guilt to see already heated up for her. Juliet was always thinking of her. "Thank you..." she said, beginning to pick at it happily. "You know I can heat it up. The last thing you need to worry is about serving me." she said stoically, but was clearly intended to be a joke. She grimaced at the description of the men. "Ugh, really? is there anywhere else you can go? Where you can, I don't know, get tipped better for their grossness? Why do they have to ruin everything." She chided with a distaste for men that was becoming more common for girls her age.

She ate through her food, speaking in exchanges as she watched Juliet drink her wine with her banana. Her 'power combo' as Casey had teased her about before. "Schools fine. Nothing crazy...I guess same old same old. A friend of mine got in trouble for her presentation. She cheated so poorly she just copy pasted her speech from ChatGPT and it turns out it was completely wrong." She said with a soft laugh as enjoyed her little meal, feet dangling from the chair she was on.


By the time Sawyer came home, Elena had actually drifted off to sleep on the couch, not purposely. She had intended to at least fix her hair. Instead, he found her sleeping on the couch, tanned skin draped over the arm of the couch. Her curves neither large nor small, but her litheness almost making them more prominent. She had been wearing a black skirt and a white crop top, belly exposed to reveal a little ring. She was softer in her features when she was rested like this. She shifted a bit as he came back in.
Sawyer noticed Elena was asleep, or seemed to be from his angle. So trying not to disturb her, he took his beer with him as he walked down the hall and took a shower. Leaving the bathroom door cracked, steam would escape, but from the right angle, if one were close enough they could peek in. His clothes landed in the basket, standing there enjoying the steam while finishing his beer before pulling open the glass see-through door and entering the fog. Not 10 minutes later he steps out, grabbing a dark blue towel and wrapping it around his waist. He hears the pattering of feet, but no voices. Leaving his upper body exposed he drips water onto his glistening chest. With a smaller towel he attempts to dry his hair before taking the brush through it. Opening the door more, he sneaks down the hall and reaches his bedroom where he changes into loose basketball shorts, with nothing underneath and a black tank top to match before returning to find Elena.

"Howdy, Darlin. How are you, this fine evening?"

After a long chat, Juliet would give Casey a hug and walk her to her car. Thanking her for a wonderful job with the boys as always. It was always charming to have girl time with the young lady. But Juliet needed a bath. A long one. And wine. Lots of wine.

The bubbles bubbled and the wine hit the glass. The mid 30s woman undressed herself from her work clothes and gave herself an admiring once over before dipping into the tub... her breasts glistening, her eyes sparkling, her glass getting emptier and emptier, her toes wiggled in the bubbles as her hand travled up her stomach gripping her own breast firm, letting out a sensual moan before closing her eyes and letting her mind do the rest.

When Elena left, Sawyer found his way to his bed, but his mind was too busy to sleep. Stripping down to the flesh, his mind thinks only of her...Elena. the sheets tent up around his waist and the house goes quiet...except for a soft moan leaving his room.
Elena was perfectly unaware that he was home. Perhaps it was a rather...bad thing for her to do. Yet, she did stir a bit. She stirred a bit when she thought she heard something. She shifted in the couch, careful as she scratched her eyes to not ruin her make up. What time was it? It was couple of minutes later that he stepped out. He came out in his shorts and tank top as Elena is walking around the house, panicking for a moment before she realizes that it was Sawyer who got home.

"You scared me. I didn't realize you got home. I was trying to figure out if your car was in." She said with a pause, brushing the hair behind her head as she looks up at him. He was a handsome man. He was a handsome man and he knew it, even as he stood before her in this casual attire. "I'm good otherwise." She said with a soft smile. "She was great as always and is sound asleep. How was the rest of the night?" She asked him, chit chatting with him, seeming demure with just a hint of coquettish gestures to see if she was right about her theory.

When she went home that night, she couldn't stop thinking about him. She couldn't stop thinking about how he looked with that sly smile. She slipped her hand between her legs that night, stroking herself in soft little circles as she thinks about what he could be capable of.


The rest of the time with Juliet was simple, but pleasant as always. The two shared some laughs, other general updates, and Casey would insist on cleaning up, taking up a prominent spot in front of the sink, making sure that Juliet wouldn't lift a finger for her and give her at least some moments to herself. It was strange that she wanted to make Juliet not work as hard, even if she could do it in ways like this where she didn't need extra money and could offer something. Juliet walked her out to the car and the two hugged, Juliet able to smell the soft floral perfume that Casey always wore.

The next night, Elena was talking about how hot Sawyer was. How she could swear he was flirting with her. The girls questioned everything, but Casey was quiet. Casey couldn't help but to think of everything that Juliet had said about those gross guys and she wondered if that's what Sawyer was too. She wouldn't say anything about it, but the heavy-bottomed teen could only wonder...
Come Monday, Joel had spent all day working. His girlfriend Gabby, and their 2 year old daughter Anna stayed at home where Gabby would post her daily lewd teases for her followers, and surprise her big tippers with nudes. Around 4pm she gets a text...from partner of her's...a man named Roy. And Roy was quite the boy toy. With a strong following of his own, Roy lived the dream of having sex with hundreds and thousands of beautiful women daily...hourly even. He was in town for the month seeing family, and while he was here....

"I have the nicest suite in the hotel, come over" Roy texts
"But i have the baby with me" She replies
"So? bring it" he responds
"oh wait, my sister said she'll babysit anytime! Lemme call her real quick"

A few moments later

"Okay, she'll be here in an hour. Then I can come over" Gabby texts him
"Good, i've gotten all the equipment set up for us" He texted
"Anything I need to bring?" she asks
"Just that fat ass" he responds
"Image attached" appears on his screen moments later, clicking on it made his mouth water. Easily his favorite ass of the week.
"Good girl, you're off the pill right?" He responds
"yeah?" she says confused
"Good. your next baby is mine"

6 pm

*knock knock* the door echoes out, this hotel was 4 stories and the suites up here Huge. Much like the cock that would have its turn Breeding Joel's girlfriend. Roy opens the door, shirtless, standing in his boxers with a cock bulge that complimented his smooth chiseled abs nicely. His wavy hair...this biceps were the size of her head...his chest...and that massive cock...She had been dying for this moment since she first DM'ed him months ago.


Gabby stumbles through the door of her home, there she greets her sister and faithful babysitter. Gabby had left her home dressed in tight white tank top with a lacey black bra underneath concealing her rather voluptuous breasts. A short black skirt over her fishnets and black combat boots chained with silver. Her dyed-black hair was up in two buns like a Goth Princess Leia, yet as she stumbled in the door smelling like sweat and cum....

Her tank top was on, but without a bra underneath, a token she left with him after he stained it with semen. Her breasts were red and raw, nipples tearing into the tight fabric of her shirt. Her skirt wasnt enough to cover the fact that she was also pantiless. Her fishnets remained, yet with noticeable tears behind her kneecaps. She waddled in slowly, gripping onto whatever railing was nearby as her legs quivered, her stomach clenched. She had just been ravaged, torn open and taken fully, and she loved it. There wasnt apart of her right now that he didnt claim. Looking at her sister, she smiles and says "Having fun? You know you're welcome to whatever vodka we have stashed away" then she vanishes down the hall and into the bedroom where the shower turns on.

Joel was surprised to see his soon to be sister in law's car parked out front, but as he walked in he was even more surprised to see her cuddled up on the couch in front of the tv without her sister. "Hey Sarah" He says entering the living room. "Whatcha doing? You and Gabs hangin out with some wine again?" He asks clueless to the reality of the situation. Oblivious to her frequent her content creating....

Taking a seat besides Sarah, he lets out a sigh after a long day at work.
Sarah was splayed out on her bed, doomscrolling on her phone when the call came in. "Let me guess..." She said with the casual aloofness of a teen who was tired of doing her sibling any favors, but bored enough to actually go ahead and do it. "Oh, yeah, a big shoot? Sure, whatever. It's not like I have anything better to do." She said, hanging up the phone before texting the group chat 'Guess who's sis is getting dicked down again and needs a cover!" The chat lit up, mostly in confusion as to how her boyfriend could put up with it. It wasn't that she was a sexworker it was...they couldn't put their finger on it, but something about it was simple so.. off putting. They were all sure, Sarah especially that something else was up.

Part of her felt as if she enabled this. Why the fuck did she let her do this to Joel? She didn't know why. Maybe it was for the same reason that Gabby did...whatever Gabby liked to do. They all knew of her hobby, but she wasn't sure if Joel really knew what else she got up when she did the meets with other streamers and so forth. Why would he put up with it? She watched over nephew, as strange as that was to her with an aloofness that likely made her the worst babysitter of her friends, but she still did it.

So when Gabby got home from one of the worst walks of shame she had ever seen, Sarah couldn't help but to grimace. At least she paid her in booze. When Gabby offered her the vodka, she did just that, getting it up and mixing it into some cranberry juice a heavy pour for herself now that the kid was Gabby's problem. She was downing it as Joel got into the house. "'s mostly me...Gabby was busy with 'work'." She said with a bit of sarcasm in her voice. She looked over at Joel, he was a handsome guy and a good guy too. Too good, honestly, he needed to just...break free from her admittedly trash sister. Sarah tossed her hair over her shoulder, dressed in a simple black dress and black stockings that fit her Francophile aesthetic.

Maybe it was the vodka or the nihilistic way she lived, but she played coy and draped her feet onto his lap. "Tired? I'm surprised Gabby isn't here taking care of you." She cooed softly to him, not too aggressive given both the sisters kind of had a...directness to them, but the teen certainly was far more tame than her older sister.
Joel immediately smelled the vodka as he sat down, but he wasnt to question it. Sarah, as always was extremely beautiful. Yet he would never admit it. His eyes struggled hard not to run up and down her legs as they sat beside each other. As soon as her feet had landed in his lap, Joel's face became red with nerves. His eyes bounced from her soles to her arch to her toes to her eyes, up and down her legs...up...and down. Minuets passed, and conversation carried on, but his hands at some point found their way to her feet. His thumbs pressed firmly into her soles as they rolled in circular motions up and down, grinding his knuckles beneath her arch, her toes getting a firm tug as he moves his palms to the tops of her feet, running down slowly before his finger tips pressed into her soles once more. Over and over as minuets went by.

Then, it finally happened. As he massaged her feet he let her heel bump into his lap where her feet were met with a small jump in his pants. A throb just below her feet as her toes wiggled against his bulge. Growing nervous he quickly excuses himself and stands behind the couch. "Well, im off to bed, it was nice chatting. Stay as long as you'd like, have a goodnight!" Joel says to Sarah abruptly before making his way to his room. The master bathroom was still being occupied, Gabby was in there messing with her hair still Joel thought before he made his way back to the hallway and found his way to the guest bathroom. Instantly his pants dropped, his belt hit the floor and his cock was free. His left hand rested on the door frame to support himself up as he leaned in while his right hand firmly gripped himself and began stroking up and down, up and down, his pace quickening as time went on. After a few minuets, he finally broke the silence....

"Sarah...oh fuck" he moans as he releases into the bathroom toilet. A muffled moan following up as he strokes himself faster and faster, his breathing getting loud, and his balls emptied. Moments later he exited the bathroom and returned to his bedroom, avoiding eye contact with Sarah.
This was the game being played. The game thay eventually Joel decided to partake in. His hands reaching out to her feet and massaging the teenager'a feet. "That feels good..." She said, taking another swig, lying back against the couch and letting out a satisfied moan as he massaged her beautiful, dainty feet. "You're good at this." She said with a tone of coquette in her voice. It honestly did feel great and she gave him a sultry look with a soft smile as he did so. Sarah made idle small talk, asking about his day as he massaged her feet. It was likely more than Gabby did for him.

He shifted her feet and for a couple of moments, her feet pressed against what she knew was clearly his bulge. Sarah felt him throb but before she could act or response, he suddenly shot up, made some comments and left. He ran to the bathroom and he was gone. Gone for a few minutes but she listened and listened carefully. She wasn't sure but she swore she heard him say her name in there. There was a satisfied smirk on her face as she wondered what exactly he was doing in there.

When he rushed out, she said with a coquette tone once more, "Umm, you owe me another one next time." As he abandoned her. Sarah said downing her vodka cran as she said softly. "Look in front of you...she doesn't care." She said with a hint of melancholy as she grabbed her stuff and began her walk home without saying goodbye to either of them...
Wednesday night rolled around again, and the Morgans were driving away from their home once again heading out for a romantic evening leaving Kayla with the kids. Only this time, John made sure to leave a little surprise for the girl. In their bedroom, a single pillow lays right in the middle of their bed. And on top of the pillow is Kate's Favorite Toy. Beside it is a note...

Enjoy yourself, Kayla. I want you to make yourself cum tonight, the only rule is that you prove it and send me a pic of you playing with your toy.

The Morgans arrived at their favorite Italian resturante, as per usual, this time they had a dim candle-lit dinner. Kate teasing a John as she slid a breadstick over her lips slowly and tenderly. Her tongue slithers out to lick the salt off of it before licking her lips. Taking the first inch into her mouth she swirls her tongue around it. Then she takes another...and another...and another. Half of the breadstick was now coated in her saliva as she takes it out and wiggles it about. With a smile she rubs her feet against John's shins, her heels come off easily and her toes travel up his pant legs. There was no doubt he was already hard, but then their food arrived...

After John had finished his meal, Kate was still working on hers, John excused himself to go to the restroom where his phone buzzed. A text from Kayla...

*Image Attached* it said, so he clicks it....

Juliet found herself needing to go into the office that same night, usually she did her editing from home, but oh well. Giving Casey a text, she dresses herself up and leaves dinner on the counter for the girl before driving away before she gets there. A few hours pass, and Juliet is bored already. Stuck in a needless meeting she could have just zoomed streamed, she sits and thinks to herself....well....she thinks about Casey. Pulling out her phone under the table she slowly types to her babysitter. "Hey, sweetie. How are you hanging in there? The boys behaving themselves?"
The next week came by. School was boring and all of the same and the routine continued. Kayla made her way over to the Morgans and at first everything seemed to be perfectly normal. The routine was the same, goodbyes and then bsck to the kids to be fed, cleaned, and entertained until bed time. The trio well behaved enough that Kayla had no issues with them. All was well until she went to the master bedroom to see if one of the kids missing toys were there. There was a toy...but not what she expected.

Her face turned a bright red. At first she thought it was an accident until she saw a note. Kayla leaned in to read it and her heart skipped a beat. She took her phone out covering her mouth as she sent a Pic to the group of friends. The group LIT UP. Elena and Sarah shocked, asking what she was gonna do. Elena told her to do it. He was hot enough and this was payback for getting caught. Casey chided them all telling them that this was cheating and not cool. Sarah countered and said definitely not. The note was clearly written in a feminine hand writing. This was a message from Kate. Elena wondered what if it was both? Kayla closed the phone, unable to decide what to do.

The nervous teen bit her nails. Was this her in trouble? What if she didn't do it? What if she did? The group was telling her to do it. The Morgans clearly wanted her to do it. Her face was flush as she closed the bedroom door. Kayla's heart raced as she locked it and climbed onto the bed. Was she seriously considering this? Her heart was racing as she hooked the band of her lulus, bringing them down to her knees to reveal her cute pink panties. Slowly, she lowered them too, legs slightly spread on the bed as she took the toy and turned it. She gasped in surprise at it as she took it and began to slide it up and down her slit. She never used a toy like this, or any,of them period. She gasped softly, enjoying the sensation as she let it linger in the entrance to her tight slit, pushing lightly a bit before she snapped a pic of it.

Before she could change her mind. She hit send with a message that said. "Like this?" Innocent and inexperienced even in her messages.

Over at Juliets, Cassie is tired. Plopped on the couch as she let's out a sigh before a text comes in from Juliet. Her eyes light up slightly as she reads it. The teen too blind to see that she was crushing on Juliet. "They certainly made me work tonight but they're finally down. Sorry you had to go into the office. I wish you could have just worked here. I could have made you something to eat instead of you rushing elsewhere." She felt bad for her,but it was also clear that Casey almost wanted to..serve her in a way. Something she didn't know she hinted in her message.
There he was, standing in a closed bathroom stall, pants down to his knees. Underwear pulled to his thighs....cock fully exposed and rock hard. One hand gripped the base of his dick hard as his other hand held the phone, examining every detail as Kayla began her first play session. The first bead of precum dripped out while he stared at the screen before he replied.

"Just like that, good girl. Now. Deeper" he sent.

His hand slowly stroking from the base to the tip, his bulging veins passing through his rough but soft hands as he stroked himself slowly to her pic. The idea of his tight, young, sexy babysitter at home fucking herself to his commands made him fucking wild. He sent Kate a text excusing him for being away so long as a sudden stomach ache grew over him. Which wasnt entirely untrue, something was definitely aching right now...

Juliet smiled at the text Casey sent her, such a sweet young lady. Fixing her hair, she pretended to be focused on the meeting before staring back down at her phone screen.
"Why dont you just go ahead and head up to my room, lay down on a big comfy bed and rest. I've got some good books in there too if you want to rent one from me. Reading is good for the mind you know" she sends referring to the small collection of romance novels on her private shelf. Lesbian, Lesbian, Lesbian, Single father and his babysitter, Lesbian, MILF and a boy next door, Lesbian, a lesbian and her MILF professor...quite the collection, and more boxed away in her closest.

Below the bookshelf was a mirror above a table with a seat and several drawers, makeup, jewelry, drawers with hair accessories, but one drawer in particular was locked. And a key was nowhere to be found. Hmmm, interesting....
The petite blonde couldn't believe what she was doing. She couldn't believe that she had listened to her friends and what this note had said. She did not have the foresight to think as to what this could mean for her job or anything of the sort. She was still having moments of doubt when the text came in reply. There was a nervous yet excited gulp that escaped her as she read the words. Was she realizing doing this? The teen had been idly pumping herself slowly with the toy, it's pleasant vibrations running up and down her body. Her nipples hard against the fabric of her bra. Slowly, she began to pump the toy deeper into her body. Just a few inches now, letting her body adjust as she sent another picture. "Like this...?" she said, gasping to herself as she dragged her heels slowly up and down down the comforter.

As Juliet's, Casey opened the next response from Juliet. The prospect of laying down and reading did seem nice. She usually just draped herself over the couch whenever she wanted to read, but tonight in particular had been exhausting. She wouldn't be home for another few hours, so perhaps it wasn't a bad idea. "Maybe. I did finish the one I was on the other day." She said. Perhaps it should have been a red flag that she was directing her over to her bed, but the teen didn't really think anything of it. After she had some more minutes to breathe, she decided to do so. "Alright, I'll check it out. Just let me know when you're coming home so I can have something for you ready." She said before she went to the bedroom.

Once inside, she scoured the private bookshelf that she had never really noticed before. This was the first time that she had ever been inside her bedroom like this. She picked one at random, none of the titles meaning anything to her before she looked over the vanity. Her delicate fingers traced it before she settled in onto the plush bed. Casey opened up the book, beginning to read the story. The minutes passed and after an hour of reading, Casey began to realize that this was...a lesbian romance novel? She had never read one before and for a moment, it kind of freaked her out yet...yet she found it interesting. She was tempted to text Juliet about it, but she didn't want to embarrass herself. Her cheeks blushing red as she made it to the first sex scene in the book. One hand covering her mouth as the young teen discovered she couldn't pry her eyes away. Why couldn't she? She always said she was straight and yet...the words seem to speak to her.
Johns cock throbbed wildly in his hands, his swollen tip glistening with precum as his balls sway gently with his firm stroking as her second picture comes through to him. Gripping the base of his swollen cock, he takes a POV shot as if she were kneeling in front of him. Showing off the V line below his chisled abs, the veiny length of his member, and his leaking slit glistening in excitement before hitting send. "Thats a good girl" he says below the image.

Juliet attempts to focus on her work, but to no avail. The boring meeting leads her mind to imagine the sweet, innocent babysitter laying in Juliet's bed. All soft...and naked. No. She better stop there, her thoughts shouldnt go any farther. But then she closes her eyes and imagines her Casey's fingers sliding in and out of her bare little pussy as she reads Juliet's smut collection. Damn, Juliet was wet. She couldnt help but imagine what Casey might be reading...oh if only she could see Casey now...

She turns off her phone, it was the only way to keep her from texting Casey more so. Taking a deep breath she looks back up and tries to pay attention, yet her thighs were beginging to squeeze and clamp on each other, one of her hands moving under the table to gently outline her wetness through her pants. If only she was wearing a skirt, then she could make herself cum right here, right now
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