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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

No they had anticipated it getting bad.... but perhaps not this bad. All of this stress really wasn't helping at all, and she was definitely trying to focus away from it. How she wished that her husband was there at the time. She was terrified and really the only people she felt truly safe with happened to be Grant and Azalea. Yet it didn't seem like long before the prince was coming through the side door with Aden and Azalea, who seemed to be covered in blood. Hard to tell if it was hers or that of somebody else. Probably both. Yet Azalea was abandoning the weapon in her hand so that she could go over to Caly and was just wrapping her arms around her - almost that protective older sister or mother at the time.
Azalea was just staying close to the two royals at that point in time - but so far she really didn't have to do a whole lot. In the end the king's people were actually retreating, and unluckily for Grant, the king was managing to escape as well. It only left those that were loyal to Cassian at that point in time the palace. Azalea just stayed near Caly, just holding the young woman to her chest gently so that she could just listen to her heartbeat. At the time even with everything that had happened... Azalea was calm.
Grant was furious and he wanted to kill the king. while he hadn't managed to kill the man he had done some serious damage so he followed the blood trail to see if he could catch up with the man
Unfortunately he wouldn't find himself able to catch up with the man - not when some of his men were spiriting him away via horseback.
Azalea was just looking towards Cassian before she was questioning, "Is there a more private room that I can escort Lady Caly to so that she can rest a bit?" This had the prince nodding and telling her that two doors down there was an open bedroom. This had her nodding before she was helping Caly up and leading her out of the room just telling her to keep her eyes closed for the time being.
Azalea was just walking with her and leading her into the room, helping her settle on the bed so that she could relax. "Calm yourself. Breath." Azalea was speaking to her, her voice completely calm as she just took a few deep breaths to get Caly to copy her. No she needed to get her to calm down at that point - especially with how far along she was. A lot of stress could trigger early labor and she didn't want that in foreign lands, and her husband wasn't there with her. "When Grant gets here... I will talk to him and have him get you home to Vincent." Azalea was speaking in a gentle voice before she was gently shushing Caly who was stating that they hadn't upheld their end of the treaty of helping the prince ascend the throne. "I'll stay here in good faith until that happens, and should I run into the king.... I'll be sure to personally deliver him to Grant." she was speaking. No Caly did have a point... it could be seen as breaking the treaty since it had been agreed that there would be an alliance if they helped the prince rise to the throne. Azalea was one of Caly's people - so even if she did it herself, it would still count as help from the other kingdom.
Azalea was looking towards Grant before he was speaking, "Return home with Lady Caly. I'll remain here to uphold the end of the treaty to help the Crown Prince ascend to the throne. And if I see the King again I'll personally deliver him to you, all nicely bound and gagged for you."
Azalea was giving a nod of her head before she was just looking towards Caly. "When you return just monitor for any pain - especially with how stressed this whole situation got her. I am worried that this whole situation could have cause her to go into early labor." Azalea was speaking to him in a low voice before she was giving Caly a gentle hug.
Grant nodded his head "Ill let the doctors at home know" Grant then carefully helped her up so that they could get out of there and head home
Azalea was walking with them and then watching them leave, which had Cassian asking about it as he came over, why she wasn't leaving with them. "I am going to be the one to uphold the deal of the kingdom. To help you ascend to the throne. I just didn't wish for my queen to remain here any longer. Especially since I have a fear for her going into early labor."
Azalea was just watching as they were leaving before Cassian was stating that he would have a room prepared for her, and that she would be treated as the ambassador of a visiting noble. This had her giving a nod before she was stating she was going to go and wash all of the blood off of herself. As she was walking past Aden though she was commenting in a low voice that he had to put up with her a bit longer.
Cassian was just shaking his head before he was speaking, "Nothing other than escort her to a room that she can use. And perhaps get her something more dignified to wear...." No the woman was still have undressed and there were more than a number of men averting their eyes.
Azalea was just following after him towards the room that she would get to stay in before she spoke, "Seems I am no longer your prisoner of war." Yet over the last few days her injury had healed up quite significantly.
"that is true" Aden then opened the door to one of the rooms that was ready and motioned for her to head in so that she could get cleaned up
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