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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Things were definitely going to get quite bad especially when one of the prince's servants was coming in and whispering to him. Something had come up and his assistance was needed. Planned by his father that was for certain but perhaps a good thing that he wasn't going to be in there. He was taking with him the documents, in which Caly had already read through and signed but he didn't allow his father to actually look at them at all. No it was a peace treaty through and through - with a couple of clauses being there. One was that she was needing to help the prince take over the throne, and then there was a clause that stated that... High General Grant was allowed to punish the former king as he wished. Yet no sooner than the prince had left did the king seemed to be acting, his own generals coming into the room.

"What is the meaning of this?" Caly was questioning as she was rising to her feet, making sure that it would be easier to get away if it came to that. She was keeping the fact that she was terrified hidden - and it didn't help that they hadn't been allowed to bring any of their people with them, and they didn't know that Aden was on their side. "You surrendered your kingdom to me so therefore... You now both belong to me to do as I wish. Guards take the general to the dungeons - he will be trained how to act soon. Escort the queen to the eastern tower - do be careful to take care of her, especially in her condition." the king was speaking after a moment in time. Oh so that is what he had been planning.

While Azalea wanted to act.... she wasn't going to act yet. At least not until Aden was giving her that signal to act, and so far they were just approaching to try and take them away. Yet she was sure that Grant would be lashing out at them almost right away before they could get close - yet there were those people that were in the rafters that had her worried.
Aden looked at Azalea and nodded his head silently giving her the signal to act while watching was Grant came between the generals and his Queen.
Azalea was giving a nod and she was soon enough allowing the ropes to loosen, yet she wasn't on the move until the people from above were actually making a move. They were dropping down and attempting to grab Caly from behind. Only for the young queen to get swept away by that of Azalea, who had snagged a sword from where Cassian had given mention to Aden that he was going to hide one. "I don't think so." Azalea was commenting as she kept Caly behind her. The king was roaring at Aden to get his prisoner back under control not even realizing that that wasn't going to be how it happened at the time. He definitely seemed to think that Aden was going to help him, especially since at the time Azalea was backing up and urging Caly back towards where Aden was. She knew that Grant would end up moving with her at some point as well.
once they were close Aden greeted the young Queen and then drew his own weapon but not to take Azalea on but to help her protect the young woman who was obviously scared at that point in time. while they were protecting Caly Grant was fighting off those who had come for him
Caly was a bit startled at that point in time although she relaxed when she realized that Azalea wasn't at all tensed up at the moment. No this man could be trusted. "Caly. On the chair where the prince had been sitting is a cloak that you can use to cover up with. I know that you have been having difficulties with stomaching violence lately." Azalea was speaking in a calm voice which had Caly nodding as she was grabbing it and soon just using it to cover herself up, so that she couldn't see the violence happening.

The king was definitely furious at that point in time and was growling at his generals to make sure that they took down Aden as well, that he was a traitor to the kingdom. The fight was definitely going to be a tough one for the three of them, especially with having to protect Caly as well. "Lady Caly... You trust me, correct?" Azalea was questioning as she backed up towards her and Caly was just nodding for a brief moment in time. Although it wasn't long before Azalea was grabbing her hand and soon enough pulling her with her, and past a couple of the generals who were more than startled with what was happening. Nope this had also been planned if things turned sour. Azalea was taking Caly to a few a few doors down to where a number of Aden's best warriors were at - and a doctor that was loyal to the prince so that he could check the young queen over.

Azalea wasn't at all startled to see that a couple of the king's men were actually attempting to stop her, telling her that they really didn't want to hurt a woman at all. There was definitely hesitation to raise a weapon towards Caly though with her being as pregnant as she was.
Aden grinned at Grant and then started fighting signaling to his own men to join in. he didn't care if he died as long as the king fell he would be happy
Azalea was just taking Caly down the hallway and to the room where some of Aden's men were camped out. "This is Queen Calypso. This is the royal that you were informed by your general would be visiting today. This is the woman that you will protect from the king and his men. And I promise if harm comes to her... General Aden will be the least of your concerns." Azalea was speaking and a number of the men were nodding, one of them even coming over to guide the shaking Caly to a chair for her to sit down. It wasn't long before Azalea was leaving the room although she was just standing in the hallway at the time with a number of the king's men facing her.
one of the men came over to her and knelt down "my I check you over your majesty?" this was the doctor who was just there to make sure that both she had the baby were ok
Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was giving a small nod of her head. No they had been expecting this to happen.... but it still had her beyond freaked out nonetheless. "Grant!" Azalea was speaking as she returned to the room just giving an innocent smile towards the king before she was cooing, "He is all yours High General Grant, in accordance with the agreement between Crown Prince Cassian and Queen Calypso. Upon the dethronement of the king... his punishment is to be decided by that of the high general grant." This definitely had the king beyond confused and stating that he was still the king, that he had yet to be dethroned. This had Azalea tilting her head before she was speaking, 'Valid point but nobody in this room will miss you. That and.... You did touch Grant's wife." Although she was putting a hand to her mouth in mock pretend horror before she was gasping, "Oh I shouldn't have said that." Sure Caera had told Grant that she had been raped but she hadn't exactly told him who had touched her... and as far as she knew nobody had told him who, not at all knowing that another dancer had told him the full story that day.
Grant looked at the king and then smiled "so you are the one who thought it was ok to rape my wife" Grant cut down any man who got in his way and he made his way to the king more then ready to kill him for what he had done
The king was definitely attempting to duck away from the man... even going as far as attempting to hide behind Aden and Azalea. "I am not getting between you and Grant at all.... Besides had he not been able to come here himself... I would have personally bound you from head to toe to deliver you to him. And any of your men that tried to stop me would have been slaughtered." Azalea was commenting as she was dancing away from him, and just keeping an eye on his generals that wanted to move forward... but they could also feel the anger that radiated off of Grant at the time.
Aden even moved out of the way as he could tell the man was pissed. Aden couldn't believe that the king had raped the mans wife and thought he could get away with it
Azalea was just keeping her distance as well at the moment, her eyes just studying their surroundings for a moment. There was still something that was bothering her though, something still felt amiss. Something even more dangerous but she wasn't sure why she was feeling that way. Yet after a moment in time she actually just seemed to be darting out of the room, not even really saying anything at all. No she knew that the queen was safe... but the prince on the other hand wasn't as protected anymore.
Azalea was running into the room where the prince was at and without even seeming to flinch she was already between him and the guard that was swinging at him, a spear that she had snagged from a different guard on the way there blocking him. There didn't seem to be any emotion on her face as she was shifting and soon the guard found himself staggering before the butt of the spear was slamming into his chest, sending him backwards onto the ground.
Cassian was nodding his head and just looked at the guard that had actually tried to strike him. It was one of his father's personal guards and it was a man that didn't go down easily without a fight either. There was definitely worry that the woman wasn't going to be alright - having truly no idea who she actually was other than one of the generals that worked under Hayden. He didn't truly know that she was the infamous Black General, yet not many people did know that fact. Grant, obviously Hayden, Caly, Vincent, Abby, Robert, Caera, and now Aden.
Cassian was giving a small but worried nod of his head before he was commenting, "I hope so." The other man was definitely somebody that most feared pissing off - more than they feared Aden. This man mind as well be their own version of Grant - brutal and violent especially towards the enemy. Although there was something eerie about the fact that Azalea was giggling at that point in time and didn't even seem to be afraid - despite how the other man was in full armor and she was wearing little to nothing. A dress that barely kept her covered.
Azalea was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "Oh you are no fun at all." The man was just laughing and was stating that a woman didn't stand a change against him which just had her looking over. "Sucks for you that I am no average woman. I am one of King Hayden's generals that has fought in many battles side by side with General Grant." was all she said and soon enough the pair were clashing with each other.
Cassian was just a bit pale himself, just keeping his distance at the time. This was definitely all quite a bit for him at the time as well. As this was happening, some of the king's guards were definitely deciding that they were going to try and capture the queen for the king.... So they were actually entering the room that they had seen her go into.
Caly was more than startled although she was most definitely giving a startled shriek as knife was actually whizzing past her head, dangerously close to cutting her cheek and imbedding itself in the wall behind her. Well this had her trembling and her eyes were wide.
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