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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Hayden was just looking over for a moment in time before he was nodding his head and commenting, "Let us go and see what she needs."

Caera was just watching before she looked at the servant who was coming over and stating that when the chance happened - the queen wished to speak to herself and Grant.
Abby nodded her head and then walked with him to see what they were wanted for. she hoped that it wasn't bad news and that they would have to worry more.

Grant called an end to the days lessons and told everyone that they did well and to go get cleaned up
Caera was looking towards Grant when he called an end to the lesson before she was stating, "The queen wishes to see us when we are free."

Upon arrival to the throne room they would find that Caly didn't seem to be there, but her handmaiden was there. "Oh Lady Caly just stepped out so that she could feed the little one." the woman was speaking.
Grant nodded his head and then scooped Archer up and hugged him "hey little man how is everything"

Abby nodded her head and then found a place to sit while they waited
Archer was just stating that everything was fine. With that he was questioning, "Can I come with when you go talk to big sister?" Caly and Abby were both big sisters to him, as Caera was mom.
Caera was nodding her head before she was speaking, "That is completely okay." Although after a moment in time she was giving a smile before she was whispering something to Archer. "Really? I can tell him?!" Archer questioned excitedly. It wasn't anything super major.... Just that she still wanted to try for a baby. And Archer had overheard her talking to Abby about it, and it had gotten him super excited that he might have a baby sibling to play with, so he had wanted to tell him. Even if he didn't understand what was fully going on at all.
They were arriving in the throne room although Caly didn't seem to be there, at least not for a bit. It wasn't long before she walked in with her son in her arms. "We have been invited to the other kingdom for a few reasons. I shall be attending with my husband, the invite has been extended to you all as well. The coronation of the prince and there shall be another special event happening as well. Then there shall be a ball in celebration of the new kings rise to the throne." Caly was speaking - not wanting to speak of execution with Archer right there.
Abby looked at Hayden to see if they would be going or if they would be staying.

Grant then looked at Caera and spoke “shall we go or do you want to remain here”
Archer was stating that he was wanting to go with though. This had Caly just looking for a brief moment before she was gliding over and kneeling down, her son still in her arms at the time. "You can't come with us buddy, it is for adults only." Caly was speaking before she was stating that she had a big task but she needed a big strong boy to help her out with it. This definitely had Archer raising his hand and speaking, "Me! I'm strong! I can help!" She was giving a smile before she was speaking, "I need somebody to help my handmaiden take care of my son while I am gone. I need somebody that will make funny faces at him when he is getting sad, and somebody who will help feed him his bottle when he is hungry."
Caly was just giving a smile before she was speaking, "I think you are definitely the best person for the job." She was straightening up and ruffling his hair a little bit.
Caly was giving a gentle smile and gave a small nod of her head before she was commenting, "Why don't you all go and start getting packed. We plan to be leaving later today to get there a bit early." Caera was a bit excited though as well because they were going to be able to see Azalea once again.
Hayden was just heading off as well after her although he was letting her know that she didn't need to go with if she didn't wish too.
Abby looked at him "I want to go I want to see that bastard pay for what he did" Abby didn't like that Caera had been hurt by the former king and she wanted to see him get what he deserved
Hayden was just giving a nod of his head before he was speaking, "Caly will have a carriage prepared for us. Pack what you need for staying away from home for at least two weeks. Giving us time to get there, partake in the events, and get home." Sure two weeks was perhaps a bit much but it was also for the travel time and then in case anything came up.
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