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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Soon enough Azalea was just going through the votes and she was opening them up to read the name before she was folding them back up, tossing them into two separate piles. She was having a general count one of the piles while an advisor counted the other pile - although she didn't allow either of them to open any of the papers. No only she knew which pile was which - she already knew who had won, counting as she separated them. Once they both said they were done counting and said the totals she was telling the one with the most votes to open a piece of paper from their pile.
Aden hoped that the prince had won as he was a much kinder man then the king was and he knew that things would get easier if the prince took over.
It wasn't long before the general was picking up a slip of paper and opening it up. "The Prince." was all the general could say.
Cassian just seemed a bit startled by this but he was stating that he would try his best to be the ruler that the people needed, a ruler that the people could count on. Watching this all happen had Azalea heading off so that she could get a letter written to Grant and Caly, let them know. This did just mean that her task of helping the prince take the throne was complete.
Cassian was just watching for a brief moment in time although he could tell that his general almost seemed a bit sadden about something.
Cassian was just inclining his head before he was looking towards one of his trusted advisors who was stating that they would get a coronation date figured out.
Cassian was just looking towards Aden before he was questioning what seemed to have him in a depressed mood.
Cassian was just looking towards him before he was giving a small shrug before he was commenting, "I mean from what I had heard was that had been your plan in the first place - not sure what is stopping you at this point. Just knock her out, tie her up, and make her reliant on you. She'll come around to wanting to stay with you." Who knew that Cassian was so devious at times.
Aden chuckled "its different now she is no longer a prisoner" while Aden hadn't been expecting his prince to say that he did want her to stay
Cassian was commenting that there wasn't really anything stopping him from turning her into one. With that he was waving a hand so that he could head off and do his own thing.
Cassian was just looking over before he was commenting, "Besides in the end... Something tells me she wouldn't really care if you took her prisoner. But I would make a decision.... she is packing up to leave."
Cassian was just chuckling before he was commenting, "And I'm sure that ultimately Queen Calypso would forgive you if you took her general hostage.... Especially if it more because you want to keep her around since you are totally in love with her."
Cassian was just looking over before he was commenting, "Well go and capture her. There is that chance that she does love you. You both seem like the type of person who...won't admit that. So go tie her up, fuck her silly, and tell her that she has to stay with you."
Cassian was just chuckling before he was commenting, "I doubt that it will." Aden would find Azalea in the room that she had been allowed to stay in and she was in the process of packing up some stuff. Clothes that Caly had brought with her for the woman, and had asked a servant to deliver to her later on.
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