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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

As this was happening, Caly seemed to be pacing in the throne room a bit although it wasn't long before a messenger seemed to be coming in with a rather curious message. A message from the kingdom that was attacking them - although it seemed to be from the Prince. An invitation for the pair of them to meet and discuss the war in question - and a want to explain that his actions were different from that of his fathers. This had a bit of hesitation although she did recall that Abby had made it sound as though the prince was at least somewhat of a decent person. Soon enough she was letting out a breath before she was heading off to go and find Grant - seeking his guidance at that point in time. No she wanted to speak to the prince - to see if they could find a peaceful resolution to this. Yet it also seemed like there was the need to take care of the king. There was also mention in the letter that the red head from the battlefield was within his palace and currently being nursed back to health.

Azalea didn't seem to be out for very long although she was definitely watching Aden at that point in time from where she was laying on her stomach. No she was fully aware that he had been fucking her earlier, she could feel the proof of his deed still between her legs. That sticky feeling. "Hmmm.... A promise of freedom if I killed your king. But something tells me that ... You won't stick to the deal." she was commenting although she was looking towards the door a bit at talk that they could hear outside of the door. Talk about of the Western queen had been invited to the palace, news that had Azalea's hand clenching into a fist. No she knew that Caly would decide to come there.... The woman wanted nothing but peace.
Aden looked at her "you kill him and your free to go I won't stop you and neither will any of the men here" Aden looked at her and then listened to the talk outside of his door and sighed "I hope she come with a strong guard on her as I don't trust the King to not try something while she is here." Aden had heard that the queen while young was wise and only wanted peace and he would hate to see her be harmed because of his kings machinations.
Azalea was just mumbling that she would more that likely bring Grant with her. After that she was commenting, "And I am here... There will be nothing stopping me from going to protect her if somebody threatens her." Her tone was quite dangerous at that point in time, far more dangerous than anything that he had heard from her before. And he would perhaps have the feeling that there truly would be no stopping her at all - even if she was at death's door, she would stop at nothing to protect those that she cared about. "It would be unwise of your king and go after Queen Calypso. It isn't as though she is an innocent damsel in distress - she is a warrior much like her mother had been, granted she has taken a step back learning she was with child." Azalea was commenting. And that could perhaps be the queen's protection as well - if he tried to harm her and the people learned that she was pregnant; the king would definitely have more of his people against him than not. After all childbirth was truly a sacred thing.
Aden rubbed his head "this whole thing is going to give me a migraine" Aden then looked at Azalea and nodded as he listened to her and hoped that things would go well as he didn't want to see someone innocent hurt by his king once more.
Azalea was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she was commenting that it was his own fault for deciding to serve a madman. Although it wasn't as though she really had room to talk at all. She did find herself burying her head into the pillow for a moment in time, just having a random memory of something that she had forgotten about so long ago. "That is how I recognize the king...." she was mumbling after a moment in time. No he had been best friends with the mad king... and had been there the day that Azalea had been raped by the mad king so long ago. Those memories were still somewhat painful to recall - dealing with a number of days of just being violated by the mad king and beaten. Eventually finding herself with child - her first child, but a product of rape. However she had managed to get away - despite at the time of fleeing being nearly eight months pregnant.
Azalea was just turning her head to look towards him although she was pretty silent at that point in time, just seeming a bit lost in her thoughts.
Aden watched her but he didn't touch her

Grant stood with Abby, Hayden, Vincent and Caly as they looked at the letter he didn't want his queen to go but Abby insisted that the prince was different then the king and that they should give him a chance
Azalea was just commenting that she was amazed that his king hadn't recognized her at all. "Yet I suppose then I wasn't the woman I am now. He and the mad king are the reason I am who I am." was all she could say.

Caly was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I will go and speak with the prince. Perhaps we can come to a negotiation with the prince.... Maybe even help handle the king as well." Hayden was just looking for a brief moment in time before he was stating that Grant would be going with her for sure then - not even giving his general any room to argue.
"our king has been mad for some time" Aden wasn't the only one who wanted him gone but they had to wait for the prince to become of age before they could act. but sadly that time had come and gone and the king still ruled.

Grant nodded his head but looked up sharply when Abby said she was going with as she knew what the prince looked like and would be able to tell if it was the real prince or a ruse
Azalea was just laughing before she was commenting, "When I was nineteen I was kidnapped by the mad king and more or less kept as his pet. Raped repeatedly, beaten repeatedly. Ended up pregnant. Somehow managed to get away and fled back home, I was about eight months pregnant at the time. Lost the baby but.... It changed something in me. I didn't ever want to be that weak again." A part of her history - although it might perhaps explain her strange thing for being tied up. It was also something that she had grown use to back then - yet had slowly come to like dependent on who she was with.

Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was looking towards Hayden who was stating that he would select a couple of other guards to go with them.
Aden nodded his head as he listened to her and then looked her over. "rest and heal for now if the rumor is true the king will show his face to cause problems at the meeting"

Grant didn't like the idea of taking Abby with as she wasn't a fighter but as Hayden wasn't voicing an opposition to it then he wasn't going to fight it
Azalea was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "I would have rested earlier... if somebody had decided to think with his cock." Although who would have figured that it wasn't long after that where she seemed to be teasing him that it hadn't felt that terrible at all.

Hayden was against it but he already knew that Abby was probably going to go either way in the end. Although after a moment in time it seemed like Caly was speaking, "No... You will remain here Abby. There is a chance that you also managed to catch the king's eye before... It would be best that you stay out of his sight."
Abby looked at her "but neither of you know what the prince looks like" Abby didn't like the idea of her going with out her as she didn't trust someone not to try and trick the woman.

Aden looked at her and smiled "if you want Ill fuck you again"
Azalea was just looking at him before she was just scoffing a bit and stating that she hadn't like it that much. Nope she was definitely in denial about that, at the time anyways.

Caly was just looking before she was speaking, "I am trying to keep you safe... especially from a mad man like the king."
"I know but outside of the other dancers I am the only one who knows what the prince looks like except for Azalea and we don't even know if she will be at the meeting or not" Abby was using logic and not her emotions while speaking.

Aden chuckled and then leaned forward "I think you did like it"
Hayden was just looking before he was speaking, "There will be nothing that stops Azalea. She could be at death's door and would do anything possible to be somewhere if it meant keeping friends safe."

Azalea was just looking towards him before she was stating that he had absolutely no proof about that. With that she was actually moving so that she could sit up.
Abby nodded her head and then agreed to stay if Azalea would make sure that she was there.

Aden chuckled "your body said otherwise and so did your moans"
Azalea was just looking towards him before she was scoffing and stating that he had just caught her while she was still under the weather - when her body wasn't even sure what it was suppose to be feeling. Which in a way did make a bit of sense - even right then she wasn't sure if she was suppose to be tired or if she was suppose to be energized. She had slept quite a bit from being sick - but her body was also still recovering from the being sick. So there was a lot of confusion going on in her own body at the time. "And why shackle me if your intention was to have me kill your king. Also, I hope you realize... This meeting.... I will be there. I don't care if I am death's door. I will be there."
"your shackled to keep you from running away and as for the meeting we will both be there" Aden was going to protect his prince especially if the king showed up as he didn't trust the man not to hurt his own son
"Why would it matter if I ran. Maybe I'll end up finding the king while I'm just wandering around." was all Azalea said with a small shrug before looking at the door as there was a knock before the doctor was coming in.
The doctor was just checking over them both before he was speaking, "I have also come to give a warning - passed on from the prince. The king is in this wing, he is more than likely looking for you Aden to try and compel you over to his side." He was also commenting that he would perhaps try and woo Azalea as well, if not just try and force her.
Aden nodded his head and then moved and removed her shackles "if the king shows up feel free to kill him" Aden wouldn't leave he bound if the king was in his wing looking for them both
The doctor was just telling them to keep themselves safe before he was leaving so that he could tend to others that needed tending too. Although Aden perhaps wouldn't be too surprised when Azalea seemed to be turning on him the moment that she was actually freed, pressing a knife that she had stolen from him to his neck. "And what is stopping me for just killing you now then going to kill your king?" she questioned after a moment in time.
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