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Summer City Chronicles- An X-Change Adventure

Aaron Flynn

Now standing right in front of her naked friend Aaron leaned in with a nod and kissed Maisie. Technically, it was not the first time they had kissed since they had, as bffs since kindergarten, practiced on each other but neither of them counted that as real kissing. Aaron's first kiss had been with a girl she had met at summer camp some years before. When exactly Maisie had had her first kiss that counted Aaron didn't know but for all intents and purposes this was the first time they kissed each other for anything other than practice.

It felt both silly and exciting, a bit awkward perhaps as it was Maisie after all and Aaron felt strange as she sat down next to her old friend with an impressive erection poking into the air. She looked at Maisie and giggled. They were about to lose their virginities to each other. And like Maisie had said Aaron didn't want to rush it. Didn't want anything to happen that might ruin things between them as friends after the deed was done.

She leaned in and kissed Maisie again but this time she didn't giggle. Instead she ran her hands over Maisie's soft pale skin, let the tips of her fingers seek out and tease her breasts. they felt amazing when she cupped her hands over them, gave them a light squeeze as the kissing became increasingly intense, more passionate.

As she lay there half on top of her old friend, her erection rubbing against Maisie's thigh, she felt as if it would burst. She had probably been equally aroused before but never in the way she was now.
"I'll try to be as gentle as I possibly can," she whispered into Maisie's ear and then chuckled.
"Can't promise it won't hurt though," she added.
"Because well ... "
She indicated her erection which was well above average in size and felt hard enough to be used as a bat.
The first kiss Maisie gave was light, a peck, the kind of thing the two had shared when practicing, before Aaron's transformation. But with that out of the way, it seemed a dam had broken within the little blonde. She ran her fingers through Aaron's hair as they kissed again and again, adding depth and intensity with each, even daring to use her tongue a little.

"Your beard tickles." she said with a shy giggle after a particularly deep kiss. This was more like what she envisioned, Aaron had slowly laid her back, her head resting on a pillow, her little chest heaving with lack of breath and arousal. The pink nipples stood up proudly from Aaron's hands teasing them.

Soon she felt that same, hard, hot, slightly wet thing pressed against her leg, and her shyness returned a little. She wasn't sure if something that big would ever fit inside her. Tentatively she reached out and wrapped a small hand around Aaron's length and gave it a few experimental, clumsy strokes, while her other hand went to her own sex, slowly rubbing and spreading her folds with a little more expertise. "Ari... Aaron, have you ever... eaten a pussy before?" she asked.

Across the room, their friends were watching with rapt attention. It might not have been their exact fantasy, but to see someone as reserved as Maisie crying out in passion, and starting to enjoy herself, was cute and arousing. Jade, fully naked was explicity rubbing her clit in slow circles as she watched. Athena, still in her lingerie was sipping wide, not missing a move. "Go on ... fuck her. Make her scream" she said in a voice that Jade and Riley might be able to hear but that was too quiet for the "couple" to hear.
Aaron Flynn

Aaron let out a soft sigh of delight as she felt Maisie's hand barely fit around the girth of her cock and enjoying the moment let her lips wander down her friend's neck to her delicate breasts, taking the nipples into her mouth one after the other, letting out another soft sound of pleasure. Then came Maisie's hesitant question where she almost called her Ariel before remembering that for as long as she was under the effect of the pill Ariel was Aaron.
Already halfway down Maisie's belly Aaron looked up and smiled.

The truth was that not long before the defloration sleepover Ariel had hooked up with a slightly older woman, someone they all knew. Arlene, known to most as Ms Smith, at the coffee house around the corner from their school had found Ariel alone just before closing. She was nursing a Caffe Latte that had gone cold long ago. Arlene had been a Junior when Ariel and her friends were Freshmen so there wasn't that much difference in age between the two of them.

Arlene had sat down and asked what was wrong and Ariel had begun to talk about everything that had been on her mind, mostly the fact that she didn't want to find herself in college still a virgin, (this was before the girls had decided to have their sleepover), and also about her crush on Riley and how that was another thing she would regret if she left for college without having at least some experience with. Arlene had called her Honey and said that while she couldn't help her lose her virginity, not technically anyway, she could help her with the other. Assuming of course Ariel wanted her to help.

Arlene had closed the coffee house, leaving Ariel to think about it and then the two of them had gone upstairs to the room Arlene rented there by the owner of the coffee house and well ...

"I do actually," Aaron said and her smile widened.
"Surprised?" she then asked and looked across the room to their audience.
She didn't wait for the other three to respond before she dove in and began to tease Maisie's soft wet slit, pulling gently on the lips and then once she could taste an increase in the juices flowing from her friend she wrapped her lips around the clit and began to suck on it.
Athena giggled at Aaron's revelation. "Dirty girl!" she exclaimed, while Jade, still rubbing herself added, "No fair! Should you even be here then?" she asked in a tone that suggested she was joking, but was still a bit serious about the accusation.

Maisie however was less concerned with the details and was instead focused on the feeling of Aaron's lips, hands and beard running over her smooth pal skin. She was really starting to feel it, and she writhed and moaned gently on the sheets of the bed. "Mmmm...more. Please." she said in a breathy tone as she felt Aaron's hot breath on her virgin pussy. She had played with herself a little in the past, but nothing bigger than a pair of her fingers had ever penetrated her. Her folds spread under Aaron's tongue, but it was clear it was going to be a tight fit for the redhead.

Still, it seemed lubrication wouldn't be an issue, once she got going, she was like a leaky faucet. As she started to tease her own little breast, she tried to wrap her legs around the back of Aaron's head to pull him closer, as a dark damp spot started to from under her on the comforter.
Aaron Flynn

Aaron kept sucking on Maisie's clit and used her fingers to tickle the entrance to her vagina before slowly slipping a finger inside. It was soaking wet but tight. She could feel Maisie clenching around her finger and like her old friend she wondered just how the fuck her cock was going to fit in that tight space but cocks always did, didn't they. They were designed for it after all.

A few minutes later she looked up at Maisie across her belly and saw her face between her small breasts.
"I don't think either of us will ever be more ready physically," she said and moved herself into position to penetrate and deflower Maisie.
She kissed her old friend softly and pushed as gently as she could against her orifice, feeling the slight resistance before the head of her cock popped inside. She stopped and waited for the tight canal to adjust around the girth.
Maisie lay on her back, her head propped up by a pillow as Aaron went down on her, her first experience with that kind of stimulation. She let out little squeaks of pleasure as Aaron sucked on her clit. As a thick finger worked it's way into her she couldn't help but throw her head back letting out a long moan. She was dripping freely now which was good as she would need all the help she could get.

Surprisingly she let a moan of disappointment when she felt Aaron's finger withdraw, and she looked up again, meeting his eyes as he looked over her whole body. His words about them being as ready as they could be scared her a little, but she gave a brief nod, spreading her legs out as wide as they could, and wrapping her arms around Aaron as they kissed.

Even through the kiss she let out a strangled moan, part pain, part pleasure as her tight canal was stretched in a way it had never been before. Her finger nails dug into the muscles of Aaron's back. In the excitement she had totally forgotten about the condom in her jeans short pocket. Athena had told them that the basic blue pill had reduced fertility, but she had wanted to be safe. Now the concept of protection was totally out of her mind. Eventually her lips released Aaron's and she gently stroked his cheek, running her fingers through the soft red beard. "It's ok Ari. I can do it." she said, in a near whisper. "It feels good. Do I make you feel good too?" she squeaked, her attention on her transformed best friend, unaware that Athena had pulled out her phone and was now recording her deflowering.
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Aaron Flynn

Do I make you feel good too?

It was a strange but indeed very pleasurable sensation to feel Maisie's tight vaginal canal grip around her cock, and while she had never had an actual cock inside her, she wouldn't have been invited to the defloration sleepover if she had, but she had had other objects of similar shape and size and it felt like the reverse of that.Technically it was of course exactly the reverse of that. Instead of being penetrated (like Maisie was) she was penetrating, and it made sense that on some deeper anatomical level the male and female body were a lot more similar than it might appear to be. Where girls developed ovaries boys developed testicles but both these reproductive organs were in the early stages of the fetus one and the same. The same was also true for the clitoris and the penis. In the early stages of gestation they were one and the same.

Aaron shook her head at herself. Now was certainly not the time to start a lecture on anatomy, even if it was only to herself. Instead she smiled down at Maisie and nodded.
"It feels amazing. You feel amazing," she said, and like her childhood friend there was not a thought about protection in her mind as she slowly began to rock her hips back and forth, her penis moving inside Maisie as she did. The sensation of pleasure was similar to what she had felt when the other girls had given her a blowjob but with more pressure around the penis, a more constant pressure because of course the vaginal canal was a much tighter fit than the mouth, and one that was actually designed by nature to receive the penis.

As she began to thrust faster and in longer strokes she let her hands roam Maisie's body, massaging her small but absolutely gorgeous breasts, playing with the nipples and kissing her. At first she had thought it would be awkward and clumsy before they both got their bearings on what was what and how to move but it had not taken more than a few slow thrusts before they moved together, perhaps not as if choreographed but at least in sync and to the same rhythm, the same tempo, a tempo that grew faster and as it grew faster Aaron's thrusts also became more powerful until she was basically slamming into Maisie with a force that was sure to create bruises.

Then almost without warning came her climax and as she pumped her old friend full of seed she cried out with pleasure and surprise. There had not been the same slow build up she was used to from masturbating. True it was not the same sexual organ she was used to orgasming with but still. It was an intense but brief moment of almost debilitating pleasure.
@MsBloom @LeaT

Maisie smiled wide as Aaron told her that she felt good. She ran her hands over her friends muscular chest, neck, and back as she began to roll her hips in time with his movements, her squeaks and chirps of pleasure turning to deeper moans of pleasure as he body loosened up for Aaron. There was a moment of sharp pain, where she let out a sharp cry as Aaron's cock pushed through a delicate membrane, and she clung to Aaron, wrapping her arms and legs around them to stop movements for a few moments.

Gradually she loosened her grip, breathing deeply. "It's ok.... I'm ok. It's what we came here to do." she finally said, wiping a few tears out of her eyes. With that barrier broken, they were free to explore and go harder, and soon she was smiling up at Aaron again as he fucked her harder and harder. Whimpers of pain and pleasure mingled together as Aaron's hips drove into her again and gain. Though she had never gone deep enough to pop her own cherry, Maisie had played with herself in the past, so although this was her first time having sex, Aaron's cock filling her was not an entirely new experience. However the feeling of hot cum splashing her insides was totally new. Coupled with the fact it was totally unexpected the sensation drove her over the edge. "Oh .... oh fuuuuuuuck...." she cried out, her eyes rolling back in her head as she experienced her first orgasm given by another.

When they had recovered, she leaned in and gave Aaron another deep kiss. "Thank you Ari..." she said in a whisper, bumping her forehead against her friends. Slowly they untangled and she noticed the massive creampie dripping out of her pussy. "Oh!" she exclaimed, and rubbed herself for a moment, before she remembered the condom in her pocket. She didn't think today was risky, and she remembered that the basic blue was not meant to be particularly potent, but she wasn't ready to take a chance, and so she went to the bathroom to clean up, the sound of the shower audible through the wall.

Despite a lack of potency, the basic blue did have a shortened refractory period, and despite having just filled Maisie up, Aaron would likely find that their cock, spurred on by the states of undress of the other girls was ready to go quiet quickly.

The bottle was spun and Jade, her fingers still glistening with her voyueristic masturbation was selected next. She happily got up on the bed and presented her slick pussy, as she got on her hands and knees. "There's a condom on the table Aaron. Once you've got it on, you can go hard. I already broke my cherry." she explained. With the rubber in place, she seemed to be in more control than Maisie had been, exploring positions and setting her own pace before she let Aaron take control at the end, and fill the condom near to bursting within her. As with Maisie, Athena recorded the whole thing.

The bottle spun again, and it was Athena's turn. "I want to feel it raw for my first time, but it's a risky couple of days, so be sure to pull out." she instructed Aaron. Like Jade she had also broken her hymen, so that particular pain wasn't a worry for her. Like Jade, she started her hands and knees, letting Aaron strip off her lingerie a bit before they began. She came early, and used the opportunity to ride Aaron, making the bed creak under them. By now, Aaron had a better idea of when they were going to cum, and so she managed to get off Aaron's cock and stroke that orgasm into her mouth and face. "Mmmm, I didn't get to taste earlier, Riley and Jade were too greedy." she said with a laugh as she cleaned herself up.

By now Maisie had returned to watch for the final pairing of the day. After waiting and waiting, it was finally Riley turn. "Do you still feel like you can, or do you need a break Ari?" Maisie asked her friend with some concern.
@MsBloom @Colonel_Liam

Riley Thomas


Riley's state of mind bounced back and forth from frustrated impatience to fascinated excitement more times than she could possibly keep track of. She had slipped her fingers under her dress to stroke her throbbing clit a few times when she was sure everyone else was too distracted to notice and after a while she didn't even care if anyone saw her. Friend after friend got their turn and Riley did her best to stay positive and supportive but she was getting worried that Aaron would be spent by the time her turn came.

"A break?" Riley echoed Maise's suggestion sound if she had just received a death sentence. But she had watched with the others as Ari had been repeatedly drained by each girl in turn. She almost hated that the good student in her remembered this was called a refractory period for males and it could take a little while, especially after so many climaxes.

She looked around at the other girls, then at Aaron. "I have an idea." She said, her face blushing in indication that her idea was a secret she didn't share with this group and wasn't sure she should. "I have this fantasy, about being tied up." Face a deep red she looked at the other girls hoping they wouldn't burst out laughing at her. "It might help Ari' I mean Aaron's arousal to watch you girls strip me and tie me to the bed, like a virgin sacrifice." She looked down as her embarrassment nearly overwhelmed her but her fantasy was strong enough to push through. "Besides, I hear guys like girl on girl stuff, so you know..?
Aaron Flynn

Aaron remained, almost breathless, on top of Maisie. Their foreheads pressed together, eyes locked into her eyes. She kissed her oldest friend on the lips and agreed.
"Oh fuck indeed. I mean yea ... the blowjob was one thing but this was ... different, more intense."
She then sat up seeing Athena spinning the bottle already.

She also noticed that all the other three girls were in some state of undress and arousal. It was also then as she rolled off Maisie, her not quite flaccid cock resting against her thigh as she sat up in the bed, she notice that Athena's phone was on. Had she taken photos? Filmed it? She wasn't given much time to think about it before Jade hade been selected by the bottle and was on the bed, mere seconds after Maisie had vacated it to go take a shower.

Aaron reached for the condom, a contraption she had never used before, even if she did remember the others talking in giggles about how they had practised on bananas. It sounded really weird and silly and wa class she was happy she had missed. She looked at the thing for a while, felt her cock once more start to go harder but it still seemed like it needed a bit of inspiration so she got on all four herself behind Jade and dug her face in between those legs and tasted her second cunt of the evening before standing up on her knees, putting the condom on and then with a firm grip on Jade's hips thrust the cock inside her. This time she was aware that Athena was recording their defloration party for posterity.

Jade wasn't satisfied with just letting Aaron fuck her or, as the case had almost been with Maisie, make love to her. She wanted to explore different positions, and after a few minutes of doggy she then tried both cowgirls, they tried the spoon and ended up with Jade on her back and her legs up in the air which allowed Aaron to pound her hard until she filled up the condom.

As she pulled out of Jade and removed the condom she sat there for a while looking at it. It was a weird looking liquid.
"Anyone want a protein shake," she asked jocularly and dangled the used condom in front of Jade's face.
She wasn't exactly expecting any of the others to do anything with it other than perhaps throw it in the trash.

The bottle spinning between Athena and Riley almost felt like a Mexican stand-off but in the end it was Athena who was selected which meant that Riley, the girl on whom Aaron had had a crush for over a year, would be last which for that very reason felt just right for Aaron. It was perhaps a detached feeling but while Maisie had been special in her own way, due to their long lasting friendship and the emotional intimacy that had grown from that, but Jade, while it had been fun to explore different positions it had also almost felt as if they were putting on a show more than actually having sex, like they were making a porn video for Athena. It had also felt more like she had just gone through the motions. There had been no physical connection.

Aaron expected it to be similar with Athena and some fifteen minutes later could conclude that yes, it had been similar to when she had fucked Jade. It was as if both girls had tried a bit too much to make it look good rather than enjoying the loss of their virginities. The main difference with Athena was that Aaron had realised she now had more control over when she was about to orgasm. This meant that she could pull out in time and rather than unloading inside Athena could give her friend the facial spray she had requested.

With only Riley left to deflower Aaron did begin to feel the effects of having fucked and orgasmed three times within the last hour and a half and certainly wouldn't mind a break. She smiled and nodded at Riley's suggested pastime during said break.
"Yea that does sound like fun," she said and her smile widened as she looked around the room at the other girls, three of whom were more or less naked (Maisie was wearing a towel).
Maisie bit her lower lip glancing between her friends as Riley expounded her idea of being bound to entice Aaron into another round. She couldn't deny that after having some time between her rounds she was feeling a little excited again. "Umm... I have an idea." she said. "Follow me." she said, leading the group out of her room and down stairs. Past her parents bedroom was a door that the girls had never been in. Maisie's parents usually gave the girls free reign of the house, but this room had always been off limits. It was their hobby room. The girls had often joked about it being a BDSM dungeon or something but when Maisie opened the door it was nothing so exciting in and of itself. It was truly a hobby room, one half taken up by a large leather armchair in front of a desk where Maisie's dad put together model ships and planes. The other side of the room had a comfortable rocking chair and baskets full of yarn. It really was a hobby room, a place Maisie's parents could go to be alone, or more often alone together, a little escape from the rest of the world.

Still biting her lip, Maisie tugged on Aaron's hand and led him to the arm chair, turning it around and gently pushing him to sit down and relax.

Athena and Jade saw the yarn and put two together. As if with one mind, Athena moved behind Riley and started to tug her shirt and bra off, while holding her in place. Jade did the same, kneeling in front of their friend and tugging her skirt and panties down. "Oh my god, look how wet she is!" she exclaimed happily, her tone suggested she was teasing Riley but it was really for Aaron's benefit.

Whether Riley resisted, in truth or playacting, the two soon had the blonde naked on the floor. The room was designed for comfort and a big faux polar bear fur rug covered most of the floor. Athena had been in the girl scouts, and knew a few knots. Borrowing some of the yarn, she bound Riley's wrists together above her head and tied the end off to a hook on the wall used for certain crochet patterns.

Jade kept Riley in place, mounting her and rubbing her own wet cunny on Riley's belly, while she teased the girls breasts. "She has such pretty pink nipples." she exclaimed while teasing them, as Athena tied yarn around Riley's ankles, finding other features in the room to ties them off to, so that she legs were spread wide and invitingly, leaving her completely defenceless for her ravaging.

While all this happen, Maisie had dropped her towel, and was kneeling between Aaron's legs, gently licking and kissing his cock. "I didn't get a chance to try this earlier either." she said, her eyes sparking mischeviously at her transformed best friend.

Finally Athena moved behind the chair and ran her hands along Aaron's chest. "The prisoner is ready for you m'lord." she teased, putting on a faux English accent as she gestured to the bound girl who was fully on display, Jade having moved to the side so she could suckle on Riley's left nipple. Riley's belly glistened with Jade's leaked juices. "Shall we gag her my king?" she said as she let Riley's nipple out of her mouth with a *POP*, joining in on Athena's little roleplay.
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