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𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 𝓰𝓸 𝓸𝓾𝓽 | Origami & Delryth

June slammed open the door to Aaron’s little den, Billy hot on her heels as she stormed inside, a pissed look on her face. Her hazel eyes were filled with rage and her dark hair was whipping from side to side in her ponytail as she looked throughout the place for the freckled redhead. She ended up finding him in the basement, still in bed, his bare ass barely covered by his sheets. He clearly hadn’t heard them even thought June hadn’t bothered being quiet.

“Junie..” Billy said quietly, gripping her arm, “don’t be a bitch.”

June scoffed at him and ripped her arm out of his hand. Winding her hand back in a flat position and let it fall hard onto Aaron’s exposed cheek. Sure. It had been several days since the incident, but June had been sick for all of them afterwards.

The loud smack was music to her ears, but his shriek and howl was the cherry on top. He rolled over looking wide eyed up at Billy and June, “What the fuck?”

In a quick pull, June ripped his sheet to herself and dropped it on the floor as he tried to cover himself with it. “Yeah, I should be asking you the same thing. What the fuck?” She hissed and crawled into bed with him, not caring about his naked state, she grabbed his chin and turned it to face her. “Whatever you gave me fucked with me big time.” He met her eyes with a confused look as he tried to pull away, but June had him stuck. He swallowed nervously and eyed Billy who simply just shrugged and was more interested in a stack of CD’s. Aaron’s eyes found Junes again, “Did you wait till you got home?”

This caught Billy’s attention, “she definitely did not.” June sent him a look over her shoulder and let go of Aaron’s chin. “I thought you were joking. Plus, it didn’t seem like an issue if I took it while being out, but then the Peace Keepers appeared and I had no choice but to shift.”

“You shifted on it?” He pulled back and shoved her off him so he could get up and pull some pants on. “I told you not to.” Sure he had warned her, but she clearly hadn’t listened. “Did they catch you?” He asked, a clearly worried tone in his voice as he found a t-shirt.

“She apparently almost passed out or whatever,” Billy added looking at the back of a CD. Aaron’s head snapped towards her, “did you?” June shrugged but nodded once.

His eyes looked her over curiously, “I might need to draw some blood from you, if you don’t mind. Did you have any issues shifting out of your ocelot?”

June grimaced, needles weren’t her favorite. “Fine. And yes, it took several hours before I could, and even then it was kind of an accident that I did.” She started to roll up her sleeve to expose her arm while Aaron disappeared to find a needle and a vial for her blood. When he finally returned he didn’t waste any time as he sat down next to her and grabbed her arms gently, stopping in his tracks as he noticed the old needle scars. He ran a hand over them, looking up at her apologetically which she avoided.

When he was done he disappeared again, but returned faster this time. “I’m sorry, Juniper. Really.”

Technically he had nothing to apologize for, she had asked for something. She was the one to take it even though he had warned her to wait. So she shook her head, “I’m alive aren’t I?” Earning a small smile from him. “What is it?” June asked finally, leaning back on the bed.

“A beta-blocker hybrid. Sort of, I’ve been messing around with it for a while, got it out there just to see what it’d do. It seems to have a different effect on humans than it has on shifters.”

June raised her brow, urging him to keep going. “So, for shifters, after a while locks them in place almost, for some it also works as kind of a heat-trigger.” A blush crept over his facial features. “It triggers a heat?” She repeated.

Aaron started shaking his head, “not exactly, just heat-like symptoms. Arousal, hot flashes, increased heart rate.”

“What about seizures?”

“Not that I know of, did you seize?” June nodded and sighed. “Huh, interesting.”

June talked a bit more about the situation, but she left out the rape. It wasn’t something she really wanted to tell Aaron about so she just told him how they’d caught her and kept her in a safe house and where it was so he could avoid it.

They were finally on their way to the market after finishing up at Aaron’s, another vial in her pocket as well as Billy’s. Maybe it was just her fault. The closer they got to the market the more people started to appear. A few Peace Keepers were stationed around them too. June wasn’t too worried about getting recognized, while they were assholes, they also rode the rules pretty hard. She hadn’t done anything that day, and past shit couldn’t be held against anyone, especially not when they had let her leave. But that didn’t mean she didn’t still hold a grudge towards all of them.

Walking side by side became problematic as the crowds became larger and more packed. Billy ended up grabbing her hand and following her walking closely behind her. They ended by a woman’s stall that sold various footwear, not seeing the figure on the roof of the container. June eyed some of the boots, and halfway turned to Billy and pulled him closer. “The twins could do with new boots, we haven’t been able to find any in their sizes.” Billy nodded and started talking to the woman while June kept looking as she let go of his hand.

It was easier for them both to shift and run to the city from their house. Billy’s shift being a reindeer, something that had surprised June when he first shifted. But it had proven to be quite useful, if they all needed to go to the city and didn’t want to run around in their shifts inside the city limits. With a lot of tinkering and scavenging, they had managed to build a small wagon that they’d use for the twins who still struggled with longer distances. Plus it meant they didn’t have to rely on clothes at Aaron’s place all the time. They’d hook the wagon to Billy in his shift, who quite enjoyed the extra work out.

Maggie and June would run along with them. The twins were two identical beagles even in their shift. Maggie shifted into a red panda much to the delight of the twins.

The heat was slightly getting to her, so she stepped out of the container, letting Billy sort out the boots.
For the most part, the market had been a slow affair. Sure there were sometimes problems but more often than not that was when the peacekeepers weren’t there with such an obvious visual presence. Emotions sometimes got the better of people and, if anything, the wolves usually relished the chance to get involved in any kind of disturbance to break up the sheer monotony of the task. The market was taxed and the new rulership always needed more money. Right now they still used the currency that was there before their takeover as it was an easily established thing that everyone understood though some traders loathed using it. A lot of people liked to do straight trades where they could. Talk of the new currency that was in the works had been going around for months now, new coins and cash minted with the council’s imagery but it was still a while off from benign in circulation.

Redge and Cooper had managed to have a little action at least when a larger man pulled a knife on one of the shop keepers shouting at him for charging too much and ripping him off with faulty tools. He’d barely gotten to threaten the man when Redge howled and Cooper locked his jaws around the knife wrist and yanked him away from the stall. He’d followed and shifted into his skin and taken a minute to beat the snot out of the aggressor. When he was finished Cooper’s knuckles were red and bruised while the man was bloody and curled up in the corner. Cooper had happily taken him to the edge of the market and thrown him outside knowing that the overly aggressive display would serve to make the rest of the day go easier. For him, it had been what made sense and he didn’t get the same level of joy out of it as his brother had.

If the marketgoers hadn’t tried to avoid the brothers before that incident they certainly did afterwards. The store owner they’d come to the aid of didn’t manage to thank them and had only swallowed hard as Redge had said. “Go back to your business, citizen.” before shifting once more into his wolf form.

The only other time Redge had shifted out of his skin was to help himself to an apple and a handful of oranges from one of the stalls that had travelled in from the outskirts of the state where their farm was still up and running for the most part.

Rachel had watched the whole endeavour without intervening as it had taken place not far from the entrance. They didn’t need her and she was content to continue to watch over the gate rather than show up in too much force. If anything having both brothers together was too much though she didn’t dwell too much on it. The wolf did however tilt her head when Cooper threw him to the ground near Rachel’s feet and smelled the blood fresh in the air. The gesture clearly said “Really?”. A gesture that Cooper answered with a shrug.

Corey had given up on the idea of this being an interesting assignment, not that he’d thought for a second it would be, but he was a good soldier and so he’d do what was asked of him with ruthless efficiency regardless of how dull it was. Part of him envied the brothers for at least getting some action.

The alpha was just about ready to roam the market in sight of something interesting when he saw her when he saw them. They were completely oblivious to him, perhaps two of the only people to not notice him posed above the shoe vendor with his menacing helmet. He watched them with curiosity, his smirk hidden by his helmet as he assumed that at any moment they’d see him.

They didn’t.

The boredom of the day was too much and while he’d had orders not to let her know who he was… that didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun with her while following the laws. There was something in the way Wade had acted. There was doubt there and it had pissed Corey off. Like he didn’t have confidence in Corey’s commitment as a peacekeeper or as a pack leader. That some stupid distant relationship from a time that no longer mattered would hold sway over him. As though he were that weak-willed.

It really pissed Corey off.

He’d prove that it wasn’t the case, June. Juniper. Jujube. The more time went on the more he remembered her clearly. The memories were distorted though, not that he could tell. The affection, the connection he’d had was removed from his memory. It almost felt as though they were somebody else's memories implanted into his mind. She wouldn’t be some great weakness that Wade thought she would be. No. Corey was going to tear her apart piece by piece. Slowly strip away her mind until he’d ruined her. A quick image of the two of them in a pool house, of June cautiously licking the tip of his manhood entered his mind and he felt a surge of arousal between his legs, the first he’d felt in a while. His mind raced with ideas but Corey was patient. He knew how to play the game.

The Alpha dropped silently from the container not too far behind them so that as June Turned to leave the container she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from bumping into him. As she did he’d give her a hard check with his shoulder to push her a few steps away.

“Watch where you put your paws. You don’t want to give me a reason to put another collar around your pretty little neck.” The helmet, as always, distorted his voice once more. It lacked the warmth it used to have when June had known him more anyway, the upbeat attitude and positivity that he almost always had. That along with the helmet would make him sound far less familiar and make it hard to place.
June was fanning herself as she stepped out, turning the corner to stay out of the way of people passing the container. But as she did she bumped into a tall figure, in mostly black. She recognized the uniform and looked up at her reflection in a helmet. She stepped out of the way for good measure, not wanting to make a scene in the middle of a crowd in broad daylight. As she tried getting out of their way they spoke, mentioning putting another collar around her neck, which made her freeze in her tracks.

Motherfucker. She thought as she turned to look at him again, this was the fucking alpha of Redge and the other chick Rach or whatever. “Fuck you,” she hissed leaning slightly in. Which was also the moment Billy came out of the container zipping up his backpack. He swung in onto his back and stood beside June, wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders. Pretty much the same height as the peace keeper she had bumped into.

“Everything good?” He asked as he straightened up a bit more, not seeming intimidated in the slightest by the person in front of him. June leaned into his side and looked away from the guy who had put the collar on her. “Yeah, everything’s fine, did you get the pairs?” Billy nodded even though he didn’t take his eyes off of the peace keeper. June swallowed and nodded, “let’s get going then.” She said in a hushed tone before pushing past the guy and pulling Billy who was still mean mugging him. “Billy, come on,” she intertwined her fingers with his, “it’s not worth it.”

They didn’t need to go far as they passed a small vendor with fruits and some vegetables. She noticed a small basket on the ground with some not to pretty looking produce. June let go of Billy and reached down for a tomato that seemed to have seen better days. It was gross and squishy and when she picked it up its juices dripped down the side of her hand.

Billy followed her movements with an interested look as she turned in the direction they had come from, seeing the peace keeper walking slowly in the opposite direction as them, which made her smirk. Then she whistled loudly to catch his attention, “Go fetch you fucking dog,” she yelled and hurled the overripe tomato through the air, aiming for his helmet. She heard the collision and immediately took off with Billy who was scolding her for starting shit in the middle of market hours.

“He was there,” she huffed out as they dodged and weaved through the many people, “he didn’t stop it.” Referring to Redge raping her, which she had told him that night they laid in bed together. This shut him up and they continued around the people in silence, looking for an alleyway to escape down, their time at the market was surely up.
“Fuck you” she’d hissed at him.

“Not today, darling. Thought you’d had enough of that the other night.” he jeered, that widening smirk still hidden behind the emotionless helmet that kept that aura of mystery about that, made it harder to see him as a person. He deliberately moved his helmet as he looked her over to make it obvious that he’d given her a quick appraisal. When he’d seen her freeze up at the mention of a collar he felt a grim sense of satisfaction course through him at her reaction. He knew the collar was going to be a regular thing for the future.

Corey turned towards the other man almost disregarding him. He remained silent and hoped that the other man was happy to do something stupid, to give him a reason to respond. He could tell that he wanted to and Corey wanted to goad him on. He noticed June intertwined her fingers with his. Corey couldn’t explain why but a strange icy feeling washed into his stomach at the intimate touch and he considered pouncing on him for just a moment.

The helmet remained on the two as they walked away, his posture unchained and almost statuesque. Should he have pushed them further? No, he was happy with how that interaction had gone, the first small step in this new dance he intended to have with the girl.

Corey finally turned away from her after she’d walked far enough away though he was going to keep an eye on her and see her again soon enough, perhaps before she left. The whistle got his attention and he turned towards her to see the smushy, rancid-looking tomato fly through the air and splatter on his helmet and down his uniform. He bristled and let out a metallic snarl.

He shifted and lept after them, letting out a loud ear-splitting howl that would alert the rest of his pack to the fact the chase was on. They all responded with three separate howls that cut through the din of the market ambience. He raced after them knowing that Rachel would circle the market to try and block off the exit he was heading towards. Knowing the two brothers they’d split up and try to run down passageways to his flanks hoping to stop anybody making a breakout. The market was busy though, the noise and smells were strong and picking up individual ones was harder.

As they turned down one of the alleys that were devoid of merchants Billy grabbed hold of June’s hand and pointed towards a small crack in one of the alleyway walls. It was too small for them to go through in their skin and too small for his shifted form to get through but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be him that they were putting all of their efforts into tracking and to the left there was an old rundown bus up against a small building he could likely run up and hop from before the wolves had a chance to see him.
Panic ensued as she heard the howl behind them as people pushed and shoved to get out of the way. She knew he had shifted and was after them, but they had a decent jump ahead of them, and with so much happening around them. June was already taking off her shirt and throwing it to Billy as she realized his plan which she quickly agreed to. Billy was athletic enough to hoist himself over walls and low enough rooftops if needed. They stopped in front of the small crack and stuffed her clothes into the backpack. She helped him up on the roof of the bus, “I’ll find you, okay? If anything we’ll meet at Aaron’s.” Billy gave a quick nod before she shifted and started making her way through the crack, just barely making it before the wolves had caught up to them.

June slipped through, dashing on and staying close to the buildings. This took her back to a few days ago, when they actually caught her. This time they definitely wouldn’t. She could hear them get closer, it was only Rachel who came around the corner and immediately started sniffing around in the alleyway she had been in after coming out of the crack in the wall. She was close, and it wouldn’t take long before she would find her. As silent as June could be, she snuck behind Rachel while she was still trying to sniff her out, making her way back to the market, where people had started to settle again, but people were still whispering in between themselves about the peace keepers.

The little ocelot slid in between the people, hiding her scent in between all the smells of foods and clothes and just people in general, some who hadn’t had a proper shower in a very long time. People yelped in surprise as she brushed up against them, some kids even reached out to pet her, but she avoided them like the plague and went back the way they had been, and where she had chucked the tomato, jumping up on the container to get a view, that could potentially let her know where the last wolf was. Just so she didn’t walk straight into him. Or any of the other two. When she couldn’t find them from up there, she jumped down and trotted through the ocean of people, finally getting to the outer ring of people that seemed to thin out making it easier to see where she was going. The market was slightly further away from Aaron’s than the train station, which meant she would have to pass the building where she had first contact with the peace keepers who were on her tail again. She found an empty building that wasn’t the train station where she settled down for a little bit, catching her breath and taking a small break to make sure they weren’t following her.
Where could they have gone? How could he have lost them so quickly around that corner? Corey’s eyes darted from side to side. He sniffed at the air. She’d been here, recently, her scent was stronger here but the market made it muted. He saw the crack in the wall and lept towards it, sticking his snout through the gap with a low rumbling bark as he tried to see if that was where she’d gone.

Rachel showed up in the alley a moment later and nodded towards the wall, her scent leaving no doubt that she’d gone that way with how much more attuned it easy. Corey howled and turned to quickly check for another way around the wall, missing June completely. Rachel was more patient as she went to circle the wall trying to pinpoint where the scent had gone though she’d missed June going back past her until she’d already managed to have a head start. By the time she realized June was already in the market, Rachel had to work extra hard to try and pick up her trail.

Corey lost track of the others in his pack, leaving them to keep searching, each of them waiting for any of them to sound that the chase was on once again. His hackles were up and he growled menacingly as anger coursed through him both at the tomato and blatant defiance she’d shown him but also the fact that she’d managed to elude him.

He’d almost given up hope of finding her until a gust of wind blew the smell he was looking for right towards him and his head turned towards it immediately. She raced towards it without alerting the others just in case he was wrong, he wanted them to keep searching on the off chance she’d somehow baited him this way.

He silently pawed into the building she was in following his nose trying to find her. To his great fortune, he emerged into the room that the small shifter happened to be settled down in trying to recover. His ears pricked up with excitement and a threatening growl echoed out of his throat with the promise of what he wanted to do with her, what he was going to do with her. Ever so slowly he prowled forward, enjoying the moment. A predator is ready to toy with its prey. He gnashed his teeth together before her several times and let out a snarl so that his hot breath and the smell of it were heavy in the air.
June smelled him before she saw or heard him. The debris under his paws crunched as he stepped in, which made her lower her head, ready to run if she needed to. But it seemed to just be him. It didn’t surprise her that he stayed on her trail, considering she did chuck a tomato at him. June hissed at him, her tail puffing up as he growled in return.

Her entire body was on high alert, ready to jump to the side if he did decide to lunge at her. She sure as hell wasn’t going to make it easy for him. Considering the many people around them, June was a little impressed that he managed to find hers in between them. With her claws out she swiped at him, a clear sign for him to stay back. Her ear flattened against her head, she wasn’t trying to challenge him, but she wasn’t going to just roll over with no fight if he did attack her.

Neither of them moved a muscle as they stood there, just seeing who’d break off first. Her attention was caught by several people running past the window behind the wolf, yelling and screaming to each other.

It was a weird situation, and June wasn’t too sure what to do with herself, surely he was here to grab her again, but so far he hadn’t made any move to actually get his paws on her. Annoyed with his lack of movement her tail swished from side to side, just waiting for him to do something.
His eyes locked onto hers and his eyes lit up, the closest thing to a smirk that he could do in this form. She wasn’t going to simply roll over and surrender to him, not without a fight and part of his both respected it and got excited at the prospect. It was far more fun when they had spirit. The swipe was a warning and, in Corey’s eyes, a challenge whether it was intended or not. One he was more than eager to accept.

He prowled forward slowly, not getting inside of her claw range yet as her tail puffed up. He got to a point and stopped, waiting for the moment to break the tension and go for her. He wondered if she’d try to flee or make the first strike though he expected her to be the reactive one. He could tell his passive nature annoyed her and in turn that just fueled him, he had all the time in the world… or so he thought.

The howl came and he knew it was from Cooper, it demanded a response, one that was urgent. It was a sound he knew shouldn’t be ignored. He glanced back towards the doorway for several long seconds as he was distracted by the sound before turning back towards the ocelot only to notice that it was no longer there. He snarled again and considered going after her though he knew his duties. Good soldiers follow orders. With reluctance her turned back to the door and howled his response before racing back towards the main market area.
The second he turned around, June was gone too, making her way out of the abandoned building, but chose another way out than the way she entered. She wasn’t too bothered with what was going on back at the market place, she started moving in the direction of Aaron’s, but as she turned a corner a person stepped in front of her, making her jump back. She relaxed as Billy stood in front of her, nodding down an alley, the backpack still draped over his shoulders.

“You okay?” He asked as they made it to the back of it, so any wandering eyes wouldn’t notice them. She quickly shifted and took the clothes he was readying for her to put on. “Yeah, fine,” she mumbled and buttoned her pants.

He wasn’t too convinced, “you sure?” June nodded. “That throw was ballsy, I’m surprised they didn’t take your damn head for that, especially to an alpha.”

June only shrugged, “Fucker deserved it..” Billy huffed out a laugh and was shaking his head as they made their way out of the alleyway and towards the outskirts of the city. They didn’t say anything for hours to each other except when they needed to stop for a quick break. Billy had glanced over at her several times and it was starting to get on her nerves. One long stare made her snap as she lowered her bottle of water from her lips.

“What is it.” She asked in a cold voice.

Billy kicked a small rock, “Their alpha, did you notice his scent?” Junes eyes snapped to him, ‘cause she had, but she wasn’t sure if it was just something she was imagining back then while she had been on Aaron’s hybrid drug. “What about it?” She decided to entertain the comment he had just made.

“It’s familiar but I can’t place it.” She offered the bottle which he accepted and drank deeply from, “I noticed it too when I ran into him. Funny how you found it familiar too.”

“Weird, not funny, who is he?”

“That’s the million dollar question, I don’t know. He didn’t take the helmet off then either, I’ve only seen his wolf, and I don’t recognize it.”

Juniper motioned for them to keep moving, they weren’t too far from their house now. Plus she didn’t really want to discuss it anymore. Billy followed her, still glancing at her as they walked. “Do you thi-”

June held a hand up, “Don’t go there.” Billy was smart enough not to push her and they ended up walking the rest of the way in silence. When they finally got home she immediately went to her room and opened up her closet, staring at the large plastic box with ‘Corey’ in black marker on the side. All of his clothes, items and little knick knacks he had gathered. She pulled it out and sat on the floor with it in front of her. This wasn’t what she had wanted to be doing.

With a deep breath she opened the box, a hoodie lying on top of the pile of things and some other clothes. She picked up the piece of clothing and held it up to her face, breathing in the faint scent of him. She couldn’t decide if it was she same as she had smelled on the alpha. But this guy was a wolf, Corey wasn’t. It didn’t make any sense to her. Confused and missing him terribly, she pulled the hoodie over her head and crawled into bed with his scent engulfing her, memories of them wrapped all up in each other. Just being close after they had.. Her throat tightened up as she buried her face in the collar of the shirt inhaling deeply and falling asleep to the thought of him being beside her again.
The atmosphere the past week had been bizarre, they all knew it. Things hadn’t been quite the same since their first run-in with that small shifter girl. The way their Alpha had responded… the way he’d acted since. There was something not quite right, it was out of character. Usually, Corey was cold, cruel and level-headed and yet this girl? She’d sent him into some kind of episode.

They all felt it and nobody had said anything.

At the Market Corey had returned the four wolves put down a large brawl which included dragging off two humans and a handful of shifters who had gotten out of hand trying to buy the last few bags of flour that had been for sale. Two were still imprisoned while the others had been beaten and roughed up before being sent on their way. One of the women now had her picture adorning Redge’s wall next to June’s. They finished their duties for the day and then Corey had left with little explanation except for him saying. “I’ve got something to take care of”. It was a statement not meant to be questioned and thus nobody said anything about it. Not until he’d gone at least.

“It’s weird, right? I mean we’ve taken fuck knows how many girls here, done way worse than we did to her and he freaked out.” Redge complained while sipping on a beer.

“Does it matter? It happened. It’s probably nothing.” replied his brother.

Rachel stroked the rim of her bottle thoughtfully before deciding to share. “She’s called Juniper. Wade mentioned her when it was me and Corey. Seemed to be some history. He seemed worried about the boss and her coming together”.

“Shit…” exclaimed Cooper

“So there’s some history with them? Guess he never mentioned his past…Juniper. Kind of a hot name, right?” pondered Redge.

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Think about it, boys, there definitely is. The question is what? The obvious guess is an old girlfriend if he was so bothered about you getting your grubby hands all over her.”

“They’re not grubby… and what do you mean, it could be his sister.”

“She’s a kitten, shit-for-brains.”

“Fuck you, Rach. Could be a half-sister.”

Cooper gave out a painful sigh at listening to them bicker. “Would you two give it a rest? What does it matter? He’s the boss. Probably just has some shit to work out. He’s one of us, we’re a pack. I just… I hope he figures out whatever it is.

The group went quiet for a moment save for the sounds of Rachel and redge drinking. Eventually, Redge broke the silence once more. “I want to know more about her. That and my cock and her have unfinished business.”

Rachel snorted which caused Redge to shoot her a glare. After a short pause, Rachel smirked at him and said “I know where she lives.”


“Why didn’t you say?!”

There was another moment of silence before Rachel spoke again. “I agree, we have to learn more. But use your fucking brain, Wade said himself she can’t find out who he is. Don’t use his name, nothing.”

“I’m not an idiot, Rachel” The look she shot him showed how much she doubted that and he gave her a rude gesture. “But fine. Gotta fuck with her, get her back here again.”

Cooper drummed his fingers thoughtfully against the bar top before letting out another sigh. “I agree. Gotta keep to the law though, and make her give you a reason to act… we need to see how the boss is with her. If he loses it again then that’s when we can be concerned.” He watched his fingers as they continued to tap tap tap. “I’ll stay here, your two go.”

There was a nod of agreement and that was that.


It was later that night that both Redge and Rachel found themselves wearing their fur and watching the house that Rachel had indicated with her muzzle. The pair lay down wind so that their scents wouldn’t give them away and silently watched from the shadows. Their plan was just to see what they could learn about her from their observations rather than to act but Redge certainly hoped there was a reason for him to get his hands on her again.

It was obvious that she didn’t live alone and it was also obvious that, for the most part, she had it about as good as one could have it so far out from the main district as far as comfort and security went. The thought that she probably felt safe out here bothered Redge more than he understood why and it further amplified his urge to pop her bubble.
Going through his things was awful. It was memories Juniper didn’t really want to remember. They had made her restless. Too restless with too many thoughts in her head. Thoughts that usually made June turn to drugs or sex. The latter wasn’t appealing, instead she was pacing in her room, still wearing Corey’s hoodie, gnawing at her bottom lip as she eyed the two vials on the small bedside table. She had swiped the second vial from Billy while he wasn’t looking. Taking both vials probably wasn’t the best idea but her head was feeling like it was going to explode any minute. Maggie had checked on her a couple of times, but Juniper had just chased her out, not wanting to bother with any of the others. Especially Billy wasn’t as appealing after he made the comments about the Alphas scent.

June walked over, bracing herself on the small table, glaring at the hybrid drugs in the vials. Clear like water. Like before, she quickly popped the cork out of the glass cylinders and emptied both into her mouth, the bitter taste making her groan and grimace. Yeah, it hadn’t gotten any better since the first time she tried it.

Like before the heat came immediately, this time she was prepared and comfortable. She sat down on the bed, falling backwards and closing her eyes, trying to enjoy the heat now. It was more intense than last time, this time she actually felt like she was in some kind of sauna and she felt compelled to take of the hoodie, which she struggled slightly with. There was no nausea this time, just extreme heat. The buzzing appeared, like the buzzing of an open fridge on a warm day trying to stay cool, or like the soft hum of a hot tub as the jets did their thing.

It was pleasant white noise that got louder and louder, but never to a level that started to bother her. Her fingers were rubbing against each other, trying to take her mind off of the way her skin felt alive. The feeling was just as uncomfortable as she remembered, but it was so much more intense this time around, like the heat that lingered just beneath her skin. As he was lying there, she ran her hands over her bare arms which triggered a chill that ran down her spine. Goose bumps broke out all over her arms as her fingers ran up her arms. She kept stroking her arms for a bit, it was a nice feeling and took her mind off of the whole skin feeling like it was alive. Then came the feeling of having shifted, but not quite. The buzz was gone, the heat was still going strong, but now it just felt like she was sitting in front of a fireplace. She licked her lips and swallowed the excess saliva that had gathered in her mouth. Last time she hadn’t been able to really tune into everything the drug had made her feel, but now she had all the time in the world. The smells around her intensified, such as Corey’s hoodie, that before had lost almost all of his scent now smelled like he had just worn it, as it laid beside her.

Juniper sat up slowly and opened her eyes, looking around slowly. She could hear the others around the house, the twins and Maggie was in their room. Billy was rummaging around in the kitchen. She rolled her shoulders as she listened to the noises she hadn’t noticed before, knowing exactly where and what they were all doing. She took a deep breath, focusing purely on the feeling that was spreading throughout her body, making her sigh in pleasure as it settled in her.

She licked her lips again. They had gone dry, and she felt thirsty. Thirstier than normal. Which made her stand up a little too fast, making her surroundings spin slightly. But it soon steadied and June stepped into the hallway, turning to the direction the kitchen was in, as well as Billy. She could smell the instant noodles he had just prepared, and it almost made her want to hurl. But she bit her tongue and started walking, her movements slightly unsteady, but she made it into the kitchen without too much of a fuss.

Billy kept quiet, didn’t really acknowledge her at all until she walked up to the fridge, struggling to focus on the handle. He sighed behind her and reached out for the handle, grazing her wrist with his fingers, making June pull back as she whimpered out loud. The slight touch hadn’t hurt, on the contrary it had felt good, which had surprised her and also triggered the noise that came out of her mouth, making Billy raise a brow at her.

“You swiped my vial, didn’t you?” He said in a matter of fact tone, not really a question to be answered.

June shrugged dramatically and nodded, smirking like a kid that was caught with their fingers in the cookie jar. Billy scoffed, “fuck sake, Juj-”

“Don’t call me that,” she replied sharply and waved his hand away from the handle so she could open it herself. Which she struggled to do, but she did and pulled out a water bottle and drank the whole thing before setting the empty bottle on the counter.

“I’m gonna go to the pool house. Don’t follow me, I’ll be back soon.”

Then she turned her back to her friend and left the house before he could intervene. The cool night air felt amazing on her skin. The slight wind ruffling her hair, cooling her slightly damp skin on the back of her neck. June set off in a relaxed walk, looking around, enjoying the silence around her. She had opted out of wearing a jacket of any kind, the drug keeping her decently warm combined with the gentle breeze, it wasn’t too bad. She stuck her hands in her pockets as she walked down a few streets, still extremely wobbly. She stumbled a few times, but stayed on her feet luckily. Not that anyone was around to see her fall flat on her face.

She felt good. Better than she had felt in a while. The lack of panic from seeing the Peace Keepers made it a much more pleasant experience. June was walking right in the middle of the road with her eyes turned to the sky, watching all the twinkling stars that had come out.

It didn’t take long for her to find the house that she had found with Corey many years ago. The thought of her hands running over his skin made her own tingle in a way that made her lean up against the door, her breath heavy from the memory of them very close and very naked.

With a little whine, she opened the door and stepped inside, not even bothering to close it behind her. June walked straight to the large indoor pool, that was still in great condition considering. She stepped out of her shoes and began to strip like she had the many times they came here. The only difference was that Corey wasn’t there to watch her and comment on how beautiful she was. She could imagine his laugh as she walked to the deep end and jumped head first into the chilly water, which cooled her down in a way she had never felt before. June broke the surface with a moan as her body reacted to the violent temperature change.

The cold water engulfed her, making her breasts tighten and her nipples pebble up as she swam around. Finally rolling over onto her back to float around without a care in the world, just Corey filling her head as the hybrid drug made its way through her system and the stars above her.

She still had a growing teen body last time she had been here with everyone, including Corey. Now she had filled out properly, her curves more prominent and womanly almost. She had definitely used her looks to her advantage after they lost him, it had almost become destructive until Billy had stepped in, offering himself for her to lose herself to instead of strangers at the last few gritty places that offered watered down booze to her. June had totally lost herself at one point, not that she had found herself again, she was just less lost at the moment.
While watching the house was important to them and something both Rachel and Redge had an interest in Redge had already started to grow bored within an hour or two and started to get distracted by anything and everything around him. Biting a moth that flew too close, dragging his claws through the lawn he was lying on to draw crude images that had Rachel shaking her head at him. At one point he’d even started to fall asleep until Rachel swatted at him with her right paw which caused him to wince and glower at her though he was sure to not make a sound.

Rachel on the other hand was in her element. She was a tracker, a watcher. Not only were her senses a cut above the rest of her pack she also had a patience that went with them. She could wait and watch for days if she needed to, a talent that Corey had always put to use when it was needed. When something caught her attention, when she had a mark she was relentless in her determination and the same could be said of her when she had a task that needed doing.

Rachel was surprised when she saw the girl leave the house and had to jab a paw once again at Redge to get his attention back. His ears sprang up when he saw June and his tail swished once or twice. Rachel’s eye roll was obvious even in her wolf form.

They watched from their position for now as the girl began to stumble and stagger all down the road. Was she drunk? High? Rachel had a feeling it was the second. She could barely keep herself propped up on her feet as she walked with how out of it she was. It had Rachel’s mind wondering about it. Was this just something she did? Were there triggers that made her indulge? Perhaps both… It was clear that their meeting had affected her boss but this one didn’t know who he was or so Rachel assumed. Had that still gotten to her?

Rachel set off in a low growl and Redge followed just a little behind to watch their backs out of instinct. Neither of them worried too much about June noticing them with how out of it she seemed to be but it was more her friends that she shared the house with. How many were there? While Rachel and Redge were confident they could handle a group of shifters if they had to by resorting to their hybrid forms… that was when things got messy. Keeping control of their temper, and their emotions while they shifted into that form? It was difficult, to say the least.

They stalked the girl towards an old relatively well-preserved house that, so far, had resisted most of nature save for some overgrown grass and trees. They waited for a minute to see if she returned before circling the building until they came across the glass windows of the pool house and the naked silhouette of June within it. Any thoughts of self-control left Redge then as he made for the door. Rachel gnashed her jaws at him once though it did no good and so they followed.

They shifted into their skin as they got to the door so that they could open it and stalk through the house towards the smell of chlorine. They saw June on her back entirely lost in her thought as they stood by the entrance. Redge’s hand went towards the tightening bulge in his pants and ran his hand against the length of him that was starting to show.

“Hey, darlin’. Didn’t expect to be getting a free show. Didn’t really get to appreciate how great you look from the front.” The lust on his face was evident.

Rachel was far more collected and simply gave her a wave followed by a quick “Hi Kitten.” After spending so long in her wolf form she was already fishing out a cigarette from one of her pouches.
The water was velvet soft against her back, it was cool and kept her from overheating as the drug took a proper hold of her senses. June heard the sound of the door opening, but didn’t care enough to react to it, she just kept watching the sky while her hair spread out around her head like a crown. The strong smell of chlorine covered the scent of the two peace keepers as they shifted. It also wasn’t in her best interest to ruin the weightlessness she was experiencing, both mentally and physically. Then they spoke and with flailing arms she planted her feet on the bottom of the pool. It seemed like she had floated to the shallow end unknowingly, as she straightened up the water only went to the curve above her hips, completely exposing her to the two familiar faces in front of her who didn’t have an issue checking her out.

Redge was of course being incredibly crude already, but June simply didn’t care about covering herself up. Instead her face scrunched up in disgust as she backed up against the wall of the pool as he mentioned seeing her from the front. Rachel waved and let a cigarette slip in between her lips as she lit it up.

Junes heart rate quickened as she realized the predicament she was in. How had they found her? And why would they even bother to look for her outside of the city, she had no connection to any of them. “How’d you find me?” She asked looking at Rachel, not giving Redge the attention he clearly so desperately wanted.

Rachel took a step towards one of the tanning chairs June had left her clothes on and pushed them off, but grabbed her panties last second as she sat down. The fabric bunched up in her hands as she lifted them up to her face and took a deep breath. “Followed you last time we had our little.. Get together.” Rachel hooked a finger in one of the leg opening and swung it from side to side on her finger.

A feral noise came from the back of Junes throat as Rachel mentioned she had followed her. “If I find out you hurt any of the others,” she almost hissed.

Rachel scoffed, and leaned forward with her legs on either side of the chair Junes underwear in her hand still. “No interest in messing with your happy little family. But you, Juniper, you’re very interesting,” Rachel pointed at her as she took a drag from her cigarette. Letting out the smoke through her nose.

The smell was piercing Junes nostrils, making her feel like the whole room was filled with smoke.

June swallowed. The scent of Redge’s arousal cut through the awful smell of smoke and chlorine, making Junes insides clench. Despite her hatred towards both of them, mostly Redge, everything in her reacted to him even if she desperately tried not to. “Could you not?” June snapped at him but still avoiding meeting his eyes, as she moaned quietly under her breath.
Redge grinned at Juniper when he realised just why she quipped at him and he released his hand from his crotch so that the considerable print of his cock was visible against the particularly tight material of his enforcer uniform. “Am I getting you worked up? Surely you’re not just some bitch in heat right now are you? Can’t help but squirm at the thought of clamping that tight little cunt of yours around some meat.” He ran a hand through his hair and laughed. “Guess having some wolfhood leaves you desperate for a second round.”

While Rachel might have disagreed with just how vulgar Redge was, she had a similar mind. She was looking forward to getting her hands on June this time rather than letting her packmate have his way with her. She was patient though. She removed the cigarette from her mouth raised the pair of panties she was currently twirling around her finger to her lips and ran her tongue along it to taste her. She went back to twirling them while she took another drag.

“Can’t wait to get a taste fresh from the source. Go and get her already for fuck sake.”

Redge groaned his objection to being ordered around by Rachel but he went to do it anyway. He jumped into the pool, not caring about his uniform getting wet and snatched a fistful of June’s hair, she was in no condition to put up any real fight. He splashed through the water with the girl and hoisted her out, shoving her onto the side before climbing out after her. He was ready to give her a hard slap should she try too hard to resist.

The male would pull June up to her feet and march her over towards where Rachel was. He firmly gripped one of June’s hips to hold her still and pressed his still-growing cock up against her. “Don’t mind if you want to grind against me, darling can smell what you’re body’s craving.”

Rachel knew that between the two of them, especially in her state, any fights would be short and futile. The moment she tried to protest having Redge up against her backside she pushed the tip of her cigarette against June’s chest to extinguish it and then flicked it to the side. She stepped another step closer to trap the ocelot shifter between the two wolves and slid one leg between June’s thighs so that the cool material of her uniform pressed up against June’s mound. He grasped June’s face by the jaw and tilted it from side to side as though examining her. She then stooped in to force the smaller woman into a kiss.

Rachel didn’t care if the kiss was returned and was ready to pinch the sides of her face hard should she try to bite her. The kiss was greedy, possessive and sharp, a bit nips at June’s lip likely drawing blood. What was likely surprising would be Rachel’s deep moan that would be offered right into June’s mouth. Eventually, she pulled away, licked her lips and then stuffed the pair of panties as deep into Juniper’s mouth as she could before placing a finger against her lips and giving a soft shushing sound.

“If they leave your mouth without one of us telling you to do so then I’m going to break your nose, Kitten. Understood?”
June tried her best to not react to his words, and normally she probably wouldn’t have, but this drug triggered her hormones, and according to Aaron heat-like symptoms were normal. Clearly the smell of Redge just made everything in her react rather obviously. While she was utterly disgusted with his words, her body surely wasn’t, and it clearly didn’t pass by the wolf who most likely could also smell it on her body, even through the chlorine. “I’m squirming at the thought of your disgusting paws on me,” a lie, but if she hadn’t been on this drug it would be a truth, so in theory it wasn’t a lie. The thought of him being inside of her again made her shiver slightly. She was still sore from the rough way he had handled her.

She looked back at Rachel, catching the end of her tongue running over the panties she had worn earlier. Another clench, this time her own tongue shot out and moistened her lips, before gasping as Redge dropped into the pool with all his gear on, not realizing what Rachel had said.

Her head had gotten hazy, and she barely had time to react and move away from him as he suddenly appeared in front of her and had a hand in her hair, pulling her with him across the pool just to push her out of the water, making her roll onto her side before he got out of the pool himself and roughly pulled her to her feet to present her to Rachel. Still dripping with water she felt him press up against her backside a hand digging assertively into her hip, a silent order for her to not try anything. June bit her tongue, trying to resist the urge to press back into him and enjoy the feeling of him hard up against her. “I’ll pass on that,” she managed to say, trying to pull away from him.

Rachel’s cigarette stung against her skin as she put in out on her chest. Juniper hissed out in pain and stepped back into Redge trying to get away from the pain Rachel was causing her. But the female wolf quickly discarded the cigarette butt and stepped closer to her, unfortunately pressing June harder up against Redge, not just with her ass but with her entire body. Rachel’s thigh settled in between Junes legs and immediately brought some stimulation that she didn’t know her body was desperately craving much to her own betrayal.

The kiss surprised June, and at first she didn’t react but as her own hips bucked against her high, she moaned softly and her mouth opened up wider which Rachel took full advantage of. The bites were barely noticeable due to the arousal June was experiencing, so her eyes widened at the taste of blood and the moan from Rachel. She barely had time to react though as her panties filled her mouth. She was glad it wasn’t a nasty cloth this time. She did as she was told though, keeping the pair in her mouth while nodding. Without thinking her hips bucked again, grinding slowly against Rachel while keeping eye contact with her, a muffled whine tried to leave her mouth.
When June nodded Rachel reached up to scratch the top of her head like one would a pet that they were fond of. “Good kitten”. She hadn’t failed to notice June grinding up against her thigh and a satisfied smile crept onto her lips. She raised that leg onto its tiptoes and began to bounce her foot to help apply more friction against June’s sex. She leaned in and gave her another kiss which was accompanied by another moan. Her tongue invaded June’s to claim it and she met the fabric of the underwear she’d stuffed in there and probed at it to push it that little bit deeper.

Seeing the two girls kissing had driven Redge into overtime and his grinding up against the ocelot shift had been more vigorous. He’d also not been able to hold back from giving that ample delicious backside another hard swat like he had the time previous. It was just how he liked them and he wanted to sink his teeth into the soft flesh of it. He let out a groan and grabbed one of June’s hands so that he could stuff it down the front of his trousers and into his boxers. “C’mon… be a good bitch for me.”

Rachel pulled away from June again and slid a hand between her thigh and Juniper’s cunt to test how wet it was… though her nose wasn’t to be denied, she could tell how worked up Juniper was getting. She pulled wet fingers up and slowly licked them clean. “How about a deal, Kitten? Whether you hate us or not you’re clearly desperate for a good fuck, I can smell it, you’re desperate to be taken. You don’t fuck around, you do what we want and sleep with us and we’ll leave your friends alone… better, we won’t even take you with us. Just have you answer a few questions while we have our fun. Do that and this stays between us, we don’t visit your house and, fuck knows, you’re probably going to enjoy it.”

If June hadn’t begun to work on Redge’s manhood then he’d be holding her wrist and making it slide against him and the slickness that came from what precum had already begun to secrete. He was happy to listen to Rachel talk now and enjoy the show while he waited for his time.

Rachel turned her back to them and started to walk away. She pulled off her top and threw it to the side to reveal a black sports bra. She quickly unfastened her belt while stepping out of her shoes and a moment later her trousers pooled on the ground too leaving her in equally dark boxer shorts. She sat down on one of the deck chairs. “What will it be? If it’s a yes then rest that pretty little head of yours on my thigh.” she patted the inside of her thigh as she spoke. “If not then do whatever act of defiance you feel is appropriate so we can fuck you up and take you however we want you anyway.” She nodded to the man still behind June and pressed up against her.

Redge sighed and shoved June forward forcefully while he waited impatiently for the young shifter to make her decision.
The smack made her moan even louder, the sting of it spreading out through her nerves in her entire body as if she had just been electrocuted. That, combined with the friction Rachel’s leg contributed with. June felt his fingers around her wrist pulling on her and moving her hand down his pants, forcing her to grab him firmly, the wet waistband of his clothes kept her in place. She didn’t really want to touch him, but if she had to play along to make sure the others were okay, then she would.

His plea for her to be good made her grab him tightly at his base, her grip faltering slightly as Rachel managed to slide her hand underneath her, letting a few fingers slide against her obvious wet condition. Junes eyes glazed over as she watched Rachel’s tongue slip between her fingers lapping up the evidence of her arousal, June couldn’t stop herself from moaning softly, the fabric of her panties still muffling the noise.

She hated the deal, the last thing she wanted was to deal with these two, but her body was completely on board with the idea of getting tag-teamed by them, especially here. Reluctantly June tightened her grip on Redge as she felt the male begin to move in her hand. She wasn’t about to give in totally, so instead she just let him move her as he pleased.

Suddenly Rachel moved away, making June stumble forward, but Redge had a good grip on her which prevented her from kissing the ground. She watched the other female start to strip, her eyes glued to her toned body. She sat down, and patted her thigh making June swallow nervously. Then Redge pushed her forward, making her seperate from him and fall down to her knees in front of Rachel, her hands grabbing her thighs to brace herself, landing right in the middle of them.

Junes eyes found hers as she looked up at her face, the primal smile on her face was enough for June to nod, tears pooling in her eyes due to the slight pain falling to the floor had caused her. She tilted her head so her cheek was resting on Rachel’s thigh. Her hand on the opposite thigh crept further up the flesh, her eyes still focused on Rachel’s face. June couldn’t help herself as she dipped her thumb underneath the fabric of her underwear, enjoying the feeling of the fold where her thighs bent. While keeping a close eye on the woman, she moved her thumb further, soon finding proof of her enemy’s own excitement. June caught herself moving her face closer, wanting to stick her tongue out, but the panties in her mouth made that impossible. So she settled with dipping her thumb into Rachel’s pussy, the soft and wet flesh against her own skin felt incredible. She hated it, but as much as she wanted to pull away, she couldn’t. She hoped her actions was enough of an agreement as any.
The view that Redge got while standing behind June when she hit the ground was enough to get him massaging his cock through his pants again. Although he’d never tell her as much he also found Rachel considerably hot. This wasn’t the first time they’d been in a situation like this together and he always found himself stealing glances at the wolf’s body. He didn’t stare too long however and soon he watched Juniper’s ass wiggle over towards Rachel as she obeyed.

“Who knew the bitch didn’t need any force. Just looking for somebody to point and the floor and say sit.”

Rachel’s form was toned and athletic, abs showing with more of the tribal wolf-themed tattoos embracing her and sitting atop her hips. She had several visible scars on her bare torso that likely came from long past fights. What was also obvious now she faced June was the outline of a bar piercing that went through her left nipple and caught on the fabric of her sports bra.

Despite probably hating this situation Rachel could smell the arousal in June intensify and Rachel relished its betrayal. Rachel gave a victorious smirk to June, keeping eye contact with her as she accepted and came to place her head on her thigh. “I knew I didn’t need a collar and leash to make you behave.” her hand reached out to caress the shifter’s cheek. “Good girl, Juniper. Good girl.” His voice had a rasp to it and, for a change, her tone changed to make it obvious that she was enjoying herself.

Redge had taken a step forward and then paused when he saw that not only was the girl doing what Rachel had told her to but she was going beyond that. “Oh fuck.” His own stimulation became a little more vigorous.

Rachel kept a possessive hand on June’s face and parted her legs a little further to make things easier for her. “Here I was expecting to grind up against your pretty face.” She let out a soft moan as the thumb went under the fabric of her underwear and soon found her wetness. “Didn’t realize I’d gotten lucky and cornered a complete slut.” Her hand began to run down to the side of June’s next and she began to drag her nails over it leaving long angry red lines.

“Fuck this” Redge contributed, intelligently. He slid down onto his knees behind June and slapped a hand on each of her cheeks, keeping them there. He brought his head down and took in the scent of her excitement before burying his face between her thighs. He dragged his tongue along the wet lips from top to bottom before forcing his tongue inside of her. This was all for his own benefit rather than for June’s. His hands groped and kneaded at the shifter’s ass and thighs as he got his fill of her.

“Keep going, Kitten. Let’s see how hot and bothered you really are. Wonder if I’m actually going to get off today.”
She could barely think straight as she touched Rachel. Her eyes ran over her body, silently enjoying the look of it, admiring the way the tattoos on her skin moved as she moved even just a little. June pressed her thumb harder against her and moved along the slit, finding that little bundle of nerves she knew would make her feel good. Her head was in a cloud, she couldn’t help but feel good as she worked her thumb in small gentle circles, adding pressure as she pleasured the woman.

June leaned into the hand cupping her cheek, closing her eyes at the touch, enjoying the contact. It was the mention of her name that made her eyes widen and quickly pull back, but Rachel’s hand stayed connected to her cheek, and instead of pulling it away she ran her nails down her neck, making June moan despite the shock of her using her name, that snapped her out of her haze for a moment. It was now the second time she had used her name. Where’d she know her name from? Junes brows furrowed in confusion, not really paying attention to Redge behind her until his tongue was inside of her, making her fall forward against Rachel as she looked back at him, trying to move her ass away from him while groaning in protest.

“Don’f” she huffed out even with the panties in her mouth, while trying to pull away from Redge.
Seeing and feeling June try to pull away from him just made Redge laugh, his face already a little slick with her juices. He bit her thigh hard enough to leave a bruise and then followed suit with a hard bite on the centre of her left ass cheek. “Where are you going, bitch? C’mon, you taste so good.” He soon pulled her back towards him again and buried his face into her sex once again, his tongue plunging straight into her.

After noticing the confusion on her face Rachel was all the more pleased with the situation. Let her stew on that for now and she’ll ask about Wade later. As much as Rachel tried to play stoic and unphased by June’s work it didn’t last long. Her body twitched and the arousal in her boxers began to become more apparent. She could feel her toes curling as Juniper continued to work circles against her sensitive nub. She ran her fingers through June’s hair and pulled hard on it. “Fuck. Done this before, huh?”

Redge fished his cock out from his trousers and it was fully hard, the vein throbbing. He pulled his face away from her sex and replaced it with his hand to coat it in her juices and then worked it along his length to apply lubrication. He positioned himself behind June and lined the tip of his head with her again before driving himself into her, much as he had the first time. He placed one hand on June’s back and one on Rachel’s knee to steady him. Rachel quickly swatted the one touching her away. He didn’t take long to start to work himself into the motion and before long was slamming his hips against the girl’s behind.

Rachel looked down at the smaller shifter lustily and quickly slipped one of her legs out of the boxershorts so that they bunched around one thigh. Now that her sex was exposed to June she gave her a moment to look at it with a wicked grin. “Get in there, Kitten. You’ve still got lips, your nose, fingers. Fuck, be creative.” Rachel scratched the top of Juniper’s scalp as though she were some tamed pet. I can tell you want me.”
Everything in June screamed not to like it, but with the way the heat-like symptoms took over, she couldn’t help herself. It was just in her nature to react with the way she was being handled. The bite made her flash Redge a hateful look over her shoulder, she could have donkey kicked him if she had wanted to, but considering how much easy they could hurt her there was no point in acting out. Plus, she did promise to behave. He bit her again, and she could feel his slightly pointed teeth dig into her flesh as he got a mouthful of her ass cheek. Motherfucker. June was about to protest until his tongue was back inside of her.

She would have never thought she’d end up in this kind of situation with no way to run. June was still touching Rachel as Redge worked his tongue inside of her, pulling out little whimpers of pleasure from her mouth as he feasted on June. On the opposite end, Rachel was starting to get more comfortable as the shifter still worked her thumb in more and more assertive circles, even when her head tipped backwards from the other female pulling her hair. Juniper blinked in response. She had, but she definitely preferred men over females. Specifically a certain individual, but that a while ago. For whatever reason she couldn’t look away from the female that was beginning to squirm at her touch, it also distracted her from Redge who had disconnected his face from her pussy, just to replace it with his cock which he lined up and drove into her with no warning. This time didn’t hurt as much, she was clearly slick from her own arousal but also his saliva. Making him slip into her with ease as he placed one hand on her, the other on Rachel, who clearly didn’t want anyone to touch her right now, but June. Then he slammed into her making her head spin. The drugs, the smells, the way they were touching her was all too much to fight against.

It was the way that Rachel had slipped a leg out of her boxers that was her undoing. It was the way she was completely exposed to her that made Junes last thought of fighting back dissipate, and the pleasure of Redge slamming into her became too much. So she leaned forward, letting both her hands run up Rachel’s sides, digging her nails into her waist, holding her still as she buried her face in her sex, covering her lips and face with Rachel’s arousal. Her eyes slipped shut as she worked herself into her. She completely ignored Rachel’s words. June was in no control of her own urges at this point, it could probably have been anyone at this point it wouldn’t have mattered.

June didn’t have to do too much to create friction between her and Rachel, but she still put effort into it, but the thrusts were enough to keep up a rhythm that clearly pleased the wolf in front of her. With her right hand she worked it back down to her sex again, still using her thumb as she pressed it into Rachel, pulling back to watch how easily it sunk into her.
The air was heavy with the scent of all three of their arousals mixing though it seemed that June’s was stronger than either Redge’s or Rachel’s. The moonlight that filtered through the glass was enough for them all to see and, if there had been anybody outside, outlined their forms enough to give an erotic show that wouldn’t quite give away the identities of those involved unless they were familiar with any of their silhouettes.

“Fuck, fuck” Redge groaned as his cock split June’s folds while slamming into her over and over with a wet squelching slap each time his hips met her ass. It’d been a few weeks at least since he’d probably fucked a girl and not had his orgasm ruined. Something he vowed wasn’t going to happen this time. He clumsily reached around to paw at her tits and pinch one of her nipples a little harder than would be pleasant. “This bitch was… fuckin’... put on this earth solely to… take cock. She feels perfect” he complimented offhandedly.

Rachel rolled her eyes while letting out a particularly loud moan disagreeing with June’s sole purpose in the world. June’s hands roaming up her side had her eyes fluttering and struggling to stay open. Seeing her face glistening with her arousal was too much and proved to be the Wolf’s undoing. “Damn it, Kitten. Don’t you look pretty wearing your new makeup?” Fingers wound into her hair and she pulled the shifter hard against her pussy and then wrapped her legs around the back of the smaller girl’s head so that she could squeeze her with her thighs. She only squeezed harder when she felt Juniper’s thumb dipping between her wet folds.

After a minute or so in this position, Redge pulled out and looked at Rachel. “Flippin’ her over, want a different view. “

His partner said nothing as she unlocked her feet behind June’s head and pulled her away. Rachel panted and admired the strands of saliva and her arousal that connected her sex and June’s face for a few moments. She slipped her right hand down to her damp lips and began to massage herself while Watching Redge flip the girl over.

Redge moved in to lift June’s left leg and rest it on his shoulder to allow for easier access and then repositioned himself atop her and slid his length back into her warm waiting cunt with a loud groan, his balance faltering for a moment and forcing him to grab a hold of a deck chair thanks to the shiver of pleasure that ran through him.

Once Juniper was in position Rachel joined them on the floor, underwear still around one thigh and placed a knee on either side of their plaything’s head giving her a perfect view of the work Rachel’s fingers were doing. A strand of arousal dripped from the wolf onto the younger woman’s face. She groaned again and pulled her fingers away from herself. “I think we can get rid of these now, Kitten.” Rachel dug two fingers into June’s mouth and pulled out the panties she’d stuffed in there. “Be a good pet, yeah?” Slowly she began to lower her hips and bring her pussy down towards the ocelot shifter’s face until it pressed against her mouth.
The way Rachel was clenching around her finger made her own walls clench down on the wolf behind her, getting into a steady flow of thrusts. The groans gave it away that he was clearly enjoying being inside of her again. His hand came up under her to grab a breast and pinch her nipple, the pain made her twitch and try to pull away, but didn’t get very far. June tried to ignore the male behind her as she was forced back towards Rachels very exposed sex.

June didn’t fight it when Redge slipped out of her, claiming he needed a better view of her, and flipped her over, to immediately slip back into her and prop her leg up on his shoulder. This way he was able to thrust even deeper than before, making her react by gripping his still clothed hip that was still soaked. She hooked a finger into a belt loop, which didn’t do a damned thing, but it made her feel better somehow. Like she was still somewhat conscious about what was going on and trying to tether herself to reality instead of floating away. It just so happened to be Redge she tethered herself to.

It didn’t take long before Rachel got back into view and soon removed the panties from Junes mouth after positioning herself on Junes chest. The fabric had soaked all of the moisture from her mouth and she swallowed and swished her tongue around in her mouth to try and regain some of it. She could still taste the fabric and herself a little. “I despise both of you,” she hissed the second she felt like words would actually form in her mouth. She didn’t get to say anything else before Rachel sat down flush against her face.

Sure, she had been with women before, but she’d never had a woman actually sit on her face. The way she was unable to breathe was unpleasant, but the more she moved her face, the more Rachel seemed to enjoy it. June groaned against her but opened her mouth, placing her flattened tongue on her clit and curled it as she licked her ever so slowly but firmly. As her tongue detached from the little bundle of nerves, she immediately covered it with her lips, sucking a little roughly on it.

Egging on the release of the woman on top of her, flicking the tip of her tongue against it just to switch it up with long luxurious licks all the way from her entrance to her clit.

The way she was moaning and throwing her head back was a good indicator that June was doing something right, so she didn’t stop, soon joining in with the moans as Redge still worked himself into her.
As Rachel heard June profess her hatred of them both she couldn’t help but hold back a barking laugh and dipped a hand down towards June’s sex. She ran two fingers over the apex of her sex and gifted the shifter with a few seconds of stimulation directed at her clit. Rachel’s fingers circled against the captive and exposed the sensitive little nub from underneath the hood so that it was vulnerable to the wolf’s ministrations. “It seems your cunt doesn’t despise me.” With her hips heavy and her pussy currently parked on the smaller woman’s face she didn’t expect an answer. Using a thumb and forefinger she gave Juniper's clit a firm pinch to help encourage her to move beneath her even further.

Redge was far less nuanced when it came to sex. He chased his pleasure however he could, his climax being the most important thing to him. He thrust his hips over and over, the slapping wet sounds music to his ears. He felt her contract around him and it felt as though his cock was forcing her inner muscles apart each time he rammed himself back inside of her. His eyes kept flicking from Juniper to Rachel. His grunts and groans turned into a whimper as he watched Rachel’s hand dip into Juniper’s folds. He tilted his head towards the leg over his shoulder and began to bite at Juniper’s calf hard enough to bruise but not draw blood.

The movement beneath Rachel had her body twitching and a moan driped from her lips. She was thankful that it didn’t take June long to realise she expected more than her just lying there. When she first felt the tongue against her clit her core tensed and she let out a quick “Oh fuck”. The curse had Redge grinning at her and she soon treated him to a “Fuck off”. June was surprisingly good at this, especially despite her disposition towards Rachel. She soon found more moans echoing from her and hadn’t noticed exactly when she began to roll her hips and grind her wetness into Juniper’s face. Rachel lost herself in the moment and, almost like a reward, she returned to sliding her fingers back over June’s weak spot trying to encourage her to work harder. It took her a while to realize she had to lift her hips just long enough to let June suck in a breath before clamping back down.

There was something about the two girls moaning that just had Redge’s balls tightening and he could feel himself spiraling oh so close to his climax “OH fuck, oh fuck, I’m close… I’m gonna -”

“Not until I’m finished first.” Rachel snapped.

“Fuck that I’m g-” his words were cut off by a pained gasp as Rachel grabbed hold of his balls and squeezed.

“After me and not inside of her cunt. I want to see something different. Now slow the fuck down and wait for me.”

“Fine, fine, fuck, just let, agh, the fuck go.” Redge gave a final groan as Rachel gave a final squeeze. Redge grumbled under his breath as he slowed down and fucked her slow enough to keep in hard but without hope of getting off.

Rachel however was close too, June’s unexpectedly talented tongue bringing her to her peak far quicker than she’d have put money on. “Fuck… fuck. Don’t you dare fucking… stop or I’m going to strangle that… pretty neck.” Her eyes lost focus and flicked upwards as she became wetter still and found her climax. She lost her composure and her body trembled violently as the force of it rocked through her. Her breaths were erratic and her muscles strained as she rode Juniper's face through her orgasm. Hands clawed at the girl, nails digging in as she squeezed one of her thighs and her hip. She remained twitching and still smothering the younger woman for a few seconds before gingerly moving off of her and taking a look at the moonlight glistening on Juniper’s face.

Redge had plunged himself deep into June when he heard Rachel reach her orgasm and just kept himself embedded deep within her knowing that if he continued to fuck her right now he’d have left cum dripping down her thighs within seconds. When Rachel finished he glared at her wondering what the fuck he was waiting for. “Well?”

“Fuck her tits or something, shit-for-brains. Just make sure.” Rachel had to take a moment’s pause to recover enough to carry on. “To cum on her face.”

Redge practically pounced on her chest desperate to find his moment. He slid his cock between both breasts and used his hands to bunch them up tighter around his manhood. He was slick enough that his meat slid easily between the two orbs. “You hold ‘em still.”

By now Rachel finally had recovered enough to pull her ass up and sit back on the deck chair she’d been on before. She could acutely feel how wet she was. It had been a while since somebody had gotten her off without her doing the majority of the work.

“How do you know Wade? Explain”.
It was all too much for June as Rachel’s fingers made contact with her own spot that drove her crazy. If it wasn’t for the fact that Redge was still driving into her, concentrating on himself, she might have even enjoyed the touch, even if it did make her buck her hips slightly as the woman on top of her pinched her clit. There was nothing June wanted more than to shove the two off of her and hope they both drowned in the pool. But she couldn’t. This wasn’t the time to test her luck, the odds were definitely not in her favor. Instead she rolled her eyes at Rachel’s comment. If she only knew. Her tongue was still lapping at Rachel, keeping a steady pace and pattern of licks, swallowing the mix of Rachel and her own saliva as it filled up the back of her mouth.

The female on top of her kept touching her, she couldn’t follow along what was happening between her legs other than what she felt. She could hear the whimper coming from Redge, guessing he was most likely enjoying the view of Rachel’s finger spreading her even wider apart than his cock did. June smirked against Rachel as she felt his teeth nip at her calf. She couldn’t help the muffled gasps that escaped her as he bit her, making her raise her head as much as she could. The moans weren’t just coming from Redge either, Rachel had also found her voice, cursing as June worked her tongue against her. She swirled the tip of her tongue against Rachel’s swollen clit, gently grazing it with her teeth. Then the female started moving on top of her, and June let her ride her tongue. She had managed to take in little breaths, but it had made her lightheaded, so whenever Rachel lifted herself up enough, she finally filled her lungs with much needed air before the wolf sat back down and went right back to riding her face while touching her more vigorously, making June moan at the touch.

She listened to them as they argued, both out of breath, about who was going to climax first, something June definitely would have laughed at if she could. She still could only listen to what was happening, which meant she didn’t realize Rachel had a hold of Redge, which made him gasp. The way Rachel spoke made everything in her body clench up. June then let go of the belt loop only to dig her nails into the soft flesh of Rachel’s thighs, steadying her as the wolf between her legs slowed down. The way Rachel’s legs quivered around her made her pause slightly, which ended up making Rachel threaten her, which made June continue the flicks of her tongue, viciously stroking her to a climax, switching from dipping her tongue inside her to curling it against her clit. June held her down, gripping her tightly against her as she worked Rachel through her orgasm.

Then she was off of her, and June wiped her mouth with the back of her hand still keeping an eye on Rachel as she moved away from her, leaving her still connected to Redge who had been still for a while, clearly trying not to release inside of her.

June lifted her head slightly looking down at Redge who seemed to struggle as she squeezed around him, smirking as she glared at Rachel.

Then she suggested that he fucked her tits, which made her smile falter into an extremely displeased expression, especially when she told him to make sure he finished on her face. Junipers head whipped towards Rachel. “Absolutely not,” June croaked, but she had barely closed her mouth before he was already in between her tits.

June disregarded the command, keeping her hands by her sides in a noncompliant way. “Burn in hell.”

Then Rachel mentioned Wade and Junes attention flicked over to the woman.

“Get your dog off of me and I might just tell you,” she hissed and placed a hand on Redge’s hip, pushing weakly at him, as if that’d stop his movements. Sending him the dirtiest look she could muster, doing her best at ignoring the way the head of his cock came dangerously close to her mouth. So close that if she stuck her tongue out, it would absolutely make contact.

It was a weak attempt and in fact there was not a lot to tell, but maybe it would be important enough for the other wolf to actually call him off of the shifter.
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