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Madness (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"You would not-!" He stopped, seeing that he was getting angrier, and forced himself to take a moment to speak more calmly, "You would not return, given the chance?"
“No!” She said. “Why are you so damn angry all of a sudden?” She asked, moving over to him. “Do you think I care so little? Do you care so little? What is it?”
"I am angry because I love you!" He yelled, "I love you and some bastard dares to ruin what I have worked hard to create!"
She stood there, not saying anything for a good moment. “Say.. say that again..” she said, her tone a little more gentle now
She moved to hold him suddenly, hugging essentially his waist. She was quiet. But he still heard it. “I love you too..”
He put his arms around her, hunching over to fully encase her, "I was afraid you would see him and long to leave...! After I was finally able to love would have been ripped from my hands right there...!"
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