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Gotta be a winner...

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Aug 16, 2010
Sonata patted her cheeks and took a deep breath in front of the mirror. Okay this is it. After all the training and preparation she was finally going to head out into the world. She adjusted her white tank top, and tightened the belt on her white cargo pants. She did not want them falling down, due to some unusual extremities, it would be embarrassing on a completely insane level. Out of insecurity she patted herself, feeling the long thick bulge beneath her pants. Yup, it was still there. She wouldn't mind...if she thought people were more understanding. But she would probably be labeled a freak for having a penis, and a sizable one at that.

"Oh come on! No one knows so stop worrying!" She sighed, it was a pain to. She was by any standards gorgeous, long shiny white hair, firm, shapely breasts, perfect ass and legs. And an eleven inch long dick. Perfect. Oh well. Eventually she might build up the courage to tell someone, maybe her trainer friend perhaps. It had been years since she'd seen her, since she'd gone off to become a Pokegirl trainer. Ever since then Sonata had been training to become a breeder, so maybe she could at least help her friend in some way.

"Okay, Okay. Almost time to meet her at the gates!" She grabbed her backpack and her headphones, slipping them around her neck and the backpack over her shoulders then headed off. As she walked to the agreed meeting place she mused over what her friend would look like. She herself had changed quite a bit since they split off, she tried to imagine the girl all busty and hot like her. Somehow it wouldn't take, she imagined her a little more gothic, or alternative style. Though she had to stop visualizing as her member was beginning to respond. It was okay, her baggy cargo pants hid it unless she got a full on erection.

She breathed deep and cleaned up her thoughts. Enough of that. She was almost there.
Kaia adjusted the glasses that had sunk to the bridge of her nose. Her short black hair framed her face in a cute way, just showing enough to entice, but hiding some of her features from view. Her dark eyes looked out across the grass that led right up to the gate that led into Saffron City. She could see the skyscrapers and buildings so close, but blocked off by the hills and stone that ran around the city. She'd not been home for so long. She was excited to see her friend, Sonata, who had wanted to become a Pokegirl breeder when Kaia had left so long ago.
She blushed as she found herself straightening her outfit, a short skirt and a long-sleeved sweater to keep out the chill of winter. Her legs were kept warm with the thermal hosiery that she wore, and her neck and chin was warmed with the orange striped scarf. She felt a cool breeze brush past and she shivered, but only for a moment. Her thoughts quickly went back to the friend she hadn't seen in so long. Her hand went to one of the balls at her belt, which she took and tossed, pressing the button before letting it fly. A flash of light and Eevee, her pokegirl stood there. The girl had long ears that came from the mussed and matching brown hair that hung thick in the way of her own glasses. She wore a tan scarf and a brown and white shirt, a skirt and stockings finishing the ensemble, her thick bushy tail sticking out from the hem of the skirt. She looked like her owner, if nothing else, then in clothes, though they weren't exactly alike.
"I want you to meet Sonata, Eve," she said as they went through the doorway of the gate, "She's gorgeous and I think I want her to work with you to breed. I think I want to get you mating with another Eevee sometime soon."
The pokegirl nodded, the blood rising in her cheeks as her hands unconsciously dropped to the bulge that was hidden beneath the loose folds of her long skirt.
Sonata stopped dead when she rounded the corner and slid back behind it. Kaia, her friend, was coming through the gate to the city. She wasn't sure why, but she wanted to see the girl first, before they met. Kaia had grown as much as she had, accept where she became tall and busty, Kaia had become quite cute in an alternative sort of way. The scarf, her short black hair, and those glasses. She still wore those same glasses... Alright Sonata, you can do this. She put on her best smile and came around the corner.

"Kaia! Do you recognize me? It's been too long!" She came up to the smaller girl quickly and gave her a big hug. She couldn't help but note Kaia's smaller, but firm breasts. Then she pulled away and turned to the Pokegirl standing next to her friend.

"And is this one of yours? An Evee! Hello Evee, I am Sonata!" She held out her hand to the Pokegirl. Unlike some trainers, she couldn't look at Pokegirls as just tools, they were intelligent and had emotions. So couldn't help but treat them as a fellow human, in most respects anyways. Though this Evee was gorgeous, her big bushy tail was so adorable! She was trying hard to suppress a stiffening erection at the mere sight of the Pokegirl.
Kaia was surprised at the sudden appearance of the friend she hadn't seen in so long. She went with the embrace, pulling the pokemon breeder in close, noticing how much she had filled out.
"My god, Sonata, look at your boobs!" she said quietly so as not to attract too much attention, "You look like a Miltank!"
She giggled and stepped back so that Eve could step up.
"This is Eve, my Eevee. She's a bit shy, so don't expect her to talk alot, but she's a very good girl. She's actually one of the reasons I'm back here."
Eve curtsied slightly for Sonata then shook her hand. She smiled up at her, the tail flicking back and forth like a dog's tail. She found the breeder attractive as well, and immediately turned a crimson shade as her hands dropped to the front of her skirt and she took a step back to hide behind Kaia.
The dark haired girl giggled again and looked up at Sonata.
"I've found a Pokegirl to breed, Sonata, and I was hoping that you could help me train her for it. I know you've always wanted to be a breeder and I thought that I could help you by bringing your first trainee."
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