Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)


Mar 29, 2018
North America
in a large conference room sat a young man with black hair and deep green eyes. this man was Alex an upend coming actor who was on the fast track to being one of the best. he was known for his skills as an actor and in doing most of his own stunts so that he didnt risk others getting hurt. he was also known for not fighting too often with the producer and director but was well versed in getting his point across when needed. Alex was sitting and waiting off the rest of the cast of a new movie he was staring it with another actor. from the looks of the scrip it was suppose to be a horror film which was something new for Alex but just looking at the script he knew it needed some tweaking. the director was new and just getting his feet wet so he hoped the man was good at standing his ground and making sure that no one walked over him. Alex looked up when more members of the cast walked in to the room for the table reading and he greeted them.

one of the people to walk in was the composer of rate music of the film. normally this wouldn't happen and then composer would just write nd record the songs and they would be added post production but Lilly wasn't like the others and she requested to be there so she could get a feel for the film and make Sur ethat the music fit the film rather then making the film fit the music which she often saw happen. Lilly had pale blond hair and one blue eye and one green eye she covered the lower half of her face with a face mask and wore a hood she she didnt want to be noticed before she took her seat.
Walking into the room happened to be a young man with dirty blond hair and pale blue eyes; another one of those up and coming actors that was making tracks to becoming world famous. And he happened to be somebody who had done many movies with the other male within the room, Alex. Much like the black haired male he preferred to do his own stunts - not just because he didn't want to see others get hurt but he was a bit of a risk taker and daredevil. He didn't usually have much that he wouldn't try at all. Nicolas, more commonly known as Nico, was wandering over to sit down at the table and was looking over the script as well. Definitely needed some tweaking but for the director being new and just getting his feet wet, it wasn't terrible at all. Especially since from what he knew the man had wrote the script himself and wanted to turn it into a movie. Big dreams. And Nico was honestly hoping that he could make it come true as well.

One of the final people to walk into the room just happened to be another young woman by the figure but she was covered up by a hood at that point in time and sunglasses, keeping herself hidden. The young woman in question had vibrant red hair and startling hazel eyes that almost seemed to change colors with what she was wearing. Her name was Musa, and she was a singer - the lead singer of a very popular band called Crimson Hearts, she was also a very popular model. A band that was made up of three females - herself as the lead singer, Desdemona as the drummer, and Senna as the guitarist. The woman herself had a wide vocal range and would be able to easily do anything singing wise for the song. The only reason that she was there was because her manager, who happened to be close with the director, had asked her to go there and help the man out. Musa was wandering over and taking a seat in one of the chairs, folding one leg over the other as her eyes just studied the others that were in the room from behind her shades.
Alex looked over when Nico walked in and greeted him "hey Nico pleasure seeing you here" Alex was genuinely happy to see the man as they worked well together. Alex then listened as everyone greeted each other as they arrived and settled in to their seats which were marked with name tags. while he knew Musa he didnt know why she was there nor did he know who the other female whose face was covered up was. Alex looked over when the director walked in and he greeted them all which had Alex nodding in welcome but remaining silent until he was told it was time to speak
Musa was wandering over to her spot at the table although she didn't really say anything to anybody, just inclined her head ever so slightly to people. Nope she would let the director comment why she was there, otherwise she was just staying silent. Nico was looking at Alex before he was commenting that it was good to see him as well before looking towards the director who was thanking them all for being there. First it seemed like he was going to introduce the two more secretive guests to that of everybody else. "This is Lilly and she is going to be working on the music for the film. She will be writing the music as the movie goes about - as she explained to me already. She wants the music to fit the movie and not the other way around." the director was speaking after a moment in time. That definitely made sense, Nico had seen a number of movies start off strong but then fell apart because the tide of the music changed to fit the music. After that his was looking towards the other mystery figure who was actually pushing down her hood to reveal vibrant red hair. "This is Musa and her managed recommended her to me as the one to sing for the movie." At least Lilly would be a bit familiar with Musa - the pair having worked before once so she would have a general idea that her vocal range was quite broad. Would make writing a bit easier - when it came to the notes and the pitch needed, and wanting to know if the singer in question could hit those notes.
Lilly looked at Muse and smiled and then looked over when one of the cast asked why she couldn't just use the scrip to write the music and why she needed to be there to do her job. Lilly looked at the woman and then spoke her voice soft and serene "to make the music work with the film I need to see how it is going to flow and the only way to do that is to know exactly how the movie is going to be portrayed" Lilly then looked at the others in the room who all nodded and no one continued to question her presence there.
Musa was just giving a nod of her head before she was just leaning in her chair for a brief moment in time her eyes just flickering over everybody at that point in time. There was a faint smile on her lips before she was looking towards the director, who definitely seemed nervous. Honestly she couldn't blame him at all, she had been nervous the first time that she had even gone on stage. Hell in high school singing on stage she had had such terrible stage fright, wanted to throw up every single time. Now... It didn't scare her at all. She loved to be on stage, she lived to be on stage.
Lilly looked at the director and nodded her head a silent confirmation that he did need to be scared. Lilly knew being in the spotlight was terrifying and she didnt blame him foreign nervous. Lilly then waited for the others to start introducing themselves and their roles. Lilly figured this would flow like normal and she wasn't too worried about how things would go. Lilly did however wonder how someone would handle if he told them no or how he would handle having to tell them no
Musa was just watching for a moment and listened as everybody was introducing themselves and stating what their roles were; there were some people who were stating what roles they had been wanting. "The roles have been cast and decided by the director after careful consideration after interviewing many people. The fact that you are here able to partake in this movie is better than those who weren't scouted. If you are going to complain about what role you have gotten now then please leave. This is a role that could be given to another who is more appreciative to even a small background role. It is still a step in the direction of stardom." Nico was speaking in a rather cold voice when a few people started to complain about their roles, a few stating that they needed to have bigger roles to have more attention. Musa was just chuckling for a brief moment before she was commenting, her voice light and musical - almost ethereal, "Sometimes the background characters are more interesting than the main characters. This is sometimes how some actors and actresses make their break - is through playing that "pathetic" background character as you say."
Alex nodded his head "this is true I played many background characters before I landed my first lead role" Alex then looked at Nico and then turned his attention to everyone else "just because you got a role you didnt want doesn't mean you shouldn't do it to the best of your abilities that is what makes an actor great not the role they are given" Alex leaned back and looked at them he had tried for a different role and had been given a lead role and he didnt mind it just meant he had to do even better then for the role he had originally tried for
Nico was just nodding his head in agreement before he was just looking at his script. No he was also one of the three main leads - the third one being a bit more mysterious than anything else. Somebody that you only really heard speak to them over a phone but still a very important character. They were revealed towards the end of the movie, but until then it was just that. Phone calls. Musa was just listening to everything before she was pushing a bit of her hair from her face.
Lilly looked at everyone when the director nodded and they started the table read for the script. this had he pulling ou there sheet paper and going to work on writing the music softly humming as she went along so that she didn't bother anyone. Lilly would also be playing the third lead at the directors request and she had agreed but asked for it to be kept quiet so it was a surprise for everyone there as well
Musa was just watching for a moment and soon enough there seemed to be a table read of the script. Although there were a few times when Musa seemed to be making a few notes on the script that was in front of her - times where she was a singer felt music would be needed. The movie was set with a pair of friends traveling to an old hotel that was going to be reopened after receiving a mysterious letter from a woman - but there wasn't much other than that that they knew about. So the first time Musa was suggesting music was as they approached the hotel - making a note for it to be something a little more eerie to give the audience the sense that there was definitely something amiss about the hotel but not give it away. But as the men were at the hotel they would learn that it was a whole lot more terrifying than they had thought - the hotel was crawling with cultists that were wanting to kill them for interfering and the mysterious woman who had sent them the letter - was somebody who knew the truth about the whole thing and had been deemed as the sacrifice to resurrect their god. Lots of jumpscares would be included as well.
Lilly kept track of Muse's notes as well as he own work and after a bit she had the first song written and ready. Lilly handed it over to Muse with a note to suggest any changes she felt may work. Lilly had stuck with in the higher area of her ranges and she hoped that wasn't an issue as she would be helping with some of the background singing. Lilly hoped the song worked as she had worked fast but hard but the song was also creepy as she had the instruments being flutes and violins
Musa was just looking towards the music that she was being handed and was just reading through it softly before she was just nodding her head after a moment in time. No she could definitely do that which had the director asking if they had figured something out. This had Musa looking over before she spoke, "The first song. As the men are driving down the long stretch of road and then the hotel comes into view."
"its in Muse's higher range so it will be creepier I think and she seems to like it so that is a good thing as well" the song was just notes with not lyrics as of yet as she didnt know if she wanted just the notes or if she wanted lyrics to go with it as well. there were a few lyrics written down but they were there as a sample not as the whole song
Musa was just tapping her fingers and soon enough the director was asking them for a preview of the song. This had Musa looking over for a brief moment in time before she was taking the music sheet so that she could study the notes for a brief moment in time. Although it wasn't long before she was starting to sing to it - adding some lyrics that didn't seem to make sense to others.

Alex listened to the song she sang and shivered in his seat as the song defined eerie. Alex then looked at Nico and the director "I like it what about you two"
Nico was just nodding his head after a moment in time before looking at the director, who just seemed unsure of what to say at that point in time. Musa was just stopping where the notes were stopping and was just looking towards them for a brief moment. "That was... I definitely feel like that fits. It gives a sense of eeriness but doesn't give away the whole plot." the director was speaking after a moment.
Lilly smiled and then looked at Muse "I hope the notes weren't too high for you" while she knew they were in her range since the whole song was at that point she didnt know if it was going to be too much for her or not.
Musa was shaking her head before she spoke, "No the notes aren't going to be too much at all. At points I did go a bit higher while singing than what was written, but it seemed to sound a bit better in my head." She pointed out a couple of those spots where she had gone a couple of notes higher - and it was definitely a difference that Lilly would have noticed as well.
Lilly took the papers back and made the changes to the sheet music "Ill get the instrumental recorded over the weekend and send it to you if you want" Lilly looked at the director to see if that would work for him
The director was just nodding his head- seeming to be very pleased with all of this. And having some music being heard seemed to have the others get into a little bit more - finding a bit of a drive.
while they did the first table ready Lilly worked on the songs as they came to the spots where it was felt like music would fit and since she had a good idea of where to go she was able to work with out worry.
Musa was just listening for a brief moment and just humming softly herself. Although it wasn't long before she was glancing at her phone and dismissing herself from the table. Not that she was needed at that point in time, so she was able to step outside when Senna was calling her to find out where she was at. "The get together for the movie I'm helping out with. What's up?" Musa was questioning her bandmate who was just stating that she was bored and wanted to go get food. Then came the startled gasp from Senna before the other woman was speaking, "Invite everybody to join us for dinner at that five star restaurant. My treat. I'll reserve the entire restaurant for the evening." Although before Musa could even interject the other female was hanging up leaving her just blinking at her phone for a moment before she was heading back inside.
Lilly looked at her as did Alex but before Lilly could speak Alex asked if everything was ok. they had both seen her get up and they were worried that something had happened. Lilly finished the song she was working n and then stretched a bit before standing and moving to the piano that was near by to see if the combination she had written sounded good before she would give it to Musa to look at
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