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Closed furry-ously searching for the big, bad wolf

Closed - no longer seeking


Jun 16, 2024

I'm a lover of romance, eroticism,
and high fantasy. I'm looking for a burly
wolf to play with my new OC Adeline. Read
more in the Plot Ideas section. Please send
a writing sample if interested.
to see our characters come alive!
Status - CLOSED

Age: 29
Time zone: EST
Writing style: Third-person, descriptive
RP locations: PMs
Average post lengths: 300 - 1,500 words
About Me

Third-person, multi-para/novella, literate/descriptive
Try to write as much as I can without putting in filler/fluff
Like to brainstorm, plot, and worldbuild together
Plantser: I plan some important things but just discuss the in-between as we go
Propose ideas and take initiative to drive the story forward
Communicate respectfully and openly
Reply at least every two weeks and communicate if it's taking a while
Give you time and space to write

Match my writing style, length, and descriptiveness
Have a compelling, dynamic, and realistic character
Propose ideas and take initiative
Ask before introducing things that could be triggering or change the story drastically
No god-modding or taking control of my character
Communicate respectfully when things need to be discussed or changed
Reply at least as often as I do and let me know if it's taking longer
Don't poke or hint at wanting me to post if it's taking a while

Plot Ideas

Traveling through the remote countryside on her journey, Adeline and her armed escort are ambushed by a monster. Her escort is taken out, but she manages to flee. Just when it seems she can't run any further, she bumps into YC, a surly, stoic, and mysterious wargen (anthro wolf) that clearly knows his way around a sword. Alone and strangers on the trail, they form a shaky alliance. She seems to need it more than he does, but despite his careless attitude, he doesn't leave her to be devoured by monsters or victim to exposure. She's wary of him at first, and her naivete and curiousness about the world wear on his nerves, but circumstances reveal that their fates are intertwined. Their work together begins from a mutual sense of duty, but despite that they seem to be polar opposites, the attraction between them steadily becomes harder and harder to deny.

I would like YC to be 10-15 years older than her. I also like a nice size difference. I don't want to put either of them in a "box," but generally, I'd like him to be kind of a grump and her to be less world-weary so they balance each other out. And even though he can be kind of a dick sometimes, he has a softer side that she can slowly get to. I anticipate the plot-to-smut ratio will be around 60/40. The romance and plot are going to be the focus, and it will be a slow burn. I'd like there to be a "predator/prey" kind of dynamic in the beginning with her clearly being intimidated and fearful because she's never met someone of his kind before but slowly growing to realize he isn't a threat to her.


(click for full body image)

Writing Samples

(snippet/what comes before the potential starter)

Shuddering, Adeline hugged herself tighter. The howling wind crashed into her like a wave, tugging and jerking in vain to rip her cloak away. She couldn't stop the chattering of her teeth or the watering of her eyes. Occasionally, she tucked her numbed nose under her cloak to keep it from freezing, although doing so lifted it away from her body and let the cold wind slip under.

"This couldn't have happened at a better time," she muttered under her breath, hugging the pendant to her chest. It thrummed like a heartbeat, and for a moment, she thought that her own heart was beating in tandem.

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Devon staring straight ahead, marching as if they were off to war. He seemed unaffected by the cold, but there was nothing, to her mind, that had ever affected him. Quiet, expressionless, and always staring off into some distance no one else could see. When they first set off on their journey, she'd tried whatever she could think of to make conversation with him. Where had he come from? How long had he been in Arvenia? Did he enjoy his job?

"Far away." "Quite a while." "It pays."

She could have a more interesting conversation with herself. At least, he was there to escort her. Surviving the wilds on her own would be certain to end shortly in her death. What did a nun have in the way of survival skills? She wasn't a nun, but she was hardly less sheltered than one. She knew how to feed herself, and she'd memorized a collection of arbitrary facts about various herbs and fungi from books that wouldn't have been page-turners to anyone else. That was the extent of her survivalist skills. Adeline cursed, wishing she'd had the foresight to read about makeshift shelters or starting a fire without the pleasantries she was used to from the monastery hearth.

Gritting her teeth, she pushed on, but the burning in her legs was becoming too much to bear. Moving had helped to keep her warm. When her toes felt so stiff she could hardly move them, however, it was time for a break.

"I need to sit for a moment."

Huffing, she found a stump beside the road that would make a decent chair. It was sure to be the only resting spot they'd pass for a while. Sitting with a long sigh, she stretched her aching legs, massaging her ankles one after the other. She glanced at Devon, and he gave her a nod before looking away. He must have been tired of taking breaks, although the contents of his mind were an enigma. Maybe he had been browbeaten by his duty. Maybe there was no room left for "Devon." Or maybe he had all the personality of stale bread. She would never know.

A piercing shriek rang out over the trees, sending a black cloud of calling crows and birds scattering from the treetops. She sat straight up, her wide eyes and ears panning toward where she thought the sound had come from. It was ragged and primal but almost human, unlike any animal she'd ever heard before. The world stopped for a moment as her eyes darted around the trees. She realized she'd stopped breathing and took a breath, but her lungs refused to take in enough. Her heart was pounding. She turned to Devon. Even he looked unsettled, searching for the source but coming up just as empty-handed. He finally looked at her, and they shared a moment of tense silence.

"What was that?" Her voice came out much softer and meeker than she'd intended.

Devon cleared his throat. "I don't know."

She frowned, watching him, her gut twisted into knots. He was supposed to protect her, but what he said next made her feel like retching.

"I've never heard anything like that before."

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