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Character Sheet


Jun 16, 2024

(add • el • een)

Nickname: Addy
Species: Capren (anthro deer)
Age: 24
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual

Occupation: clerical scholar and scribe

Height: 5'7"/1.7 meters
Weight: 130 lbs./58.9 kg.
Build: curvy
Appearance: ref

Disposition: studious

Adeline is reserved and sometimes mistaken for naive. While she lacks worldly experience, she is sharp and observant, preferring to calculate before she acts. She is kind and caring to the point that she can give too much of herself to others. Sometimes, she opens herself to being taken advantage of and can be a "people pleaser." She is courageous and headstrong, even when she isn't sure of herself or the path she's taking. She can be shy at times, but once she gets comfortable with someone, she can spend hours talking about nothing and everything.

Adeline was orphaned before she was old enough to remember her parents. She was left on the doorstep of a monastery and taken in by the resident nuns. The sisters were sometimes strict, but she thought life could have certainly been worse. She was fed and clothed and sheltered, but the atmosphere of the monastery was restrictive. As she grew older, she quickly learned that she had many curiosities she would be expected to swallow in favor of her holy duties.

However, that would have never been good enough for Adeline. She had lived her entire life confined to one church, in one town, in one country. She wanted to see more of the world. The sisters never dismissed her, but it was apparent none of them believed her aspirations as any more than pipe dreams. She was fortunate that one of the sisters, who acted as a sort of mother figure, knew how to read and taught her, as well. Her hunger for knowledge only grew the older she became. Every book she could get her hands on about the world outside would be consumed in a string of near sleepless nights. She got many a stern nudge for nodding off during mass.

Adeline was able to impress a visiting scribe with her knowledge and hunger to learn. She became an apprentice, and learned to transcribe manuscripts and keep historical records. That was the least of her duties, however. She was also responsible for maintaining the Divine Light, a scared flame contained within a crystal pendant once worn by the patron saint. It was said to have been burning for millennia, and some believed it to have strange powers. Her work became her life, and she nurtured the flame as if it were her newborn child. Her desire for adventure was still there, but it had taken a backseat to what she felt was her only opportunity to be any more than just a nun or some working man's wife.

Her complacency was dashed, however, when the flame began to die. Seeing as her master was too old and feeble to travel, the responsibility fell to her to make the pilgrimage to the holy city halfway across the continent to acquire the aid of the Church of the Sacred Flame.

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