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~Fluffery and Violence~
May 19, 2024
I did have some somewhat important stuff to do today, so obviously....I procrastinated and spend some time to give my request-thread a facelift.

Now, I do really like the design on an aeshtetic level, but looking at it now, I get the feeling that it's a bit....text-wall-ish.

So I'd be curious:
1. How well readable is the text really?
2. How much does it get borked up on mobile?

So I'm less worried about the content or the design and more about the accessability here.

I'm also not quite sure what to do with the spoilers....I tried to wrangle an Accordion into shape, but somehow failed...I'm not quite as good at this whole coding thing as it seems xD

I'd love to get some feedback :3

A few technical things:
  1. Your header is a tiny bit broken on the mobile. But nothing too serious.
  2. Lists a bit weird, for some reason there is a new line, so first line of text is under the bullet. Usually when it comes to lists – it's easier to read them if they are left aligned.
  3. First time over – I missed the second post with character catalogue. I would recommend putting it in main post, or refering to it in main post, since in most request threads the following posts are bumps. Also once you bump enough to have 2 pages – people would need to press "Page 1" to see the second page.
  4. You have a change of font style and size between the main post and the kinklist and the rest of the post.
That said, I liked your request thread, easy to read and understand. Only #3 is somewhat serious problem (in future).
I would also try to moving things around a bit, if you don't get enough responses. Maybe move fleshed out stories above the pairings. Pairings can be confusing for some people (ha ha like me :)
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