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Looking for help with fandom prompts.


Apr 18, 2020
Hallo! I have recently been working on revamping my Male RT recently but I have am somewhat stumped on what to do with the last few fandoms in the list. I'm fairly sure about swapping Transformers, and Alien, out for other fandoms, probably El Dorado and Atlantis the Lost Empire, but other than that I'm a little stuck!
If you aren't looking for those fandoms anymore, swap 'em out. If you're looking for all that you mentioned, you could always just add to it. I always recommend not including spoilers/expanded areas for fandoms you don't have fleshed out interests in. You could just list the fandom without ideas and partners who may be interested in it could come to you with something, or you can brainstorm together.
Mostly I'm hoping to brainstorm, but those two fandoms are not exactly swimming in pairings that I feel I can work with, or potential for lewdness anyway. Maybe that will change in the future but for now that appears to be the case. Aside from that, I'm not sure how to re-write or just replace the prompts I have for Splatoon, Zootopia and The Dragon Prince.
I think most of what I'm saying is that if you're really just looking to brainstorm ideas, it might be best to just take out any ideas you're no longer interested in and list the fandom itself. You don't have to have dedicated plot ideas for each fandom; some of my most successful RTs have listed nothing but fandoms and/or pairing ideas and things have been built organically between me and my partner.

What is it that you're hoping to rewrite or flesh out? Storylines? Sexual content? Pairing dynamics? Are you looking to find starting points for plots, or new twists to add to them? Just saying "I need to redo this" doesn't really give us much of an idea on what to offer β€” unless you're hoping for people to just farm plot ideas for you, which is not super likely to happen IMO.
You're right on that last point, I'm sorry. What I'm looking for, in more specifics anyway, is what could work as potential starting plots and storylines. For example something a bit more in depth, or involved than simply: Rayla is in heat, and Callum is the closest guy in general, to use The Dragon Prince as an example.

I'm trying to think on how to make the prompts I have, more in depth and potentially interesting to read and think about, another example being Tales of Arcadia and the potential ideas or prompts there between Jim and Claire. Right now it's basically two of the same plot and this annoys me.
I think your best bet is to not force yourself to have "too many" ideas. Focus on the ones you do have, and figure out where you'd like them to go from there. You don't need to have multiple ideas listed if you only have one, and if you don't have an idea that you like, just don't include it.
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