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ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇꜱ  ♚ reverie. + verse


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Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that Byron kept her occupied. Because with her sole focus on him and his shitty attitude, a part of her seemed to forget their surroundings - the rest of the people. It was probably for the best. What she was not so grateful for, was the way her body seemed to respond to his touch. She wasn't supposed to enjoy it and yet her nipples screamed for his attention. But who was she kidding? It didn't feel that good. At least that was what she tried to convince herself.

But Emily wasn't prepared for his next move - not that she had been prepared for any of this. He pulled her towards him, making sure her legs got stuck on either side of his own, forcing her legs to spread, and in doing so, exposing her pussy even more. She could feel the cool air against her folds. Thankfully, Byron's hand ended up on her ass instead of between her legs, squeezing her buttcheeks - in warning? Emily found herself swaying her hips again, if only a little. But when he opened his mouth, her body froze altogether.

"N-" She'd barely gotten a sound out before he forced her lips against his in a kiss that couldn't have been less romantic. Trying to pull her head back - without any luck - she had no choice but to let his tongue enter her mouth. It felt like he was suffocating her, but that might just be the panic talking.


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She moved even though he was grabbing her. There were ways that she angled herself that he could read into. She wasn't tensing up and she wasn't running. She'd never even physically fought him. That might haunt her after this. That's why he liked coaxing them, because it messed them up in a different way. Though, if he was being honest with himself, he didn't mind applying force, either. Like now, when he took her mouth after he'd told her what was going to happen. Like he'd have something this pretty and not fuck it.

He kissed her possessively, filled her up with his tongue, and his hand wandered up to her hip and pushed her to sit in his lap, grinding her down on himself to the music. Seemed her hips were obedient. The contact between their mouths was locked, the fingers on the back of her head slid to the high of her neck to keep her there. Eventually he broke the kiss, and looked down at her, still having her at that slightly upward tilted angle with bridges of spit connecting them.

"Take my cock out." he said and she'd hear her brother cough behind her. But do nothing to stop what was happening. The music continued. His fingers dug into her neck as a show of intent.



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This was almost too much for her to handle. Being exposed in front of so many people was one thing. Being kissed by a lunatic was another. But when he practically forced her onto his lap - still encouraging her to move her hips - and the fabric of his worn jeans pressed into her delicate skin? That was something else entirely. She felt dirty, as almost as if she was doing something illegal. He was certainly playing in the grey zone. Emily didn't want any part in this - whatever this was. Whatever game he was playing, she was just a pawn. And yet, she didn't find the courage to try to get away from him. Even if she had tried, would he have let her go? She doubted it.

But when he broke the kiss and told her to take his cock out - as if it was the most natural thing to say - her eyes widened in shock. Someone coughed behind her and she didn't need to turn around to know it had been her brother. So he was still watching. . . Perhaps there was hope for her after all. Surely this meant that he agreed with her. That Byron had crossed a line. He'd crossed many lines already, but this was just ludicrous. She could feel the grip he had on her neck, but she ignored the silent warning. "No," she said. This time she didn't stutter. She covered herself up with her arms, one arm resting over her hips, covering what was between her legs and the other sort of covering her tits. "I'm not gonna do that." She shook her head a little, before she tried to look to the side, or behind her, or to wherever Keenan was for some reassurance. "Keenan - tell him."


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She tensed up upon the order. It was pretty to see her eyes with some determination, even though it was equally unbecoming of someone who was a guest in his world. He held her there, looking up at him, when she shielded herself from his eyes with her arms. A charming rebellion that didn't mean anything to him other than another thing he would take from her. He smiled humorlessly and looked beyond her when she asked for her brother's help. "Yeah, Norwood. Why don't you tell her?" he offered.

Her protector moved behind her, and to her possible relief Byron reacted to that by vacating his hand from her hip. Maybe the leader listened to her big brother, after all, especially when things had gone this far? But then Byron nodded, and she'd feel the sudden slap of her brother's hand over her asscheek, hard. Not the playful kind, or for stimulation, but violent and loud. "Emily." Keenen started. "You do as you're told." there was shame in his voice, but his tone was steady.

And before she could think about it, and have her thoughts displayed in her beautiful eyes, Byron's hand joined in, too, more powerful, but this time the palm stayed there, firm against the buttock it had slapped. "He's almost killed someone for me, Em. Do you want him to beat you up on his birthday, or do you just want to hold the biggest cock you've ever seen?" he asked and nodded down to his fliers.


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Relief flushed through her veins when he moved his attention over to her brother, as if she was finally getting through to him. As if he would listen to Keenan, at least. She could feel her brother moving, and for a brief second, she was so sure he was going to help her out of Byron's grasp. But to her utter surprise and terror, he did no such thing. No, he did the unspeakable. Something she had never imagined he would do. It happened so sudden, she didn't have time to prepare for it - nor the pain that followed. The gasp that escaped her lips could be heard over the music. No matter how hard Byron's grip on her neck was, she whipped her head around to glare up at her brother, shock and hurt written all over her face. "Fuck you," she spat. But before she had a chance to wrap her head around what had just happened, another cry filled the room. Her eyes darted back to Byron. They were glowing with hatred. And pain. She couldn't have concealed her heavy breathing even if she'd tried.

But the pain seemed so. . . meaningless compared to what he told her about her brother. Had he almost killed someone? When? Why? That didn't sound like her brother. But then again, Keenan had just spanked her, so she didn't know who he was anymore. But she didn't want him to beat her up. Not on his birthday, but not at all, really. Would he? She wasn't particularly keen on testing that theory. Breathing through her nose, she kept glaring at him for a long time, as if weighing her options. Eventually, she lowered her arm from her tits and used both hands to unbutton his pants and pull down the zipper. "You're a fucking piece of shit," she muttered, her voice so low she'd be surprised if anyone but Byron had heard her.


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Byron looked on as she was taught her new reality. She had such vivid expectations and then dreadful realizations. How much had she invested in her belief in her brother? How much more would they all have to prove to her that it was worth nothing. He let go when she looked back and chuckled when she insulted Keenen for what he'd done. It seemed her ass was connected to the muscles in her neck because when Byron did the same, she turned to him next, her hair settling after the movement of her head. He ate up her upset, and the lively loathing on her. At every turn she was too innocent. He moved about a little, getting uncomfortable in his own jeans, when she decided to undo them. He was happy for the return of her breasts into view.

"I am worse than that, Em." he corrected her. "And you're under me." he pointed out. "You gotta start showing initiative, love." he warned her and there was a dragging of his voice over his vocal chords that suggested he was getting deathly tired. Her personality was getting a bit tiring. Especially since she had the nasty habit of getting the point, only to forget it as quickly. He grabbed the back of her neck again, and Keenen pleaded suddenly behind her. The slap came nonetheless, an open palm across her face, a hard impact on her cheek that would have thrown her if he wasn't holding her still. And before she could even think of recovering, the backhand came, the other way. It was an awful power that hit her in both directions, and he hadn't even changed his breaths for it.

"My cock. Out. Now."

And if she knew what was best for her, and likely her brother too, she'd take out the half filled member, in its hulking glory. A fat thing protruding out of the fliers she'd parted, with a dark head. A monster of its own.


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Emily heard him, but she didn't actually register his words. If she had, she might have done things a bit differently. Because she took her time pulling down those zippers. She didn't realize there was a deadline. So when he grabbed the back of her neck again, she raised her gaze just in time to see his face before his hand knocked her head to the side. It would have knocked her off his lap, if he hadn't been holding onto her. But whether or not she was on his lap or on the floor, the stinging pain that shot through her cheek - her face - took her by surprise. She didn't have time to recover nor to blink away the tears or adjust to the cloudy vision before his hand came flying back, slapping the other cheek. As if one hadn't been enough. Emily screamed, her hands shooting up to her cheeks in an attempt to cool them down - it didn't work. The stinging pain only got worse and she was having trouble holding back tears. A few had probably left the corner of her eye already, she just couldn't feel it.

Lowering her hands almost as soon as she'd lifted them, she pulled out his massive cock. She didn't know what she had expected, but it was not anything near the size of that. Her hand was tiny in comparison as she wrapped her fingers around the middle of it. What exactly did he want her to do with it? Hold it? Lifting the other hand to her cheek, she kept staring at it, as if hoping that it would shrink if she stared long enough.


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The softness of her face were welcome kisses to his hand when he slapped her. He listened to her scream and inhaled with some pleasure at it. He thought it was adorable, how she tried to nurse the pain better, and then he finally let her go, when she hurried to do what she was told. She even held on to it, a step she would have skipped if she was still stuck in her own pace. The way she kept one hand on her reddening cheek while nursing his cock in the other was quite the picture. Very telling of her predicament. He inhaled at her distress and nudity, and frankly her scream too, moved blood to his cock and had it growing in her feeble hold.

The way she looked at it, he was flattered. He surprised many girls like that. His testosterone had to go somewhere, when he wasn't teaching them lessons, didn't it? He leaned forward to the ear on the side where her hand wasn't. "Hey, lil sis," he started and then he bridged the distance between them by pinching both her nipples firmly, but not hard. "I think that's a two-hander at least, don't you?" he said and then rest his forehead on her scalp, looking down. If she took to jerking, it'd be at full hardness pretty much immediately. "You know what to do with that?" he teased.


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She whimpered at his touch. The way he pinched her nipples as if he knew exactly how hard to squeeze to draw a reaction out of her - it worked. And she hated it. She didn't want to like it. Didn't want his hands anywhere near her, and yet her body seemed to savor every little drop he fed her. It was embarrassing. It all was. But she was the only one naked. Well, now he had his dick out, so she figured she wasn't completely alone. The only difference was that he didn't seem bothered by it. In fact, he seemed rather proud of it.

Emily couldn't help but feel slightly offended by the words he whispered in her ear. Did he honestly think she was a virgin or was he just trying to hit a nerve? She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, despite everything she was feeling. "Don't flatter yourself," she muttered, but lowered her other hand as well. She wrapped this one over the other, letting her thumb brush over his head. Her hands then moved in sync up and down his shaft, her thumb brushing over his head every time she reached it. She could tell he was getting even harder. "I don't know," she said in a low voice, trying with all her might to ignore the burning sensation on her face - both from his slaps and humiliation - as she stared him down. She was still sort of crying, at least her eyes were glossy, but her face was dead serious, almost as if mocking him."Do I?"


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He was happily surprised by how much she liked it on her nipples, and made a point out of giving more of that fare to her, teasing them and pulling slightly without being too harsh, but leaning more toward rough than gentle. Maybe this girl just didn't know exactly what she wanted. They all needed more than what they got. He groaned low, controlled when she started moving her hand, and took an amused inhale when she did add the second hand despite her insult. He was a bit in his own world of beginning pleasure when he realized she was looking at him. He looked back when he discovered it. His own was wrought with a bit of fascination at how pretty she was, blushing violently and with tears glossing her eyes in her stern expression. All while jerking him off.

"Not bad." he said and took hold of the back of her hair again to look at her thoroughly as his nostrils breathed with enjoyment. "Balls too." he said, still attending to one nipple. But eventually he let go to let it slide further down between them, eventually curving around the low of her body to press fingers up against her pussy, to see if she was into this yet.


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She couldn't stop the soft moans from escaping her lips when he played with her nipples, she just couldn't. She tried, she really did. At least she managed to sort of muffle them. But the fact that he managed to make her feel something made her sick. Everything about this situation was sick. And the fact that her brother didn't do anything to stop it, was even worse. But she'd sort of made her peace with that - he had to follow orders. But did she? Not really. Still, she gave Byron a handjob, which she was rather good at - or at least as good as could be expected from someone with her experience.

But when he pulled her head back and his other hand started trailing down, she panicked. When he was almost there, she let go of his cock to cut him off. He had no right to explore the secrets that lingered between her legs. Absolutely none. If he wanted her to touch him, she would do it. But that did not mean that he had to touch her. She didn't want to be touched. And certainly not when she knew that her body had most likely started to prepare itself for him already - against her will. She didn't want him to know that, to think that she enjoyed any of this. She truly didn't. Or so she told herself.

She realized that she wasn't really a match for him though. Her hands were tiny compared to his, and his strength - she might as well have tried to fight off a gorilla. "Please don't," she pleaded, her voice suddenly very different from what it had been just seconds before. "If you want me to touch you, that's fine. But I don't want to be touched. Okay?" She held his gaze for a moment before she tried to meet Keenan's in her peripheral. Maybe if he backed her up, Byron would leave her pussy alone.


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Her moans were even better when she tried to hold them back. She was feeling so many thing because of him. Her hatred and fear were mingling with the pleasure. He'd have her fucked up in no time. This straight lazed girl who'd come home to visit her brother. She'd end this night being a completely different person. And she was pretty good at what he had her doing. He could sense some tension in her grip on his cock when he stroked her body downward though, he could have guess what she'd do before it happened. He stopped his hand when she held on to his wrist with both of hers.

He liked her voice like that. When she gave something away about herself. "Okay." he said. She was so pretty when she begged. When she tried her last ditch effort when nothing else she'd done had worked. And then he did it anyway. He breathed on her face and grinned demonically at the small but telling sound of her pussy's moisture being squished by two of his curling fingers. He rolled them around her entrance once before inserting the tips. "Hah. Look at that." he said and threw an eye past her at her brother, who looked away. Byron continued to push into her until half the length of those fingers were inside her, and then he pulled out, flicking her clit on the way. He held the glistening digits up for her to see, stroking his thumb over the glittering evidence. "So, you like this?" he asked. She had showed beyond any doubt this was a point of shame for her, so he'd press on it. "You're the kind of slut who gets off on being naked and jerking a stranger off in front of others, Emily Norwood?"


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When he said okay, relief filled her body once more, and her grip around his wrist loosened, as if she could trust him. It turned out, she couldn't. Why on earth did she think that an asshole like him would play fair? He didn't. Because his hand found its way between her legs and his fingers revealed her secret. Her hands clawed at his wrist again, as if that would somehow make her less wet. When he pushed his fingers easily inside her moist entrance, she let out another whimper. She silently told her body to knock it off. This was not good - it wasn't. This did not feel good, at all. She was lying to herself. Because it did feel good. The way his fingers stretched her, and oh, the way he could just slide them in further, just like that. It was her own damn fault. She was the one who had a pussy full of juice.

When he pulled his fingers out, she sighed. Her eyes widened as he brought his glistening fingers up to her face. There was no denying it. She didn't know what was worse - the fact that her body liked this or the fact that her brother now thought that she did. Her cheeks burned and she didn't dare look to the side. "No!" she yelled. "I'm not. I don't! . . . Please, just let me go. I hate this. I hate you." She said it as if what he was showing her couldn't possibly be real. But they both knew - everyone knew - it was. Fuck her body. Fuck her brother. Fuck him. Fuck everyone there. Emily wanted out. And all of a sudden, she attempted to pull herself off his lap.


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He had to consciously bite back on his exclamation when she actually believed him. Her grip loosened, and she had that relief on her face. That changed so abruptly to fear when he continued downward, but she was interrupted in her scare when he pushed inside her. She loved it. Even though she wouldn't admit it, her body told on her. And so did her expression in that small, free instance. This was really getting to her. More than being force to do all this, she hated that she wanted it. And he'd known she would. He looked at her while she stuttered out her denial. Shame was worse than her immediate danger, apparently. Because she wanted it.

She became lighter on him when her legs stretched, and her sudden change in balance made it easy for him to shove her to the side, landing in the couch. He was over her in an instance, once again between her legs. The two guys who'd guarder her before were livid, and some of the others who'd minded their own business in the room looked over as their leader spread the legs of the pretty girl who had been in over her head the moment she stepped in to her own home. His weight and size advantage over the little doll-like daughter of the Norwood clan was abundantly clear now. The tattooed beast could have crushed her. He kept her thighs on either side of him as his cock easily aligned with her sopping hole. She had no friends here, not the onlookers, not her brother, not even her own body.

She was so exposed under him, while he was fully dressed, all but his cock. The contrast was very satisfying. He didn't even bother containing her hands. He kept his on either side of her, between her arms and her armpits as he lowered himself more, the fat head of the cock she'd nurtured into hardness mashing up against her honeyed folds.


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Byron knocked her over onto the soft couch as soon as she started moving, and she didn't have a chance to get up or roll off it before he straddled her. He forced himself between her legs, prying them open and exposing her once again, but only to him this time. Emily writhed underneath his weight, trying to get out from underneath him - to get anywhere, really. She didn't stand a fucking chance. Even if she'd been stronger, his weight alone would have held her down. And he had positioned his arms so strategically that she couldn't cover herself up properly nor could she reach between her legs. That didn't stop her from trying though.

But it wasn't until she could feel that thick head of his cock against her folds that the real panic kicked in. Her eyes widened with pure terror and she thrashed against him. There was no way he was putting that inside of her. She wasn't even sure it would fit. Not that it mattered. He didn't have any right to fuck her whatsoever. "No, no, no - stop! Stop!" Her tear-filled eyes eventually found her brother's. She was so fucking scared - hysterical. "Keenan! Don't let him do this - please!"


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Her small limbs looked lovely and helpless when she impacted on the couch. He was fast there, between her legs, but not overly eager. He was measured in his swiftness, and only did enough to overpower her, and outdraw her. This was one of his favorite games. She was going to learn to like it, too. He watched her try to find purchase in the cage of arms he'd set her in, but things got more acute when he presented his manhood against her obviously willing cunt. He watched her quietly, like her resistance didn't even register. And he huffed, amused when she looked at her brother with pleas. Keenen's posture was slumped, but he looked to Byron as though he might grant him freedom to help. "You really want him involved in this, sister?" Byron asked and the laughter that came from the others was shrill, indeed like steppe scavengers. He then twitched his chin and Keenen came. He didn't perk up though because he seemed to know exactly what he was being allowed to do.

She would find her brother gathering her hands and holding them over the opposite armrest, her wrists crossed. Byron looked down at her with a cruel 'I told you so' in his dark eyes before that menacing contact between them deepened, and he slid into her as far as her cunt could take him. If he didn't bottom out in the little body, he'd bury himself to the hilt, filling the prim female up to her bursting point with his cock. He wanted to see what she was made of. And she sure as fuck was slick enough to let it happen.



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No, no, no, that was not what she meant. She did not want Keenan involved in the rape. Emily shook her head frantically as she watched her brother move closer. She didn't exactly expect him to help her, not after hearing Byron's tone and the laughter from the others, but she'd never expected him to help hold her down - holding her still while his so-called friend raped her. She desperately tried to free her arms from his grip, but he had always been stronger. And as soon as he got the arms above her head, she was dead weight. He might as well have put her arms under a heavy rock. She noticed the smug face on Byron before she leaned her head back even further to look up at her brother, upside-down. "Keenan, please." She was sobbing now, tears streaming down her red cheeks.

The cry that filled the room when Byron forced himself inside of her was heartbreaking. It wasn't only because he was too big or that - despite knowing what was about to happen - he took her by surprise, but because she felt utterly violated. She didn't want this. She didn't ask for this. And yet Byron slid that monster of a cock so far into her pussy that he almost made her gag at the sudden pain. She didn't want to imagine how it would have felt like if she hadn't been wet - if her body hadn't been so good at betraying her. Perhaps a few fingers wouldn't have felt so bad, but even though his cock slid in and out pretty easily, it still hurt like hell. Despite her pussy being moist and ready for him, it felt like he was tearing her apart with his girth. "Oh my God, stop!" she sobbed. "Stop!" Her small body recoiled under Byron's massive form as she desperately tried to yank her arms free from her brother's iron grip. "Please, just stop!"


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Byron watched the theater of betrayal. Part of the girl must have known, because she cowered from her brother best she could. She still ended up with her arms held. Her throat was exposed when she looked up at her brother, and the emotional content of this little game made it all the more delicious to their inked-up assailant. He groaned when she shrieked from being filled up, and his cock throbbed inside the hole it had never been invited to. "Fuck, you're tight." he muttered like it was her fault. She'd see her brother look to the leader as though he wanted some kind of credit for it, even if Keenen had a miserable crease between his eyebrows, a perfect depiction of his guilt and misery. The others, not just the two, but a handful more, gathered around the couch to watch the erotic, violent scene. Her continued cries and please were accompanied by their hollering, and they took out their own cocks to jerk them in a perverted mass around the center event.

Byron, with his back, hunching like monsters do, looked like a beast having at a human woman as he started fucking her. Her begging just made it better for him. "Yeah, you think I'll stop when I've started?" he asked her and thrust a particularly hard motion into her to underline how stupid he thought she was. He nodded at Keenen who finally let her hands go as though they'd burnt him. Byron took care of her after that, simply slapping one of his hands on the armrest for balance and leverage as he rocked into her vice-like pussy, and the other held the hair ontop of her head, to bend her neck and have it look down at her stuffed pussy, and his cock going in and out of her, lathered with her juices. "You don't like raw cock inside you, Em?" he asked, breathing in rhythm with his ever quickening pushes into her. "You could have fooled me." The whole point of having a cock like his was to beat pretty girls up from the inside with it, and Emily was making noises exactly like that.


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Emily was tight. Wasn't that to be expected of someone like her? Someone who was still young and inexperienced. She had never been with a real man before, let alone someone with a cock as big as his. He should have been able to shove it in. It certainly didn't go all the way in. She could feel it stop inside her belly, making her wince every time he reached the bottom of her shaft. "Please. . . stop. . . stop!" She continued to beg him to stop, for Keenan to let go. And when she saw more people joining the two thugs who had flanked them earlier, more tears rolled down her cheeks. Her rape had just become the main attraction of the party. And instead of anyone helping her, they fucking jerked off to it. It was fucking sickening.

Her cries became louder as he picked up his speed, his cock spreading her wide, going deeper with every thrust. When he thrust himself even harder into her small pussy to prove a fucking point, she choked on an excruciating scream. The pain that shot through her abdomen almost made her throw up. "Stop! Please. . . Keenan, please," she sobbed, looking up at her brother with glossy eyes. He had already betrayed her once, surely, he wouldn't let it continue? But she was wrong. When her brother let go of her arms, she half expected the rape to be over. She half expected her brother to save her. But she was wrong. So very wrong. She tried to fight Byron off with her weak arms, but it was no point. When he grabbed her by the hair and forced her to look at what he was doing, more tears welled up in her eyes. He fucked her so hard her entire body moved, and she saw every single thrust. A painful, humiliated expression was all everyone could see on her otherwise beautiful face. She did not like this at all. "No. . Please. . ." she begged.


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He groaned when he bottomed out in her. Judging by the size of her, it should have been expected. He sighed, impressed as he looked down at her stomach, as though he could see his cock through it. He rolled his hips slightly to dig the head of his cock against the bottom of her depth. His head whipped to her when she begged him. It was obvious that her words were sticking, but the slight dismissal in the interest in his eyes would also tell her that he wasn't really going to heed them. Just enjoy the sound. Emily was a dream fuck, with her crushing cunt suckling his cock. "You sure you're not a virgin?" he asked and the males with their cocks in their hands muttered amused at the implications. And jerked harder. Byron pushed harder into her once, lancing her there, punching the bottom of her stomach with his cock, as though that would beat the truth out of her. But things would have even been worse for her if she was.

When he got hold of her head and she was forced to look at his cock hammering into her, he swallowed with intensity, the angles of his jaw jutting from excitement to see her expression when she had to be witness to her own rape. His thumb stroked the back of her skull as he kept her in place, pulling at her head as though to get more leverage with which to fuck her. From the muscles on her assailant, she already knew he was strong, and he was funneling a lot of that physical ability into her poor pussy now.

His hips kept going, but the hand holding her head slid to the front to grab her jaw so she'd have to look at him, instead, while her world was rocked by the rhythm of his stabbings. He put his forehead to hers and huffed against her lips. "Mngh! You gonna be a good girl, Em? Good girls get to chose between being ontop or sucking cock." he offered and the others hooted at the implications of a new game, but some snickered wickedly as though they recognized the rules.


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Emily didn't know what was worth - the fact that she was being raped or that people were watching her get raped. And Keenan being one of them. At least he didn't have his dick out. . . She whimpered underneath Byron, making all sorts of painful noises as he hammered into her tight hole. She was not a virgin, but she might as well have been. Because nothing so big had ever entered her before. Her body wasn't made for it, nor was it ready. Emily sobbed while he forced her to watch his cock slide in and out of her, thrusting deep. She watched with teary eyes until he grabbed her jaw so she was forced to look at him instead. She winced at the sudden change, but her eyes met his. "Please. . ." she whispered against his lips. She was so tired - exhausted - and yet, when he spoke, a new wave of panic surged through her.

As soon as she heard the others hoot at his proposal, she started shaking her head frantically. "No. . Neither. Please - please just stop," she pleaded in a low whisper, almost as if she didn't have the strength to speak. None of those options were any good. How did he expect her to be on top - did he honestly believe that she would ride him? No, that wasn't going to happen. . . And there was no way his cock would fit in her mouth. There was no way she was putting it in her mouth. This, having it ruffle her insides was more than enough.


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He liked their change over a small amount of time, these pretty things. He wasn't done with Emily Norwood. This was just the beginning of their tryst. She'd come in here with some assumptions, thought she was safe in her own home. She'd held her head high and now she was naked but for the socks and shoes on her feet, and a cock in her belly the size of her prominent downfall. Byron Colstad was a visual predator. The scene of Emily being raped was what kept him going. It was told in the breadth of his tattoos. The art of things stuck with him, and let him enjoy them. It was all spiced with the sibling dynamic too. Proud little girl, and now she was whimpering and begging him to stop using his cock on her, like it'd kill her.

Her eyes were filled with distress when she looked at him. She was exhausted and she hadn't even done any work! But he liked the way she begged. She did it better than most. She of course wanted it all. Wanted the best of everything, and that meant non of his offered choices. He moved her face so he could look it over, and then turned to Keenen, who had to look back. "She always this spoiled?" he asked and Keenen opened his mouth to tell his sister to comply but Byron shook his head. He curled his finger into her mouth to further demean her, and to show off his control of her, holding her skull while still rhythmically gouging out her cunt. His gaze flickered down once. He grinned and fucked her harder for three thrusts as though to wake her up.

"Tell you what. If you can manage to give me a good titjob, you're off the hook." he said. They were pretty, but they wouldn't even begin to have the meat to jerk him off. But he'd like to see her try. "Deal?" he asked as the others howled with laughter.

His aura was made of

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N  O  R  W  O  O  D

Emily wanted to shout at him - at all of them - that she was not spoiled. How was this being spoiled? He was fucking the living shit out of her, literally, and the others were enjoying the show. Her brother, not so much perhaps, but he did nothing to stop it. Nothing to help her. The fact that he was just watching them was perhaps the worst betrayal of them all. How could he? How could he let that monster get away with it? Why wasn't he fighting him or at least telling him how wrong it was? She had never hated her brother, but she hated that he didn't help her.

She let out an nngh-sound when Byron put his fingers in her mouth. It wasn't easy to form words with his fingers in her little mouth. But it wasn't like she had anything else to say than pleas anyway. Her body ached in a way she'd never experienced, her insides burned and yet a pang of hope went through her when he offered her a deal. She didn't know that she needed bigger boobs in order to pull that off. So, when the others laughed, she didn't quite get it. "Yes, please," she sobbed, almost desperately. "Deal. . it's a deal." Anything to make him stop hammering his monster cock into her.


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There was a calm in him that only beasts have when their preferred prey break a limb in flight. His thumb drew deep circles on her tongue when he saw that light in her eyes. He nodded at her misplaced relief. To the others watching, it was quite inspiring to see their leader fuck a pretty girl into submission like that. And to have her gagging to get a chance to give him a titjob. They were men, so they knew what trick he was playing at. Some of them groaned, sharing in his victory, but none of them said anything. Keenen looked away. Shame, but it was also abstaining from saying something to her. Words of warning were too late, anyway.

Byron popped his thumb out of her mouth and slid it over her cheekbone affectionately. "How reasonable." he said and then sadistically barreled down on her poor pussy for a few more thrusts, harder. But he did slide out, after getting some more abuse in, and slid out of her lovely, tight hole. The boys angled themselves to see the dilation of her sex. Byron stood up, cock dripping with her juices when he grabbed her hip and rolled her off the couch dismissively so he could sit down on it. His cock stood straight up from his lap and his arms were spread out over the back.

"So, sis, what are ya waiting for?" he asked and shifted a bit to make the big cock, that had been the source of her humiliation and suffering, sway. "Let's see if you can get yourself out of this mess. If you can titjob me to finish, I'll even throw in an apology." It was followed by knowing chuckles from the gang with their dicks out.


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Emily cried out when he hammered into her a few more times before sliding his cock all the way out, leaving her pussy numb and relieved, but still throbbing with pain. It was like a phantom cock was still inside of her, stretching her wide. The mascara she had been wearing had started tp smudge and her cheeks were stained with dried tears. She was nothing but a rape victim, and she certainly looked the part.

When he pushed her off the couch, she landed on the floor with a thud, before she scrambled to her knees. The last thing she wanted was for the other guys to get a better look at her - as if they hadn't seen enough already. She knelt between Byron's legs, looking so utterly misplaced. From this point of view, his cock looked massive. She met his gaze for a brief second, eyes still filled with tears, before they dropped to his lap where his cock glistened with her juices. At least it wasn't going into her mouth.

She looked down at her boobs for a moment - they were small, she knew that. Even she could see that she wouldn't even be able to wrap them around his cock, let alone fuck him between them. But she could always try. She was not giving up. At least not yet. So, with shaky hands she placed her palms against the side of each boob, pushing them together as she leaned forward to wrap them around his cock. But they didn't wrap around his cock like they were supposed to. No, her tits were too small for that, hardly covering half of his girth. She tried squeezing harder, but that hurt her more than it helped her, so she started moving her upper body to grind her tits against him the best way she could. She couldn't help but wonder how ridiculous it looked, but she said nothing. She pretended like she was doing it right while trying to keep her panicked expression in check. Because Emily knew that there was no way in hell she could make him cum like that, which meant that he was not done with her.
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