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Reunited Just in Time (EEE X DeviousAngel) NSFWIMAGES

Chris enjoyed Lillian's teasing. It had been so long since he was able to enjoy time like this with her and even though they weren't brought back by the best circumstances, he was still happy she was back in his life. When he heard her ask when he knew that she liked him, Chris smiled. "Honestly, the moment you kissed me back in the room. Had I known earlier, it would have happened much sooner. How long have you liked me and why did you feel you had to hide it?" Chris knew the answer to the second question because he too had hid his feelings for her over the fear that if she didn't feel the same way, he would lose her as a friend as well.

When Chris saw Lillian begin to cry it made his heart sink. Her stepfather, and her mother for that matter, had destroyed her spirit and self worth. They had made her believe that she was no good at anything and she was worth very little. He reached over and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Listen, everything I say about you, you deserve. Who has known you longer or knows you better than me. Alan sure as hell doesn't, so don't believe anything that asshole says. You are smart and you are going to become very successful. You are also very beautiful whether you think so or not. As long as I think that, that's all that matters. You know I would never lie to you."

Chris unbuckled his seat belt and turned the car off. He reached back and grabbed a small blanket off the seat. He carefully covered her with it. "Ok I'm going to go order the food. It may take a few minutes for them to make it but the door will be locked and I can see you from inside. Try to just relax and close your eyes while I'm in there." Chris leaned over and kissed her softly before getting out of the car. He closed the door and hit the button to lock them. Chris walked into the Chinese takeout place and let the door close behind him as he waited in line.
PIt was nice to finally have reassurance especially since she thought she could never act on such feelings. Chris told her that she knew when she kissed him back in the room but soon it was her turn to get asked when she knew and it took her a moment as she went silent for a good couple of minutes. “I Think I started liking you in junior high school but I thought it was a silly craft because you were cool and once I hit high school I started actually not ignoring those feelings and I thought you were wonderful but you are my best friend I just couldn’t say I liked you or say anything that would ruin the friendship.” Lillian finally would just come out and say it. “If I told you that I liked you back then you would probably think I was silly or that I didn’t understand my feelings or you probably could’ve told me that you wanted to be friends and by me telling you….” She stopped midsentence to take a breath. “… if I told you I might have lost the only friend that I loved more than my own life.” When she finally got the last part out she let out a heavy sigh of relief.

The fact that she cannot hold back her tears said so much especially since she wasn’t used to being treated like a person since her mother got remarried. When he reached over to wipe her tears it was like the floodgates completely let go and she started sobbing and felt even more embarrassed for doing it. “You really are sweet. Most people just look at me with pity because I know what I deal with that home. I don’t know why my mom changed. So much has happened… I know Alan hates me for just existing and my mom is lonely so I can’t blame her for remarrying but did she have to marry him?” That was a question he couldn’t answer and neither could she. When he grabbed the blanket after I’m buckling his seatbelt and covered her she reached up with her good hand to wipe away some more tears that he missed but when he did it it made her feel so much better.

“I’m not going anywhere. As long as I can see you I’m fine. Just don’t run away with the food.” That was a joke since she knew he wouldn’t but even though she hated he would have to go for a few minutes but it was for a good cause and she was hungry. She lean her head to press her lips against his when he would give her a kiss in the few minutes when he was in the restaurant she could relax a bit but she would always keep her eye on him inside the restaurant as if he would vanish if she didn’t look at him long enough.
As Chris stood in line he kept looking back to check on Lillian. He knew she was okay, but he still felt himself turning around to make sure. It was almost like she was a figment of his imagination and would disappear if he looked away for too long. When it was finally his turn, Chris stepped up to the counter and placed his order. It took about ten minutes until an employee emerged from the kitchen with two large bags of food. Chris handed some cash to the cashier and left the change as a tip.

He pushed the door open with his hip and shoulder and headed into the parking lot with the food. Taking both bags in one hand, he pulled out his keys and pushed the button to unlock the doors. Opening the driver's side door. "Hey there beautiful. Did you get to relax?" He knew she hadn't but it was understandable. Chris pulled open the second door and lifted the two giant bags of food onto the back seat. Shutting the door, Chris climbed into the driver's seat and closed his door. Putting on his seat belt, Chris put the the key into the ignition. He backed out of the parking spot and drove out of the parking lot onto the road. "Well, I hope you're hungry." Chris laughed as the smells from the two giant bags filled the car.

He made a few more turns before pulling into the parking lot of an upscale apartment building. Pulling into one of the spots, Chris turned off the ignition. "I know it's not the best, but I'm saving up to finally get my own place. While you are here everything that's mine is yours. You are free to stay as long as you want, although I hope you decide to stay for...ever. I hope that didn't come out wrong." He gave her a shy smile and blushed a bit. He couldn't help it. Something about being around Lillian just made him feel like a kid again. "Ok, you stay here. I'm going to bring the food in and open the door then I'll come back and carry you because I don't want you walking tonight."

Chris leaned over and kissed her before getting out of the car. He grabbed the two bags of food and the bag of her stuff and headed up to the apartment before she had a chance to respond to his comment about her staying forever. He was sure she would yell at him when he got back.
Even though she knew he wouldn’t be gone long she couldn’t help but keep her eye on the door to make sure he wasn’t going to disappear on her. How could he especially since he was in his car but she was waiting patiently and watching him as he ordered food. When he finally got back she perked up and when he called her beautiful she blushed yet again and even though she could see with only one eye properly she focused on him with it.

“I’m just happy you are back and I rested a little bit but now that I’m with you I can relax and don’t worry I’m starving.” Lillian is trying her best to reassure him in every way possible since she was used to being strong and keeping it together but now that she was with Chris she was trying to keep that front going. For a bit she was quiet as she watched the scenery and when he pulled up to his upscale apartment he could see that she was shocked it was a nice place and honestly any place was better than her home right now. “You’ve really outdone yourself this place looks amazing. Someday I’ll get a place like this away from my family once I graduate and get a good job and finish college of course.” For now Lily did not have much but she had her big dreams. When he offered that she could stay as long as she wanted and even forever she went silent and turned back to him before she would whisper. “You promise?” She asked taking him seriously since now that she had him back she wasn’t gonna go anywhere other than college classes and try to better herself. When he mentioned bringing the food upstairs she was about to offer to help though he told her to stay and that he would carry her up that made her blush even more as she would try and be as helpful as possible and shake her head no, “I’m too heavy! You’re gonna hurt yourself caring me up there!” Lily would try to protest as best she could though with how Chris was she would probably lose this battle and honestly wouldn’t mind. When he leaned over for a kiss she didn’t even think as she leaned in to place her lips on his. This felt like a fairytale even though she didn’t feel very beautiful she was happy that she was with him. She couldn’t really argue with him but when he would come back she would give him an earful and pout but to be honest she actually liked it and have someone actually cared for her truly made her happy and she wasn’t gonna go anywhere anytime soon.
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