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Reunited Just in Time (EEE X DeviousAngel) NSFWIMAGES


I’m a power bottom at rock bottom.
Oct 24, 2022
The center of the universe
Lillian Grew up in this town town. This was all she knew. Born and raised and she figured she would live and I hear it wasn’t a bad place to live. She had a perfect family for a while. As an only child she was spoiled rotten. She loved her dad but sadly when she was only seven her father passed away in a drunk driving accident meeting her mother distraught and to raise a little girl who was very much a daddy’s girl. Not saying that she didn’t love her mother she was just closer to her father and she took the loss just as hard as her mother. Luckily she had a nice circle of friends to rally around her during her time of need.

The entire community rallied around her family and helped raise her with the loss of her father. Her mother fell on hard times and it took a while for her mom to start dating again and when she did she did not make the best choices and married her stepfather Alan. He seems like a good man and treated her well enough but hr hated the attention her mother spent on her treating her badly behind closed doors and when her mom wasn’t looking. Soon it went from only words to physical abuse and by the time she was 16 he was hitting her in places where no one could see.

Her mother fell into the bottle and begin drinking tonight I’m all nights Allen got worse he hit her grabbed her to the point he’s bruised her wrist and even broke a few fingers it got so physical he gave her a blackeye and a bloody lip the noise was too much for the neighbors to handle and then eventually called the police and intern got an ambulance to help her.Her mother fell into the bottle and began drinking tonight I’m all nights Alan got worse he hit her grabbed her to the point he’s bruised her wrist and even broke a few fingers it got so physical he gave her a blackeye and a bloody lip the noise was too much for the neighbors to handle and they eventually called the police and intern got ambulance to help her she didn’t want to go or bring any more chaos to her crazy life but the police insisted she went in her mother didn’t even bother to go with her and her stepfather who she refused to press charges on yet let her go as long as she kept her stupid mouth shut.

That was when she end up in the general hospital crying her eyes out. She had no family nearby to help her when she got to the hospital she had no idea what she would tell them or what they would ask as she hoped this would just be a quick in and out and they could patch her up even though she might’ve ended up with a broken rib she was hoping they would find nothing. Perhaps they would just let her go after they fixed her up and gave her some strong pain pills to make sure she can sleep. Waiting for the day she could leave her family and escape especially since it was about time to apply to colleges she’s gonna do her best to get out of this town and away from her stepfather and her ignorant mother who didn’t believe that her own husband could hurt her daughter.
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Chris sat at the nurse's station, drinking the energy drink he'd picked up on the way in. This was just the beginning of a twelve-hour shift, but things seemed quiet tonight. He doubted it would stay that way. After all, it was Friday, the most popular night for incoming emergencies and around here that was very likely. Chris had grown up in this town. That was before he left to join the Marines. Chris was always athletic, but he could never keep his grades high enough to stay on any sports team. He figured the military was the best option. His parents were very supportive of their son, but did not like the idea of him joining. Eventually his father gave in and his mother did too, after multiple promises to stay safe and come back home to them.

The one person he had a hard time saying goodbye to was Lillian. They had grown up together since they were toddlers. Even though he was three years older than her, they were inseparable. It hurt him even more to know he'd be leaving her in that house with her asshole stepfather. Before he left, he made his parents promise they would look after her. They did just that, even sending him updates of how she was doing.

Now here was, just about three years later, back in the town he grew up in. He had used the knowledge and experience he gained as a combat medic to get a nursing license. Now here he was, head nurse of the local hospital. Just then, the call came in that the ambulance was on its way with a 17 year old female with multiple broken fingers, possible broken rib, multiple bruises, bloody lip, and a black eye. "I knew it was too quiet for a Friday." Chris joked as he stood up and threw away his empty can. He went and scrubbed his hands, putting on a clean pair of latex gloves and ran toward the entrance to the emergency room. He got there just as the ambulance arrived.

The paramedics gave him a rundown of the injuries as they prepared to unload the patient. "Do we have the name of the patient?" Chris asked as they opened the doors to the ambulance. He heard them answer Lillian as the doors swung open. Chris' jaw dropped as he realized it was her. His heart sunk as he knew exactly what had happened. Chris helped them unload the stretcher and wheel it inside. "Lillian, I'm the head nurse Chris. We're going to get you transferred to a more comfortable bed, okay?"

They pulled the stretcher up next to the bed. Chris grabbed one side of the sheet and a paramedic grabbed the other. On three they gently lifted and transferred her. Chris signed the paperwork and the paramedics left. He came over and gently lifted her head as he slid a pillow under her. "Ok, so Lillian, I'm sure you know where you are. I'm going to perform the exam, unless you'd rather have a female nurse. The choice is yours." Chris couldn't believe what that asshole had done to her, and the fact that her mother hadn't even come to the hospital with her. He made sure to keep a calm look on his face though. She had already been through enough tonight.
Everything hurts so bad and Lillian was in so much pain. Her mother didn’t even come to the hospital with her she looked like she was going to start crying and bawling her eyes out even more since she was all alone. “Lillian Monroe. Do you need my birthdate?” She was so used to coming into the hospital she was reciting things just out of habit. To be honest she didn’t even recognize her friend she was too far gone and just upset about what her stepfather had to this time she knew something worse was broken and it was hard to breathe. For the moment she closed her eyes and she heard the mail voice of a nurse or a doctor she couldn’t even tell she was just trying to make the pain go away.

“You’re fine.” She managed to say when he mention if she wanted a female doctor. He said they were gonna get her a more comfortable bed but right now she honestly just want to pay medication and something to make the hurt go away. “I don’t think it’s too bad you can just touch me up and send me home I don’t wanna waste your time I fell down the stairs again. Is there anyway you can get me something strong to make the pain stop?” She wasn’t rude she was just defeated she kept her eyes closed for the time being hoping that the nurse wouldn’t see her trying to hold back more tears.

When they lifted her she made a sound of immense pain and started sobbing without holding back he must’ve broken a rip this time. Lillian had no idea what to do or say she just hope they could stitch her up and sent her home before Alan got angry that she went to the hospital again there was no way she was going to press charges since she would get even more angry and make her pay the price for even attempting to do so again he was connected and she knew she was trapped and had to feel like she had no way to escape.

“Can I ask you a favor? Mmm. You won’t keep me overnight will you? I’m sure I’ll be fine just ditch me up and sent me home I’m sorry for the trouble.” Here she was apologizing for what happened to her which wasn’t her fault she was so depressed and sad she had a feeling no one could actually help her. If she had opened her eyes she might’ve recognized him but with all the pain she was in she couldn’t even recognize herself with one blackeye that was swollen shut and the only good one closed and clouded by her tears. She was wearing a red tank top and blue jeans she was quite comfortable but she was quite bruised on the upper parts of her arms and maybe it was a good thing that her stepfather let her get to the hospital wearing something like this he slipped up and now everyone could see what he did to her.
Current outfit:
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Chris could tell she was in an immense amount of pain and it killed him to think how anyone could do this to someone as kind and thoughtful as Lillian. "Ok here's the deal Lillian, you definitely have some broken fingers and I can't be quite sure yet, but you may have a broken rib too." Chris spoke softly to let her know he cared and that she really shouldn't leave. He rolled the stool over and sat down right next to her bed. She didn't appear to have any broken fingers on her right hand, so he gently held her hand. "Listen Lilly, I know your birthday and what really happened. I know you haven't been able to tell, but it's Chris. Not really the way I wanted to meet up, but I know Alan did this and you know I'd never let him hurt you. Why don't you let me help fix you up and stay a few days. You're safe here and I promise I won't leave you. I do need to do an exam though and you're not going to be able to undress, so I'm going to have to cut your clothes off. Are you ok with that? I promise that bra and underwear can stay on. After that, I'll get you something for the pain and clean you up a bit. Sound good."

Chris reached out with his other hand and carefully brush back the hair that had fallen over her face. He stood up and got together some things he would need to take care of her. He very gently removed her shoes, placing them on the chair next to the bed. He picked up the phone and asked the desk to get the doctor's approval for and bring a syringe of painkillers to room 5 for Lillian. Turning back towards her, he returned to her side. "So what do you think? Ready to rock and roll? You trust me?" Chris picked up the scissors and waited for her decision.
It took her a few moments to get her bearings straight especially when the nurse would pull up a stool and sit next to her bed when he took her hand it really threw her off but when she heard his name it slowly started to make sense and she nearly tried to shoot up off the bed but hissed in pain and laid back down.

“Chris? I thought you were stationed somewhere else… when did you get back?” That was at least a welcome distraction for her as she opened her one good eye and turned her head to look at him she was more in shock to see him right next to her especially since this is not how she wanted to meet up with him. Hearing his voice was such a comfort and that made her start crying not only was a pain immense but seeing him was just overwhelming.

“I didn’t want you to see me like that. It’ll be fine… Alan gets mad sometimes… I still haven’t learned to get his anger to calm down. …” she said the sniffles before looking away and looking up at the ceiling. The way he brushed his hand in her hair was so comforting. Her mother didn’t do that anymore and that action alone made her start sobbing uncontrollably just being treated like a human.

“I can’t leave me mom… what if he gets mad at her? If I’m not there I might hurt my mom….” Chris could tell she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He mentioned cutting off her clothes and she had no problems with that and it took her a moment before she would actually answer. “I trust you. I always trust you… i’m sorry you have to see me like this I don’t mean to upset you…” she was apologizing to Chris for her state of being which she shouldn’t have to but with everything she was going through with her stepfather at home she felt like she should be apologetic for the way she looked.

“Rock and roll. I’m really sorry I made your job harder but I’m glad it’s you that’s here.” She could barely see him out of her one good eye and the black-eye that she had was make it hard of her to focus. “I’d really like to get away for a few days but I have no idea what will happen if I’m not home. I really don’t know what to do. Once I hit 18 I’m out of there but I can’t believe her I’m so close to graduating and I can’t go back to school like this they’ll ask questions. I’m so lost. I’m sorry I’m putting all of this on you. Why didn’t your parents tell me you were here?” she was curious since he knew his parents and they were still good friends but with her stepfather around he limited the time she spent over there he barely let her out of the house safe for school and doing shopping and things to keep the house going. Lillian did not have a very good home life and she didn’t mean to dump it all on him but she had no one else to talk to you since your mother didn’t take the fact that her stepfather was being horrible maybe after tonight she might.
Chris grabbed a soft towel from the cabinet and carefully wiped the tears from her cheeks. "What do you mean? You look just as beautiful as you always have." Chris didn't see the bruises, cuts, and swelling when he looked at Lillian. He saw the cute, innocent girl he had always known. He knew that somewhere behind the sadness and worrying, that girl still existed. He would find her and bring her back out. "I got back a few months ago and started working on my nursing license." Chris picked up the scissors and began cutting the top first. He was very gentle, cutting above her shoulders first and then up each side.

Lifting the front of the top away, he noticed the swelling and dark bruises near her ribs. "I hate to say it, but you definitely have a broken rib. Listen Lilly, you're not bothering me at, but you can't keep allowing him to get away with this. What if it's worse next time? You're mother is never going to leave him, and I care about you too much to let that asshole keep beating you like a personal punching bag." Chris grabbed another smaller soft towel and wet it with warm water. He leaned over her and gently began cleaning her face, making sure to avoid the black eye and the cut on her lip. "Ok this doesn't need stitches, but I'm going to have to get the orthopedic doctor, to tell me how to handle your broken fingers. Let me get an IV started so we can get you some pain meds."

Chris stepped out of the room for a minute. When he returned, he was carrying a bag of saline, an IV kit and a syringe of painkillers. "Ok, I promise I'll do my best to get this done quickly. Tying her arm off, avoiding the bruises, he cleaned the area with an alcohol pad. Grabbing the needle, he carefully inserted it first try. He removed the needle and taped the area to keep it in place. Chris hung the bag of saline, inserting the painkillers into it and connecting it to her IV. "Ok, we're going to give that a little time to work before we get the doctor in here. I just need to check the other half now to make sure there no injuries." Taking the scissors, Chris carefully cut up the sides of each leg and carefully removed the jeans. He gently moved her legs around, checking for injuries. When he was done, he covered her with a sheet and a blanket. Throwing away all the trash and his gloves before sitting back down on the stool next to her. "So, is there anything else I can do for you while we wait for the painkillers to start working?"
When Chris told her she looked beautiful she laughed but then she winced at the pain because her chest really hurt. “ I think you might need glasses.” She was able to playfully tease as he wiped away her tears. She could feel him cutting away at her top and it didn’t bother her that he was cutting it off no it made her sad that she was going to lose her nice top. “You were always the smart one. Maybe I can make something out of myself someday.” He got his nursing license and she was proud but she couldn’t hug him or congratulate him properly. Ashley cut off her top it was very nice of him to leave her bra on it was nothing fancy just something simple and black.

Lillian had no idea how bad it was but when she heard him start talking about the bruising and how she might have a broken rib she let out a week sigh since she really didn’t have the strength to make it any louder. “I’ll be 18 soon enough. I’m trying to graduate early it’s just so hard when I can’t even study properly at home I’m not a stupid person and I’m trying to get out as fast as I can it’s just not easy.” She was trying to explain to him how she was trying to get away but he did have a point what would happen if he got worse he already did get worse.

The warm towel felt like absolute heaven and he did an amazing job at avoiding her sore blackeye. Her busted lip was very puffy and her finger she had no idea how bad they were but she couldn’t really move her middle and index finger on her left hand. She knew he was only leaving the room for a moment but it was sad when he left and it was probably because she was just really lonely and happy to have him back. When he returned to get her set up after making sure her arm was tied up properly the IV going in didn’t hurt as much as her entire body did she didn’t even flinch even though she hated needles. The needle prick felt like nothing and the fact that she was gonna get something for the pain soon was enough of a placebo to help.

“ How do my legs look I don’t think he got any good kicks on me there. It really sucks I really like this outfit.” She was trying to make some humor but even with the humor it was hard to ignore what her stepfather did to her. Chris was right she had to get out soon but she wasn’t about to admit it and she didn’t want to leave her mom even though her mom was not doing her any favors.

“ Do you think I can have some water? I’m just really thirsty.” That was the only thing she could ask for as he covered her with the blanket. “D… did my mom come in yet?” There were still some hope in her one decent guy as she looked towards Chris hoping he said yes but she knew deep down her mother would not be at the hospital she was still hopeful maybe this time she would come to her senses and come visit her. “What did I do to deserve this?” That question wasn’t meant for him to answer but she couldn’t help but thinking aloud.

“ I wish my dad was still alive…. if he was this wouldn’t be happening. I’m happy you’re back. I really missed you. I wish I saw you under better circumstances I buy you dinner.” there she was trying to look on the bright side of things but not trying to be too depressed even though she knew after the hospital she would eventually have to go home even though that’s the one place she didn’t want to go. “You won’t get in trouble for helping me with you? I watch enough doctors TV drama shows to know that maybe you might get in trouble for helping me since you know me. I don’t want another nurse can you stay?” She wasn’t sure if you could say yes or no but there was no harm in asking since he was actually comforting her and keeping her mind off of all her pain and the terrible life that she was dealing with right now.
Chris listened to her explain everything and it made him sad and angry that she was going through this. Someone her age should not have to worry about all the things that she was. It was then that Chris got an idea. He had to think of a way to present it to her though. When she asked for water he stood up. "Sure, I'll get you some and check on your mom." Chris knew she wasn't going to come, but he said it anyway to lessen the amount of things running through her head.

He came back in with a bottle of water and a cup, which he had already filled halfway. Sitting back down, he handed her the cup in her right hand. "Just be very careful of your lip." Just then, there was a knock at the door and a technician came in with a portable x-ray machine. "They are here to take x-rays so we know how to treat your breaks. Don't worry, I'm going to stay the entire time." The truth was, now that he was with her, there was no way anyone could drag him away.

First, they would x-ray her hand. Chris assisted the technician by gently and carefully lifting Lillian's arm so they could put the film plate under it. Chris helped support her arm as the x-rays were taken. Afterwards, he lifted her arm once more, carefully placing it back where it was. Now it was time for the one of her ribs. "Ok listen, this might hurt a little, but I'll do my best best to get it over with as fast as I can. Put your right arm around my neck and just lean into me. I'm going to gently roll you toward me, so they can get the plate under you. Then, we'll roll you back, take the x-ray, and get it out quick."

He leaned over for her to put her arm around his neck. Using his hands to support her the best he could. On 3, he rolled her toward him. The technician placed the plate and Chris rolled her back. The x-ray was taken and Chris quickly turned Lillian again until the plate was removed. Chris stayed leaned over her as he covered her with the blanket, her arm still around his neck. He looked into her eyes. Those eyes he hadn't seen in years, but remembered so well. "You didn't do anything to deserve this, and now that I'm back I promise I will never let it happen to you again."
Lillian was hoping her mom would come by. She was so hopeful even though her mom would let her down yet again. Chris said he’d get her water and check on her mom, but at least Chris would deliver the water and help her sit up as best she could. Her lip hurt and drinking was hard as she at least had her right hand free from broken fingers. Able to take sips that helped her so much though the knock on the door made her jump out of fear. Lillian was hyper aware of sounds and knocks since it saved her from countries beatings though today had been one of the worst she got.

When he said he would stay that was all it took to make her fully breakdown. She has always been alone in the hospital and now that Chris was here he was going to stay. “Thank you…you don’t have to stay but I’m happy you are…” her voice kept cracking as she whimpered and luckily the pain meds were kicking in but it still hurt to move her arm and hand but she was a trooper as they took X-rays. Chris was a Saint as he helped her sit up and put her arm around him. Her one good eye watched him as her body used his as support.

Sniffling and still crying but the moment he told her that she didn’t deserve it she started crying uncontrollably. “I…I don’t want to go back home…not to him….he’s so much worse now…ever since I turned 17…I can’t go back…I don’t know what to do…’y mom didn’t believe me when…” she couldn’t even say what her step father had tried to do and because she told him no he unleashed all of his anger on het breaking bones and leaving her so vulnerable that when she’d be sent home there was no way she could stop him from trying again.
Chris continued hold her carefully as her tears began to flow. He listened to her explain what brought this on, and he couldn't believe Alan had gone that far. Chris gently ran his fingers through her hair, trying his best to calm her. "Shhh...It's ok now....You're safe now. You don't have to go back there. Once they clear you to leave the hospital, I want you to come home with me. You'll be safe there and my parents will keep watch on your mom." Chris kissed her forehead and continued to run his fingers through her hair. "You're going to make it through this and I'm going to help you."

Chris sat back down on the stool and slipped his left hand under her right hand, interlocking his fingers with hers. All this time he was gone Lillian had been going through hell, and he would see to it that it never happened again. Maybe it was the circumstances, but as he looked at her he felt a deeper attraction to her. He had always thought she was attractive, but never mentioned it over fear of screwing up their tight friendship. Now, after all the time away, the attraction seemed to be much stronger.

Just then, there was another knock and the doctor came in. He put up the x-rays and said, "Well Lillian, I have good news and bad news. You definitely have damage to your index and middle finger and to your ribs; however they are not full breaks, just fractures. So after Chris patches you up we can get you out of here. He's our best so you're in good hands. I'll write a prescription for painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Take them as needed and we'll see you back in 6-8 weeks to check how you're healing. I hate to talk and run, but things are getting busy." He left the room and Chris looked over at Lillian. "See, better than you thought." He smiled and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "Do you want me to wait a little longer for the meds to work before I get started?"
The tears just wouldn’t stop and when Chris showered her that kindness that was something she forgot how good it felt. He held one good hand and as he randomly his fingers through her hair Lillian felt at ease and even if in pain this was safe. The moment he mentioned her going home with him she looked shocked. “That won’t be too much….I couldn’t burden you…” she desperately wanted say yes and thank because she really didn’t want to go back home.

Her own mother wasn’t even checking on her and here her lifeline and childhood friend was the only one who gave a damn about her. With his hand in hers she would fall silent with sniffles and tears still flowing until they were interrupted by the technician. “Good and bad news…okay…” falling silent taking in both the good and bad though the recovery time really shocked her. It was hard putting on a brace face but after Chris mentioned the meds she nodded. Her hand clung to his tighter not wanting to let him go. Turning back looking into his beautiful eyes gave her so much comfort.

“If you don’t think I’m too much trouble I want to stay with you…I can’t go back like this…I can’t fight him off again….I…can I please go back with you. I’ll cook, I’ll clean…I’ll make sure you can relax when you come home. I’m so close to graduating I promise I’ll be as quiet as a mouse…” even if this was her childhood friend and he did offer her a place she felt like she had to make it worth it for him. He was still the seer guy she remembered but the last think she wanted to do was burden him.

“You don’t think your girlfriend would mind me crashing for a few weeks would she?” She didn’t want to mess up anything for him and with how cute he was and stable he was he had to have a girl at home and the last thing she wanted to be was a home wrecker or troublemaker. Her stepfather always said she was trouble and she was yelled at so much she actually believed his horrible abuse.
Chris laughed as she listed what she would do. "Don't be silly. If you are coming to stay with me you are going to relax and let your body heal, doctor's orders." Oh, and by the way, I live alone. Are you kidding me? The last date I had was in high school." Chris laughed and then went quiet. Truth was that Chris didn't really go looking for dates. In fact, he assumed the type of girl he was looking for didn't exist around here. Then Lillian wandered back into his life. She was exactly the type of girl Chris would be proud to bring home. In fact, he already knew his parents loved Lillian. She was smart, funny, caring, sweet and beautiful. He could feel his cheeks start to blush as he thought about it.

"Umm...Let me get the stuff I need to wrap you up safe. I'll be back in five minutes." Chris left the room and headed to the supply closet. Once inside, he started collecting the items he needed. The whole time thoughts ran through his head about how he was ruining things. What was he thinking? Lillian had been his best friend since they were little. There was no way she saw him that way, and if he pursued it, he would lose her for good. Gathering everything he needed, Chris headed back to the room.

Knocking before entering, he stepped inside and put the supplies on the tray, which he wheeled over. "Ok, you ready to get patched up and get the hell out of here?" Chris grabbed another pair of gloves and put them on. He gently lifted her hand and placed a pillow under it. He picked up the first metal splint lined with padding and placed it over her middle finger. Using a thin ace bandage, he wrapped the finger from tip to base, finishing with a few pieces of tape to hold it in in place. He did the same with her index finger, then unwrapped a new hand support for her wrist. "This is just for a few days till the pain goes away." He slipped her thumb through the hole and closed it around her wrist, tightening the velcro straps until it was snug and supportive. "Ok we'll give you a couple minutes, then we'll wrap your ribs." Chris took his gloves off and threw them away, sitting back down next to Lillian.
Lillian felt she had to offer something to stay there but the fact of the matter was Chris was not going to let her do that at all. “That’s oh really hard to believe you know you’re so handsome and sweet I thought you’d be married off by now.” She let out a soft giggled which is very sweet and something that she needed after such a hard night and all the pain she was in.

It was music to her ears to hear that she could go home with him and not deal with her stepfather and even though he was going to be gone for five minutes that would be the longest five minutes of her life in the hospital. There was no doubt that she found him attractive but he was her best friend since childhood she couldn’t think of him that we could she? She was also questioning that if she was latching onto him for reasons of getting away from her stepfather or because she really liked him and that was a very difficult line to figure out. She always liked him but never pursued anything since he was older and they’ve known each other since they were children. Of course he wouldn’t think of her as anything other than a best friend and there is no way she’s going to ruin it so right now she was just going to let him take care of her and she will do her best to take care of him.

Chris was type of guy her father adored when he was alive and so did her mother but now her mother was something different and completely different to what she remembered as a child. As she was reminiscing at the knock on the door scared her causing her to jump and wince in pain. “Owww…come in. You know you don’t have to knock.” She told him it was just common courtesy for him to do so. Her Stepfather never knocked and barged in all the time sadly she was used to it.

His best friend looked so thin these days she was so stressed out she was hardly eating and that’s probably why she was so weak against her stepfather and as he held her up he could feel that she could probably use some nice rest and relaxation. He easily lifted her and got her ready to leave and luckily the meds were finials kicking in.

“I really owe you my life. You don’t have to look after me you know, but I’m happy you’re here…. You’re my guardian Angel. You’ve always been there.” Her words were sweet and trim and perhaps she was a little high as he wrapped her fingers up with ace bandage. Making sure they would stay straight and heal properly. “Will the ribs hurt?” She asked looking up at him with her deep brown eyes seeking comfort but just by having him here she felt 1 million times better. Without thinking she leaned her head against him. Resting on his shoulder letting her soft hair brush against him. “Thank you… you have no idea how much I missed you…” The last part she said so softly she wasn’t sure if he would hear it but he was so close he probably would catch what she said even though she said it so quietly.
Chris listened to all the compliments she gave him and couldn't help but blush a little. Her brown eyes were so beautiful, he could get lost looking into them. Chris looked back at Lillian with his light blue eyes. "I'm not going to lie to you. It may hurt, but I will be as gentle as I can and I'll get it done as fast as I can." Chris felt her soft hair brush against him and let out a comfortable sigh at how good it felt having her on his shoulder. he had heard what she said and without any thought the words, "I do because I missed you just as much" escaped his lips in a similar way. He shut his eyes tightly, thinking of if she would take it well or if he had ruined everything.

"Ok, let's get those ribs wrapped and get you home to rest." Chris figured changing the subject would distract her from the words he just said, although he was really loving the feeling of her resting on his shoulder. Laying the bed flat, he pulled the blanket down to her waist. Picking up the soft, padded material, he slid it under her and bringing it around. At the center of her body, just below her bra he overlapped the material and made another pass around her torso. He made three more passes, ending right above her navel. Taping it so it would stay and picked up the bandage. Doing the same as with the padding, he wrapped her torso snugly to give her plenty of support. Using a few fasteners and some tape, he made sure it would stay in place.

Chris slowly lifted the head of the bed back up, realizing he hadn't put gloves on. "Shhh...Don't tell anyone I forgot to use gloves." He stood next to her, looking deeply into her eyes. "So, how do you feel? I'm going to have to go finish your discharge papers and run to my car to get you some clothes. You going to be alright while I'm gone?" Chris had the sudden urge to kiss her and leaned in slightly, wondering if he was doing something wrong.
“I’m already in so much pain what’s a little more?” That was a sad way for her to think but the worst was over for now. As long as she could stay away from that bastard of a step father of hers. Leaving on Chris made her feel so safe she didn’t want to move. “I honestly thought you’d forget about me when you left. I’m so happy you didn’t. I never forgot you. I know you ad to leave but I’m happy you came back. Life wasn’t the same with you gone.” Once he left her best friend left a void that her step father used as a chance to try and groom her but that failed.

Not wanting to move but she did so to get herself bandaged up. He didn’t put on gloves as he touched and wrapped her up and he could see her get goosebump from his fingers and not in a bad way. “I won’t tell and to be honest you feel good. It’s nice to just enjoy being touched.” Lillian let slip out. It was more nice that it was him. When he said he would be back she looked sad but nodded. She didn’t want him out of her sight as she worried that she was being too clingy. “As long as you come back I’ll be fine. I feel much better already…” when he leaned in close enough to her lips looking at his beautiful blue eyes without thinking she pressed her lips to his for a short moment before pulling back, whining and looking mortified.

What had she done!?!? That was so stupid. He was her best friend and helping her now she probably made it weird. “I’m sorry. I…please don’t be mad I think it’s the pain meds making me loopy…if you don’t want to take me home I get it…that was all my fault…I’m an idiot…” Lillian wanted to hide and run away why the hell did she just kiss him?!?
When Lillian leaned in the rest of the way and kissed him it wave of relief through him. It hadn't lasted long, but it just felt right. Then, he heard her apologizing and blaming everything on herself. Chris did the only thing that seemed to make sense at the time to prove she had nothing to be sorry about. He leaned over the bed rail and kissed her again, slipping his hand behind her head. His fingers snaked into her soft hair as his lips pressed softly to hers. He was very gentle, trying his best not to disturb the cut on her lip.

Everything about the kiss felt right. It felt like it been overdue for so long, just building up passion and love the entire time. Chris was doing his best to be gentle. He could feel his heart beating faster in his chest . It was a shame that their first kiss had been so quick, but now that they knew how each other felt, they wouldn't have to worry about how the other would take something.

Chris continued to run his fingers through her hair as he felt her relax a bit. It almost seemed like she wasn't used to a guy treating her this way. It made him wonder how much that asshole Alan had done to her over the years.
Lillian was expecting him to yell at her even though he wasn’t the type it was it just what she was used to now. He was being so gentle in the way he leaned over and tangled his fingers in her soft brown hair made her feel so much better. She didn’t pull away but sniffled and let her lips meet his even though they hurt but she didn’t want to not kiss him. This was most likely long overdue since she never wanted to jeopardize their relationship but it felt right.

She close her eye and she wished that she could see him with both but right now if that didn’t matter he was here now and he kissed her back that was a huge worry off of her shoulders. Alan had really ruined her self-esteem growing up and before Chris left he was actually being pretty decent at least outwardly and once he was gone he really let everything out. It was amazing how she was still excelling at school which most likely angered him since he was expecting her to fail and come running back to him. Now that Chris was back she was actually starting to worry what Alan would say.

Her lips pressed softly against his as she tried to kiss him and move her own lips even though her upper lip was more sore she didn’t want to end it but she would pull away and nozzle him with her nose against his. “Alan will probably kill me if I don’t go home I have no idea what I can tell my mom or him what if they come looking for me?” It was a valid question but it never crossed her mind actually press charges against him this was more than he’s ever done before and the charges might actually stick. There was no way she wanted to go back. With her right hand she reached over to caress any part of his body she could reach. “I… I didn’t overstep did I?” Poor Lillian was worried that maybe she had pushed her luck but he did kiss her back and kept playing with her hair. It didn’t take long for her hand to Reach up and run through his hair it was quite touching moment. Once she became quiet it was quite tender and something they both truly needed.
Pressing his forehead to hers, he looked at her and ran his hand softly along her jawline. "You could never overstep with me." He put his left hand over her right hand as it ran through his hair. "Don't you worry about him. I was in the Marines, remember? If he comes anywhere near you I'll just give him a taste of his own medicine. You're safe now beautiful. There's nothing to worry about. Now, let me get you some clothes and get you out of here." Chris kissed her forehead and smiled before leaving the room.

He ran down the hall and stopped at the nurse's station. He asked the woman behind the desk to ready dismissal papers papers for Lillian. Then, he turned and jogged out the door and into the parking lot to his car. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and opened the back door. He grabbed the bookbag that he kept extra clothes in. He put his arm through one strap and flung it over his back, shutting the door.

Chris jogged back into the hospital, picking up her papers at the desk, before heading to the room. Out of habit he knocked on the door before entering. "Miss, I've come with your papers and some clothes for your departure." Chris said properly and couldn't but laugh as he walked to the bed. "I know it's not fashionable, but it should do." Chris unzipped the bag and pull out a pair of dark gray sweatpants with a drawstring waist and a white t-shirt that had the Marines logo on it. "I think you'll still look hot in it."
It didn’t even cross her mind that he was in the Marines! How did she forget that? With his forehead against hers and being that close he could see her fully blush when he flies her beautiful even if she felt like Quasimodo. “I don’t feel beautiful at all. I think you need glasses.” Lillian teased but was not turininh away from all this much needed affection that had been withheld for years.

“I don’t know what to do with him. My mom…says he’ll get better…he never did…” now she was rambling as his fingers played with her hair and she made no attempt to move away. She knew they couldn’t stay there but she wished time would stop for just a few moments. The kiss on her Forehead was sweet and she was willing to let him go get the extra clothes though she just wanted to stay there with him.

At least now she knew she would be going to a safe place. Lillian was happy that the kiss didn’t ruin anything. The knocking scared her and she yelled but after hearing Chris’s voice she calmed down. “I don’t care about fashionable right now. I’m just happy you’re back. I’d gladly leave the hospital in a potato sack.” She joked. “I know it’s weird but…can you help me get dressed? If you think I’ll look hot I’ll wear it.” Lilian told him flirting lightly but this time she wasn’t doing as a joke. He has been gone for far too long and she wasn’t going to keep her feelings in check anymore especially after he didn’t turn her away after that kiss. It was like years of hiding her feelings were now out in the open. She hoped he wouldn’t change his mind in the morning.
Chris laughed when she mentioned the sack. "You know, if you really want to, I could go to the kitchen and see if they have an empty one." He joked back with her, happy to see her enjoying herself for a change. Truth was that he needed it too. Being in the military could be quite lonely, especially when you were in a foreign country wondering if each step you took could be your last. Then, he had come home with all of that still in his memories and nobody to help keep his mind off it. Now, lucky enough, Lillian came back into his life and actually reciprocated the feelings he had for her since they were young. He could actually see himself with her forever, but he couldn't rush things or he might risk scaring her off.

When she asked if he could help her get dressed he jokingly responded, "Why not? I mean I am the one responsible for you being in your underwear." In all honesty, he was more flirting back with her than joking, but it was still funny. Taking the sweatpants out first, Chris gently slid his hand under her right calf. Her skin felt so soft and smooth against his palm and fingers that he wanted to feel more. Sliding her foot into the pants leg and out the hole. He proceeded to do the same with her left leg. Chris grabbed the waistband with both hands and pulled the pants up to just below her underwear. "Now you can't tell anyone what I'm about to do."

Without hesitation, Chris climbed up on the bed. He was careful not to bump Lillian at all as he straddled her legs, just above the knees. He grabbed the waistband and slowly pulled it up, adding pressure to the mattress to snake them under her butt and up to her waist. Once there, he pulled the strings until they were tight enough to not fall down and tied them, tucking the strings under the band. His fingers brushed against her as he pulled them back out.

Chris slid up a little, now straddling her waist. Grabbing the t-shirt out of the bag, he lifted her right arm slowly, slipping it through the hole. Chris did the same with her left arm, being even more careful of her fingers and wrist. Next, he grabbed some gauze and tape from the tray. Chris held her right arm. He pressed the gauze over the IV and pulled it out, adding pressure with the gauze as he taped it down. He tossed the tape onto the tray and slid the t-shirt up her arms. "Ok, this t-shirt is big enough that I should be able to get it over your head without moving you." He lifted the opening, sliding it over her head and down to her neck. Chris slid the back of the shirt down using the same technique he had with the pants. As the back slid down, the front followed, covering her bra, bandages, and finally her stomach.

Chris sat there for a minute, admiring his work. Leaning forward, so his face was right in front of hers and whispered, "I must say, I was right. You are so hot in those clothes."
It was very nice to actually have a light and happy mood for her this was something that was very rare in her life since her stepfather came into it. At first everyone was happy for her mother that she finally found someone but she had moved too fast and this guy that she married was just not very kind and didn’t like the idea of splitting her mothers affection with a daughter that reminded her of her depart at Husband.

When he made jokes about the potato sack she laughed and then whimpered in pain but it was a good whimper because it was the fact that she was laughing she didn’t care that it hurt. “Well if I knew that was a way to get your attention I would’ve worn a potato sack much earlier.” She couldn’t help but flirt right back it was like he was seeing the girl he knew before he left. When he was there her stepfather couldn’t try much because she was always with Chris and her mother didn’t put a stop to it especially since they were so close and she would throw tantrums if he wouldn’t let her go see him. Her best friend had always been in her life and now that he was back there was no way she was gonna let him get very far from her now and little did he know she probably wouldn’t leave when she was in his place though he probably wouldn’t mind that.

The moment he mentioned that he was responsible for leaving her in her undergarments she blushed. “If you didn’t help me i’d never forgive you.” That was a joke since you obviously would he could do no wrong in her eyes. When he mentioned that she couldn’t tell anyone what he was about to do she looked confused until she saw him help her get the sweatpants over her legs quite easily and the way he touched her and her flat belly caused her to shiver and gasp. “It’ll be our little secret I won’t tell anyone.” she whispered to him and giggled slightly to herself though of course he wouldn’t notice it being as close as he was to her. The way he was straddling her she couldn’t help but look into his beautiful eyes though every time he would make contact full on with her she turned away because she honestly wasn’t sure if she should keep looking and that she was just still in shock that he was right before her.

He was so gentle as he moved her arms and help get the large sweatshirt over her small body. She was so petite she could see how easily her stepfather hurt her so badly. Having him be this gentle with her he could tell that the way she was watching him she was just in shocked how someone could be so kind. Without thinking with her good arm she would reach out to gently touch the side of his body trying to make sure he was not a mirage and that he was really there helping her even though he was straddling her. The moment he leaned in close to face her admiring his work which he did such a good job and he didn’t even hurt her or at least she was so distracted and the pain meds were doing their job as she was left speechless for a moment.

“I don’t think anyone has ever called me hot. I’ll take it you’re the first guy who said that I always get cute you know….” She knew they couldn’t stay like this forever especially in her hospital room but she wasn’t going to tell him to move she liked being this close. Leaning close enough she put her forehead on his.” You really ought to be careful I’m like a vampire once you invite me into your place I might never leave.” She was wondering if he would take the warning but honestly once she would go to his place she might not ever wanna go back to her parents well her mothers place there was no way she want to go back to be anywhere near Alan. She didn’t even tell Chris the full story about why he beat her up so badly. She was too afraid to tell him everything but maybe if she left the house her stepfather would finally give up on her.
Chris smiled when she said she was like a vampire. He could feel her hand against his ribs, under his scrubs. "Well who ever said that I want you to leave?" Truth was, now that Lillian was back in his life, he hoped that she would never leave again. "I tell you what, tomorrow we'll go over to your house and get some of your clothes and things. You can stay with me as long as you want. But right now I think we need to get some food and go home to relax and pig out."

Chris reached for her face and gently caressed her cheek as he leaned in and softly kissed her lips. His hand slid up into her soft, brunette locks. It felt so good to be able to kiss her, even though they had to be very careful. He had always imagined, when they were younger, what it would be like, but now that he had, he could honestly say that it was so much better than anything he ever imagined. When their lips touched it was like the world around them just disappeared and it was just them.

After some time kissing, Chris pulled back. "To me you are and always will be hot, cute, and beautiful." He carefully climbed down off the bed and pulled the wheelchair out from the corner. "Ready to go home?" Chris walked over to the bed and placed one arm behind her back and the other under her knees. "Put your good arm around my neck." He slowly lifted her from the bed and placed placed her into the wheelchair. He hung a bag on the back with her cut clothes, shoes, and discharge papers.

Opening the door, he wheeled her out and down the hall towards the exit. The nurses all waved goodbye and wished her good luck as they went through the doors and out into the parking lot. Chris wheeled her over to his car and opened the passenger door. Putting his arms under her again, he lifted her and placed her in the SUV. Buckling her seat belt and kissing her on the cheek, he closed her door and returned the wheelchair. When he got back, Chris got in the drivers seat and put her bag in the back seat. "So, what are you in the mood to eat tonight?" Chris asked her as he started the car and put his own seat belt on.

Lillian kept her hand on his chest she liked feeling his heartbeat and when he joked how he didn’t want her to leave again she would not argue against it especially since she wasn’t gonna go anywhere anytime soon. It was obvious that she was too injured to do so but she just did not want to leave him again he had already gotten into the military and left for some time she wasn’t going to let him go this time at least not that easily.

Dimension of food made her stomach rumble as he reached up to touch her face caressing her and having her lean up to place her lips against his again and she actually wanted As his hands got tangled her lovely brunette hair. They probably should not have been kissing in the hospital but she did not care he was back and it was like a fever dream that she hoped would not end because if she woke up and he wasn’t there she would be so depressed. “I’m sorry I can’t cook for you like this when I get better I promise I will trust me I’m a decent cook.” He pulled back from the kiss only to speak but kept her lips right against his. It was gonna be hard to get her to move from her comfy position. When he asked her if she was ready to go home she almost said something but it meant she was going home with him and he could see how big her smile got even though her face wasn’t normal and it was still swollen. “Home. It’ll be nice to call someplace home because my home doesn’t feel like home right now.” that was quite telling but he knew that was honestly true. She would put her good arm around him and let him help her as much as he could trying to make sure she wasn’t too happy even though she was light and probably could use putting on a pound or two. Once in the wheelchair she let out a sigh of relief that things were gonna look up for her and she looked up to watch Chris again just to make sure he didn’t finish like an illusion she thought up in her mind.

The nurses knew her since she was constantly in and out of the hospital and they wished her good luck but this time she was actually smiling and happy to leave every other time she looked so sad. She was a sweet patient and Lily and didn’t argue and she tried to help him buckle her up but he was being such an angel and when he kissed her cheek she would lean against it and even though he was going to sit next to her in the car she just wanted to be as close to him as possible.

“Hmmm food? I’m not picky you know that but you’ve been gone for so long what do you want to eat it doesn’t matter what I want to eat really.” That was pretty much her upbringing with her stepfather talking even though she like lots of foods she was used to not making waves or arguing with anything he would give her because it would start a fight. It would be a hard habit to break with her but eventually if he worked on it she would get back to her normal happy self that he knew and loved. “ I know it’s gonna sound really basic but I love Chinese food. I would really like some fried rice maybe some chicken Rangoon or something I’m not picky trust me I’m really sorry I can’t cook for you right now. My baking skills have gotten better since elementary school I don’t burn anything anymore.” Lillian said as she laughed and winced but she didn’t care the pain medicine was really helping and it was just pressure that threw her off. “This it’s a pretty cool car you don’t wanna see my junker. I’m working on getting a better one. Are you sure it’s okay if I come back with you?” He was still worried he would change his mind and a part of her thought that he would grow tired of her but overall she was just happy to be in a safe place with someone she knew wouldn’t hit her or hurt her. “ I still can’t believe you’re sitting right there I honestly thought you wouldn’t come back to this town. You’ve always been the smarter one look at we’ve done with yourself. I’m so proud of you Chris. I hope to something as cool as you one day.” She couldn’t help complement him because she was really proud of him for everything that he accomplished and even more happy that he decided to come back.
Chris backed out of the parking spot and began driving through the parking lot. "The lady wants Chinese, that's what she shall get." He smiled at her as he pulled out onto the main road. "So, does that mean when you're better, you'll be able to cook us something I won't need dental work after trying to eat?" He laughed, turning when the light turned to green. "You don't have to worry about what your car looks like. You've got me as your chauffer." Chris was trying to keep her mind off anything negative. "You would never have to worry about me not wanting you to stay with me. We have known each other forever, and since it's no longer hidden, it's obvious how much I like you. I would be upset if you ever said you didn't want to stay with me anymore."

Chris thought about how the Marines taught him to never show emotion and keep your thoughts to yourself, but around Lillian it always felt natural to let everything out. They had always told each other everything since they were kids. They had a bit of a "us against the world" mentality and it seemed that even after the years they spent apart that still stayed somewhere deep inside them just waiting to be brought out again. Chris pulled into the parking lot and pulled into an empty spot near the Chinese takeout place.

Chris turned towards Lilly and spoke softly. "Lilly you were always so sweet and kind when you talk about me, but what about you? You have been through so much and you held strong. I'm proud of you. You haven't even graduated high school yet and you're already years ahead of girls your age. You're tough yet sensitive and caring inside. You've got the brains and ambition to make something big of yourself. That is why I admire you and will always support you." Chris wanted her to know how special she was because it seemed like no one had told her in quite some time.

"Now before I get too mushy on you, tell me everything you want to eat and don't leave anything out. This is a celebration dinner. We are celebrating you getting out of that shitty situation, us being reunited, and should I say our first date?" He smiled as he said it. Chris hadn't formally asked Lilly to be his girlfriend, but after the kiss that took place in the room he doubted she would protest.
Riding with Chris was very nice and Ashley looked at the road and listen to his comments she couldn’t help but chuckle. “ i’ll be very happy with Chinese and yes your dental work will be fine with my cooking now. I’ve gotten much better over the years trust me. I don’t mix up salt and sugar anymore.” Lillian playfully teased and if she could’ve nudged him she would’ve. When he mentioned that she had him as her chauffeur she giggled more and she wasn’t gonna turn down that offer. “So with you as my chauffeur do you dress up really cutely? I do have a thing for guys in suits but I guess since you’re a nurse I’ll take scrubs.” She could keep up with him just as easily as he threw out his teasing. Lillian I was going to make a silly comment back until he mentioned how much he liked her and how they knew each other forever. I was finally out in the open and they didn’t have to hide anymore.

Along moment she was silent but she wasn’t opposed to his comments at all. “I Honestly thought I was hiding it pretty well but how long have you known I liked you?” she just had to ask and she wondered if she gave it away somehow. They were always together and she loved him like a brother but as a queer older she had feelings for him but was too afraid to say anything just spent more time with him and didn’t leave him alone figuring maybe he would tell her to go at some point and here he was offering her to move in. When he found a spot at the Chinese restaurant she would sit back leaning her head against the head rest of the car.

Lily I was going to say something else until Chris started complementing her making her turn a different shade of crimson. Those words touched her heart and she didn’t mean to but she started to tear up and started to sniffle and then she started crying. Chris was right no one had ever said such nice things to her like this not even her mom since she got remarried. “You are you going to make it hard for me to give you an order after saying all of that…. you’re giving me too many compliments I don’t deserve them… I don’t even know how to respond to what you said…. I feel like such a failure most days and all I do is try and study and get good grades so I can get out of here. I don’t know how you see such good in me…” she continued to talk as she was sniffling and trying to make herself not cry but those words really moved her.

“ I might have to argue with the first date thing because I don’t feel very pretty right now…. i’m pretty easy with Chinese food I don’t know what I want…. i’m not picky I think I’m just hungry.” I couldn’t even focus on the food order at he complimented her so much she was flustered and the way she was starting to tremble she brought her right hand to her chest holding it there as if that would stop her heart from racing. Just got one thing right she would not protest being his girlfriend the only thing she will protest is that she did not look or feel beautiful right now.
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