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Bitches of Dracula (mainman x mappy)


Jul 7, 2017
Everyone knows Dracula and vampires, to many, this is a myth, an urban legend, but what if Dracula was discovered and locked away in a government facility, and all the children of Dracula are trying to locate him, but he is kept dormant. Dracula is immortal, cannot be destroyed, and the vampires are powerful but have weaknesses. One of the vampires is Lucy, a twisted American spy that killed countless Nazis including generals, and destroyed Nazi labs that experimented on the supernatural. She lived for a long time and went dormant for years, until recently, she had a vision of Dracula and had a strong compulsion to save him, but suddenly, the feeling was gone again. She was awakened by her slumber and hunger for blood.


Lucy wandered into town and saw a large cathedral. It was easter and she saw the bishop all dressed up and she was turned on and had a thing for men in uniforms. At the end of mass, she approached the bishop in the car park of the cathedral. "Hi father, I'm a naughty bitch, can you punish me?" The bishop turned around and had a look of disgust on his face and Lucy hugged him and kissed him.

A lady screamed as she saw 4 priests on the ground and Lucy fucking the bishop at the back of the car and called the police. 4 cops arrived and Lucy was still sucking from the throat of the bishop and the cops came over, cuffed her and took her away.

Lucy was high after her heavy meal. "Oooh, piggies smell good too..." She said and the cops rolled their eyes and escorted her into the police station. Lucy seemed inhumanly strong and the 4 cops dragged her into the cell area and locked her up.


A plump cop passed by the cell and saw a female lying on the ground motionless. "What the..." He muttered and entered the cell to check on her. Lucy was on the ceiling and she landed behind him and covered his mouth. "Love the smell of polyester and sweat..." She muttered and rammed a fist into his back and the cop could not feel his legs. She pulled down his pants and started to rub his dick and jerk him off as the cop trembled in fear which makes her more horny. She turned the trembling cop around and fucked his erected dick and bounced happily on the dick and when she felt something warm inside her, she bit into his throat. She did not kill him but drank enough to knock him out and gave him some blood.

"Ahhh, that hits the spot." She said and exited the cell. She saw a bald cop and as the cop turned around, she stared into his eyes. "Open the gate." The cop nodded and she exited and grabbed his head and bit into his throat. She moved in a blur and entered a pantry area and grabbed a short cop with white hair and bit into his throat. One by one, she took out all the cops in the police station and grabbed the remaining desk sergeant and overpowered him.

She sat on his face and sucked his dick, he tried to push her off by she was inhumanly strong and he flailed helplessly as she sucked off a load. Then she sucked his erection away and gave him some blood. She gathered all the cops together and the captain looked confused to see his men looking dazed, she hugged him and removed his belt. "This piggy smells good too."

The whole police station was now under her control, she met the other cops from the other shifts and fed them blood as well, and it created a bond between vampire and human, giving her control even when she was not in direct sight of them. The cops also benefitted from a surge in physical abilities, allowing them to run longer, lift heavier things and fuck harder. With the cops on her side, Lucy fucked all the priests in the city and started planning her control over the city.


"There is a mayor and city hall, state police..." Lucy said. "So many men, so little time."
Zoe bit into the throat of an old man, a witness to a murder of a young lady who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The old man was drained till he was unconscious and he was dumped into a bath tub filled up water and Zoe walked away from the apartment. Zoe was the perfect assassin. Vampires don't leave fingerprints and images on cameras, making her invisible when she plans her kills right.

Going back to the employer, Zoe smiled and collected the money and stared into her employer's eyes. "I think there is something you should see at the balcony..." As the man walked to the balcony, Zoe flipped him over the edge and walked off. "The other party also gave me a hit on you. Gotta take it to save on transport since I'm meeting you..."

Zoe has a buzz on her phone. She looked at it and it was a young couple arrested for drug possession. "Looks like someone is paying good money to fuck up their lives..." Zoe giggled and drove to the police station. "Oh look, nice round cops..." She muttered and moved behind 2 cops, punched their backs, grabbed their heads and choked them silently. A sergeant exited the police car and Zoe tilted his head back and drained a mouthful of blood and the sergeant went limp. "Tastes so good..."

Zoe entered the police station and staggered towards the desk sergeant and leaned over, showing her clevage. "I'm not feeling too good..."

The sergeant walked over and Zoe hugged him and rubbed his white hair. "What are you doing?" The sergeant asked and Zoe kissed him.

"I need your help... I need you to help release the 2 kids you guys arrested." Zoe said. "Walk me inside."

The sergeant looked dazed and escorted Zoe into the police station.
Lucy visited the Mayor, got past the guards, and fucked and drained the Mayor and fed him blood for the next few days and got the Mayor to introduce her to the technology and the other influential people in the city. Lucy had a meeting with the State Police commander in a hotel room with the Mayor and simply grabbed him and fucked him. The Mayor watched at the old trooper was overpowered and Lucy sat on his face and he gave muffled moans as she sucked his dick. Lucy made him cum multiple times before drinking his blood and feeding him some to make him loyal.


The news of a whole police station getting taken out reached far and attracted some attention, but the media mostly ignored it as the police denied it. However, some criminal gangs came and started to exert their power on the cops.

2 large men approached 2 plump cops at the parking lot and the cops were grabbed and men placed the cops in necklocks. "What the fuck are you doing?" A short cop with wispy white hair asked. "Stop this or you will be arrested." The large men were surprised and they punched the cops and the cops became a lot stronger for their shape and the cops put up a good fight and broke free from their restraints and started fighting back. As the cops started subduing the men and cuffing them, 2 more large men moved behind the cops and looped garottes around their necks and strangled them. These men seemed well trained, better than the other 2 thugs and they snapped the cops' necks.

The manhunt started as the cops hunted for the killers and roadblocks were set up and the cops searched various locations. A motorcycle cop spotted the car outside an alley and looked inside. The car still had keys and 2 big bags in the rear seat. As the motorcycle cop turned around, the 2 large men grabbed him and strangled him. They hid the motorcycle and saw 2 more motorcycle cops arriving and they decided to move behind the cops again and now club the heads of the cops. The pudgy old cop was clubbed but did not go down. He turned around and wrestled a large men to the ground. The other cop staggered and the large man forced him on the car and rammed a few fists into his kidneys and started to overpower the cop.

The large man who was on the ground with the cop was shocked as the cop was simply too strong for him and the cop smashed the man's head with a baton and knocked him out. The other man was shocked as his friend was taken out and took out a silenced pistol and shot the cop's head. The men changed into police uniforms and saw a police car arriving and when the cops exited the car, the men converged and strangled the cops without giving them much chance to fight back.

Changing into police uniforms, the men moved towards the roadblocks and tried to eliminate the cops silently. They approached 4 cops at a roadblock and shot 2 surprised cops in the head while the other 2 men moved and grabbed the other 2 round cops with thick mustache. The 2 round cops seemed inhumanly fast as they dodged the men's attacks and they were composed enough to shoot back with their pistols and killed the men. The 2 large men who shot the cops heard gunshots and saw the 2 large men on the ground and they exchanged gunfire and managed to shoot a cop in the head while one of the large men was shot in the arm. The round cop rushed over and was shot in the gut but he reached the men and emptied his gun into them.

A few cops were killed but the cops found out that these men were elite assassins from a drug cartel that was interested in the area, and thought that the local police being weak would allow them to intimidate them to get easy control, but the elite assassins who had more than 100 kills each were stopped by the cops. Lucy managed to save the cop that was shot in the head by turning him into a vampire.


With the deaths of the assassins, the cops hunted down 2 more enforcers of the gang and arrested them. The news spread again, and now, it made some hunters excited to find out what exactly was going on.
Zoe was escorted to the cell area and got the guard to unlock the cell to let the couple out. She gave the couple the guns from the cops and stared into their eyes. "Kill the cops and escape..."

Zoe walked out and saw the couple shoot the dazed cops and she moved behind a few other cops who moved towards the sound of the shooting and easily knocked them out. She made sure she was not caught on tape and she smiled and left. "There you go, cop killers breaking out of jail."


Zoe went to collect her money on the job and heard news that the police has taken out 2 assassins and 2 enforcers in the next town. The drug lord in charge was not happy as the enforcers were really good at what they do.

"So, do you want me to take out anyone?" Zoe asked.

"I need you to break the devil out of prison," The drug lord said.

"The devil?" Zoe asked.

"Yup, top rated assassin," The drug lord said. "killed a senator and got arrested, then took a couple of projects to kill gang members in prison."

"If he's so good, why isn't he out?" Zoe asked.

"I think he is in solitary, and they don't allow people to see him or send him info," The drug lord said. "But I think you can get him out for $500k."

"Good, I'll do it." Zoe said.


Zoe was good at manipulating people, and it did not take long before she enters the prison as a doctor and dominated the guards to get to the assassin. The assassin was an old man, relatively short and unkept. Zoe entered the cell and the assassin looked relatively calm and suddenly lashed out and grabbed her. Zoe struggled and the assassin rammed several fists into her vitals and she felt bones breaking and went into a frenzy and lashed out at him and bit into his neck. When she was done, she suddenly realized that she killed him. "Fuck..." Zoe muttered and gave him some blood and made him a vampire. "I guess this works as well."

The assassin was sent to the morgue and Zoe stole the body by dominating the guards at the morgue and brought the assassin out along with a dozen blood bags. The assassin woke up and Zoe gave him some blood to control his hunger. "Hey bro, you are out of prison, but you are now a vampire." Zoe said. "You are immortal now."

The assassin was disoriented and confused, Zoe spent a few days explaining to him the situation and the powers of a vampire and how to feed. After having a better idea of what was happening, Zoe brought him to an alley with several homeless people and guided him to feed. The assassin was swift and deadly. He silently grabbed a homeless man and bit into his throat. Snapping the necks of 2 more homeless men, he grabbed an old balding one and drained his blood.

"Yup, that is good..." Zoe said. "Basically, blood will taste better with Adrenalin, the more they are scared, the better it tastes. Well, you are officially ready now, you are faster and bullets hurt, but you don't need vital organs anymore, so you will not die from a bullet to the head or lung. I'll bring you to Fat Joe and get my reward now."
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Lucy visited the thugs in the prison cell and found them sent by the drug cartel and commanded the judge to quickly move the case and send them to prison. Checking on the cops and others coming to the city, Lucy decided to spread her influence to the nearby city as well by meeting the people in charge.


At a roadblock, 2 cops stopped a man driving a rusty old car. The car was squeaky and emitting white smoke as it drove, the headlights were dim and there seemed to be a lot of dents on the car as well. "Hey sir, I think your registration sticker is expired, can I see your license and registration?"

The man looked up and sighed, then opened the glove box and passed the cop the documents. The cop returned to the car and a minute later, the man walked towards the police car. "Hey sir... stay in... I say stop there!" The cop shouted and exited the car. The man reached the cop, chopped the side of his neck and the cop collapsed. The other cop exited the police car and drew his gun and the man leaped over the police car and kicked the gun away. The man punched the cop's gut and grabbed his head under his armpits and choked the cop. The cop could not breathe and struggled to break free and as he reached for his backup pistol, the man snapped his neck.

"Fuck..." The man muttered and took his registration and ID back and looked into the police car and the cop was still keying in the details and he quickly deleted the information and took the memory card from the recording camera. "You saw me..." The man said and grabbed the unconscious cop and snapped his neck. He took the money from the dead cops and took their badges and left.


Hours later, the city was on high alert to search for the cop killer. The police stopped many vehicles and found a various people coming to the city with large swords and wooden stakes. The hunters were stopped and arrested as the police processed them to try to find out what is going on.
"Vampire?" The assassin muttered. "So can I turn into a bat? By the way, my name is Zareth..."

"No, you are not immortal... you kinda stop aging, you are stronger, faster, tougher, but exerting more physically requires you to burn blood, and you get hungry faster... You can't turn into a bat, but you may have other powers as you age... maybe climb walls, dominate people." Zoe said. "It takes time..."

Zareth went to an old abandoned building and could hear heartbeat and he found 2 homeless men and he grabbed one and bit into his throat. The other man woke up and screamed for help and Zareth wrapped his legs around the man's waist and squeezed as he drained the first man. The second man flailed helplessly as he could not breathe and Zareth slowly turned his attention to the second man and enjoyed the smell of fear and taste of adrenalin.

Zoe brought Zareth to Fat Joe and collected her reward. "Here is your assassin, better than before."


Zoe left and went to the mall and bought some hunting gear with her new found money, and went on a shopping spree. As she left the mall, there were police cars zooming by and something big was going on and Zoe went over and checked out what happened.

There was a massacre at Mexican Restaurant and the local gang was killed. The police is now searching for the killer. Zoe entered and alley and saw 2 flashlights searching and suddenly one flashlight disappeared. Zoe entered and looked carefully and saw Zareth covering the mouth of the remaining cop and sniffed his neck. The cop trembled in fear and Zareth rammed a fist in back and slowly drink his blood.

"Oh hey..." Zareth said. "These pigs taste real good..."

"You know you are not immortal right?" Zoe said. "More will come, bigger guns, more armor... Fucking up one or two is fine, but you took out like everyone?"

Zoe helped Zareth hid the bodies and saw 2 more flashlights entering. "You can also drink and not kill them..." Zoe said and moved behind a plump cop and grabbed him in a chokehold and tilted the other cop's head and bit into his throat. Zoe drank a mouthful and the cop collapsed and she sniffed the trembling cop in her arms and licked his face. She disarmed him and bit into his neck.

"When you suck enough blood to knock them out, they usually forget the last few minutes, and you just have to make sure you are not recorded. so always be behind them." Zoe said.

"That's cool..." Zareth said. As they were walking out of the alley, Zoe could smell motorcycle cops and smiled.

"Leather cops..." Zoe said.

"What's so special?" Zareth asked.

"I have a leather fetish, I'll send some in, save some for me, don't kill them!" Zoe said.

Zoe exited the alley and saw 2 surprised motorcycle cops. "Hey officers, I think I heard something in there, I'm scared."

"Ma'am, there is a murder on the loose, please go home." A plump cop said. "Why don't you guys go in and escort me home... I need to go back and bring things out of my back door..."

Zoe walked behind the 2 cops who scanned cautiously with their flashlights in the dark alley.

"Oooh, leather cops..." Zareth muttered and covered the mouth of the plump cop and disarmed him. The cop flailed and struggled and Zareth sniffed his collar and smiled. "Fuck, they really do smell good..."

The other cop was shocked and Zoe covered his mouth and disarmed him. She unbuckled his pants and pulled his his breeches and the cop was shocked at how powerful Zoe was. Zoe started playing with his dick and the cop trembled in fear as he was given a blow job. "Please... nooo..."

Zareth was turned on by the smell of the leather cop and he forcefully overpowered the cop and pulled down his breeches as well. The cop tried to scream for help buy only muffled moans came out and Zareth started fucking the cop who struggled helplessly.

Zoe was done with her cop and drank from the erected dick and saw Zareth fucking the motorcycle cop and decided to give the cop a blow job as well.

"Fuck, this guy just smells so awesome..." Zareth said and the cop somehow managed to grab his backup pistol and shot Zareth's head.

"Shit... that hurts..." Zareth said and bit into the cop's neck. "Oh my god.. you taste sooo.. good...."

Zoe was concerned. The gunshot attracted a lot of cops and she got Zareth to heal up and leave.

"I got this..." Zareth said, and they hid the bodies and waited in ambush as 8 cops rushed into the alley. Zareth was inhumanly fast as he chopped the neck and elbowed the heads of 6 cops and they collapsed and he grabbed the heads of the remaining 2 under his armpits and choked them.

"That's a nice move, don't kill them..." Zoe said and waited at the entrance of the alley and saw a short sergeant entering and the sergeant spotted Zareth choking the 2 cops and as he reached for his radio, Zoe covered his mouth and placed a gun at his throat.

"Do that fast attack thing again..." Zoe asked and shoved the sergeant at Zareth and Zareth elbowed the sergeant's head and the sergeant's eyes rolled back. Zoe was getting excited, Zareth was amazingly skilled and Zareth grabbed the side of the necks of 2 round cops, blocking bloodflow to the brain and knocked them out. Zoe decided to learn from Zareth and they silently ambushed a few more groups of cops.

Zoe walked out to a sergeant, stared into his eyes and got him to send more cops into the ambush. Zareth was silently and deadly and all the cops sem did nto return.

Soon, there were only 2 cops remaining and Zoe moved behind the old cop and grabbed his neck, squeezing his artery and the old cop went limp. She tried it on the sergeant and the sergeant collapsed as well. The limp cops were dragged into the police car and 2 more motorcycle cops arrived. One was chopped in the neck and Zoe grabbed the other one and placed him in a sleeperhold. Zareth exited the alley and smiled. "You are great too..." The cops were dragged into the trunk of a police car and they drove off to a park under the bridge where Zoe woke the motorcycle cops up and fucked them.

"Fucking them makes them taste better..." Zareth said.

"It sure does," Zoe said. "But remove their bodycams.
"2 cops were killed and many knocked out in separate incidents," A police captain said to Lucy. "The FBI is coming."


"Spotted the car..." A motorcycle cop reported and approached. He looked in the alley and took out his flashlight and approached the car. He noticed the other car door open and suddenly someone grabbed him from behind and choked him. It was a perfectly executed chokehold and the cops struggled briefly and went limp. The man pushed the police motorcycle into the alley and saw another police car entering the alley. He put on brass knuckles and saw a plump cop walking into the alley and he moved to the other cop with white hair in the police car. "Your partner may be dead and you are still entering the report?" The man muttered and punched the cop and the cop went limp.

The other cop looked around and the car was empty and dirty. As he went around the car, he spotted the limp motorcycle cop and before he could radio for backup, the man covered his mouth. "Fuck! More cops..." The man muttered and punched the cop in the back of the head and laid him beside the limp motorcycle cop.

The man circled behind the cops and swiftly punched them in the back of their heads and the cops collapsed to the ground. The remaining sergeant was grabbed and the man punched his lower back and the sergeant was in a lot of pain. "Radio back and tell them the suspect escaped... Or I'll kill you and your men..."


Lucy met up with the FBI agents and quickly drank from them and gave them blood. Within a day, they were all friendly to her and Lucy learned a lot from them. "Some guy taking out cops, armed people, possibly hunters arrested and a couple just having fun with cops?"

"The hunters are the worst..." Lucy said and got the police sergeant to isolate a hunter and she went into the cell and turned the hunter into a vampire. The hunter was isolated and on the next night, the police dragged the dead hunter and put him in the cell with the other hunters as instructed by Lucy. A fat cop shot a tazer into a hunter as he approached but did not notice a hunter tossing a small lady out of the cell. The lady landed on an old cop outside and kneed his face, breaking some teeth and the old cop slumped to the ground. She kicked the other cop outside in the jaw and the cop collapsed. The plump cop in the cell was tackled by another hunter and the fat cop reached for his radio and the lady punched his throat and the hunters quickly took out the cops. "Dirty cop..." A hunter muttered and saw the dead hunter on the ground twitching and as they spotted the 2 holes in his neck, the hunters all ran out. "We can't kill this without equipment."

The hunters grabbed a short cop with neat white hair and easily subdued him. 'Bring us to our equipment... we have a situation here..."

As they exited the cell area, the cops outside noticed them escaping and drew their gun. "Let the officer go!" A sergeant commanded but the hunters used the cop as a shield and went to the store.

The hunter that turned into a vampire woke up and was hungry and drained from all the unconscious cops and became stronger and faster, but still hungry. He exited the cell area and saw a round cop facing away from him and quickly covered the cop's mouth and dragged him into the cell area and bit into his throat. "Fucking cops tastes so good..."

The old cop at the locker gave the hunters their equipment and the hunters suddenly heard screams outside.

All the cops were down and the vampire was draining blood from a fat cop's neck. The ladies left while the 2 male hunters circled the vampire and grabbed their stakes and tried to stake the vampire and the vampire grabbed one and tossed him away. "I know how this works..." The vampire said and grabbed the arm of the hunter and broke it. "Join me..." The vampire said and the hunter still wanted to stab the vampire with a stake and the vampire bit into his neck.

The other hunter picked up a gun and shot the vampire and the vampire felt the bullets hit his head, neck and chest, but he was still alive. "That fucking hurts..." The vampire said and moved with inhuman speeds to grapple with the hunter and eventually managed to pin him down and bite into his neck.


A few motorcycle cops heard gunshots and ran over. They saw the bodies on the ground and the vampire was already behind them, grabbing the rear cop and biting into his neck. "Fuck!" The motorcycle cops shouted and shot at the vampire and the vampire used the motorcycle cop as a shield and moved over to slap away their guns. The vampire grabbed another motorcycle cop and bite into his neck and drained him as well.

"Fuck! It is not going down!" A bald cop shouted and ran off and the other cop reloaded and saw the vampire slap away his gun and bite into his neck. The bald cop grabbed a shotgun and as he turned around, the vampire was already behind him. "Love those boots..." The vampire said as the vampire hugged him and broke his ribs.

"We are under attack!" A sergeant shouted on the radio. "Officers down at..."

"I missed one?" The vampire said and easily subdued the sergeant and sniffed his neck. "Fucking cop smell turns me on now..."

The sergeant was quickly drained.


Lucy entered and saw the massacre. "Shit, too late," Lucy said, "Maybe this is too dangerous..."

The vampire pounced on Lucy and attacked Lucy. Lucy dodged his attacks and progressively became faster and stronger and matched his strength. Then Lucy felt a sharp pain and she was staked and she could not move.

Several police cars arrived and a team of 4 cops entered the police station and searched. The vampire was swift and deadly. 2 rear cops were chopped in the neck and they collapsed and the vampire snapped a large cop's neck and bit into the remaining pudgy cop and drained him. The vampire then quickly hid the bodies and waited for more cops to come in.

"Nice round cop..." The vampire said and choked the cop silently and dragged him away.


A short cop with thick mustache spotted the limp cop pile and his mouth was covered. The vampire sniffed his neck and was excited and the cop saw the other cops that came with him on the ground. "This fucking cop is giving me a hard-on..." The vampire said and pulled down his pants and shoved his dick into the cop's mouth, choking him. Tears rolled down the cop's face as he choked. He flailed helplessly and the vampire was almost breaking his jaw and before the cop went limp, the vampire pulled down his pants and started fucking him.

The cop's head was tilted back and the vampire finally sucked from his neck. "That tasted soooo good."

Zoe and Zareth fucked under the bridge and drank each others blood. They were really high and aroused and did not realized that they were already surrounded by the police. "Freeze!" A short cop with white hair shouted as 6 cops approached carefully and 2 of them have shotguns pointed at the couple. "Help!" Zoe shouted. "He raped me!"

A sergeant ushered Zoe away from Zareth and the other cops approached Zareth. Zoe grabbed the sergeant and stared into his eyes. "Call the fat old one over and bring him to the car too..."

The sergeant called the fat cop and Zoe hugged and kissed him. He saw the other cops cuffed Zareth and escorted him away and moved behind the cops. "Sleep..." She muttered and choked both cops. Zareth broke his cuffs and grabbed the remaining cops and lifted them off the ground. "These are kinda young and useless..." Zareth said and walked towards the police car and saw a captain beside a bald cop. "Let's get the captain..." Zoe smiled and approached the bald cop and hugged him as Zareth grabbed the captain and pulled down his pants.

"Let's fuck this together!" Zareth said.


Zareth was addicted to fucking cops. He decided not to kill them and just hunt a few every day. NSA received reports of multiple assaults on uniformed officers and as they were diagnosed with a loss of blood, they sent a few agents to locate the vampires.

"Shit, 10 officers?" An agent said as he visited them at the hospital. "15 yesterday... This is serious..."

"What we have here is a serial cop killer..." A detective said. "Possibly special forces trained or something like that, fast and deadly. Professional assassin..."


"We have 20 officers at the location. We believe the suspect is inside. We located the phone of 2 officers that were missing inside." A police captain said.

"This killer is very dangerous," The agent said. "Don't act till our backup arrive."

"Don't worry, we are sending the SWAT inside now," The captain said. "We will have your suspect soon."


Zareth was fucking a round motorcycle cop and he could hear heartbeats approaching. "Oh, they found me?"

2 armored cops entered the room and scanned around with their flashlights. "These guys are not fucking around..." An armored cop heard a voice behind him and his helmet was grabbed and his neck snapped. The other cop did not have a chance to draw his gun and Zareth bit into his throat.

An armored cop saw a another armored approaching the group and looked at his hands carrying 2 large daggers. Zareth in police armor reached the first cop and stabbed his throat and slit the throat of the cop beside him. "Throat has no armor..." Zareth said and cut the arteries of 2 cops and kicked an armored cop in the head and stabbed the last one through the chest armor into his heart. He walked over to the dazed cop on the ground and grabbed his helmet. SNAP...

Zareth approached 2 fat cops and signaled them to come over and waited behind the doorway. As the rear cop entered, Zareth stabbed the dagger into his spine beneath the neck, grabbed the other fat cop and bit into his neck. "Too easy..."

A gloved hand covered the mouth of a motorcycle cop and he was dragged into a room and choked. His boots kicked helpless and he tapped Zareth as he could not breathe. Zareth looked at another motorcycle cop alone at the corridor and approached him. He punched the cop's gut and grabbed his head under the armpits and choked the cop.

"Fucking boots turns me on... I kinda want to fuck one now." Zareth said and hunted down the uniformed cops one by one, knocking them out.

He exited the building and went to the police cars and punched the heads of the cops inside, knocking them out and moved among 3 cops chatting and chopped the necks of 2 cops and bit into the remaining one.

"So, this is the Lieutenant in charge?" Zareth said and the lieutenant turned around and saw 3 limp cops on the ground and Zareth grabbed him and shoved him into the police van. "You are the last one..." Zareth said and pulled down his pants.


The agent arrived and all 20 cops were missing. The captain was shocked and the agent waited for his assessment and after 10 minutes, the sergeant came to report. "6 SWAT officers were killed, other officers were all unconsicous, 2 officers missing..."

"Set up a perimeter road block!" The captain shouted. "This killer needs to be caught..."

The agent rolled his eyes. "This may be too much for you to handle."

"We may have a situation here..." The agent said to HQ. "Many officers can't stop this assassin."
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Lucy woke up in pain, the stake was removed from her heart and her chest was cut open as a forensic doctor was shocked to see her strange body anatomy. "What the ..." The doctor muttered as Lucy sat up and she moved in a blur and bit into his throat to heal her wounds.

"Fuck, I killed one..." Lucy said and waited in ambush for another orderly who was pushing in a new corpse. Lucy covered his mouth and drank some blood, then looked some a lab coat to wear and quickly left the morgue.


"The cop killers are inside, we sent the SWAT team inside how," The lieutenant reported. "We will take them out if we need to..."

"Need more cops..." The hunter said as he grabbed the lieutenant and disarmed him. The lieutenant was trembling in fear as the hunter tilted his head back and he saw 3 other hunters drinking from the other cops beside him.

The hunter overpowered the lieutenant and fucked him hard and saw the other hunters grabbing the motorcycle cops that arrived and the ladies fucked the motorcycle cops and drained them as well. "Wow, we are so fast and strong..." A lady said as she felt the cop ejaculate inside her and she bit into his neck. "Did you see how I snapped the necks of the armored ones?"
"Let's not make more vampires..." The hunter said and piled the dead cops into the police van and set it on fire. "I think all are accounted for..."

As they watch the van burn, more police cars arrive. "No problem, a lady said. I'm almost fully healed."


Lucy had a vision of a vampire in a lab, there were tubes in the vampire and the humans in lab coats are doing tests on him. She felt compelled to save the vampire but was still at a loss as she does not know where to start. But her immediate problem was getting clothes and finding a way to get her belongings back.

The other hunters felt the compulsion as well. "Fuck it, we are on the same boat now, and no vampires should be tested like that, they should either be burnt or take their place on the top of the food chain."
Zoe woke up with a vision again of a man that is compelling her to save him. She has no idea where to start and Zareth came to meet her again. "I have a vision, and feel like saving some guy I never met before."

"Yup, same here, that person seemed to be in some lab," Zoe said. "Possibly a vampire that needs help."

"Do you know where?" Zareth asked.

"No idea," Zoe said. "But I can feel the direction I should go."


4 cops searched the alley and suddenly Zareth landed among them and chopped 2 cops in the necks and they collapsed. A fat cop was punched in the back and his head placed between Zareth's thighs and Zareth squeezed him and grabbed the belt of the remaining cop, pulled him close and covered his mouth. "Smells real good..." The cop trembled in fear as Zareth grabbed his groin and rubbed it and then bit into his throat. Zareth did not kill any of the cops, just knocked them out and cuffed them.

Zoe walked to 2 cops, slammed the short cop's head on the police car and kissed the sergeant and dragged him into the alley while disarming him. The sergeant was overpowered and his pants pulled down and he was fucked.

"So, is this going to help us find the vampire we are looking for?" Zareth asked.

"Probably not, but we know he is in a lab, so that is a good start..." Zoe said and used the computer in the police car and searched for possibly labs big enough to do human testing. "There are still too many labs to search even when we know the direction, we need better clues from the visions."
The hunters turned vampires visited all the vampire hunting ground and as a group, they hunted both humans and vampires. After killing 4 humans, they finally got a vampire and the fight was very violent, with the hunters stabbing the vampire and the vampire biting into them. It was a hard fight as the vampire was strong and skilled but outnumbered. The fight eventually got resolved as the hunters as a group managed to subdue the vampire and drained his blood.

"Police!" A cop shouted and approached with his gun drawn. As 2 cops surrounded a hunter, one of the cops kept his gun and as he grabbed his cuffs, the hunter slapped away the ucuffs of the other cop and elbow the cop. With a chop to his neck, hunter knocked the cop out and grabbed the other cop to choke him silently. The other cops were also grabbed and subdued easily.

A motorcycle cop's breeches were pulled down and the lady rubbed his dick, then bit into his neck. The vampire hunters easily walked out and took out the remaining cops outside, kidnapping 2 cops while draining the others. An old motorcycle cop arrived and a lady walked up to him and hugged him. "Please step..." The cop commanded but he was kissed and overpowered. The lady pulled down his pants and jerked him off vigorously and fucked the cop.

Lucy arrived with 2 cops and the cops were grabbed and choked while the vampire hunters grappled with Lucy. "Hey, stop it..." Lucy said and the guy attacking her was dazed and she could defend against the other hunter. "Look, you are a vampire now, and I am not here to hunt you if you promise to be on my side."

"Fucking blood sucker..." A hunter remarked.

"Hey, I am trying to get the vampire from my vision out," Lucy said. "You don't have to kill vampires or cops, we can live in harmony... But some humans have one of us, and doing tests on him. I don't want to be tested on, and nothing good will come out from this. So, just help me save the vampire... one of us... okay?"
"This vampire power thing is pretty good..." Zareth said as he drank from the armored guard from the truck. He ripped the door opened and entered, grabbing the shotgun from another guard, he shoved the shotgun into the guard's chest, breaking his ribs and quickly grabbing him and drinking from his neck. Zareth healed his wounds and picked up the sacks of cash and heard police sirens approaching.

"Guns are not so scary after you have taken a shotgun shell point blank..." Zareth said as he covered the mouth of a fat cop and punched the back of his head.

"Hey Jimmy..." The other cop shouted and could not see his partner and Zareth punched his lower back and grabbed his head under the armpits and choked.

"Oooh... A motor cop" Zareth said and dragged him into the police car and waited in ambush as motorcycle cops arrived and he grabbed the round cop with a thick mustache. "Smells sooo good."

"Release the officer!" Another cop shouted as they saw Zareth choking the round cop, then Zareth shoved the round cop at him and pounced on the cops and started punching their faces. Zareth was shot in the chest and saw another motorcycle cop still shooting him and he rushed over and grabbed the cop's gun and broke his arm. The cop screamed in pain and was tackled to the ground and Zareth removed his belt and pulled down his breeches.

"What are you doing!" The cop shouted and Zareth turned him around and rammed his dick into the cop's ass. The cop screamed in pain and his boots kicked helplessly as Zareth choed his dick deep within his ass, so deep in and penetrated placed that were never touched. Zareth sniffed at the cop's collar and continued to fuck him hard and tiled his head back and bit into his throat.

"That was good..." Zareth said and saw 2 more police cars approaching and he dragged the motorcycle cops into the police car again.

2 old cops exited the car and went to the trunk to put on armor as they saw the police cars but all the cops missing. Zareth punched their backs and choked them silently. "I'm sure Zoe would love these..."

A police sergeant saw the pudgy cop beside him getting grabbed and choked. "Hey sarge, I've not killed any cops yet, don't make me start..."

The sergeant was shocked and Zareth approached him and rammed a few punches into the pudgy cop and the sergeant and they were easily overpowered and their pants were pulled down and Zareth jerked them off before drinking from them.


Zoe went to meet Zareth and Zareth came in a police car with 4 limp old cops in the trunk, "Surprise! I brought some breakfast and a million bucks..."

Zoe looked at Zareth and shook her head. "I don't think this is a good idea..." Zoe said and drank from the cops. "I'm sure it will haunt us somehow...."

Zareth hid the cops in an alley and saw many police cars zoom by. "I think we should just focus on the mission, go save the vampire, and you don't need to drink everyday..." Zoe said and as they were walking through the alley, they saw flashlights approaching.

"This is fate, we drink when they deliver themselves to us." Zareth said.

An old cop with thick glasses bumped into a pair of boobs and Zoe hugged him and kissed him. The other tall cop's head was tilted up and Zareth bit into his throat. Zareth drained a mouthful of blood and the cop went limp and saw Zoe fucked the old cop and watched her drink from the cop. Zareth peeped outside and saw 2 more motorcycle cops and approached them.

Zareth grabbed the throats of the cops, lifted them off the ground and ran into the alley. "I see, more an more cops coming..."

Zoe drank from her cop and exited and they saw 2 more cop cars arriving and they circled behind the cars and choked the cops easily as they got out of the car. "This vampire thing makes it so easy..." Zareth said as he choked the cops and slammed their heads together. The cops were tossed into the trunk of the car and they had the vision of the vampire again, and this time, there was a "Genetech" brand on one of the scientist's pen.

"Got a name."
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"Genetech" Lucy said after she had the vision and went to look for the hunters again. The hunters were provided a safehouse but decided to leave and they had taken out 20 policemen in a park.

"Come on guys..." Lucy said as she found the hunters drinking for several plump cops they kidnapped. "I don't know why, but I need your help with the Genetech thing. Did you have the same vision as well?"

A man nodded and pointed behind her and 4 cops approached with their guns drawn. Lucy walked over to the cops and said. "Wait, I am settling this, give me 5 mins..."

A police sergeant looked dazed and Lucy saw the other ladies circling the cops and suddenly, all the cops were grabbed and their mouths covered.

"Hey!" Lucy said. "Stop this, I can deal with them..."

"We got this..." The ladies said and drained the blood from the cops.


When the vampires were well fed, Lucy showed the group some information she got for "Genetech - This is a research facility and it has many guards. They are also linked to many alarm systems. We can get to one in 30 mins, but the guards have automatic weapons."

The hunters smiled. "We can deal with humans, I am dying to know who the fuck is giving us these visions and what the fuck is he."

"I've a strong feeling he is a vampire as well," Lucy said. "I don't know him but I kinda want to save him for no reason."


Lucy walked to the security and managed to get the security to escort the hunters to the camera room and the other guards to relay their message. Lucy walked to the security room and saw the hunters drinking from the necks of the guards. "What the fuck guys... We are supposed to find the vampire in the vision..."

Lucy looked around and grabbed a techie and stared into his eyes. "Are there any one that is being tested on in the facility or any other facilities?" The techie was dazed. "Any vampire? Someone you keep in a vat?" Lucy gave up and drank from his neck and searched for more scientists and others in charge.

After asking 10 other people, Lucy returned to the guard room and saw the lady fucking 2 old cops with 2 other limp cops. "What the fuck?" Lucy asked.

She looked at the camera and there were 4 more cops outside and she shook her head and told the vampires to follow her and leave as she grabbed a manager and walked out. The hunters reached the policemen and took them hostage. They were all brought to the motel where the hunters fucked and drained the cops as Lucy interrogated the manager and got a list of labs with human testing. "10 more labs..." Lucy said. "But we need to lay low and not attract police attention.
A group of cops were dragged into a motel room and the vampires fucked them one by one. The old motorcycle cop was their favorite and he was fucked multiple time and Zoe felt high after drinking his blood. The cops were simply tossed off the bed while the couple grabbed another one and fucked.

The sergeant was fucked and he laid on the side with his pants down and saw the motorcycle cop twitching and gasping after a getting fucked for 30 mins. A plump old cop was getting jerked off and Zareth went behind him and thrust hard repeatedly as the cop screamed in pain. The cops were then left alone as the couple grabbed the remaining one with white hair and Zareth choked the cop with his dick. Zareth shoved it into the cop's throat and the cop pawed helplessly as he could not breathe.

Sirens could be heard and the couple closed the curtains and the cops inside were in total darkness.


"These killers are very dangerous, there are a few officers hostage, we need to be careful..." A captain said as the cops gathered. Then he saw Zareth chopping the necks of the cops and they collapsed one by one and Zoe hugged him and kissed him. The captain was overpowered and forced to the side of a police truck and Zoe pulled down his pants and rubbed his dick then thrust hard on it.

A plump motorcycle cop was overpowered by Zareth and his breeches pulled down Zareth was a ft taller than the cop and impaled the cop with his dick and the cop screamed in pain as Zareth's big cock entered his tight butt. It was a tight fit and Zareth thrusted it deeper and saw 2 old cops running away and chased after them with the motorcycle cop stuck on his dick. Zareth gained on the old cops and grabbed their necks and lifted them off the ground. The plump motorcycle cop screamed in pain and Zareth smashed the old cops' heads together and concentrated in fucking him. "So soft and piggy smells so good..."


The captain was released after he ejaculated and Zoe bit into his throat. He was dazed and saw a pile of limp cops and he was in too much pain to move. "Genetech" Zoe said and saw Zareth done with the motorcycle cops and they got in a police car and drove off. Zoe found a few locations and they drove over and saw a few over run road blocks. "Someone else is here..."

When they arrived, they saw cops surrounding Genetech and a few vampires taking out the cops and driving away. "Wow, more vampires..."

Before they could call out to the vampires, the vampires left and Zoe entered and saw the massacre. Everyone was dead and drained but the lab does not look like the one in the vision. "I guess to the next Genetech building..." Zoe said and took the keys from a dead scientist and stole his car.
Lucy looked for the hunters the next day and they were gone again. Following several police reports, Lucy picked up their trail and they were taking out various gangs. Lucy contact her police contacts and managed to track down the hunters and they just massacred a road block and the cops chased them to a park, and a dozen cops went missing. Lucy entered the park and spotted a pile of limp cops and the hunters feeding on several other cops.

"What the hell you guys, I thought I said lay low!" Lucy said as she looked at the hunters fucking a sergeant before drinking from him. "What is with killing cops and gang members?"

"We had some contacts that needed us to end the vice in the area, we took out prostitution, drug dens and gambling dens, and saved some girls..." A lady said. "Then the cops came to shoot us up and hunted us."

"I'll go deal with the cops, there is another lab nearby..." Lucy said.

Lucy went and met with the new approaching cops and hypnotized them and got them to go away. The hunters were done feeding and went to the lab.


The alarm sounded again and the cops surrounded the lab and Lucy could not do anything as now the Feds are involved.

Lucy called one of the hunters and they were in the lab, released a few captured creatures and one of them got free, massacring every human in her path. "No Dracula?"


Lucy arrived with the police and managed to get the hunter a few minutes more to escape as she delayed the cops. "1 more lab down..."
"This pass works..." Zoe said as they entered the Genetech building and Zoe met a guard and stared into his eyes. "Bring us to the security room."

Zoe and Zareth grabbed the old guards and fed. Then continued to search the lab areas and Zoe carefully got the scientists to obey her and unlock all the people in captivity. Zoe searched the prisoners and many of them were just people tested by the lab. "None of them are Dracula..." Zoe said and quickly exited the lab as the alarm sounded.

Zareth went into a security area and picked up a few canisters of smoke grenades and as the alarm sounded, he quickly left as well.


Zoe got a list of labs and started crossing them out. "2 down, 8 to go."
Over the next few days, Lucy traveled with the hunters into the other states to look for more labs. The hunters managed to mellow out and kill less, and the group laid low before their attack on the labs. A few of the labs were just offices, and some were small academic labs in universities. After a few days of travel, the hunters found a big lab and proceeded to enter and rescue everyone inside. As Lucy tried to use the security guards to unlock the doors, the hunters were already killing their way and unlocking everything and the alarm sounded.

There were armored guards shooting at the hunters, but the hunters worked well and they rushed towards the guards, some getting shot but when they reached the guards, they overpowered the guards and murdered them. The hunters then fed on the guards and hunted the scientists and other humans in the building.

"Fuck, the police are here!" Lucy said and the hunters have unlocked everyone and tried to let everyone that looked humanoid out.


A few armored cops rushed into the building and Lucy stared into the eyes of a sergeant and said, "2 men are causing trouble... over there..." Lucy pointed at the corridor and the cops ran over. As the last cop passed through the corridor, the hunters were already waiting in ambush.

A hand covered the mouth of an old cop with thick mustache. A plump cop with shirt white hair was grabbed and kissed and the other 2 fat cops were choked by 2 large men. The hunters drained their blood and hid the bodies and waited as another group of cops were grabbed and ambushed. The hunters saw Lucy talking to the remaining cops outside and quickly moved out to grab them. "That's all of them?" A hunter asked.

"What the hell?" Lucy said. "I have this under control!"

"Let's just feed and get out of here," A hunter said. "We released everyone!"

'I thought we are here for that one guy..." Lucy asked.

"Well, no one should be imprisoned." The hunter said.
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Zoe and Zareth reached a second lab and there were police cars outside and what seemed like chaos. Zareth approached and saw a cop shooting at other cops and when a policeman shot him, the policeman started shooting others. Then a state trooper shot the policeman and now he started shooting others.

"Fuck this!" Zareth shouted as the trooper shot his leg and with another shot to his chest Zareth collapsed and the trooper continued to gun down the remaining humans. As the trooper walked by Zareth, Zareth opened his eyes and leaped on the trooper and bit into his throat and drained him.


Zoe was in the lab. It was a massacre. Various guards, policemen and humanoids were all killed. There was a large fight and probably some escaped. Zoe left and saw Zareth entering a police van and killing everyone inside. "Hey, let's go, we can reach another lab..." Zoe said and Zareth exited and looked at Zoe weirdly.

"Are you okay?" Zoe asked.

"I feel kinda stronger and more powerful," Zareth said. "But I also want to kill more..."

"Let's just go to the other lab and you can go kill after we save Dracula..." Zoe said. "First, get cleaned up..."


Zareth requested Zoe to stop. "I can feel something around the corner."

Zareth exited the car and jumped in the bushes and and moved towards a road block ahead. "Nice old cop..." Zareth said, grabbed an old cop out of a police car and bit into his throat. Zareth seemed to be able to see where the cops are behind cover and plan his mode of attack.

Zoe walked over and saw the cops at a road block. "How did he know this?" Zoe muttered and a saw a cop spotted her and waved at her with a flashlight. Zoe walked over and saw Zareth grabbing a cop and dragging him away. As Zoe approached, one by one, the cops went missing.

"What's up officer?" Zoe asked and bumped her breasts into a plump sergeant and the sergeant smiled.

"I need your ID, just a random check, even on pedestrains..." The sergeant said.

"Well, what is going on here?" Zoe asked and saw Zareth choking 2 cops behind the sergeant and she hugged the sergeant.

"Wow, you seemed to have gotten new powers!" Zoe said.
"Freeze!" A plump cop shouted and the cops approached a group of naked teenagers. "Now now... calm down, we will bring you back to the station... streaking is illegal..."

The 4 teenagers approached the cops and looked at them. "Ok, come along, move to the back of the van..." The cop muttered and a teenager kicked him in the knee and shattered his knee. The cop screamed and the teenager grabbed his head and kneed his face, crushing his skull. The young lady leaped on a fat cop, wrapped her ankles around his neck and snapped his neck easily.

"What the..." a round cop with a thick mustache shouted and reached for his tazer and the teenager grabbed his arm and dislocated his wrist. The cop screamed in pain and he was chopped in the neck. SNAP. The remaining bald cop turned and ran. One of the teenagers grabbed his belt and tossed him at the police van. The cop fell and the young girl stepped on his hand. "Please... nooo..." The cop begged and the teenage boy grabbed his gun and pointed at him.

"Maybe you can be useful," The teenage boy said and the cop nodded.


"What am I doing?" Lucy said as she saw the hunters move towards another roadblock. "These guys are just murderers..."

As Lucy walked over, the hunters were already feeding on the cops. "Do you really need so much blood?" Lucy said and rolled her eyes. "Please don't kill them..."

"Wait, I have an idea, take their uniforms and car, and let's go to the next lab." Lucy said.


The hunters in police uniform followed Lucy who has a badge on her belt and they went to the security of the Lab. "We have a warrant and need to search..." Lucy said and stared into the eyes of the guard. The security guard's eyes glazed over and Lucy got him to bring her to the security room where the hunters grabbed the guards and fed on them. The vampires moved around to search for the cell area where supernatural creatures are imprisoned. The hunters seemed to just want to release everything, and they were very fast at taking out everyone in their way.

There was a big underground complex and Lucy got a guard to unlock all the cells and the alarm sounded. "Shit, should not have unlocked everything at once..."


Lucy quickly made her way out and saw a group of cops arriving and stared into a sergeant's eyes. "Some terrorists broke into the lab, call for backup, some of our men are still inside."

Lucy followed the sergeant to the police car and the other cops went to the entrance of the lab to secure it. Lucy grabbed the sergeant and sucked a mouthful of blood until the sergeant went limp. She dragged him into the police car and drove off before the hunters exited the lab.


The hunters saw different groups of "monsters" exiting and some looked like murderous humans with masks, and they were easily stabbed and killed by the hunters. Then there were clowns of various sizes which the hunters ambushed and decapitated.

Some of the "monsters" were killing one another and the hunters joined the battle royale.

Eventually, armored cops entered the lab and searched. A pudgy cop saw the murdered security guards and got the other cops to secure the rooms as the ESU cleared other rooms. With the news of the murdered cops, the ESU made sure they were armed and ready and they met some of the "monsters" who looked bloody and did not take chances.

The ESU saw the creatures, hunters and other inhuman beings fighting and joined the battle and it was a massacre. Many officers were injured, but eventually, more backup arrived and everything was gunned down.

Some of the murderous creatures charged the ESU but the cops were armored and armed, and the larger beasts like big snakes, spiders and giants were all killed. Eventually, the ESU cleared the lab, but they found the rear exit breached. 4 officers at the rear were murdered and something escaped.
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"I can sense blood, and I can enjoy fear..." Zareth said. "I fucking crave for it now..."

Zareth choked out a cop and started fucking the other cop that flailed and screamed in pain. "This fucking cop and that one you are holding just makes me soooo hard."

When Zareth was done, he joined Zoe in fucking the sergeant. The sergeant struggled against his supernatural foes and Zoe managed to make him cum before Zareth fucked him from the back. Zareth fucked the sergeant so hard that Zoe can feel it in front and they hugged and squeezed the screaming sergeant and broke his ribs. Then they started draining from the sergeant and the blood was fresh and sweet.


"That was pretty good..." Zoe said and saw 2 motorcycle cops arriving. "Ok, more fun coming..."

The plump motorcycle cop saw the cops on the ground and reached for his gun but Zareth was already behind him. Zareth slapped away his gun and punched his lower back and the cop screamed in pain and his legs went limp. Zareth pulled him close and sniffed his collar and began to remove his belt and pull down his breeches.

The other cop was hugged by Zoe and Zoe forced him to a police car and also removed his belt. Zoe jerked the cop off and drank from him and saw Zareth fucking the cop rigourously as the cop screamed in pain. "My cock can go so much further and deeper now!" Zareth exclaimed. "This feels so good and I can sort of taste blood with my dick..." The motorcycle cop pawed helplessly with his leather gloves and his boots kicked as Zareth ploughed him and Zareth's dick went into areas he never thought possible and his dick can now also drain blood till the cop went limp.


"Is this what fucked up vampires do?" Zoe muttered. "Just randomly kill humans and make them fear us?"

"Humans taste so good..." Zareth said. "Just like people eating bacon because pigs taste sooo good."

Zoe and Zareth were still high from the blood they drank and Zareth directed Zoe down the road and they spotted a small police station.

"No, not more..." Zoe said.

"Why not?" Zareth asked and kissed Zoe. They made up for a bit and drank from each other. Then saw police cars zooming out from the police station and Zareth walked to the police station and Zoe entered through the front.

Zoe leaned over, showing her clevage to the desk sergeant. "Hi officer..." Zoe said suggestively. "I like to learn more about police work, can you show me around?"

The sergeant looked at her breasts and his eyes glazed over and escorted Zoe around the police station. They went to the back, unlocked the door and let Zareth in and walked to the recreation room and saw 2 old cops and the cops looked confused and the vampires rushed over and grabbed them.

Zoe sniffed the cop's collar and could smell a potent mix of sweat, polyester and fear... and kissed him and shoved him on the table and started accessing his pants. Zareth covered the mouth of the other cop and removed his belt. Tears rolled down the cop's eyes as he was overpowered and he saw Zoe fucking his partner and Zareth decided to take a sip of his blood and drained till the old cop went limp.

Zoe kissed the cop and started fucking him. She squeezed his balls and he felt helpless against his supernatural foe and could not push her away and he ejaculated and Zoe bit into his neck, then went over and grabbed the desk sergeant and fucked him as well.

Zareth could sense cops arriving and waited in ambush. 2 motorcycle cop in flourscent jackets were shocked to see Zoe fucking the desk sergeant and they entered the room and Zareth moved behind them and grabbed them in chokeholds. The cops flailed and kicked. They could not breathe and were easily choked unconscious.

Zareth felt alert, competent and alive. He could smell the cops and hear their heartbeats and moved from room to room and cleared everyone. A bald cop white white hair sticking out his ears saw the door open and Zareth moved with inhuman speeds and covered his mouth. Zareth sniffed his collar and licked his face and the cop trembled in fear as Zareth felt inhumanly strong and his head was tilted and Zareth drained some blood.

Zareth went to the main office and chopped the neck of a fat cop and grabbed a round cop with a thick white mustache. The cop was shocked and overpowered and his pants pulled down and Zareth inserted his dick and impaled the cop. The dick went in deep till the cop stopped struggling as it hurts when he exerts himself. Zareth walked around as he continued to pump the cop and his dick was able to drain blood while he carried to cop and walked around.

2 old cops at the cell area were confused as they saw Zareth with a cop hanging from his front and Zareth rushed over, grabbed their necks and lifted them off the ground.


Zoe found a motorcycle cop returning and walked over and hugged him. The cop was surprised and the grip got tighter and the cop could not breathe and flailed helplessly. Zoe released him and pulled down his breeches and sniffed his boots. "These boots... fuck, they make me so horny..." Zoe sat on his face and removed his boots and sniffed them and started giving the cop a blow job. "Such a nice and soft cop..." Zoe muttered and sucked on his dick and the cop flailed as Zoe rubbed her vaginal on his face and suffocated him.

Zoe allowed him to breathe a little as she got him erect and pleasured him like no one had done it before and before he ejaculated, Zoe bit his dick and drained the erection away, and the cop had the most amazing climax in his life.


"That's all 14 cops..." Zareth said and told Zoe to go to the police evidence room and storage and they picked up some silenced pistols and random drugs.

As they were leaving, they saw the police captain returning and waited for him to exit the car and Zareth grabbed his throat and pulled him close. "We will take this one to go..."
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Lucy waited down the road and saw many police cars zoomed by. An hour later, the hunters did not show up and Lucy listened to the radio and watched the news. There was a large crocodile which the army had to blow up, several masked men who started killing everyone were shot by the cops. There was no mention of the hunters or anything that escaped.

"I guess they did not want to continue to search for Dracula..." Lucy said and shrugged. After finding a safe place to sleep for the day, Lucy visited a police station and stared at the desk sergeant, "Can I speak to the chief?"

The police chief was confused when the sergeant called for him to meet Lucy. "What is this about?"

"We need to speak in private..." Lucy said.

Lucy went to the police captain's office and started making out with him. The captain was grabbed and Lucy forcefully pulled down his pants and started grinding him. The captain struggled Lucy was too strong for him and she made him cum repeatedly, then started to ask him about the hunters and the creatures from the lab.

The captain showed Lucy photos of the massacre and Lucy spotted the 2 male hunters in the massacre but the ladies seemed to have escaped. "Thanks..." Lucy said and kissed him again before drinking some blood.

As Lucy was leaving, she collapsed and had a vision of Dracula. The scientists were doing tests on him and Dracula was given some blood and was able to send out the visions.


Lucy had a better feel of the situation and where Dracula was located and decided to go there immediately.
Zoe fucked the captain and got a lot of useful information about Genetech, and there was a large lab in the next city. "Maybe this is it..." Zoe said let the captain go. Zareth also did not murder everyone and Zoe also found out that there were several other "terrorist groups" that were on the top 100 wanted list.

"I think there are more vampires, so and they are coming this way too!" Zoe said.


On the next night, Zareth again could feel a road block nearby and decided to go ahead as Zoe slowly drove over.

"Short leather cop..." Zareth muttered and covered the rear motorcycle cop's mouth with a chloroform rag. The cop was lifted off the ground and he kicked silently and went limp. "Wow, still on stealth mode..."

A cop with grey hair was grabbed and dragged out of the police car and Zareth covered his mouth with the rag and sat on him. The cop did not struggle much and went limp. "Nice, this is good..."

Zoe drove over and a plump cop walked over and checked on her ID. Zoe smiled as Zareth covered the mouths of 2 cops and choked them silently. "That's pretty good..." Zoe said and the plump cop was confused and as he looked around, all the cops were missing and Zoe exited the car and hugged the plump cop. "Let's have some fun..."

Zoe kissed the plump cop and shoved him to the car and pulled down his pants. The cop trembled in fear and she gave him a blow job and blew off load and continued to force herself onto him and fucked him hard. Then Zareth and Zoe both took a sip of his blood.

"That was pretty good and silent..." Zoe said and Zareth nodded. "We can go under the radar if we cannot be detected."


The police presence was strong as they entered the city. There were a lot of police patrol cars everywhere and Zoe saw 4 police cars around the lab. "This is going to be messy..."
Lucy drove pass several road blocks that were over run. She saw a police station with 50 police cars parked outside and lots of armored cops. "I think other vampires are close..."

Lucy reached the lab and walked to the front door and entered. She stared at the guard and said, "I need to speak to the safety officer..." The guard nodded and escorted Lucy into the building. Lucy looked around, the guards were all armed and well-equipped. She went to an office and saw a man in a suit. "Hi, I'm Lucy, and I have information to share..." She stared into his eyes and said. "Some terrorists groups are coming, and I need to know what types of specimens / creatures or monsters that you are holding here..."


A group of biker chicks approached the police cars and the cops exited their cars. "Hold it!" A plump cop shouted. "Don't come any closer!"

All the cops drew their guns and a sergeant fired a warning shot as the ladies approached, then they rushed over. The cops managed to get a few shots off before the ladies reached them and it was over. The ladies grabbed the cops, bit into their throats and healed their wounds and approached the lab.

The security armed with MP5s were ready and shot at the ladies but the ladies were too fast and tough and the guards were taken out as well.


More police cars arrived. 2 motorcycle cops got off their bikes and 2 ladies in leather thighs hugged them and kissed them. The cops were shoved on the police cars and the ladies pulled down their breeches and humped their dicks. A police car arrived and 2 old cops were confused as they saw the ladies fucking the motorcycle cops and their drew their guns and pointed at the ladies.

2 beautiful ladies walked over to the old cops and grabbed the back of their heads and kissed them. "What the..." An old cop shouted and the lady disarmed him and started kissing him. The old cop struggled to push her away and she grabbed his crotch and squeezed. "Nice fuckable cops!"
Zoe and Zareth approached and saw other vampires make out with the cops and decided to go straight to the lab. Gunshots were heard and the vampires were already finishing off the guards. Zoe was surprised by the number of vampires and needless to say, the vampires are winning.

"Damn, this place is big..." Zoe muttered as she looked down the stairwell at Basement 2 and it extends down many levels. "Let's split up!"

Zoe met with other female vampires and they nodded at her as they continued their search for people within the lab. Zoe just wandered around and found a wing where the vampires released some prisoners who seemed to be just humans that were being tested on.

Zoe heard gunshots and the vampires massacred another group of guards. "Great to see so many vampires around..."


Zareth saw a group of vampires clearing a office portion of the lab and reached another boring server room and the technicians were already grabbed and drained. As Zareth returned to the stairwell, he saw armored cops approaching and the cops gunned down vampires and started chasing a remaining vampire running towards Zareth. Zareth climbed to the ceiling and waited.

The last cop was grabbed and his mouth was covered with a chloroformed rag and he was dragged around the corner and his gun was easily kicked away. Zareth then moved towards the next cop, chopped his neck and covered the mouth of a fat cop beside him. The cops cornered the vampire and shot the vampire. As the cops were reloading, Zareth grabbed the helmet of a cop and snapped his neck.

The 3 remaining cops shot the vampire till it stopped moving and did not realize that Zareth finished off everyone else. As the cops turned around, Zareth punched the throats of 2 cops and grabbed the remaining one and bit into his throat. "Throat is unarmored... and this is thirst quenching..."

"Officers down! Send backup!" An old cop shouted and saw 2 beautiful ladies approaching. He turned and saw all the armored cops on the floor and Zareth sucking from the neck of an armored cop. A lady walked up and disarmed his baton and the others grabbed the cop and pulled down his pants and proceeded to suck his dick.
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Lucy got a few engineers and guards to help her turn off the power and auxiliary power to the complex and the whole area started running on backup power. The alarm sounded and Lucy hung back and drained of some guards and decided to exit the lab. Lucy saw a trail of bodies and a lady snapping the neck of a man and tossing his body aside and walking out of the lab. "What the fuck is that?" Lucy said and waited for her to leave. She looked around and most of the bodies are from people working here, but it seemed like some vampires were killed too.

She fell some sort of relief like a big weight is lifted off her chest as she exited and she saw several police cars and trucks arriving and decided to move aside and observe. Several cops entered the lab and Lucy saw 2 ladies arriving and the ladies started grabbing the cops in the rear and draining them. The ladies were stealthy and more than a dozen cops were taken out without anyone noticing anything.

"What the hell are you doing..." An old cop asked a lady and the other lady covered his mouth and pulled him behind a police car and choked him. A bald motorcycle cop approached and the lady moved up and hugged him. "Piggy smells good..." She said and kissed him. The cop struggled and 2 other cops noticed and approached and pointed their guns at her. "DRop the officer!" They commanded and the lady started at the cops and her muscles seemed to be increasing in mass. She snapped the neck of the motorcycle cop and rushed at the other cops and they fired at her before she reached them but she simply chopped the neck of a cop and he collapsed and she grabbed the other one and bit into his neck.

"Officer down!" a plump cop shouted on the radio and ran over. More vampires exited the lab and Lucy recognized the man and quickly moved over to the police commander and started into his eyes.

"Hold it, calm down," Lucy said. "Let the officer go, calm down, we are not here to kill anyone, our friend here was wrongly imprisoned and some illegal shit is going on inside, the police can go investigate, there is also a monster on the loose..."

The cops paused and Lucy went up to Dracula and said, "They can be very useful, we can use them, we should not kill them..."

Dracula looked at Lucy and smiled. "You seemed smart and nice, sure, let me learn more about this, don't kill these men..."

The cops were released and they stood away from the vampires and let them pass.

"Okay, some lady killed officers and a lot of guards," Lucy said. "She left and I think she is the danger here..."
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