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From Lady to Maid [ Kaen Lazuli & Sheena-Tiger ]

Full Name:Seong-Min Choi
Age (looks):~28
Height:6'1 / 185 cm
Hair (natural):black
Hair (momentarily):purple
Other Details:
  • received a part of Damura to rule over it
  • is among the richest rulers on Damura
  • the youngest daughter of the Choi Family

Full Name:Shanti Ni Aranna
Height:5'9/ 175 cm
Hair:light red
Other Details:
  • genetically heightened intelligence
  • former nobility of the Damura Star Dominion
  • spoken in 1st person during 1st week: 7 times
Ongoing Punishments:
  • speaking in 3rd-person for # days: 2
H.E.L.I.X. Settings:
  • winning against Seong-Min does not incur penalties
  • won bets against Seong-Min do not incur penalties
  • executing won bets against Seong-Min do not incur penalties

Full Name:Ruri
Other Details:
  • Slave for the Choi-Dynastie for a long time

Full Name:Tasia
Other Details:
  • Slave for the Choi-Dynastie for a long time

  • 1 bath each week (scheduled by AI)
  • slaves sweat will scent like strawberries or some kind of Terran citrus
  • slaves may speak in 1st person when not outside the estate
  • new slaves will have to use 3rd person for their 1st week
  • 3rd-person-speech is a form of punishment
  • calling Seong-Min "Master" is forbidden and earns many Punishment-Points
Titles for Seong-Min (not exhaustive)
  • Lady
  • Lady Seong-Min
  • Lady Choi
  • Lady of the house
  • Mistress
  • Mistress Choi
  • Mistress of the house
  • Breakfast and Dinner in a specified room at a specified time (scheduled by AI)
  • a handful variations of specially spiced slave-goop is available in a limited number (never enough for all)
  • basic bland slave-goop is available
  • special horrible tasting slave-goop might be handed for punishment (fully eating it is mandatory)
  • slaves on special duties receive bottles they fill with their choice of slave-goop as to-go
Noteworthy assets:
  • private glider for 4 people, has an autopilot but can be steered by a person
  • the whole estate has an AI helping with day-to-day-planning
Seong-Min was literally stunned and her face was getting pale. A spanking! This girl was out of her mind! But then, wasn't this exactly what she had wanted from this new purchase? A slave that was fresh and not stuck in decades of servitude. The chances had been slim that a slave was still keeping a good amount of themselves after slave training. On the other hand, how Shanti had phrased the sentence... "The loser would get a light spanking by the winner." and the last times it had always been Seong-Min who had won the games. Could it be that the redhead had hoped she would lose once more against her owner and receive a spanking straight from her? It was likely she had picked up on those kind of punishments. They were seldom with Seong-Min, she did not like corporal punishment, inducing pain, and it was delivered either by some extension from HELIX or another slave, sometimes even a low ranking free.

The noble was clearly not very comfortable but the color came back into her face while lights on Shanti's collar were indicating something happened. The watchful noble with the long purple hair did pick up on those and got into the settings of HELIX, not even attempting to hide what she was doing. Clearly it was Shanti's settings she was adjusting. "How to set these things..." she mumbled to herself while typing away. Winning against a free person could already be penalized quite heavy and Shanti was already exempted from it in Seong-Min's case. Now her owner was adding explicitly that Shanti would not be penalized for not only winning a bet but also going through with it. This was a huge thing since one could interpret it as a general thing, regardless of the actual bet, not just a light spanking. In addition 2 fresh penalties were removed, clearly dating back mere minutes and while they only showed up for a as long as it took Seong-Min to delete them, the words 'hogtie' and 'sleep' stood out.

Having finished all the editing she had on her mind, Seong-Min closed the holographic interface and looked back up at her young slave. The color was all back, maybe even getting a bit darker. "Okay... this is quite unusual and totally preposterous. But... well... I would of course never have accepted such a bet but... I will not be known to back out of things I agreed to... even if it is your fault to not remind me in time." her brown eyes did rest on Shanti, knowing quite well she could, or should, have asked herself. But since she was the one in power here, she decided to turn it around and make Shanti the one who was the only one responsible. "That said... we will do this... this... light spanking." slowly she raised to her feet, pointing at the place she had sat herself, indicating for Shanti to sit down there. Once her slave had sat down there, she tried to lay down properly over her own slave's lap, with as much dignity as she could, and a rather red face. Not used to administering spankings, or even receiving any, she did not do anything with her clothes, though maybe the gods were with Shanti as the gown had nicely large slits on each side.​
It was very hard to suppress a triumphant grin as she watched Seong-Min's reaction. She had suggested this condition before the game, in a moment the Lady was quite distracted. It had been a somewhat risky gamble, but clearly she had read this woman correctly. She had a path forwards after all, despite her station.

She singled in on the word "hogtie", as the Lady tried adjusting the control-AI so it would not call security as a noble was "assaulted" by a slave. How amusing, why not use that for a later bet?

The Lady grumbled a lot, but Shanti could hear the undertone of excitement.

Then the powerful aristocrat of a grand conquering star nation bent down on a slave's lap, ready to be spanked!


Keeping her facial expression under strict control, Shanti proceeded to flip up the esteemed Lady's side-slitted gown to reveal the lacy purple panties underneath. Quite a nice behind, she mused.

"S-Shanti will stop at once if the Mistress orders her... Three... Two... One..." she feigened a shy tone as she counted down.

Then her palm struck the noblewoman's shapely ass. Not hard of couse, she did not want to cause pain. But it still reverberated across her body as the delicate buttocks absorbed the impact. A shiver of joy spread throughout Shanti's body. She had spanked her Mistress! She had played this woman so completely that she was in this position now! She quickly clamped down on her joy, lest the HELIX-system would start flagging her mental state for review. But still, such a grand victory.

"Is... Is the Mistress okay...?" she asked in a soft, nervous voice, "Should... Should Shanti stop...?"

'Oh you love this, don't you? You perverted slut!' said Shanti's inner voice, body tingling with arousal. This she allowed to develop, as it would mask other emotions. But she kept her expression demure and hesitant: She was a good, obedient slave after all~
Full Name:Seong-Min Choi
Age (looks):~28
Height:6'1 / 185 cm
Hair (natural):black
Hair (momentarily):purple
Other Details:
  • received a part of Damura to rule over it
  • is among the richest rulers on Damura
  • the youngest daughter of the Choi Family

Full Name:Shanti Ni Aranna
Height:5'9/ 175 cm
Hair:light red
Other Details:
  • genetically heightened intelligence
  • former nobility of the Damura Star Dominion
  • spoken in 1st person during 1st week: 7 times
Ongoing Punishments:
  • speaking in 3rd-person for # days: 2
H.E.L.I.X. Settings:
  • winning against Seong-Min does not incur penalties
  • won bets against Seong-Min do not incur penalties
  • executing won bets against Seong-Min do not incur penalties

Full Name:Ruri
Other Details:
  • Slave for the Choi-Dynastie for a long time

Full Name:Tasia
Other Details:
  • Slave for the Choi-Dynastie for a long time

  • 1 bath each week (scheduled by AI)
  • slaves sweat will scent like strawberries or some kind of Terran citrus
  • slaves may speak in 1st person when not outside the estate
  • new slaves will have to use 3rd person for their 1st week
  • 3rd-person-speech is a form of punishment
  • calling Seong-Min "Master" is forbidden and earns many Punishment-Points
Titles for Seong-Min (not exhaustive)
  • Lady
  • Lady Seong-Min
  • Lady Choi
  • Lady of the house
  • Mistress
  • Mistress Choi
  • Mistress of the house
  • Breakfast and Dinner in a specified room at a specified time (scheduled by AI)
  • a handful variations of specially spiced slave-goop is available in a limited number (never enough for all)
  • basic bland slave-goop is available
  • special horrible tasting slave-goop might be handed for punishment (fully eating it is mandatory)
  • slaves on special duties receive bottles they fill with their choice of slave-goop as to-go
Noteworthy assets:
  • private glider for 4 people, has an autopilot but can be steered by a person
  • the whole estate has an AI helping with day-to-day-planning
There was a bit of a draft on the backside of the noble as her behind was revealed. She had feared something like this would happen, what proper spanking was delivered through clothes? At the very least, Shanti did not humiliate her further by dragging down her very expensive panties. Those were one of a kind and her favorite pair, this week. Seong-Min was sure, she would not have stopped her maid from doing something like that, despite the humiliation. It simply would have been part of the proper spanking. Even she herself, who did not like her slaves being administered pain was enforcing a strict "no clothes during a spanking" for the region of said spanking.

Since Seong-Min was facing the floor, thanks to the nature of required positions of a proper spanking, she was unable to witness the emotions on her slaves face. Not that Shanti was showing a lot of emotions she should not show anyway but without facing her there was no chance to witness a possible sign of what was truly going through her slaves head. Instead she was breathing deeply, preparing herself mentally for what was to happen. Only a light spanking was what the redhead had said so she would have no problems afterwards or even tomorrow. Seong-Min remembered quite well some of her families slaves who could not sit properly for at least 2 days, if they wanted to avoid the pain from their severely reddened behind. None of her own slaves ever had to endure that fate.

While the noble was in her own thoughts she missed the counting down and was caught by utter surprise, a yelp escaping her mouth as she twitched in response to the slap on her behind. All the while, unseen by both, a red light was flashing for a tiny moment on Shanti's collar, replaced by a green before the light was extinguished. Inside the HELIX mainframe, some calculations had been made and settings adjusted without informing anyone about it. The tiny outburst of joy was registered by the AI but had been connected to be part of the game of cards and the betting which had happened. Considering the changed settings, made by Seong-Min herself, the AI was allowing a wider array of emotions without suspecting any problematic behavior or thoughts.

Seong-Min on the other hand was shaken to the core, feeling the pain, minimalist as it might be, resonating through her body. She was not liking it at all, not one bit, and Shanti might be wrong for once in reading the signals. Her owner was not loving it despite a tiny dark spot was forming on her panties. There was no love for the pain but the whole situation was making her stomach flutter with unknown feelings, unknown but somehow good. The feeling had started, roughly, when she had bend over the lap of her slave, when her shapely behind was exposed to the air. "Stop? do not stop... this... this is a spanking not... a spank..." her voice was shaking a bit as she spoke, searching for words. "We will do this... properly... e..even if... I might cry... continue." Seong-Min gulped. Oh she hoped so much that she would not actually start to cry, in front of her slave, but why was this making her lower region feeling hot, this thought?

A gentle voice, coming from some unseen audio projector, followed directly after Seong-Min. By now, Shanti had no problem to identify the voice of the house AI HELIX. "Within house Choi, a proper spanking depends on the severity of the reason for the punishment. The most severe punishment on record had been 240 strong applications of a cane, a whip, a paddle and a hand in 1 sitting after the punished slave was unable to prevent an assassination from another house despite being present as it happened. Less severe punishments usually start at 10 applications and are raised by a count of 10 for whatever the reason of the punishment might be. If I may offer my artificial insights into this special situation, I would use the number of games played, regardless of winning or losing, as method of counting the number of applications. With 2 games, involving bets, played, I would thus come to 20 applications. Please remember, the Lady of the house is not used to pain so only light applications are advised." HELIX informed Shanti through what must have been a directed field as Seong-Min was seemingly unaware or managed to hide any reaction to the mentioning of a total of 20 slaps to her behind.​
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