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Inter-Dimensional Fighting Coliseum: Icicle vs Erinyes [Concluded] (Lord DreamCrusher x Ampere)

Lord DreamCrusher

Primal yet Intelligent, Savage yet Sophisticated
Feb 17, 2018
United States
Once more the robed tentacle monster stepped up to a podium overlooking the grand coliseum where thousands of denizens from hundreds of realms had gathered to watch lascivious combat. Although his clothing concealed his form the slimy tentacles that gripped the microphone were easily seen by anyone who actually cared to look at him. Phoh'uth spoke up with a voice that gurgled and bubbled like boiling soup, or the sounds of an active bog. "We have another match in store for you today! From a distant world comes a beautiful, naive girl focused upon her studies of ice magic. As inexperienced as they come in matters of deviancy, and ripe for the plundering, I present to you the aptly named Irena 'Icicle' Venetia!"

A flash erupted near the center of the arena and Irena found herself suddenly transported from whatever she had been doing to now instead stand within the great coliseum amidst so many cheering patrons. She was only given the most basic of introduction as to what was expected of her as Phoh'uth explained rather quickly and somewhat disinterestedly. "You've been chosen to fight in this great arena. Defeat your opponents in combat or be violated, captured, and otherwise defiled to their hearts content. Speaking of, let's meet your opponents!" A matching flash of light delivered three warrior women opposite Irena, each clad in dark metal armor atop long, flowing tabards that only barely concealed their groins and rears respectively. Each had black, feathery wings sprouting from their backs and carried swords and bows as well as coils of strange rope and a few other oddities upon their belts. The center woman had skin of pale ash, the one on the left a deep caramel brown tone, and the one on the right a deep blue yet all were equally beautiful as they were terrifying; possessed with expressions that fixed in a near-permanent scowl and, even when smiles did crack their lips, it was clear that they had anything but friendly intentions.

"Not one, not two, but three Erinyes! These warrior women are always ready to hunt down and capture new prey through blade and bow. Don't let their beauty fool you, these ladies are packing heat between those legs and are eager to get acquainted with their new friend. Can Irena defeat these fiends? I think I speak for us all when I say 'I sure hope not!'." With the introductions given there was little desire to delay and the three erinyes drew their weapons and took wing, flying low but ready for the signal to arrive that would give them permission to begin the battle. The rapid movement of their respective takeoffs did cause the cloth between their legs to flap hard enough to reveal to the crowd that the announcement had been correct; each of them possessing not a pussy between their legs but meaty cocks and hefty balls.

Irena had been meditating when the mystic sigils began to appear. It took a moment for their significance to dawn on the heroine and, of course, by then it was far too late. She felt a moment of disorientation and abruptly the frost mage found herself standing in a vast and alien arena. Blinking against the harsh light, Irena fought to control her emotions. But, despite her training, the air around the slight woman began swirl with errant strands of mist as the ambient temperature dropped precipitously.

She had barely begun to take in her surroundings when a group of winged women appeared in their own bursts of light. Briefly, Irena wonder if these strange creatures might be potential allies but then the announcer's words finally broke through the heroine's naïve hopes.

"Wait!" she called out, her voice almost immediate lost in the vastness of the arena, "Violated and defiled? I rather think not!"

Irena swallowed hard, abruptly very aware of the women's uniqueness. A soft blush spread slowly up into the heroine's cheek, but almost as quickly faded when the temperature around the slender woman dropped even lower.

Her eyes swiftly flicked between the three women, hoping she might be able to judge which was the greater threat. Irena took a calming breath, which didn't help to distinguish between her opponents. The ice mage decided to defer her judgement until she saw them in action.
While none of the three devils appeared any more or less capable than the others that didn't mean they all acted in the same way. Wings flapping to hold them aloft in the air, a loud gong rang out through the area to signal the start of the match and the three erinyes sprang into action. The caramel and ashen skinned erinyes loosed volleys of arrows, each rapidly drawing and firing three arrows split between the upper and lower portions of her body; hoping to slice up and shred her clothing before Irena could hardly react.

Meanwhile the blue-skinned fiend soared in to fight up close. Staying at a distance was perhaps the safer option to begin with but she was to eager and excited for the chance at this youthful beauty to hold back; her sword slicing through the air as she too attempted to carve up Icicle's clothing. Her first swing, however, grew charged with dark, shadowy energy and threatened to deliver that darkness into Irena's very body and soul should the heroine not manage to avoid the blow.

Ashen and Caramel remain at Far distance

Blue moves to Near

Normal attack vs lower outfit - 55

Normal attack vs upper outfit - 43

Normal attack vs lower outfit - 22

Normal attack vs upper outfit - 60 (Curse Attack due to rolling 45)
Curse Strength roll - 1

Normal attack vs lower outfit - 28

Normal attack vs upper outfit - 50

Moves from Far to Near with 1 action

Normal attack vs upper outfit - 59 (Curse Attack due to rolling 44)
Curse Strength roll - 46

Normal attack vs lower outfit - 36
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Defence vs. Ashen's Attacks:

Attack 1 - Evasion failed (15) Barrier blocks (78)
Attack 2 - Evasion failed (36) Barrier shatters (8)
Attack 3 - Evasion succeeds (63)

Defence vs. Caramel's Attacks:

Attack 1 - Evasion succeeds (70)
Attack 2 - Evasion failed (18) Barrier blocks (69)
Attack 3 - Evasion succeeds (93)

Defence vs. Blue's Attacks:

Attack 1 - Evasion succeeds (59) by the skin of her teeth
Attack 2 - Evasion failed (-1) Barrier blocks (95)

Total 207 Mana used (43 left in hair) 1000 in body

As the gong rang out, Icicle began to move and not a second too late. Arrows filled the young mage's vision, almost blotting out her view of the arena. Almost reflexively, Irena flung a series of icy barriers into place, parrying the attacks she couldn't simply avoid. Her long hair pulsed with mystical energy, the stored mana quickly burning away under the relentless attacks. She overcompensated, using far too little mana to defend herself against the caramel-skinned creature's attacks and was only saved when the resulting barrier shattered rather than let the arrows through.

Then, much to the sorceress' horror, the blue-skinned women swooped towards her, brandishing an oversized sword that crackled with dark energies. Irena sprang back, almost losing her footing as the blade came within millimetres of hitting home. Unable to regain her balance in time, Irena had no choice but to use up a little more mana and block the creature's follow up attack with a ice wall.

Already breathing hard, Irena was forced to concede that she wasn't going to win a war of attrition. In a moment of respite from the creature's attack, the ice mage gestured toward the blue-skinned creature and sent twin bolts of pure cold towards her.

Icicle's Attacks vs. Blue:

Minor Ice Spell 1: Attack 4
Minor Ice Spell 2: Attack 80 (double damage: 4pts)

Total 20 Mana used (23 left in hair)
Blue Evasion 1 - 11
Blue cannot successfully evade attack 2 and suffers 4 damage to main body
Armor Negation - 5 (Blue suffers no damage)

The first bolt of ice went well wide of the blue erinyes in the chaos of the close combat but the second struck true in-between the devil's motions; well timed in a manner that prevented her from ever possibly being able to avoid it. However, as the small shard of ice impacted the armor upon her torso, the bolt shattered and fell away to reveal that there was no scratch nor scrape of harm done to the sturdy metal. "That's cute girl but if that's the best you got then you might as well spread your legs now~"

As the blue-skinned fiend laughed in the face of Irena's attack the other two flew out wide to get clear angles to continue shooting. Still maintaining their impressive speed mid-flight, another hail of arrows flew Irena's direction. Though this time she was getting shot at from both sides. Despite these incoming arrows the blue-skinned woman didn't so much as flinch, instead standing calmly as she waited for the air to clear so that she could have a chance at some fun. Yet, instead of immediately attacking when she had her chance, the erinyes instead smiled wickedly as her eyes flashed with a hazy pink glow and her tongue spoke words that seemed damningly appealing. "In fact, why don't you remove a piece of your clothing now so we don't have to ruin it?"

While her magical words tried to convince Irena to give in but for a moment, the fiend proceeded to sheathe her blade and instead reach out to try and grasp a fistful of the ice mage's beautiful, long hair while reaching her other hand towards Irena's chest in an effort to grope and squeeze one of her breasts through the woman's clothing.

Ashen and Caramel remain at Far

Blue remains at Near

Normal attack vs lower outfit - 63

Normal attack vs upper outfit - 47

Normal attack vs lower outfit - 54

Normal attack vs upper outfit - 63

Normal attack vs lower outfit - 55

Normal attack vs upper outfit - 20

Uses Hypnotic Suggestion to try and get Irena to remove 1 article of clothing
Curse roll - 37 (Irena gets to roll Resistance with a +2 against this)

Grapple targeting hair - 22

Lewd Breast - 22

Evasion vs. Ashen's 3 Attacks:

Attack 1 (63) Evasion failed (17) Lower Clothing
Attack 2 (47) Evasion succeeded (78)
Attack 3 (54) Evasion failed (17) Lower Clothing

Evasion vs. Caramel's 3 Attacks:

Attack 1 (63) Evasion succeeded (90)
Attack 2 (55) Evasion succeeded (66)
Attack 3 (20) Evasion failed (13) Upper Clothing

Resistance vs. Blue's Suggestion:

Suggestion (37) Resistance failed (30)

Evasion vs. Blue's Grapple:

Grapple (22) Evasion succeeded (42)

Evasion vs. Blue's Grope:

Lewd Attack (22) Evasion failed (-2) +20 Pleasure Points (no effects)

Mana (+20): 43 in hair, 1000 body

Irena tried to ignore the creature's taunts, but she had to admit they had a point. She needed to hit harder and that meant focussing on dodging rather than using up all of her mana blocking. Unfortunately for the young mage, she just wasn't fast enough to avoid all the incoming fire. Two volleys of arrows ripped at the lower half of her robes, while a single shot slashed through the bustier. The sorceress gritted her teeth, ignoring the doubts swirling through her mind.

She was readying her own attacks when the blue-skinned woman slipped uncomfortably close and whispered hypnotically. All the heroine's training proved inadequate and, much to her chagrin, Irena found herself obediently undoing the straps of her tattered bustier and exposing her surprisingly daring embroidered silk brassiere. Somehow she had enough presence of mind to still avoid one grasping hand that reached for her hair, but that distraction gave the creature an opening to grab hold of and maul her right breast through the flimsy material of her bra.
Left standing in her underwear now, and unable to fight back after having spent her time removing her bustier, Irena was a far more appealing view to both the three erinyes and to the crowd. A wave of roaring cheers erupted as beings of all varieties gazed upon her smooth flesh and embroidered undergarments and this emboldened the devils on the outskirts to stop relying upon their archery. To be certain Irena was not down and out, her underwear was still protecting her modesty somewhat and she had a strong well of mana remaining, but momentum was against her as she had failed to inflict even the slightest harm upon her opponents thus far.

"That's a good pet~" The blue-skinned erinyes replied in a sultry tone laced with authority, though the light in her eyes had faded and there was no more risk of mental command for the time being. The two devils on the outskirts fly in and decided to put away their bows and instead draw the lengths of rope that hung upon their belts, except this 'rope' was woven not of plant fiber but rather locks of their own dark hair.

The ashen-skinned devil slipped behind Irena and attempted to grab hold of the woman's hair in the same manner that the blue one had tried previously. Meanwhile she also attempted to press herself close to the young woman's back, shifting the cloth flap over her own groin to one side as she thrust her hips forward to try and rub her growing erection against Irena's pussy through the fabric of her underwear. While she was doing this the brown-skinned fiend landed at Irena's right side, trying to get ahold of her arm while also leaning in to blow hot, exhaling breaths against her neck.

This left the blue one without much room to operate without getting in the way of her allies, however she didn't mind as she drew her blade once more and attempted to take careful aim at what little clothing remained upon the frost mage's form; hoping to slice enough straps and laces to pop the garments free from her bountiful form.

All Erinyes are now Near

Ashen (Ejaculation counter 2):
Moves from Far to Near as 1 action

Grapple Hair - 41

Lewd Pussy - 30

Caramel (Ejaculation counter 1):
Moves from Far to Near as 1 action

Grapple Right Arm - 20

Lewd Non-Erotic - 40

Draws longsword without needing an action.

Normal attack vs upper - 49

Normal attack vs lower - 25

Normal attack vs upper - 32

Evasion vs. Ashen's Attacks:

Hair Grapple (41) Evasion successful (42)
Lewd Attack Pussy (30) Evasion successful (43)

Evasion vs. Caramel's Attacks:

Right Arm Grapple (20) Evasion failed (12)
Lewd Attack Non-Erotic (40) Evasion failed (33) -5 Mana

Evasion vs. Blue's Attacks:

Attack 1 (49) Evasion successful (68)
Attack 2 (25) Evasion failed (11)
Attack 3 (32) Evasion successful (63)

Mana 38 Hair, 1000 Body

Having wasted her opportunity to attack by disrobing, Irena wasn't exactly surprised when the other two women moved in to join their blue sister. She was able to dance away from the ashen-skinned creature (noting that the creatures seemed obsessed with her flowing locks). But almost immediately, she recognised the danger in remaining too focussed on a single threat when the caramel-skinned woman managed to grab hold of her right wrist and blow hot breath down the side of her neck. The skin tingled with unexpected heat and Irena 's grip on her mana slipped momentarily.

Energy spilled from her hair, shrouding her head in a light blue aura. But the sensation seemed to snap her out of her reverie just in time to evade all but one of the blue-skinned attacker's blows. The blade slashed her bra, tearing the fabric without destroying the precious garment.

Irena tugged on her restrained arm briefly before giving up on the idea and instead firing a more impressive blast of frost at the grappling creature.

Icicle's Attacks vs. Caramel:

Major Ice Spell (81): -75 Mana 40 Damage (If it damages she is at -20 on grapple rolls for the next 3 turns)

Mana: Hair empty, Body 963
Caramel cannot evade while binding and cannot roll high enough on Grapple to interrupt that spell and thus takes 40 damage. Armor negation of 1d5 cannot prevent the destruction of that section and so Caramel's chest piece breaks. Excess damage does not transfer from armor to the body, however.

Struggling to maintain her hold upon Irena's arm as she was, the brown-skinned devil was not expecting such a powerful spell in response. She couldn't attempt to avoid the blast and feebly tried to grab the mage's other arm before she could get the spell off, but such was beyond her potential. The strong magical cold surged into the erinyes chest and the dark metal that covered her torso cracked and fell away as the intense chill ripped the metal apart. Unfortunately for Irena the armor still served its purpose in protecting her aggressor, leaving the devil still healthy despite the fact that her reasonably large breasts were now on display; nipples hardened from the brief exposure to the cold temperatures.

While the crowd favored debauchery over all else they still enjoyed violence and spectacle. To this end Irena's display drew another roar from the crowd though the three respective erinyes themselves were far less pleased. They had, perhaps, underestimated the girl's abilities and thus needed to take this a bit more seriously. Of course death to them meant little, they couldn't truly die outside of their home plane since they were fiendish creatures, but being sent there was always a frustrating experience that wasted much time.

The ashen devil tried to grab Irena's lose arm in order to prevent her from blasting again but still continued to try and rub her cock between the mage's thighs and against her pussy through her underwear, hoping that distraction might serve just as well. The brown devil was having a hard time holding on to Irena's right arm in the wake of that magical blast but her frustration turned to aggression as she attempted to bring her knee up into the woman's side in the hopes that the impact would not only hurt the girl but that the edges of her armored boots might catch and snag her underwear to maybe even tear them free.

This left the blue-skinned fiend to debate how she could best help. On the one hand letting one of her allies get blasted would make more room for her to swoop in but it would also increase the risk that they would all lose this fight and gain no new captive to torment. She sheathed her blade again and dove forward into the fray, one arm reaching for Irena's left arm much like the ashen one while her other arm tried again to secure that long hair. With little else to do in the meantime she couldn't resist taking the opportunity to bring her mouth in close, aiming to kiss and suck at Irena's neck with lips that teemed with malignant energy.

Grapple Left Arm - 32

Lewd Pussy - 5

Lewd Pussy - 32

Right Arm Grapple Maintain - 1

Normal vs lower - 24

Normal vs lower - 14

Normal vs lower - 20

Grapple Left Arm - 49

Grapple Hair - 13

Lewd Non-erotic - 50 (Becomes Curse Attack due to rolling 50)
Curse Strength - 44

Evasion vs. Ashen's Attacks:

Grapple Left Arm (32) Evasion successful (61)
Lewd attack pussy (5) Evasion successful (43)
Lewd attack pussy (32) Evasion successful (50)

Evasion vs. Caramel's Attacks:

Attack 1: Lower (24) Evasion successful (64)
Attack 2: Lower (14) Evasion successful (47)
Attack 3: Lower (20) Evasion successful (58)

Evasion vs. Blue's Attacks:

Grapple Left Arm 49 57
Grapple Hair 13 13
Curse 50 -3 Curse Strength 44 32

Irena was stunned that her frost bolt hadn't done more to the caramel-skinned creature. But at least she now understood how to break their armour.

The ashen women flailed for the mage's free arm, but it was relatively easy to avoid her clumsy grasp. Likewise, despite the caramel girl's grip, she was able to avoid both their attempts at further denuding her (at least that's what she assumed the ashen one was doing, pawing at her pants). At first the blue-skinned creature's attacks seemed as easy to dismiss as her sisters, but it was her evil-laced kiss that took the heroine completely by surprise. A shock ran through Irena's body as a powerful curse took hold.

She reacted in the only way she could think of, by sending another major frigid blast at the grappling woman in the hope of at least reducing the odds a little.

Major Spell Attack vs. Caramel (32) 40 damage -20 grapple for next 2 rounds
Mana: Hair empty, Body 900

Curse (granted by Blue Erinyes): Triggered (horny phrase: 'Cock Sleeve' submissive phrase: 'Little Pet'
Caramel releases Irena's right arm, regaining the ability to evade and gaining a +5 evasion against this attack

Evasion - 7
Wings Re-roll - 20

Caramel takes 40 damage to her main body. Caramel is dead.

The caramel skinned erinyes was only more frustrated at the complete failure of her knee attacks from accomplishing anything and had certainly been expecting another blast of cold to come her way. When it did she reacted in the only manner she could, releasing Irena's arm and trying to use her wings to fly up and twist out of the way. Unfortunately for the fiend it just wasn't enough and the blast of frost struck her exposed breasts directly; eliciting a scream as pain gave way to injury and, ultimately, death as the cold froze the devil to her core. The defeated erinyes simply began to dissolve away, dropping all the equipment she had carried upon her in the process before her body was simply gone; A sword, a bow and arrows, a rope of hair, a sinister-looking collar, and a strip of black cloth to be used as a blindfold remained.

To this end, despite having inflicted a bit of corruption into the girl, this gave the other two erinyes plenty of cause for concern about their chances at victory. Their expressions soured even furthered as anger took over, though not out of concern for their fallen comrade but rather doubt and worry that they'd get to taste the pleasures of Irena's body at all at this rate. The Ashen devil stopped trying to grab Irena's arm and instead shifted back to the girl's hair, wanting to pull on that hard, but she continued for a moment to try and rub her throbbing cock against Irena's pussy before changing targets and shifting to try and rub the underside of her shaft against the mage's ass instead; her cock momentarily shrouded in dark energies much like that damning kiss just moments before.

The blue fiend tried to wrestle control for both of Irena's arms at the same time but somehow saw the opening down south as well with the ashen erinyes moving to prod at the mage's ass instead. The blue-skinned devil bucked her hips to shift her cloth aside, exposing her own meaty blue cock, and tried to thrust it against her pussy from the front. "You are nothing. For all your struggles, for even your defeat of one of us, I'll make you into my Little Pet sooner or later!" The words were as sharp as her sword but they triggered what was now buried within Irena's core and pressed against her mind, threatening to make her more compliant. If that wasn't bad enough, the blue fiend's cock also swirled with dark energy.

Grapple Hair - 22

Lewd Pussy - 15

Lewd Ass - 46 (Becomes Curse Attack due to rolling 46)
Curse Strength - 17

Grapple Left Arm - 23

Grapple Right Arm - 20

Lewd Pussy - 45 (Becomes Curse Attack due to rolling 45)
Forced Activation requires Resistance against the Triggered Curse Strength (since blue has already given you a curse this combat)

Evasion vs. Ashen:

grapple hair (22) failed to evade (20) barrier succeeded (154)
lewd pussy (15) evasion successful (67)
lewd ass (46) evasion failed (15) barrier succeeded (128)

Evasion vs. Blue

grapple left arm (23) evasion successful (71)
grapple right arm (20) evasion successful (91)
lewd pussy (45) evasion successful (91)

resist curse activation: (49) successful vs. curse strength (44)

The mage winced as her opponent seemed to melt away. She knew that fiends didn't work the same way as mortals but still her intention had not been to take a life. The remaining opponents, however, had no intention of letting Irena wallow in regret. If anything, the lost of their comrade seemed only to spur them both on. Once again the ashen-skinned women almost caught hold of Irena's hair and this time only a well-timed barrier kept her at bay.

Having her body stroked so lasciviously was a new and entirely unwelcome experience for the mage. In fact, she was so disconcerted by the woman's first attempt at rubbing herself against the front panel of Irena's panties that she had to waste another burst of mana to stop the ashen creature's follow up attack on her rear. Meanwhile, the blue woman tried twice to entangle the sorceress' arms before exposing herself and lunging for the startled mage's privates as well.

Worse that those attacks, however, was the creature's assault on Irena's mind. The curse mark flared darkly at the woman's words, sending its power to assail the heroine's thoughts. Only by focussing on her training was she able to fight back, but it was a near thing and that send deeper shudders through Irena's body.

Now free from the creature's grapple, the ice mage pointed first at the ashen creature and then the blue, sending moderate blasts of swirling frost in the hope that these lesser spells might still be enough to break through the fiends' armour.

Moderate Spell Attack vs. Ashen (48) 10 damage

Moderate Spell Attack vs. Blue (13) 10 damage
Mana: Hair empty, Body 720

Curse (granted by Blue Erinyes): Triggered (horny phrase: 'Cock Sleeve' submissive phrase: 'Little Pet'
Ashen Evasion - 12
Wings Re-roll - 46

Ashen takes 10 damage to main body
Armor Negation - 5
Main Body plate suffers 5 damage and remains intact

Blue Evasion - 47

Despite all their failures it was clear that the erinyes were testing Irena, forcing her to create magical barriers to shove them away at opportune moments when they otherwise would find success. Burning through the mage's mana reserves was just as valuable as anything else so the results were not discouraging to the experienced warriors. Their failures to grab hold of any part of the woman were also somewhat a blessing as the devils could more easily maneuver to evade the incoming frost bolts; the blue devil nimbly slipping aside without difficulty. The ashen-skinned fiend was struck in the chest all the same but the resulting damage to her armor was not enough to break it.

The struggles continued quite similarly with Ashen still trying to bind Irena's long hair, though the poking and prodding of her shaft was entirely focused on the woman's ass now entirely. Meanwhile the blue-skinned erinyes switched strategies and grabbed her set of hair rope from her belt in one hand while trying to grab only one of the mage's arms this time. It was clear that she was hoping to tie Irena's arms together at the wrists if she could just manage to get the right angle; though she wasn't back down from trying to basically fuck the young woman's thighs as the same time.

Grapple Hair - 48

Lewd Ass 1 - 15

Lewd Ass 2 - 15

Equips Enchanted Rope for no action

Grapple Left Arm - 40

Lewd Pussy 1 - 9

Lewd Pussy 2 - 16


grapple hair (48) Evasion failed (25) barrier succeeded (126) (63 Mana)

lewd ass 1 (15) Evasion success (54)
lewd ass 2 (15) Evasion Success (58)


grapple left arm 40 Evasion success 58
lewd pussy 1 9 Evasion success 35
lewd pussy 2 16 Evasion success 24

Mana: hair (empty) body (677)

Irena could feel her mana reserves beginning to wane and that, in turn, made everything more difficult. Still, she fought on bravely, once again forced to use a barrier to keep from having her hair grabbed. Both opponents seemed to be focussing their attacks and in some ways that made it easier to counter. But why did they insist on rubbing themselves at her? The clumsy humping was easy enough for avoid, but it was so lascivious that it made Irena's flesh crawl.

The sorceress narrowed her eyes and breathed a soft prayer to whomever might be listening. Then, she hurled another pair of basic ice bolts one at each of the two remaining sisters.

Moderate Ice Spell vs. Ashen (29) 10 damage

Moderate Ice Spell vs. Blue (44) 10 damage

Mana: Hair empty, Body 627

Curse (granted by Blue Erinyes): Triggered (horny phrase: 'Cock Sleeve' submissive phrase: 'Little Pet'
Ashen Evasion - 46

Blue Evasion - 18
Wings re-roll - 26
Armor Negate - 1

Blue main body armor suffers 9 damage but remains intact.

This time it was the ashen devil that managed to avoid the bolt loosed against her while the blue-skinned fiend was struck squarely. In a way this was good, however, as the blue erinyes' armor held, if only just, and both devils were preventing Irena from having a clean attempt to outright kill one of them just yet. Gritting her teeth and remembering the curse she'd laid upon the mage, the blue fiend growled out. "You are nothing but a Cock Sleeve! You hear me!? Warm flesh to service dicks despite your cold magic!" And again the power buried in the woman's soul tried to make itself known by igniting her passions despite the terrible insinuations.

The ashen devil made no deviation from her previous actions aside from swapping out her rope for a dark collar, the repetition perhaps easy to expect but not necessarily easy to avoid. Flailing for Irena's hair wasn't having much luck but, once more, the fiend's pale cock surged with dark power as it was pushed towards the woman's ass and threatened to inflict another curse upon the poor mage.

The blue erinyes continued trying to grab one of Irena's arms but opted to switch sides, hoping that maybe the sudden shift would catch the woman off guard as she targeted the opposite limb. Furthermore, pulling back slightly from her rabid thrusting, she tried to lift her knee again much like the caramel-skinned fiend had attempted before her demise, but rather than trying to strike Irena the blue devil was more subtle as she tried to catch the fabric of the woman's underwear upon some part of her armor and pull downward. She wanted that pussy exposed completely rather than trying to rub through the clothing but she still wasn't stopping from trying to steal a little bit of pleasure in that manner anyway regardless of how effective her ploy turned out to be.

Puts rope back on her belt and instead grabs Obedience Collar (no action thanks to Quick Draw)

Grapple Hair - 20

Lewd Ass 1 - 46 (Becomes Curse Attack)
Curse Strength - 36

Lewd Ass 2 - 32

Grapple Right Arm - 30

Normal Lower Outfit - 25

Lewd Pussy - 28
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grapple hair (20) Evasion successful 48
lewd ass (46) Evasion failed 1 curse strength (36) resistance failed 15
lewd ass (32) Evasion failed 29 [ashen ejaculates and fails to evade] -25 Mana


grapple right arm (30) Evasion failed 3
normal attack lower (25) Evasion failed 2
lewd attack pussy (28) Evasion successful 39
resist curse activation (44) resistance failed (43) +1 Sensitivity Rolls 30 PP

Mana: hair (empty) body (622)

Irena was pleased to see at least one spell strike home, but any thoughts of celebration were immediately dowsed when the blue creature's honeyed words once again sought to active the curse and this time, no manner of resistance seemed to sufficient to stop it from working its evil will upon her.

Knowing what was coming, Irena was able to avoid the ashen creature's grab at her hair, although she was more than a little concerned about the ominous-looking collar the woman now held. Unfortunately that seemed to be the extent of the mage's luck. Perhaps foolishly, she had decided to forgo using her barrier for defence in order to have enough mana left to blast the pair. That, it turned out, was a huge mistake.

First the ashen creature rammed her member against Irena's rear, more dark magic surging into the sorceress' backside and making her whimper. The woman wasted no time assaulting the sorceress one more time and, in her shock, Irena completely failed to evade. And, more disgustingly, the creature's gyrations sent a load of sticky gloop spattering over the heroine's (fortunately) still covered backside.

Adding insult to injury, the blue creature finally snagged Irena's right wrist and this time held tight. The follow up attack on the mage's panties was as effective as it was unexpected, but at least she somehow managed to avoid the blue creature's final assault against her sex.

Major Ice Spell vs. Blue (31) damage 10

Mana: Hair empty, Body 547

Panties destroyed
Bra still covering

[Left side neck] Curse (granted by Blue Erinyes): Triggered (horny phrase: 'Cock Sleeve' submissive phrase: 'Little Pet' +1 all sensitivity rolls) 44
[Upper backside/tramp stamp] Curse (granted by Ashen Erinyes): Inferior 36

Right arm grappled by Blue Erinyes
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Blue lets go of Irena's arm to gain a +5 evasion

Blue Evasion - 22
Wings re-roll - 39

The ashen devil's pale cock twitched and spat thick ropes of hot cum onto Irena's cheeks, soaking into the soft skin and also clinging to her underwear to make a mess of that as well; all while the erinyes moaned in pleasure. The state of her panties was of little consequence though as the blue-skinned shemale hooked them with her boot and ripped them off completely to expose the ice mage's lower half for all the crowd to see. More shouts and cheers came at the nudity but any control that the blue devil had in her grapple was immediately surrendered in order to be able to dip out of the way as she let go but was able to avoid harm as a result. Nevertheless, with Irena bottomless and burning through her mana, there was still plenty of hope for the two erinyes that they could have their fun after all.

With the newfound exposure of Irena's nethers, the pale fiend still kept trying to grasp the woman's hair but stopped being so content to rub her shaft against her asscheeks and instead started going for the gold; or rather seeking Irena's tight rosebud with a cock that remained fully erect despite having just orgasmed moments before. The blue devil kept playing around with Irena's arms, swapping sides again and trying to grab her left arm after just letting go of the right, but she too was emboldened to try and position herself to thrust at the mage's pussy rather than the simple rubbing they had been trying for in the past. "So close now Little Pet. So close to being our fuckdoll, our pleasure slave for all eternity~"

Ashen (Ejaculation counter 0):
Grapple Hair - 28

Violate Ass 1 - 24

Violate Ass 2 - 47 (Becomes Curse Forced Activation attack for Inferiority)

Blue (Ejaculation counter 1):
Grapple Left Arm - 43

Violate Pussy 1 - 29

Violate Pussy 2 - 32

Triggered submissive phrase is activated


grapple hair (28) fails (-6) and barrier shatters
violate ass 1 (24) evasion fails 3 stage 1 -10 Mana PP 40
violate ass 2 (47) evasion fails 29 stage 2 PP 60


grapple left arm (43) evasion fails 29
violate pussy 1 (29) evasion succeeds 33
violate pussy 2 (32) evasion fails 11 fail chastity barrier (degrades) PP 110 -10 Mana

resist curse activation: 44 fails with 23: -1 to all escape rolls

Mana: hair (empty) body (557)

Things were spiralling out of the heroine's control and there seemed very little she could do about it. Once again, the ashen woman grabbed at her hair and only the flimsiest of barriers stopped her. The ice shield shattered, breaking the woman's hold before she could make use of the grapple. However, the woman wasn't done with the feisty sorceress. She pressed her over-sized member into Irena's backside and with a thrust began to impale the helpless heroine.

Pleasure and pain warred for dominance as the creature used Irina's hesitation to continue thrusting. The mage panted heavily, squirming in place but unable to escape the lewd attack. An instant later, the blue-skinned woman grabbed hold of her left arm, startling the heroine back into action. With a desperate shimmy, Irina was able to avoid the first thrust of the blue girl's penis but the second strike rammed home, only to be partially thwarted by the mage's chastity shield (which degraded in the process).

Once again the blue woman whispered words of mysticism that slipped effortless past her defences, making her moan even more loudly and desperately as strange thoughts of submission flooded her mind.

Only half-aiming, Irina hurled a bolt of ice toward the ashen creature, more to drive the evil thing away than in any real hope of breaking the creature's armour.

Moderate Ice Spell vs. Ashen (17) damage 10

Mana: Hair empty, Body 532

Panties destroyed
Bra still covering

[Left side neck] Curse (granted by Blue Erinyes): Triggered (horny phrase: 'Cock Sleeve' submissive phrase: 'Little Pet' +1 all sensitivity rolls, -1 all escape rolls) 44
[Upper backside/tramp stamp] Curse (granted by Ashen Erinyes): Inferior 36

Left arm grappled by Blue Erinyes
Ashen Grapple Interrupt - 12
Main Plate is destroyed but prevents penetration from being interrupted.

As wild as the spell was tossed, the sweet satisfaction that the ashen erinyes was taking from Irena's poor ass was plenty distracting. The devil tried to reach up and grab the mage's hand in order to direct the spell away but she couldn't quite manage it, instead taking the hit to her chest which froze and cracked the remainder of her chest piece to pieces. With a healthy pair of pale breasts popping free for all to witness, Irena had managed to give herself at least one ounce of hope despite her continued violation.

"You little bitch. Just shut up and fucking take it already!" The ashen-skinned erinyes practically spat with a tone so filled with hatred that it all but drowned out her own pleasure. She tried once more to grip Irena's hair, even knowing that it was likely futile, but slipped the collar in her other hand back on her belt before pulling the newly empty hand back and attempting to bring it forward in a harsh slap to the woman's right asscheek; all while continuing to thrust into Irena's bowels with abandon.

Holding a firm grip on Irena's left arm, the blue devil put her rope away and tried to see if she could snatch up the mage's right arm as well. If she could bind both limbs then there would be no more spells to worry about. This didn't stop her from continuing to push against the woman's pussy lips however, trying to split the labia wide and force her cock inside so she could begin stealing some pleasure too much like her pale companion.

Ashen (Ejaculation counter 0):
Put collar back on belt (no action)

Grapple Hair - 21

Lewd Ass - 20

Violate Ass - 37

Blue (Ejaculation counter 2):
Put rope back on belt (no action)

Maintain Left Arm Grapple - 35

Grapple Right Arm - 40

Violate Pussy 1 - 27

Violate Pussy 2 - 4


grapple hair failed to evade -13 barrier successful 48
lewd ass 20 successfully evaded 34
violate ass stage 3 +60 PP -80 Mana ejaculates -75 Mana


maintain grapple left arm 35

Grapple Right Arm - 40 evasion failed (23) but barrier blocked (90)

Violate Pussy 1 - 27 chastity barrier successful (62)

Violate Pussy 2 - 4 chastity barrier successful (23)

Mana: hair (empty) body (267)

For a short moment, Irena allowed herself to hope. Perhaps she could hit the ashen-skinned creature again now its armour was gone. But once again, she was forced to waste precious mana stopping the women from grappling her. The ashen went for her hair again, while the blue woman tried to secure her free arm. Weakening moment by moment, the mage barely avoided the ashen woman's slap at her exposed ass, but there was nothing could do to stop the continued assault on her virgin ass.

Then, unexpectedly, the woman came, filling the sorceress' ass with hot cum and draining away even more precious mana. The blue-skinned women kept fighting against the chastity barrier but that might just as well have been a million miles away.

She didn't know what to do and that was truly terrifying, pleasure and panic fought to consume her, while the curse marks burned hot into her bared flesh.


Mana: Hair empty, Body 267

Panties destroyed
Bra still covering

[Left side neck] Curse (granted by Blue Erinyes): Triggered (horny phrase: 'Cock Sleeve' submissive phrase: 'Little Pet' +1 all sensitivity rolls, -1 all escape rolls) 44
[Upper backside/tramp stamp] Curse (granted by Ashen Erinyes): Inferior 36

Right arm grappled by Blue Erinyes
Chastity Barrier saves deal 5 and 5 damage to Blue. Blue's chest armor breaks and her main body takes 5 damage, pushing her out of Irena's pussy.

The sudden blasts of power from Irena's chastity barrier caught the blue devil by surprise, shattering her armor and exposing her blue breasts and deep blue nipples while also forcing her backward and out of the mage's sweet pussy just shy of getting deep enough to break the hymen; assuming that was still intact. Still, the ashen-skinned shemale was still having a blast, quite literally, as her cock erupted for a second time to flood the woman's ass with her seed even if she showed no signs of slowing down with her thrusting.

All this to say that Irena was simply sputtering and out of gas, lacking the energy to really put up much of a fight as this point as simply left to be used and defiled as the eryines had previously claimed.

The blue devil didn't let the odd blast of magical energy deter them from trying again, blue stepping closer to try and shove her dick right back inside despite the risk, but ultimately the focus of them both right now was upon securing the victory by binding the limbs of their new slave to ensure there was absolutely no hope of her disobeying them or fighting back. The ashen devil reached for the collar again while the blue devil picked up her hair rope.

Draws Obedience Collar

Grapple Hair - 8

Draws Enchanted Rope

Maintain Left Arm Grapple - 44

Grapple Right Arm - 19


grapple hair failed to evade


maintain grapple left arm 44

Grapple Right Arm - no evasion possible

Mana: hair (empty) body (267)

Dazed and confused, Irena couldn't avoid the ashen creature's grasp this time. Strong hands wrapped around her hair, pulling it taut and leaving the heroine no wiggle-room at all. That left her easy prey for the blue-skinned woman, who almost casually snagged the heroine's free arm and began to drag it into the small of her back. The sorceress' muscles weren't nearly up to the fight and, panting with both exertion and unaccustomed need, she could do little to stop her assailant.


Mana: Hair empty, Body 267

Panties destroyed
Bra still covering

[Left side neck] Curse (granted by Blue Erinyes): Triggered (horny phrase: 'Cock Sleeve' submissive phrase: 'Little Pet' +1 all sensitivity rolls, -1 all escape rolls) 44
[Upper backside/tramp stamp] Curse (granted by Ashen Erinyes): Inferior 36

Right arm and left arm grappled by Blue Erinyes
Rapidly Irena's arms were tied up and bound behind her back in the thick, magical rope made of the erinyes hair. It was sturdy and firm yet somewhat soft at the same time, distracting from the fact that the magic seeped into her and began to erode at her willpower. The battle was over and the erinyes had won. Despite her best efforts, Irena had managed to defeat only one of the trio and now was left to suffer beneath the hands of her captors as the ashen-skinned devil slapped a dark collar around the woman's neck. With a snap of the blue devil's fingers a name tag appeared upon the collar "Little Pet".

For many minutes longer was she raped in the arena for all the spectators to enjoy. Load after load of hot cum poured into Irena's pussy and ass, completely destroying any remnants of her chastity barrier and leaving her well and truly helpless. She could do nothing, could scarcely even wiggle beneath her bonds, and eventually the gong rang out again and Phoh'uth's voice came through the coliseum speakers. "Very good! Very good! What a great battle that was. Irena 'Icicle' Venetia put up a good fight but, in the end, she'll be a... how did the erinyes themselves put it? Ah yes, a cock sleeve! To sate their lusts for all eternity!" Despite the flagging interest in the continued fucking of the frost mage the crowd couldn't help but cheer at the tentacle beast's words; he did know how to work the crowd after all. "It's time to clear the field so we can bring you our next battle this evening!"

A flash of light enveloped the two devils and Irena as they were teleported out of the coliseum mid-coitus and the two shemales brought their new fuckdoll to cave system nearby where they decided to camp out for the foreseeable future. These devils didn't have a home outside of the Nine Hells but that didn't dissuade them from setting up shop whenever they felt like in the moment. Irena was stripped completely nude in short order and bound not only in arms but legs as well. The devils took fun in re-arranging her position every so often, lashing her to the floor or the walls, even sometimes hanging her from the ceiling or flipping her upside down for a time. The bondage never ceased and often she was left immobile and even blindfolded, though considering the fact that the erinyes needed no food nor drink nor sleep, well, the only true breaks Irena got from being fucked in all of her holes and veritably drowned in semen were when they had to leave to secured sustenance for her to survive on or when they needed to fend off some other creatures or adventures that happened to stumble upon their hideout.

Days turned to weeks as she was repeatedly reminded of her place beneath them. The orgasms made her feel weak, inferior, and elevated the status of these shemales in her mind despite everything. Irena couldn't help but grow to worship them, to almost love them in a sense, and at some point the caramel-skinned devil managed to find the group as well and proved eager to take some revenge upon the mage for defeating her back in the arena. Irena was often afraid and she had never felt more alone than she did during these times. The presence of her rapists didn't much comfort her, even if the pleasure was so intense and she felt so obligated to obey them, but eventually all things come to an end.

After months of defilement, of being called a cock sleeve and a little pet so much that these phrases might as well be her entire identity, a group of adventurers stumbled upon Irena in the cave while the three devils had gone out for some reason or another; it's not like they ever told her their plans nor was it even a certainty that her mind could comprehend anything other than being a receptacle for cum at this point. Luckily for her however, these adventurers took pity upon Irena and released her from her bindings. As the ropes fell away and the blindfold was removed she could immediately begin to feel some of her mind returning as the sapping power of the enchanted hair-rope dissipated, though the decision to remove the collar was something they left up to her as they did not know its origins.

They ferried her away from the cave and gave Irena back her freedom, though freedom in this case was hardly as much as she wanted when faced with an unfamiliar landscape in a foreign world. Just as she was beginning to recover though, just as she was ready to set off from these kind souls and try to make something of herself again, she was enveloped by an uncomfortably familiar beam of light... "You want to go home? Well, you have to win a match first..." Came the wet, gurgling voice of Phoh'uth as he chuckled to himself.

Irena gains 50 experience points (EP) for defeating 1 Devil-tier enemy in combat.

Inferiority triggers against each Erinyes (Caramel, Ashen, and Blue) and will matter if you ever meet one of them again.

Triggered is activated 12 times with no chance to resist, granting a +6 to all Sensitivity rolls and a -6 to all Escape rolls permanently.

Caramel gives Irena the Forlorn curse with a strength of 42 (If you want a location for the curse mark to appear then I would suggest her wrists and ankles personally)

Irena's Chastity Barrier is completely destroyed (can still be repaired with mana)

Irena is still wearing an Obedience Collar with the name tag "Little Pet" until she chooses to take it off. (There's no trick or penalty to this, just roleplay fluff and you can choose to keep it if you want to even after you remove it)
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