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Fx Male Seeking new writing partners


May 15, 2024



Hi there! I'm Korrie, a 29 year old who runs on caffeine and bad decisions, and who's here searching for some roleplaying partners. I'm new to BM but I've been writing 15+ years across various platforms. English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical/spelling errors I might make. I occasionally lose all inspiration for writing and therefore might disappear for a little while, but I will always attempt to let my partners know before I leave and I will always come back. It just might be a little while.


  • I love para/multi-para roleplaying as I cannot for the life of me keep things short, so if you're searching for someone to do one-liners with, I'm not your gal.​
  • I will only write in third person, past tense.​
  • I strictly write original characters against original characters, as no canon character holds enough interest for me to write them.​
  • Obviously I like writing smut, but prefer there to be at least some plot involved.​
  • I write both male and female characters, but currently have a preference towards playing females.​
  • I prefer male/female pairings, although I sometimes (rarely) write female/female plots.​
  • I only write in modern day settings and prefer slice of life types of plots, often with some criminal undertones.​
  • I tend to stay away from plots that have anything to do with fantasy or supernatural settings.​
  • Banned topics include scat, feet, death, vore and gore. I might add to this as time passes, but for now these are my limits.​
  • I appreciate a communicative writing partner, who will stay in touch, talk and definitely someone who'll inform me if I in any way pass their limits.​
  • I only write on BM, in threads or in the PM's, as I will not share my Discord or any other personal information about myself.​
  • If I'm asked to provide a physical description of a character prior to writing, I will either write you a small block of text or come up with a celebrity faceclaim. I don't do animated faceclaims.​


  • Any type of plot involving any type of crime. I'm open to other ideas as well. Options below.
    A) The leader of some kind of crime syndicate/group, who becomes obsessed with an innocent girl, kidnaps her and grooms her to be his perfect little pet.
    B) A good girl looking for a thrill, shows up where she doesn't belong, and propositions someone to teach her how to have fun and walk on the wild side.
    C) A woman having been kidnapped, ends up as a part of a trafficking ring and the man who wins her in the auction doesn't always treat her the best.
    D) A man in the mafia sent to collect a debt from someone and just happens to take their daughter too.
  • A girl who's had everything served on a silver platter since she was born. Enter someone unobtainable (new step-brother, sister's new boyfriend, father's new friend, etc). Options below.
    A) She does everything in her power to seduce this man, including pulling every string she can find, trying to make him snap in order for him to give her what she wants.
    B) He pursues her, despite it being all kinds of wrong, and she's a very willing participant, promising to keep it all a secret... But nothing stays secret forever.
  • A male professor/female student. Options below.
    A) He has a reputation to be willing to change grades for the right price. She's failing his class, and decides that something must be done. Perhaps a blow job would make sure she didn't fail.
    B) She finds him incredibly attractive, standing in front of a class and commanding the space. After a class she decides to attempt to seduce him, just for the hell of it.
    C) They meet outside of his class. She doesn't know he's the professor, he doesn't know she's a student. They hook up, only to then be presented with each other the following week in his class.
  • An experienced male & an inexperienced female. Options below.
    A) Them dating and him teaching her what he likes, basically training her to be his perfect little girl.
    B) Her asking him for sexual advice or lessons, with him being a good friend/family member, who's willing to play teacher.
  • Various plots having to do with the workplace. Options below.
    A) He's her employee and one day gets sick of getting called out in front of his co-workers, so he decides to teach her a lesson.
    B) He's a CEO and she's his assistant. They spend long hours together at the office, and one day he makes an advance. Either could be in a relationship or married.
  • A rich man who finds himself a sugarbaby to take to events and show off. She's a poor college student, who signed up in order to be able to afford school. He usually never keeps his sugarbabies around for more than a single event or two, but this one intrigues him and keeps him on his toes. Cue them being obsessed with each other, becoming exclusive, and him bringing her on trips around the world... Something she's never been able to afford.
  • Options below.
    A) A world renowned actor travels to a small town to stay incognito after a big scandal, and meets a woman who doesn't know who he is. They start a love affair, only for her to find out he's engaged to a famous actress.
    B) A pop star and her producer start hooking up while she's recording her album. What she doesn't know is that he films every encounter, and then blackmails her with the tapes.
  • Brother/sister
  • Father/daughter
  • Uncle/niece
  • Brother's girlfriend
  • Best friend's sibling
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