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Fx Male Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) - Little Crane in Big Ryoko Owari

Flying Tengu

Oct 26, 2012
Welcome! If you are reading this, hopefully you are familiar with the Legend of the Five Rings setting. Additionally, hopefully you are interested in themes of corruption, forced female pleasure, heavy dubcon/light noncon, forced exhibitionism, and more; please see my signature for my F-List. If that sounds good to you, read on!


In this game, I would be playing a beautiful young Crane samurai, perhaps twenty years old. Her father is a famous Crane magistrate, one who has rooted out spies and corruption in Crane lands many times. Now, his work brings him to the City of Lies, Ryoko Owari... and with him comes his daughter, my character. On paper, she would be assisting him, but he would keep her out of most of his endeavors, leaving her more or less on his own.

The Scorpion see this, and devise a plan...

Different options are considered, but one rises to the top. While there exist many ways to turn the lovely young Crane into an asset for the Scorpion, sexually subverting her has the additional advantage that it will embarrass her father to see his daughter turned into a sexy plaything for his enemies. And so, they target her with a series of lewd schemes. At first, this seems to be a series of isolated events: a massage turns unexpectedly lewd, someone skillfully plays with her in the baths, a "friend" lures her into a pleasure house. As she becomes more accustomed to it, though, they become more bold, bringing her to lewd parties where she turns out to be the guest of honor, and similar. Before she knows it, she is entrapped in a web of desire from which there is no escape... if she even wanted to.


If the above sounds interesting to you, please let me know! Please try to message me with at least a few paragraphs of thoughts or ideas; I find I respond unenthusiastically to very brief introductions.

EDIT: I would be willing to discuss variations on this! For instance, our Crane could be a magistrate investigating a (sexy) cult, or something like that. However, the basic core, in which I play a female samurai (preferably Crane) in the Legend of the Five Rings setting, who is subject to heavy dubcon/forced pleasure situations, should remain the same!
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