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Animal Crossing: Crippling Debt (KalTammy x Lord DreamCrusher)

The twins curiously looked over the items she had brought in, rummaging through the shells without much interest but clearly hopping up a little at the sight of the sapphire gemstone. One of them, it was rather impossible to tell if it was Timmy or Tommy, went over to a laptop and tapped away for a few moments to bring up their sales data and came back after a minute or two to give the numbers. In this case they couldn't speak in unison since the other one didn't know the details so Violet got to hear just one of them explain; proving at least that they didn't have some unnatural compulsion and could actually speak separately when need be. "We won't take the fossil but you should hold onto that. A lot of scientific types like to examine those and put them on display or something. Maybe ask Mr. Nook about it."

He would give a breakdown of the value of the other items, they would buy the sea shells and such for rather paltry amounts of bells in this case since the ones she had picked up were fairly common which, honestly, made them not really worth her time to collect, while the flint was more valuable at 100 bells a piece though was still quite a low income. The sapphire, however, was the big draw from her collection and despite being a small piece they would still offer her a decent value for it; at least for now anyway. Tom had told them to offer fair prices at the start so that Violet, and any other potential arrivals, wouldn't be immediately put off or suspicious. "It's a small gem but we can still offer one-thousand bells for it if you want to sell."

The other brother that hadn't looked up the prices chimed in at this point since he didn't want to remain left out it seemed. "For selling specific things, there is nothing at the moment but, once shipments arrive and prices get more balanced out, we will offer bonus bells for certain items in demand. What is desired will get updated at the beginning of each week. That should start next week." If she sold everything to them, minus the fossil, she'd be walking away with 1,600 bells. That wasn't much but it also hadn't exactly been difficult to find these items either and the brothers weren't low-balling her on value. Whether or not she liked the result was on her.
It wasn't much money, but Violet wasn't really sure how much was a fair price, it seemed reasonable. She just had to remember that she didn't exactly have many overheads right now, just getting around to paying back the loan from Nook. 'Will likely start getting a wage from Nook once people start showing up and I can actually do my job.' Not that she'd discussed anything of the sort with the island's owner yet.

"Well I'll keep all that in mind. Thank you boys." She'd hand over everything except the fossil, slipping that back into her pack while she let the boys take the rest. "I'll be sure to check in next week for special requests, for now I guess best get keep on collecting."

If the boys had nothing else for now she'd leave and after a short break, return to her work. Time to get the townhall fixed up so they can finish getting utilities installed. Violet was also quite eager to finally meet her assistant once she arrived.
The nooklings had nothing else they wanted to discuss, after all Violet had stopped by their shop on her own volition, and with the transaction finished they parted ways for the time being. At some point during the day she'd pass near to her home and see Tom Nook working on digging a long trench that he was laying cable into that extended from his office and out to her house. The distance wasn't terribly far but it was some tough work no doubt as evident from the fact that the plump tanuki was sweating fairly heavily.

What would be most distracting and eye-catching about this however would be the same thing she'd already struggled with in regards to the three tanuki as she'd see Tom bending over with one leg up on the outside of the trench and the other down within it. His bushy tail would be sticking near straight up for balance and both his balls and ass would be on open display while he remained oblivious. Worse more was perhaps the fact that the stretching and straining of his posture was somewhat spreading the cheeks of his rear to give Violet a glimpse or two of his pink, puckered backdoor; as if seeing his backside and massive testicles wasn't difficult enough to deal with.

Thankfully Tom remained rather oblivious to Violet's passing since he was so focused on his work and she could pass the rest of her day away from her home to try and avoid seeing any of that again. By the time evening rolled around the line had been buried and her home was connected to the energy grid, such as it was, though she'd not really have a way to know that for certain at a glance considering she lacked any light fixtures or lamps to plug in. However there were a few outlets so she could charge anything portable that she might posses.

A few more days of resource gathering, and a few more days of the nooklings trying to sneakily spy on Violet's 'morning rituals' while she still lacked plumbing and water in her home, and she'd be able to deliver the needed materials for the construction of the town hall to which Tom would get to work right away. Unlike her home, or even the upgrade to the office, this took a bit longer to build considering the need to construct the place out of primarily stone. However the man would still somehow manage to whip up the building in a, quite frankly, insanely short amount of time after which she'd wake up to find the building complete and operational.

"Inside is everything you'll need to manage the island, yes yes. Though it can be a bit much to learn. Feel free to look around but I'd recommend waiting for your assistant to arrive. She can help you get used to the processes and should arrive tomorrow at some point before noon. Oh and a reminder, I set up the water treatment in the basement so don't use that for any storage or sleeping or such; it wouldn't be safe." While she lacked an actual toilet or sink, Tom had even gone so far as to set up the pipes to her house already too. Of course, the thought that he'd managed to do this while she was still sleeping might be a bit unsettling if she thought about it too hard but any peeking through her windows that he might have done wouldn't likely reveal much while she was snug in her bed.

In any case, as it stood the mayor's assistant should first set foot on the island at the end of the week which would give Violet a few days to go over things and get familiar with the process of making changes to the island before the new week rolled around and Nook's Cranny settled in to have proper supply and demand for items.
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After another awkward bout of staring and shyly retreating from the working Nook, Violet quickly retreated back to her sparse home. The last thing she needed was for Tom to catch her being a pervert, he'd already explained that he couldn't simply wear clothes to cover those. 'You'll get used to it, you'll get used to it.'

Her routine became fairly standard and predictable, wake up, head outside and take care of business and clean up, get to work. While she tried to be careful of avoiding being near any main building, once she'd found a location in the river she stuck to it, so it wouldn't be too hard for the Nooklings to get their peek at her. She started to grow more comfortable with her island life with its simple comforts, even if she did miss having some amenities.

Standing before the newly expanded Town Hall, she listened to Nook's explanation though gave a slight frown as it brought something to mind. "So... if there isn't a place for our assistant in the town hall, are they going to need help building a house?"
Tom paused at the question, already having some plans in motion in the background but not wanting to reveal them just yet. Instead he made a show of raising a hand to his chin to 'consider' the concept before responding. "Huh. I'm so used to these assistant-types being focused on their work that I hadn't given it much thought to the space issue with this new layout. First time I put the water treatment in the hall. Well, I still have the spare tent that you used when you first arrived but we can figure out what she wants to do when she arrives. My office has enough space that she could sleep in there if the weather turns bad. But, if she ends up needing a house, I wouldn't worry about it on your end. As the mayor you are in charge of all the projects that make the island more appealing. When other people come to join it's more of their own business to make decisions about and fund the construction of their homes. Yes, yes."

He already had clauses in the paperwork to effectively ensure that the mayor's assistant was as much his own assistant as well, if not moreso, so he wasn't much worried about manipulating her to his advantage in private. The tanuki just needed to keep his backroom deals, well, in the backroom for the time being. He was close to being able to reveal everything to Violet but didn't quite feel secure enough yet to pull the snare taut. Given the arrival of one or two more citizens, well, he'd have enough of a baseline to feel confident that his plan was successful. Until then he needed his naive little mayor to stay focused and happy; to give the best impression she could to anyone that happened to get wind of this new island and want to come consider moving in.

The next day would bring the tell tale sound of the seaplane arriving to the island as the whirring noise of the motor cut through the peaceful quiet of the place quite well. Given time there might be more bustle but, for the moment, the island was about as close to nature as one could get and that meant only the sounds of animal and nature were really present. Tom would be down by the docks to welcome the new assistant and when Violet arrived she'd see a lovely-looking female dog with yellow fur and a golden brown mane tied into a sort of top-knot with a length of red ribbon and two golden bells that jingled softly with each step the woman took. The woman was dressed in a green checkered vest atop a white blouse and a navy blue skirt. She had a reasonably full figure, though still leaned more towards an athletic and fit appearance rather than busty and curvaceous, however she was clearly older than the young mayor and was likely somewhere in her thirties at a glance.

"I should have known they would send you, yes yes." Tom said with a small nod of his head. In truth he had assumed it would be her but hadn't been sure. Either way he wasn't complaining and it was rather obvious that they knew each other even before the canine woman spoke up in response with a wide smile. "Good to see you Mr. Nook! You know I like working hard and my last island was well-established; a good place for a less experienced secretary to get some practice." She turned to regard Violet and extend a hand for a shake. "So good to meet you miss Violet, or Mayor as I like to say. I'm Isabelle, your new assistant and secretary, and I'm here to help you in any way I can."
Violet of course was there at the docks to greet the island's newest resident and her new assistant. While she wasn't sure how long she'd be able to keep such a formality going, the young mayor absolutely intended to greet every new resident. She had it all planned out, a personal greeting and a tour for all new arrivals as her duty as Mayor, though such a tour would be on the sparse side right now given there was only three buildings to work with.

Smiling as attention was brought to her, Violet reached out and took the extended hand of the cute dog girl, giving it a firm shake. "Good to meet you too, Violet is quite fine you don't need to worry about calling my Mayor." She was sure at some point her title might need to come up for some event or another, but for now she wanted to not let it go to her head. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage Miss?" Clearly Violet was the only one out of the loop on who her new assistant was.
Though she was still mostly smiling the woman did tilt her head and give a sort of playful scowl at the attempted correction of her name. "I insist on Mayor. Professionalism is important and I intend to uphold the highest standards possible in my work. Calling you by your name, well, that would be disrespectful to your position and set a bad precedent for the other residents!" While she was being friendly about it, it was clear that she believed very firmly in the cause of professionalism. Of course, it was also clear that she could perhaps be a bit air headed at times as well as she forgot to introduce herself. "I'm so sorry! Of course! I am Isabelle. I've already read your file from Nook Inc. while I was brushing up on all the details. Unfortunately everything came together rather last minute so I haven't managed to read through everything but I'll make sure to finish that within the next few days."
Seemed like this Isabelle was going to be rather strict on that point, so Violet would just have to get used to it. Hopefully the whole island wouldn't end up just calling her Mayor, she hoped to have a far more friendly relationship with everyone than that, but it will remain to be seen how far that goes. "Well lovely to meet you Isabelle. If it is quite alright with Mr Nook and yourself I'd like to give you a tour of what we have here on the island. It isn't much so far, but I hope to change all that in time." She'd glance over to Tom, wanting to be sure she wasn't overstepping anything by taking the role of touring the new arrival.
Tom didn't appear to have any objections as she looked over to him. If anything he was happy to allow Violet to take over in this instance. "It isn't a problem at all. I just wanted to meet the town secretary myself and Isabelle and I go way back, yes yes." He gave a small nod of his head to the two of them and turned to trundle off back towards his office without any real urgency. He knew that Violet could find him without trouble and he was confident that Isabelle could manage the same after the tour, though she did have a habit of getting lost at times.

This left Violet to give Isabelle the island tour she so desired and, despite there not being much on the island as of yet, the canine woman was still plenty supportive and cheery. Above all else she couldn't help but compliment the choice of island itself, although that was Tom's choice and not Violet's.
"This island is so pretty and spacious! I've been to many islands in my career and this has to be one of the best locations. I can't wait to help you build this place up."
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