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General questions about some rules


May 12, 2024
I can imagine that the rules I have in question are somewhere stated, but I am unable to navigate to it since I am new here.

How frequent am I allowed to bump my RP-request posts?


Is it allowed to post the same RP-post again? (if neccessary). If so, how frequent? (What is the minimum time gap needed in between seperate posts?)

Thank you in advance
Hi! You should be able to view the Site Rules. They are in the Announcements forum which is viewable to all members. You can find the rules here, which will answer these questions.

Threads may be bumped once per 23 hours. If you would like to post the same idea, you can delete the old thread, but 23 hours still must pass between that post and a new post. You can have up to two unique threads per forum, but each thread must have different idea(s).
Thank you for the link and also answering my questions directly. I must have been clueless for missing the rules list like that.
Adam driver
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