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A Harrowing Tale (EEE X Sanoci) NSFW IMAGES

Possessive hands grabbed and held Estelle tightly and no matter how much she tried to flail they kept her in place. It felt like she was going to burst with how she was stretched in every way and not only was her mouth now being stretched beyond compare her hands right now being forced to try and grip something they could not handle. All of her was in use. Gurgling she would try to speak but nothing would come out since her mouth was full and none of them took pity on her and she’s tried to wiggle and flail out of it but she was impaled both in the front and in the back in with her mouth form she was unable to talk in her hands busy meaning she couldn’t even dig her nails into them. A part of her wished they would end her but then the other part one and two exact revenge on her healer who loved her for this. Not only her healer but her former knight who didn’t try hard enough to save her. It was fortunate for them with her being occupied she couldn’t yell or scream but only whimper in tool as she choked on something with the stench servile she thought her sense of smell would go extinct.

It felt like an eternity and asked when was slamming in her ear and it felt like it would come out of her mouth even though it was full with another's orchood. This was nothing like the first betrayal it felt like she would die from the trauma. Even if she was not enjoying it her body was reacting and even making her wet which made her feel even more disgusting as they used her just like a doll and all she do is pray to every god and goddess of the elves hoping they would send help for and end this soon or at least protect her from becoming a vessel for one of their vile offspring. Even though they will probably not make her climax they know they would leave her full of their seed and leaving her soulless once they finish using her as a receptacle for their possible children.


Meanwhile Amara was being made to suck Rugorim she was actually following directions, but it was as clear as the bright sunny sky she was inexperienced at such carnal pleasures. Her long silver hair framed her face as his dick member made her mouth stay open so wide it felt like her jaw was going to go numb. Her eyes closed as she would do her best to please him even as her tears flowed like a much needed rainstorm in a drought. When he ordered her to sack he could tell he was trying her best at least this is better than being ravaged like her princess. Perhaps her powers of healing would stay intact and that’s all she want it. Without her gifts she was nothing more than a useless vessel.

Amara. Could not grasp how special she was considering he could have easily used her as a doll to breed and fuck and yet he was showing compassion that she could not even comprehend. Even though he was fucking her face and it was painful and make it hard for her to breathe properly she will continue to train sack even though she will probably not be the most pleasurable experience she was at least more pliable than the fighting princess. When he took her head and held it she did not fight against it but tried her best to take as much as him inside her mouth even though he could hear her gagging and choking as well as sputtering to get air. He was in full control and for now she was his puppet to use as he desired the question was how far would he go and what he make her swallow whatever he was going to give her.
Proactive and ambitious in paying horrific homage to her form, the imposing members were getting massaged unwillingly by the elf. They had utilized many under these circumstances, thus it was uncanny how she was just readily used as a public cocksleeve. Every thrust, grip of their appendages was another triumph of a successful battle. Guttural groans were released by them, oblivious to her woes and disregarding any meager threats she carried. Bulging in and out, stuffing their monstrous meats deep down her core. The narrow, snug tightness was preferrable compared to the handmaiden they ruined previously. Eventually, like all others her survival instincts would kick in. Moistening to the sexual pummeling, she get moist by the continued penetrations. That was candidly the first step into shattering the psyche, engineering her supple form to enjoy the touch of orcs.

" She sucks good "

"Tightest elf we orcs have had "

" I want her asshole next "

" Need her alone in my tent "

None of their banter in the orcish tongue could be understood, but their enthuastic moans and the tone suggested something casual. Like sharing a meal with comrades, her body was essentially the same. Her orifices would end up gaping after too long, the gripping tightness unable to fully remain after a few vigorous sessions. Granted elves had an elasticity unlike regular humans,fitting like a glove to their orchoods. Based on the rhythm, sounds emitted and the roughness exhibited..they would be climaxing soon to her relief physically but not mentally. Getting submerged in the juices of your enemy was either flattering or good for the soul..


Accommodating the colossal creature amid distress, prying her maw wide open in excruciating detail. This was a trial to assess her demeanor, experience in sex and obedience . It was abysmal but the faint willingness was panning her better than the princess. In addition, her magical inclinations fascinated the orc enough to test the grounds of her abilities. Suction wasn't quite to his liking but how many men could honestly offer a good blowjob? Rugorim was cursed with a massive frame and a womb shattering cock to boot. Patting the elf head in some semblance of encouragement , Groaning at the tightening throat muscles as he seized control, pumping his penis down her gullet. The odor was just putrid and the tear in her throat from the girth immensely straining. After a brief moment under the duress did he pause, unwilling to break this one nonchalantly like the rest. Yanking her petite mouth off, unleashing an audible pop with his meat now lazily laying on her forehead. From this distance, the healer could truly be horrified by just how monstrous this phallus was.

" Strp, lay, I bred! " , Rugorim had grown weary of babying this elf and hearing the words breed in his broken tongue was probably demoralizing. Either her virginity was about to be severed or by the grace of the gods he would aim for her asshole which could be deemed a loophole by some clerical circles. Regardless, the mighty orc grew bored and wanted a true sample. Escape was futile, even her untapped potential would be a truly wasteful against one of the few orcs actually capable of casting magic in the first place.
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This was a never ending nightmare for Estelle who couldn’t seem to catch a break and even her own healer was off probably living it up while she was suffering being used by these creatures ruining her Royal Blood. The only good thing out of this was she could not understand their language. Even if she couldn’t understand the way they were using her they seem to be enjoying it and didn’t care that she hated every second as she try to wiggle and move and make herself undesirable by them but it wasn’t working at all. They continued using her like a ragdoll stretching her and splitting her as well as making her jaw ache with pain with how big one of them was! Even if her body had a great deal of elasticities it was not going to survive very well after this encounter with more than three of them as they all used her and stuffed her and all she could do is silently pray and whip her that none of them got her pregnant because she couldn’t imagine what kind of creature an orc and an elf would make! Was her healer being treated much better than she was? If she survive this and she hope she did she was going to take all of her anger out on poor Amara. She had no idea if they would climax soon and when they did she had no idea how her body would react to being overstimulated by these three beasts of burden who decided she was there a new toy but at least maybe after this they might get tired of her!


Amara was far more docile than he could’ve ever imagined considering how the princess was so demanding here she was following his orders even though she couldn’t help but whimper and cry she was not fighting back or even biting him! Even though he was spreading her mouth open so wide as she whimpered she would suck and try her best to make sure he would not hurt her. What she wasn’t expecting was for him to release her mouth it was such a stench and the taste was horrific and she felt like she would vomit as he made her swallow by holding her head like that and when he finally would pull back she would cough and gag and try not to get sick.

What he said next was telling her to lay down and he was going to breed her she looked mortified. “Please my lord… please don’t do this I’ll do anything else but that please…” she was going to beg him she had no idea if he would actually listen but at least she was trying her best to get him to listen to reason though after what he just did and shot down her gullet that might be something that he would be listening to and he might have to take the loophole that he was thinking of that would make it a lot easier for her to keep her magic.
Exchanging looks of pleased expressions, they were clearly unrelenting in spoiling their captive with the full fervor of their combined lust. Nothing she could muster would deter the orcs from exacting their primitive urges upon her. Defecation, vomiting, tears or even threat of death couldn't sway these barbarous beasts, wedging their monstrous appendages in tightly fit orifices confining better than most species. Fortune favored them for this treasure, something none of the women could say the wiser. Barring being completely broken by the sex, majority became numb to the sexual carnage of these warriors. Loud guttural sounds were being sung, fastening of the stomach bulging strikes of their members. The orcs groaned, internally under the duress of the tightness of those orifices offering the utmost pleasure. To her distain, hefty amount of their vile seed were unloaded in a few hearty spurts. Each release, was accompanied by their entire rods seemed to be contracting and releasing vigorously. A temporary respite came literally her way, submerged externally and internally in their joy. Would Estelle fight here or try to attempt was the question? Most were disoriented, hammering too overzealous over having the elf..even those simply enjoying it via their hands.


Overwhelmed by the girth, the pitiful mouth of this meek spellcaster wasn't quite sating the ravening urges of the mighty orc champion of the tribe. Gagging and all the tell signs of revulsion weren't anything strange to the beast. All of them subjugated towards his primal acts were rarely willing. Merciful strangely, perhaps a sliver of respect of her magical prowess but not much else judging by how casually Rugorim rested the menacing sex organ on her head. The pleads coming from her were typical, annoyance plastered by the patience extended thus far. Everything until this point emphasized her obedience in these dwelling, her virginity clearly paramount on the basis of the panic advertised on the healer. Language still a rudimentary obstacle between both parties, scratching his head in bewilderment. If not for earlier the behemoth sized orc would had completely disregard and spread her orifices to his endowment. Rather cruelly, he stood with arms crossed as if awaiting something from the elf.

" Beet mii orro offar azzhule ! " , butchering the tongue of the common human tongue with a bone chilling suggestion. Either she subject her body to torment she has witnessed first hand sexually or foolishly enter a skirmish with the beast. Either would sate some boredom but one meant playing with her very well being. Eyes narrowed downward, curiosity stewing silently. The people gave some reverance, lacking people of her talents. Read between the lines, the chieftain was clamoring to breed themselves a future heir to the tribe with the capabilities. Obviously the ignorance was they needed proper tuleage and hopes another rare orc offspring possessed the arcane potential. " I mak itt iff uu dunt chuuse!!! "
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