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Mx Female Teen prostitutes - A DubDub Search


Jun 21, 2019
Hey, me again.

If you've seen my previous Request Threads, you'll realize that I might have some very focused cravings. What I'm looking for with this request thread is for an RP with a heavy focus on teen prostitution. I'm looking for someone who is willing to play teens MC will be meeting, who wish to sell their bodies and services for cash. They can do so for a variety of reasons, from needing money to survive to simply needing money for some item they want to buy or needing cash for drugs... or hell, maybe its their kink and they just like fucking men with the money being a mere bonus. We can discuss the reasons or you can tell me what you are looking to do, I'm game for most things.
I'm not looking for Non-Con or Dub-Con.

I am looking for this RP to involve teenage girls (16 to 18) opposite my character. I'm mostly looking for people willing to play teen girls, highschool age.]

MC can be older or a teenager as well, I enjoy either option.
(Note: I'm not interested in playing multiple male characters. I can play background characters, but only 1 main)

I greatly enjoy Modern, Slice-of-life settings for this, but I'm more than happy to play Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalypse, Fantasy, Medieval, etc.
(I am not into vampires and werewolves, sorry)

If you want to know my Kinks and Big No's, check out my F-List

If you are interested, message me and we can talk.
If you have any plot ideas, I'm all ears. Otherwise we can talk it out.
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