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The Blade And The Cogs [Lord Red and Bonnibel von Bubblegum]

"I had something else in mind for these lips," she teased as her fingers brushed against her lips and she approached Connie. Kneeling down before the girl she took each cock in hand and continued to stroke them both, looking up into the Naga's eyes with a confident smile. Though the sensitivity was less she still managed to coax a little more pre from each and used it to smear over each cock in turn. She then did something that she'd never been able to do with any other partner she had been with.

Angling one of Connie's cocks downwards, Danielle took her breasts in hand and squeezed them around the shaft of it and began stroking it between her breasts. While she did this, her lips parted and she took the other cock into her mouth. Rising and lowering her torso, she was able to stroke and bob up her mouth up and down each cock simultaneously.

She was quite experienced too and so with each bob of the head she was able to take more and more of the cock into her mouth and down her throat until she was taking most of it in with each cycle. Her blue eyes looked up into the face of her partner to see how her efforts were being received.
"Aw..." Connie lets out before Dani kneels in front of her. "What are-oh my gosh!" she starts, before her words morph into a long moan. Her serpentine hips buck and her tail writhes. Her arms move to her own breasts, rubbing and groping at them as her moans continue.

The precum flows freely, into Dani's mouth and throat from the one, while the other drips steadily onto her lower torso. It's warm and a little sweet, and soon there's a puddle on the ground between her legs, a mixture of Connie's sweet secretions and her own pussy's wetness.

"Dani! Oh fuck, Dani, Dani, Dani, that's so good!" Connie manages to find her words. "How did-fuck-did you learn this?"
Danielle merely smiled and continued to service Connie even as the girl exclaimed how good she felt and questioned where she could have learned to do this. The truth was she had never done quite this before. At least not the two acts at the same time. But as soon as she had seen that Connie had two cocks it seemed like the right thing to do.

As for how she had become so skilled. The same way anyone did. Practice. She had perhaps undersold just how much experience she had when they spoke of it before but it was now on full display for the Naga as she continued to stroke one cock between her soft but firm breasts while she took the other one almost all the way down to the base as she stuffed her throat with it.

The taste of the automatons pre was more pleasant than most and she was determined not to stop until she had the full taste of what Connie had to offer, growing all the wetter as she serviced her.
Even with the sensitivity lowered to not quite so extreme levels, Connie is not prepared for the overwhelming pleasure Danielle is providing her. "Dani-ah, fuck, get ready!"

Her cocks start to spurt, sending hot jets of cum out from the tips. Dani's mouth and stomach are filled quickly, some dribbling from the sides, but most of it able to be swallowed by the experienced swordswoman. The cock between her tits shots off as well, spraying her waist and legs with sticky white fluid. Connie falls back, her arm reaching for the bed but missing by a hair and falling to the floor, her tail preventing her from hitting too hard.

"Oh... Holy... Oh my gosh..." she pants. "How... Gods, Dani, that was amazing! How can I make you feel that good?"
"I don't think you will have an issue with that," Danielle replied as she wiped her face of the excess and stood. Connie had impressive endowments, nothing the size of which Dani hadn't seen before but certainly she had never taken two at once. Approaching the downed Naga, she perched over the still erect cocks and lined them up before slowly sinking herself down.

Moaning out, she commented, "Damn you sure made these big." Danielle had one going in her pussy and the other in her ass, lubed up enough as it was with her spit and the fluid from the cock itself. It was a tight fit for both though and she ended up having to take her time before bottoming out.

"So good," she moaned as she slowly began to rise and fall, picking up her pace as she did, her moans becoming cries of pleasure as she rode Connie like a professional.
"Wait, are you-" Connie starts to question, but once again words fail her as Dani spears herself on the thick shafts in front of her. "Ooouugghh," is all that comes out after that, Connie wide-eyed and in bliss.

As the ride continues, Connie manages to regain some semblance of sense to herself. She places a hand on Dani's ample rear, enjoying the firm muscle beneath the softer bit. "Can... Can we kiss again?" she asks, just before Dani takes a plunge from the tip of the cocks to the base, eliciting more adorable moans from Connie. "It's so tight and wet and hot and oh my gosh it's so good!"
Her hand on her abdomen, Danielle could feel the bulge just beneath grow every time she impaled herself on Connie's cocks. It was unlike anything she had experienced before, while almost anything. She had got caught up in the threesome awhile back where two guys had stuffed her holes like this but neither had cocks to rival the Naga's and so the mercenary rode her with complete abandon.

She only stopped when she buried the cocks in her one last time as she let out a cry to the gods as she orgasmed. Leaning back on Connie, she wrapped her arms up around the girl's head and turned to kiss her. "You are quite amazing," she confessed rather genuinely as she had truly been amazed at the girl's unique body and how good it had just been able to make her feel with minimal effort from Connie's part. If Connie fucked her? She couldn't imagine how good things could feel t hen.
Connie kisses back passionately. Danielle isn't sure whether Connie had a few orgasms, or one long one, but the naga is clearly very happy with what just happened. "You're amazing too!" she tells Dani.

Slowly extricating herself from Danielle's nethers, Connie slithers to the bed, taking Dani with. "Thank you," she says. "That was... Oh my gosh, that was so good. I'm so glad you could show me how wonderful it feels! And, uh, it's normal to be tired afterwards, right?" she asks as she lays her long form on one side of the bed. "Because..." she lets out a yawn, "that did take it out of me."

Her eyes flutter in and out of focus, and she gives a quick kiss to Dani. "Good night, beautiful."
It did not go unnoticed by the raven haired woman how easily the Naga could carry her as she was lifted up onto the bed next to Connie. Danielle could not help but look forward to travelling with the girl though, especially if there were more nights like this to enjoy.

Giving a little laugh at the tiredness remark, she nodded and gave Connie a kiss on the head. "Good night," she replied as she rested her head next to her.

It did not take long for the mercenary to fall asleep after that. She too had been tired out by their coitus and the long day. Her sleep was without dreams but as comfortable a nights sleep as she had had in a while.
Dani wakes up to a slight chill on her breasts. "Jiggle jiggle jiggle," Connie giggles as she nudges them. "Good morning!" she adds when she spots Dani's eyes opening. "The sun's rising, and I hope my new clothes are done."

Connie is still naked, though as Danielle moves to get dressed, she dons her tunic too. "Last night was really special and fun. I hope we can do it some more!"

The two, once dressed, head for the Constable's Tabernacle's main room. Jonathan isn't there for the moment, but there's a young man cleaning some tables. "You two are up early," he comments. "Sun's barely coming up. You're Miss Geller, right?" Dani affirms that. "Right! We've got some coins for you, since you're leaving early. Want some breakfast too? On the house."
The mercenary had experienced ruder awakenings before than someone playing with her breasts and so woke with a smile. "Good morning to you too," she replied as she stretched and yawned before tossing her legs over the side of the bed. It took her a little while to wake up but she eventually did as she put her clothes back on, as well as the rest of her gear.

"I had a good time too," she agreed with a little laugh before adding, "Well we will certainly have plenty of opportunities along the road. That tent you picked up should be more than big enough for the two of us."

When they headed back downstairs, they were greeted by the young man and offered some breakfast. "That would be much appreciated," she told him in regards to the offered breakfast as she took the extra coins from him. "You never turn down free food," she whispered to Connie as they moved to a nearby table, the tavern much emptier than it had been the night before. It was probably too early to return to the tailors anyway and Dani could use some sustenance after giving so much of herself in their little fun the night before.
By the time Dani's informed Connie to not turn down the food, she's already shook her head at the offered breakfast. "I dunno. I don't actually need to eat, so I feel like it'd be a bit rude to take some without giving anything back," she says as she slithers to the table, moving a chair out of the way so she can sit back on her tail.

The young worker, after a few moments of preparation, brings out a single plate. It's got a few slices of bread, some hunks of cheese, a bit of dried fruit, and some jerky. "If you don't mind waiting a bit, I can add a fried egg."

"Thank you very much!" Connie tells him. "And yeah, I did get a pretty big tent. I've got a lot of me to fit in there!" she comments as the tip of her tail playfully tickles Dani's ankle. "But, uh, on another topic. What brought you here to the town?"
Danielle did not want to outright lie to the girl but neither could she tell her the whole truth. Taking a moment to put some cheese on some bread and take a bite from it, she considered her options before finally choosing how she was going to approach it. "I am an Adventurer and so travelling to places like this is part of the job. I was looking for someone but it seems they skipped town," she confessed, avoiding mentioning that it had been her father she was looking for and hoping the girl would not ask for more details.

Realizing that Connie was certainly one that could be easily distracted, she then changed the subject back to the girl's plans instead. "What about you? You are looking for your dad right? Do you have any leads to go on? If not I am sure we could ask around town to see which way he left and head out that way to look for another lead," she inquired. Going around and asking about her father again would probably not serve her well but she could probably suggest they split up to cover more ground. That way Connie could come by the information herself and she wouldn't have to volunteer it and raise red flags about why she'd know such a thing.

It didn't feel good lying to the girl, especially after the good fucking she had been given, but she didn't feel like she had a choice. She couldn't just come up and tell her, not now that she hadn't mentioned it despite there having been opportunities to do so. She'd just keep that secret until she couldn't anymore and hope that Connie could forgive her, if the revelation didn't immediately put them on opposite sides.
"Nothing much to go on," Connie admits. "But he's pretty recognizable! I'm sure if we ask around, someone will have seen him if he's been through here. I don't know if I'd really be the best for asking people, though-I'm realizing that I'm not the best at figuring out when people are lying to me," she continues. "But, um, you said Jonathan, the guy that owns this place, is really nice, right? He sure seemed it! I could ask him if he's seen my dad, and be here for a bit just sorta getting a feel for everything. And you can go out and ask people without me being a big ol' distraction."

She looks out the window, where there's still a few clouds, but the weather of yesterday is largely clearing up. "So, how about this as a plan? I... Hold on," she says, and slithers to where the young man has just taken a seat. "Excuse me, what time does Mr. Constable usually come in?"

"From now? Give him a half hour, maybe an hour. He always takes morning walks around Caelfall, but he's always here before too long," he responds. "Need anything from me?"

Connie shakes her head. "That's all, thank you!" She heads back to the table where Danielle has nearly finished her breakfast. "Okay, I'll stay here and talk with Mr. Constable till around noon. Maybe see if he needs help with anything too. You can go out and ask people about my dad. He's got the spectacles with the multiple lenses, and the blonde hair-you should've seen it before I started cutting it, he could NOT handle it himself-and he's got that cloak with all the pockets. And then, we'll meet at Resilient Attire for the Discerning Traveller, so I can get my pretty dresses and practical stuff!"
Danielle smile and nodded along as Connie spoke. It seemed like she wouldn't need to manipulate the girl at all. They were already of the same mind about splitting up and so there would be no convincing required. "That sounds like a good plan to me," she replied. She continued her breakfast as the Naga slithered over to talk to the boy working there and then returned. Splitting up and meeting at the tailors. It sounded perfect. Bidding Connie farewell, Danielle grabbed her belongings and headed out. She had already asked around after the good doctor and so decided she would spend her time picking up some extra supplies for the road, unsure if Connie had grabbed any rations considering the girl didn't need to eat, among other things.

Arriving back at 'Resilient Attire for the Respectable Traveller' when all was said and done, the mercenary was glad to see that Connie had already made it there and was in the back trying on the various articles of clothing she had ordered so that the seamstress could make final adjustments before handing over all the goods. She took a seat and waited, looking the girl over when she came out in one of the new pieces. "Looking good," she complimented with an amused smile as she looked the girl over.

"There wasn't a lot to find out I am afraid but I was able to find out from one of the town guards which way you father left the city, so we at the very least have a general direction," Danielle shared. It was old information but all that she had been able to find before running across Connie the day before. "Are you sure you didn't miss anything back at your home with him that might tell us where he was heading?"
"I feel so pretty!" Connie says as she twirls a little in her new dress. "Thank you, you did such a good job," she tells the tailor.

The tailor waves her off. "It's my pleasure. It was a bit of a challenge to design something to work with your body type, and I enjoyed sinking my teeth into it. Good luck on your travels."

With the payment handled, Connie collects her new clothes, and moves back to Dani. "He said it was something important. Which, I mean, most of the things he does are important, but just in an ordinary way. This time, though, he seemed a lot more serious than usual. Worried, kind of. He was trying to make sure I didn't notice, but I know him well enough to see through that. The only clue that might be would be which maps he left and which he took. Obviously we've got a lot of local area maps, so he probably took one of those. But beyond that... I didn't think to check which maps were gone thoroughly."

She closes her eyes, thinking hard. "Upper-left drawer... Third from the bottom... And... One more, one more..." She opens her eyes, and says "I think he'd be heading for Mount Drumant. Or past there, but that's a place he'll be going to."

Mount Drumant is a mostly dormant volcano. It's known for its wealth of mineral resources, with orichalcum and infused lavastone being the prime materials harvested from within. It is also located within the Principality of Zenni-a citystate ruled by an oligarchy of powerful mages. The Zenni are known to be insular, untrusting of visitors from the oligarchs themselves down to the serfs and peasants. However, given their power, they've had their fingers in various other cities and nations periodically throughout history.
Danielle listened intently as Connie spoke about her father and his possible destination. It was impressive how she was able to recall things with such accuracy and part of her wondered if the same was true of her more intimate experiences, unable to not think back to the night they shared together. 'That would be a useful ability to possess,' she thought to herself, musing about all the possibilities. She did not let her ruminations distract her though as the Naga spoke further about the topic at hand.

"Mount Drumant you say...are you aware of whether your father has any contacts within the Principality of Zenni?" That could definitely make things more difficult if he did. The mageocracy did not have a love for outsiders, especially for mercenaries like herself who could be hired to undergo tasks that might undermine their goals or schemes. It did not help that laws were only truly enforced on the regular citizens, while the mages saw them more as suggestions and got away with much. Bringing Connie there could be dangerous considering how much had gone into her construction. If she caught the attention of a Mage, it would not be beyond them to try and abduct her for study or some other nefarious purpose.

The fact that her father was able to create her though at least suggested to Dani that he might have connections there. If that was so then they would have no choice but to follow. She would do her best to keep Connie safe but there was only so far she would stick her neck out for someone else, no matter how good of a lay they were.
"I don't think so," she replies. "The Principality of Zenni... Dad had a book about them, or written by them. He never used it much-it just sat on the shelf. Old, battered book, with leather binding. Are they nice?" she asks.

Upon seeing the face Dani makes in response to that question, Connie frowns. "I'll take that as a no. Um... Would you be able to teach me how to fight, Dani? I'm strong, but I'm not skilled. And I want to be able to keep you and everyone else nice safe!"

The two speak as they head north out of Caelfall. The official fort border long-since past, and just now leaving the actual town's area. The weather is decent, though the earlier sun has become a little occluded by clouds. There's no rain, not yet, but there might be some later.

Mayhaps a little bandit encounter, somewhere further along the way, would be a good little scene.
Danielle shook her head. "They are a conniving bunch who should not be trusted but they are powerful and would make for good allies for someone with your father's skills," she replied. If Connie had no reason to believe that her father had anything to do with them then it would probably be best if they avoided visiting unless they ran out of other leads to go on. There were smaller settlements near the mountain that they could visit to ask if anyone had seen him instead. Someone would have had to seen him, if not talked to him, as Danielle doubted that he would have travelled exclusively off the beaten path.

Hearing the Naga ask about training, Dani shrugged and replied, "Sure I don't see why not. Don't expect to become a master swordsman anytime soon but I could certainly teach you some basic self defence while we travel." It seemed like an odd request but it seemed like a small favour that might even ingratiate Connie to her all the more.

As they travelled, the mercenary explained some common principles behind self defence and gave her companion a few quick demonstrations as they walked. Connie had an unusual body, her lower half being that of a snake, and so there were some things that Dani couldn't teach her but she still explained the theory behind it so that she could possibly apply it to her own style. It was little things.

The further they got from civilization however, the more alert Danielle became. They were sticking to the main road and so there were occasionally patrols to keep it clear of threats but that didn't meant that there was nothing that could threaten them along the way and she was determined to not let anything catch them unawares.

Sure that could work. Did you want to roll right into it or build up to it?
As the two train, Danielle can tell that Connie has quite some strength. Ordinary foes won't be likely to trouble her-she's tough enough to take a sword without much damage, and strong enough to block with her bare hands. But, of course, there's more than just men with swords and bows.

"Maybe?" she replies to Dani's comments about the Zenni. "I honestly couldn't tell you if my dad's more like me or you when it comes to reading others. I do know that sometimes he gets really wrapped up in what he's doing, and gets tunnel vision. I just hope he didn't make any big mistakes..."

The sun winds its way across the sky, slowly setting into the distance. The terrain is still easy-going, though it is becoming more varied in height, from the earlier open plains to hills. The clouds that threatened rain earlier are still present, but a drizzle has yet to begin. "We should probably set up for the night," Connie says, retrieving her tent from her pack. "Um, what's the best way to set up a tent?"

I figure an ambush at night would be appropriate for the menacing bandits.
As the day came to a close, Danielle helped Connie set up the tent and showed her how it was done. The woman had a lot of experience on the road and so was well versed in such things. Given the possibility of rain she also showed the Naga how to set up specifically for when it rained to keep the water from pooling and bringing the tent down on them, as well as ways to keep the water from getting inside the tent. Fortunately most travelling tents were built with these things in mind though and so it was mostly easy stuff to do.

The woman then taught Connie how to build a fire and spoke about keeping watch. "I will take first watch for tonight. You can never be sure where there will be bandits or monsters about but it has been a long day and this is the furthest you have been from home, no?" It had sounded like Connie and her father had been reclusive but perhaps that was a bit of judgement call on Danielle's part given how naive and innocent the girl seemed.

"I'll wake you when it is your turn, so get some rest while you can," she said with a smile as she encouraged her new friend, sometimes with benefits, to retire to the tent.
Connie works with Dani, offering to do most of the work if she gets guidance from the more experienced one. Once the tent is up and Dani starts talking about starting a fire, Connie laughs a little. "I can do that-maybe not with sticks and rocks, but..." she holds her hand out to some of the kindling, and a small jet of blue fire from the center of her palm lights it ablaze. "Ta-da!"

After she asks about Connie's travels, the naga nods. "Yeah. This is honestly my first time away from our little cove, at all. But watches make sense-we don't have time to set up wards or anything every night, after all. Although... I was kinda hoping there'd be a repeat of last night?"

Danielle knows better than to distract herself from a watch with vigorous activity, so has to decline. "Aw... Okay. Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?" Connie asks hopefully, before retiring to the tent.
The mercenary smiled at Connie's question and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss, sliding her tongue into the automaton's mouth and giving her more than just a little goodnight kiss. Danielle had always been a bit of a tease and for whatever reason, leaving Connie a little sexually frustrated seemed all the more amusing considering her artificial nature. Their kiss was cut short however as they were interrupted by clapping as a man walked out of the darkness and into the light of their fire.

"Well wasn't that just the cutest. Looks like we got two lovers here boys and they seem to be freaky lovers at that," the bandit commented as he finally got a good look at the Naga. They were not from the area and so had not known about Connie or her father and by the firelight it was not easy to make out Danielle's features either. The man looked confident though, and not without reason as not only had he arrived with the two others flanking him but Danielle could tell that they were surrounded as well.

"Seven versus two is it," the swordswoman commented as she released her companion from their embrace, having counted out the four others that were still hiding just beyond the light of the flames. "You might have wanted to bring more men with you cause this isn't going to be fair," she then teased as she cast a glance towards Connie to see if she was ready to fight or if her naivety led her to believe that this could be talked out.
"Um..." Connie says. "Hi?" She sees Danielle dropping into a fighting stance, and readies herself too, but the confusion is clear on her face. "Mister, I don't know what you're doing here, but I'm sure that we don't need to fight."

The leader laughs. "Oh sure, we don't-just hand over all your money and valuables, and we'll leave you two alone. Well... Maybe after we have some fun," he says with a lewd leer at Danielle.

With a glance at her lover, Connie can see Danielle's distaste for the situation. While the mercenary is certainly no stranger to loving a man or even many men, some cocksure bandits that couldn't even be assed to do basic investigation before attacking? They aren't worth her time, and certainly not deserving of her body. Connie can see emotions running across Danielle's face, and interprets them in not quite the correct way.

She launches herself at the leader. "Stay away from Dani!" she yells, her serpentine form moving with shocking speed. The leader and his two flanking cronies swing out with their blades, but miss, letting Connie tackle the one in charge. Her writhing tail knocks into the other two, not knocking them to the ground, but hampering them considerably.

The four bandits that were meant to be hidden take this opportunity to charge Danielle.
Having sensed them behind her, Danielle had not been taken by surprise as the four hiding emerged to attack her. Three rushed forward while one stayed back. Though they attacked in unison, the bandits lacked any real coordination or skill. They were no match for the swordswoman who parried each attack one after the other as she moved through them. The fourth had a bow and tried to fire at her but she cut the arrow out of the air and drew her dagger. Throwing it at the Bowman, she managed to cut the string of his bow and bury her blade in his shoulder which effectively took him out of the combat as he stumbled back and freaked out over his wound, unsure of whether or not to pull the knife out.

The other three tried once more to form up and attack her but this time she did not hold back against them. Not only did she parry their attacks, she also lashed out with her own that were aimed to disarm them by cutting their attacking hand or arm. They were not shallow wounds but they would not be life threatening either, requiring proper care to heal and even then they might not ever have the grip strength to wield a weapon again which was more than fine with her.

Once they were taken care of, she then moved to help Connie despite the fact that she was confident that the girl did not need any. The bandits weapons seemed ineffective against her and she was able to harm them quite easily with her mechanical strength. There were still three of them and so she quickly took out the two flanking the Naga, allowing Connie to focus on the leader.

"They aren't worth killing. Not skilled enough," Dani told the girl. It was a bit of the noble spirit that Dani had in viewing herself as an Adventurer instead of a mercenary. If she could overwhelm an opponent without taking their life then there was no need to kill them. Fighting her often had a sobering effect on such men and would have them second guessing attacking anyone else thereafter as they would no longer be able to tell who could take them out or not.

Turning her attention to the bandits, she told them, "If you clean and wrap your wounds, they will heal. The scars will be with you forever and I hope they serve as a memory of the time you picked the wrong fight and could have died but were shown mercy. This is your chance to lead a better life. You will not get a second." Her tone was both inspirational and threatening at the same time as she closed out. Surprisingly she bore no signs of damage despite having taken on so many opponents herself, which no matter how skilled she was seemed odd.
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